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A key step in the development of skills to conduct independent research is the ability to develop topics of interest into research studies that examine problems of significance in a field of study. This qualitative interview study conducted in the USA examined how seven novice qualitative researchers who had taken course work in qualitative research methods selected topics for research and developed these into studies for dissertation research. Findings identify processes contributing to novice researchers' abilities to conceptualize their topics as significant. These processes include recognizing the need to integrate their interests in existing disciplinary fields, learning that occurred through the practice of fieldwork, applying guidance from advisors and committee members, and developing a deeper understanding of the relationship of their studies to existing research. The paper suggests points of tension for new scholars in the development of research topics, exploring how doctoral supervisors and instructors might assist students in learning how to design and conduct qualitative studies for doctoral research.  相似文献   

The ethical considerations that university students have to be concerned about when undertaking research projects are a matter for a range of publications and committees. This article considers the terms of reference of ethical considerations in students’ research projects, given the number of researchers who are now doing research within their own organizations. We argue that as practitioner researchers, they are insiders who have insider knowledge not only of systems but also of people. We raise the issue of whether the ethical considerations practitioner researchers have to reflect upon ensure that, as researchers, they sufficiently take account of their position within the researched community and how an ethics of care could be invoked to safeguard these personal and moral relations to others within a research project. We use the work of research students in the UK and Cyprus being undertaken for a professional doctorate as a case to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

This article presents a first-person narrative about the author's experiences in learning to become a psychotherapist. Among the issues which are touched upon are beginning therapists' initial anxieties in working with patiennts, countertransference, training, supervision and how others outside the mental health field often regard psychotherpists with overvaluation or trepidation. The author concludes that continued training, experience and greater self-knowledge help dissipate the paralyzing effects of early performance anxiety.  相似文献   

初为人父是什么感觉呢?面对一个既陌生又熟悉的小生命,不知所措?欣喜若狂?文中这位新手爸爸看着自己刚出世的儿子,感慨颇多。他看着小儿子的一颦一笑,还从地质学的角度感慨沧海桑田世事变迁。他不断惊叹造物者的伟大,能创造出一个让他一眼就爱上的完美小生命。  相似文献   

An important aspect of learning to read is understanding how to use strategies to aid comprehension. Many actions such as skimming, using context to discern unfamiliar words, and taking notes to aid remembering can promote reading comprehension and learning. In this paper we examine aspects of knowledge and motivation that are critical to becoming a strategic reader. We emphasize that agents are strategic, not actions removed from contexts, and that self-guided learning depends on the intentions, perceptions, and attributions of learners. Learning to read strategically is related to children's cognitive development as well as to the social contexts of instruction. Some suggestions are offered for classroom instruction that can promote children's awareness and use of strategic reading.  相似文献   

Douglas Robinson's Becoming a Translator:An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation has been well received around the world.Fusing translation theory with advice and information about the practicalities of translating,it is an essential resource for novice and practicing translators.  相似文献   

For many years I have engaged future mathematics teachers in activities that focus on emotional dimensions of their learning. Even those teachers who were able to reconstruct themselves as learners of mathematics had difficulties with changing their practice. Through a series of autobiographical stories, I examine my own experiences as a teacher and a learner. These stories—one from a computer class, one from a workshop for elementary teachers, one from college, and one from eighth grade—serve as data from which I draw themes that capture the tensions that I experience as I teach. Sharing these tensions with mathematics teachers has had an impact on the way the teachers talk about their teaching and promises to change how they teach. The paper is written to encourage teacher educators to adopt the practice of sharing teaching and learning stories with their students.  相似文献   

This article reports a literature review of self-studies by beginning teacher educators examining their experiences of the transition from classroom teaching to teacher educator. The authors conclude that becoming a teacher educator involves several complex and challenging tasks: examining beliefs and values grounded in personal biography, including those associated with being a former schoolteacher; navigating the complex social and institutional contexts in which they work; and developing a personal pedagogy of teacher education that enables construction of a new professional identity as a teacher educator. This research provides beginning teacher educators with a reference point for understanding their personal and professional transition to university-based teacher education. It also provides teacher education faculty and administrators with key information about how the transition from teacher to teacher educator can be supported and enhanced within professional learning communities.  相似文献   

不会思考就会被专家、名师们搞得“回去不知道该怎么教学了”。止如“旧培计划”四川省骨十教师培训项目负责人杨东老师所说,专家、名师们的观点有时很玄乎,不易理解和操作,搞得你云早雾里;有时说法相左,又似乎都有道理。怎么办?杨东老师说:“不要把专家太当州事,以免邯郸学步!不要把名帅太当回事,以免东施效颦!也不要把局长、校长太当回事,以免劳而无功!”当然,以他的身份和水平可以不把专家、名师和领导太当回事,而我们普通的教帅还是非常把专家、名师和领导当同事的,我们真的想从他们身上取得“真经”,修成“正果”。  相似文献   

Nature intends that the physical and hormonal changes of pregnancy insure the growth and development not just of the baby but of the mother. The physical and emotional changes of pregnancy and, then, labor, birth, and breastfeeding play vital roles in guiding women on the journey of becoming a mother. Standard prenatal care and medicalized labor and birth interfere in powerful ways with nature''s plan and, consequently, women''s ability to negotiate this journey. In this column, these issues are explored, and implications for childbirth education are discussed.  相似文献   

我们的“做人”观念——涵义、性质与问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“做人”是中国人的一个重要的日常伦理观念 ,是中国人关于日常交往实践事务 ,关于一个人在私人交往生活的范围内处理日常交往实践事务的方式与行为倾向的观念 ,是中国人的日常的实践观念 ,是中国文化中一个既古老又保持着生命力的人文观念。“做人”的观念同一种“内部”观念密切联系 ,关注人的名誉的清白 ,并具有平凡的特性。“做人”的观念关注的主要不是高尚与超卓 ,而是某些基础性的德性。“做人难”所涵指的感情交往上的矛盾也构成“做人”观念上的重要特点。“做人难”与“做人”是中国文化中一根而发、如影随形的日常生活观念。“做人”的观念带给国人的丰富感觉能否同每日每时在把国人卷入其中的公共交往生活的实践事务相互协调 ,并普遍产生健全的人格意识 ,是中国新世纪中的实践问题。  相似文献   

大学生成人问题是我国高等教育必须解决的根本性问题。大学生只有成人,才能成才,成人是成才的前提和基础,成人比成才更重要。我们一定要树立学校教育,育人为本,德智体美,德育为先的思想和现念。切实加强高校思想政治教育工作,并取得实效。  相似文献   

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