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For the purpose of examining a tool to enable students in higher education to systematically reflect on their own self-regulation, a modified version of the Martinez-Pons Scale of Self-Regulation was used in a cohort study of 75 first-year undergraduate students in a Scottish University. Statistical analyses of the data revealed that, consequent to the intervention, participants reported greater use of self-regulatory behaviour. The reported change is explored through the lenses of expertise, pedagogy and personal epistemology. While this study cannot explain the detail of this reported change, its purpose was nevertheless met insofar as a structured self-recording instrument, to focus and inform students on the nature and effectiveness of their current learning behaviour, could be a useful and readily-available pedagogic tool for higher education tutors who wish some support in their practice.  相似文献   


A comparison of two studies in which the utility of two non-intellective variables, self-expectations and self concept of ability, as predictors of scholastic achievement was examined. Because of its established predictive potential, academic aptitude was included as an independent variable in the multiple regression equations. The results of the comparison show that no significant difference existed in the multiple correlation coefficients of the two female high school student samples. A significant difference was found in the coefficients of the two male samples. The sheer magnitude of the multiple R's was noteworthy. When the non-intellective variables were added to the regression equations, a sizeable gain in explaining variance in scholastic achievement was made over that usually reported.  相似文献   

In this article we respond to the call to action that is the crisis among seniors called The Silver Tsunami! We describe the education of students through the use of Feil's Validation Therapy. There are growing concerns among social service providers regarding the rapid increase of the elderly population and the lack of adequate staff to provide care for our seniors. If we as educators, agency administrators, or committed family members ignore this call to action, the cycle of the employee “revolving door” will continue with inadequately trained and emotionally disconnected personnel working with aging persons. Frontline workers are the backbone of any agency. They are the ones who interact with seniors and their loved ones and collaborate with other medical and community professionals. We, as their teachers, must enhance their knowledge and skills so they many continue to provide service to the second most vulnerable population.  相似文献   

With the growing emphasis on the development of scientific inquiry skills, the display and interpretation of data are becoming increasingly important. Graph interpretation competence is, in fact, essential to understanding today’s world and to be scientifically literate. However, graph interpretation is a complex and challenging activity. Graph interpretation competence is affected by many factors, including aspects of graph characteristics, the content of the graph and viewers’ prior knowledge. For instance, the prior theory and expectations that students have may lead to biases and misinterpretation of graphs. One basic controversy that remains unanswered, for example, is what should we teach first in order to make students scientific literate, how to graph or how to interpret a graph? If it is the case that the ability to interpret a graph be developed prior to the ability to create, then it is important to understand what graph interpretation entails. This paper reviews current literature on graph interpretation competence and argues that it should be explicitly taught given its importance and its complexity.  相似文献   

情绪测量方法受测量本身及情绪自身特点等多种因素的影响,其中自我报告法是情绪测量应用较早、影响广泛的一种方法.自我报告法要求被试以等级量表或形容词表来表达自己的情绪体验,研究者认为被试在监测、判断和处理情绪信息上具有优先权,通过自我报告可获取其所正在经历的量化信息,但目前使用中,因具体采用的方式各不相同,导致情绪测量的精度受到影响.为此,文章在阐述情绪浏量基本问题的基础上,对情绪测量自我报告法的相关问题进行T梳理,并在分析其局限的背景下提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

Research spanning 20 years is reviewed as it relates to the measurement of cognitive engagement using self-report scales. The author's research program is at the forefront of the review, although the review is couched within the broader context of the research on motivation and cognitive engagement that began in the early 1990s. The theoretical origins of self-report instruments are examined, along with the early measurement findings and struggles. Research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics contexts are highlighted. The author concludes that self-report data have made significant and important contributions to the understanding of motivation and cognitive engagement. However, the evidence also suggests a need to develop and use multiple approaches to measuring engagement in academic work rather than rely only on self-report instruments. Some alternatives to self-report measures are suggested here and throughout this issue.  相似文献   

人本主义心理学的许多主张与后现代主义不谋而合,但是两者的哲学基础不同,基本观点也大相径庭.后现代主义挑战人本主义心理学的核心概念,认为"意识体验"、"潜能"和"自我"等概念是社会建构的产物,是一种话语范畴,而不是一种精神实在.后现代主义也挑战人本主义心理学的个体主义倾向,主张从个体理性转向公共理性,从个体自我转向关系的自我.在后现代主义思潮影响下,人本主义心理学在科学观和方法论方面出现了一种释义学转向,并在一定程度上开始接受社会建构论的观点.  相似文献   

Although communication skills in English are important for both their career prospects and the success of their overall study experience, many international students find their spoken English a barrier to employment after graduation. In this paper, we draw on longitudinal interview data from international postgraduates to investigate the individual and social factors that impacted on the development of their speaking skills as they studied in Australia. Our findings suggest that, despite high levels of motivation to improve, they received little instruction in such skills on their English for Academic Purposes programs and had little access to them in the community. We argue that for compelling moral as well as economic reasons universities urgently need to address these issues through both instruction and social integration initiatives if they are to safeguard their lucrative but vulnerable overseas markets.  相似文献   

在线考试是一种通过网络来实现的计算机考试。本文就这种考试的特点、模式、应用范围,以及它在美国的应用情况和给中国带来的机遇和挑战等问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

教育心理学:后现代主义的挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入20世纪90年代以后,教育心理学面临来自后现代主义思潮的挑战。在本体论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统教育心理学的实在论倾向,主张心理是一种社会建构;在认识论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统的知识外源论和内源论观点,主张知识是社会互动和协商的结果,教育教学同样是知识建构的过程;在方法论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统的实证和量化方法,主张质化研究和量化研究的结合,力促教育心理学实现方法多元化。后现代主义的挑战有助于克服传统教育心理学的机械反映论、个体主义和方法中心等错误倾向。  相似文献   

Noting public concern about sexual exploitation, abuse and sexualisation, we argue that sex education in the UK needs revision. Choice is a feature of current sex education policy and, acknowledging that choice can be problematic, we defend its place in an approach to sex education premised on informed deliberation, relational autonomy, a particular view of personhood and moral literacy. We argue, however, that choice and the approach outlined must be located in the realities of young people’s lives.  相似文献   

This article presents a 2-year participatory intervention developed in a secondary school. Based on the European project Catch-EyoU, fostering a critical and active European citizenship, Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) was used with students to develop individual and collective reflection on the possibilities of political change over dating violence. The complexity of doing TO inside the school and the challenges of promoting a critical political understanding of the structural roots of social problems are discussed.  相似文献   

From the perspective of social cognitive theory, the motivation of students to learn science in college courses was examined. The students—367 science majors and 313 nonscience majors—responded to the Science Motivation Questionnaire II, which assessed five motivation components: intrinsic motivation, self‐determination, self‐efficacy, career motivation, and grade motivation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses provided evidence of questionnaire construct validity. The motivation components, especially self‐efficacy, were related to the students' college science grade point averages. The science majors scored higher than the nonscience majors on all of the motivation components. Among both science majors and nonscience majors, men had higher self‐efficacy than women, and women had higher self‐determination than men. The findings suggest that the questionnaire is a valid and efficient tool for assessing components of students' motivation to learn science in college courses, and that the components play a role in students' science achievement. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 1159–1176, 2011  相似文献   

Fifteen ACES past presidents recognize the Association's golden anniversary and comment about possible challenges and opportunities that members may face during the 1990s into the 21st century.  相似文献   

Interpersonal workplace interaction provides many challenges for workers with intellectual disabilities. While these workers are generally able to handle well the tasks required of them at work, the social interaction which others manage with ease often presents unexpected hurdles to such workers. This paper analyses tape-recorded workplace small talk collected in a range of New Zealand workplaces, including workplaces employing workers with intellectual disabilities. The topics, the distributional patterns, and the functions of small talk are described, and aspects of the management of small talk which may present problems to workers with intellectual disabilities are illustrated and discussed. Finally, some suggestions are provided concerning ways in which teachers and trainers may be able to assist workers acquire some of the basic sociolinguistic skills in small talk needed to operate effectively in their workplaces.  相似文献   

民办高等教育面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
这次会议非常重要 ,因为要研讨民办高等教育的立法问题 ,要交流民办高等教育的教学改革的经验和情况 ,还要对如何办好民办高等教育提出一些意见和建议。各位从事民办教育工作的领导和同志们为民办教育的改革和发展 ,做了大量的工作 ,付出了大量的心血 ,在此 ,我代表教育部高教司向大家表示衷心的感谢。我今天主要讲三个方面的情况 :一、关于我国民办高等教育的发展情况第一 ,我国民办高等教育的规模在迅速增长。1 982年 ,我国第一所社会力量举办的高等教育机构———中华社会大学正式成立 ,从而拉开了我国民办高等教育恢复发展的序幕。近 2 …  相似文献   

近年来,建立学前教育质量监测体系已成为世界各国提升学前教育质量的重要路径。然而,质量监测在我国学前教育领域仍处于起步阶段,尚未形成规范体系。美国各州陆续开发并实施了学前教育质量评级与提升系统(QRIS),主要内容有建立多层级的质量标准、使用标准化工具测评质量、给予连续性的质量改进支持、提供多样化的财政激励、加强QRIS的宣传5个方面。QRIS具有追求公平、偏重过程性质量、凸显以评促建功能、重视监测结果应用等特点,对我国开展学前教育质量监测的启示有:1)构建基于证据的学前教育国家质量标准;2)建立国家层面的覆盖所有机构的学前教育质量监测体系;3)开发以过程性质量为核心的监测工具;4)审视监测重心,重视监测的发展性功能。  相似文献   

Wording effect refers to the systematic method variance caused by positive and negative item wordings on a self-report measure. This Monte Carlo simulation study investigated the impact of ignoring wording effect on the reliability and validity estimates of a self-report measure. Four factors were considered in the simulation design: (a) the number of positively and negatively worded items, (b) the loadings on the trait and the wording effect factors, (c) sample size, and (d) the magnitude of population validity coefficient. The findings suggest that the unidimensional model that ignores the negative wording effect would underestimate the composite reliability and criterion-related validity, but overestimate the homogeneity coefficient. The magnitude of relative bias of the composite reliability was generally small and acceptable, whereas the relative bias for the homogeneity coefficient and criterion-related validity coefficient was negatively correlated with the strength of the general trait factor.  相似文献   

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