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This article reports on an evaluation of three action research projects developed by a group of teachers working across the early years in three independent schools. The article examines the role of action research in developing educational leadership capabilities. Drawing on the educational leadership literature, concepts and ideas of action and activism, influence and change, and capacity to develop a vision are used to describe and analyse the data from qualitative pre-project and post-project individual interviews. The article argues that the empirical findings suggest action research was a powerful tool in developing educational leadership capabilities. This article concludes by suggesting that further research is needed to better understand how action research can be utilised to develop sustainable forms of educational leadership in the early years.  相似文献   

论课程评价的方法论基础:行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究作为一种科研方法,始于社会领域,很快风靡世界教育界。作为课程评价的方法论基础,行动研究是以"参与"和"改进"为目的,针对现场实际问题的研究方法。它在课程评价领域的应用,对革新传统的课程评价方法,有着不可估量的作用,而教师作为课程评价的行动研究者,给课程评价的发展带来了无限的生机。其间不免有对行动研究的一些误解和批评,我们要对此进行反思和重申,相信行动研究作为课程评价的方法论基础,不失为明智之举。  相似文献   

避免新理念带来的概念模糊是当前课程改革亟须注意的问题。语文综合性学习的提出打破了以往以课堂教学为主的观念,但也反映了人们心中传统学科观念的根深蒂固和对一些概念之间关系的模糊理解,同时还反映了对学科课程与综合课程之间关系的认识不清。没有思想上的正确认识,有效教学行动的实施只能是空中楼阁,一定要开阔思路,摒弃传统学科观念的束缚,以宽容、真实的态度面对新课程,以切实、有效的行动回答新课程。  相似文献   

文章在分析汉语教学中的"行动"和"研究"的基础上,认为汉语教学行动研究是一种由汉语教师组织的,旨在解决汉语教学实际问题的教育研究方法,它突出强调教师的研究主体地位和培养教师的反思能力,行动研究对汉语教师的专业发展有着重大意义。文章就如何在汉语教学中积极开展行动研究提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

Critical action research emphasises participation, democracy and social critique, and thus has had considerable potential for feminist scholarship and action. Feminist action research, in turn, has gained a foothold in education, for example, through the work of Hollingsworth, Miller, Lather and others, although much action research might still be termed gender blind. This theoretical resource provides a discussion of recent developments in feminist ideas and their relevance for critical action research, suggesting that there is much to unite the two paradigms. The resource's overall aim is to call attention to the importance of feminist ideas for action research, and to demonstrate what feminist action research has to offer, not only for girls and women pupils and teachers, but for other marginalised and discriminated groups.  相似文献   

世界神话具备“创造”、“变成”、“产生”这三个动词的意义。研究古代日本神话思想,不仅要和中国古代神话作比较,还要研究古代朝鲜的神话。它们相互影响、相互吸纳,构成了完整的古代神话思想。古代朝鲜、日本神话所表达的是“产生”和“成为”的神话思想,“创造”思想微乎其微;而中国的古代神话里既有“产生”和“成为”思想,又具有“创造”思想。它和古代朝鲜、日本的神话思想有相异之处。古代朝鲜和日本的神话思想相类似。  相似文献   

通过分析比较中日研究型大学的教育现状,从学制、导师制、经费来源以及合作交流等四个方面对中日研究生的培养模式及管理方法进行对比,从中得到启示和借鉴,提出我国研究型大学在研究生教育中应注重加强人才培养目标的定位、创新能力的培养、学校管理力度以及国际合作交流等方面。  相似文献   

海峡两岸的中国人都共同使用现代汉语标准语,由于众所周知的原因阻隔了两岸民众的交流,从而导致两岸词汇运用上出现了一定的差异。随着两岸交流的开展,两岸学者都注意到这一点,对此也进行了认真研究,取得了不少成果。但是,由于了解得并不深入,存在不少认识上的误区,以致产生了许多词汇比较与对照上的错误,模糊了两岸现代汉语词汇差异的真实面貌。为此,本文提出两岸词汇差异比较研究三原则,以期还其本来面目,以有益于两岸民众的进一步交流。  相似文献   

在两岸四地语言差异与融合研究中,人们用"华人社区"来指称整个以及各个不同的华语地区,后来有人在此基础上又提出了"社区词"的概念,由此反映了观察视角的更新,以及某些观念的转换,也给相关研究带来较为明显的促进和提高;在以后的研究中,又有人基于社会语言学的言语社区理论,提出"全球华语社区"这一新概念,则又把相关研究纳入一个全新的理论视角下,使之更具理论色彩,同时也更具可操作性,是相关研究的又一进步。  相似文献   

Dissidence,difference and diversity in action research   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article served two purposes. First and foremost, it gave the author an opportunity to re-visit, and acknowledge, some ways in which her professional relationship with John Elliott and other professional friends influenced her work in action research. Second, it enabled the author to revisit current ideas held in two areas of interest that have, over the years, grown out of departure from, as well as identification with, John's own work. The first relates to the personal and emotional dimensions of theory in action research and the second, to issues of methodological creativity. In re-visiting these two areas of interest, the author tries to synthesise them in a new way in order to explore the connections between the personal, the emotional and the innovative in action research methodology. In this, the article attempts to link issues related to the ‘I’ of the action researcher with the ‘we’ of the collaborative research group. It is argued that our ‘self’ is implicated deeply in action research methodology, whatever form that might take. The emotional and social climate in which the ‘I’ operates is consequential. This means that we need to take a holistic view of the action researcher as person, and of collaborative colleagues as enablers and supporters, if we are to optimise the powers that can be brought to the process of enquiry and change. The article also tries to be ‘true’ to the notion that one's ideas, theories and work are shaped by what Wayne Booth calls ‘the company we keep’.  相似文献   

Deleuze and his colleagues, particularly Guattari, have had a profound impact on a number of fields of study. The authors argue that their work offers a range of images to help think about and write action research, a way that acknowledges and celebrates the complexities of the sites of action. The article has a divided structure, coherent with the style of Deleuze & Guattari. The authors present some Deleuzian ideas, particularly the concept of rhizomatic growth, and show how they might profitably be used to analyse and write accounts of action research, reflecting the multiplicities of practice, in this case within education. They have shown the potentialities of the ‘rhizome’ as a way to rethink the field of action research, imagining a new epistemology (in which the concepts work, rather than represent) and how the rhizome demands experimental forms of writing ourselves in action research. They show a cartography (of smooth and striated space) that is required to think rhizomatically about action research.  相似文献   

简述行动研究的内容;通过部分国内外的研究和项目,证明行动研究对培养教师反思能力的重要性及其在中国的可操作性;给出了具有可操作意义的假定意见。  相似文献   

汉语新词的翻译是一项极富挑战性的工作,它关系到中国文化对外传播的效果。选择正确的翻译策略有助于汉语新词的准确英译,归化视角下汉语新词英译的借用和回译策略旨在使作者向读者靠拢,采用透明、流畅的风格来减少目的语言的异域性和有效地把作者的信息传递给读者。  相似文献   

The increasing number of higher degree research students from China in the universities of multicultural Australia as elsewhere has added to the mounting interest in pedagogies of postgraduate supervision. This paper explores the proposition that efforts to articulate Chinese ideas through research in, for and about Australia have to negotiate positions that would allow or disallow their embedding in the Australian education research community. To do so, the literature on higher degree research supervision in multicultural contexts is reviewed. Then the co-operative approach used to document a higher degree research student's experiences of integrating knowledge from her Chinese intellectual heritage into her research is explained. The third section illustrates a research intervention whereby Chinese knowledge was articulated through research in, for and about teacher education in Australia. The fourth section presents evidence of three different responses to this move to embed Chinese ideas in the Australian education research community. Specifically, the responses of Australian academics to her use of chéngy? to theorise her evidence is explored.  相似文献   

Existing research on students’ conceptions contain competing philosophical positions concerning the nature of students’ ideas—whether those ideas are coherent, systematic and theory-like, or fragmented and incoherent. Existing research has also focused primarily on studies of individual conceptions rather than investigating multiple, related conceptions. Nevertheless, there is wide agreement among researchers and teachers alike that the ideas students bring to a learning situation are fertile ground for investigation, and that students’ ideas should be taken into consideration when planning science instruction. The purpose of this study was to examine the representational, conceptual framework, and contextual consistency aspects of two students’ ideas across concepts of evaporation, condensation, and boiling. Knowing the consistency students express for each specific concept, and how well they integrate these related concepts, would offer insights that could potentially impact student learning. We present two case studies here that highlight the degree of consistency expressed by two students across different representations for each target concept and in instances where these conceptions are related to one another. Findings from this study highlight the need for attention to the consistency of students’ ideas across multiple, related concepts. Implications from this study support our recommendation for metaconceptual teaching strategies that would help students examine different representations for the same concept and also to examine the consistency of their ideas across multiple conceptions.  相似文献   

殷墟卜辞是研究早期汉语的重要资料。卜辞中有"丧众",其本义是失去民心。"市日"是市场集市之日。"立事",义同"举事"。"丕人"即鄙人,指居住于农村的人。"困",相遇之义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to outline some of the key ideas of Peter Kropotkin on Mutual Aid, which can be seen to have a resonance and relevance to the value base and practices of action research. Written in 1902 as a refutation of the appropriation of Darwin's theories by social philosophers, Kropotkin's work stresses the importance of cooperation, rather than competition amongst humans as the basis for a creative, supportive and developmental human community (society). His ideas can be seen to have a particular importance or relationship to the growing body of action research in the community health and social care fields, where Kropotkin's theory can also be seen to support and explain the activity of the growing numbers of self help/mutual aid groups in both condition specific groups and in social/community concerns more generally.  相似文献   

This article concerns the origins of the idea of action learning, especially the claim by Revans that his Memorandum on ‘The Entry of Girls into the Nursing Profession’ in Essex hospitals written in 1938 was the first step in the development of action learning. Whilst Revans repeatedly made this claim, there is no evidence in the actual words of the Memorandum to support it, and he never explained the basis for his belief. Why Revans saw this paper as a first step is therefore a mystery. In this paper we examine the circumstances of the production of the Memorandum to find possible answers. After discussing the evidence we conclude that Revans’ claim is based on the ideas and insights which occurred to him in 1938 in his research and thinking, rather than upon what he actually wrote. We also suggest some defining aspects of action learning can be traced back to ideas first stimulated in the research and production of the 1938 Memorandum, including the importance of first-hand knowledge in tackling organisational problems; the limitations of expert knowledge in complex conditions; the impact of hierarchy on the flow of knowledge; the importance of problem ownership in bring about action for improvement and the primacy of learning in the processes of problem-solving and innovation.  相似文献   

《尚书》蕴藏的历史思想极为重要和丰富,在中国史学史以至整个中国历史上产生了巨大而深远的影响。但是,历史上和当今的《尚书》的历史思想研究都相当薄弱,存在着平面化、零散化以及不能紧密结合时代学术脉动等缺陷,因此加强《尚书》历史思想研究非常重要。目前,在后现代的情境下,《尚书》历史思想研究可以通过新的研究方法和思路使研究更加深入、系统地进行。这样可以加深对《尚书》史学价值的理性认识,更加明了中西文化元典和中西方整体文化传统的异同,加深对它们的理解,为世界文化的交融、互补提供有益的参考,最终实现理论创新。  相似文献   

文化课是汉语国际教育课程教学体系的重要组成部分,但长期以来在研究和教学实践中受语言教学思路影响较大,教学效果有限。笔者就文化课教学中的一些重要问题在外国留学生和对外汉语教师中进行了四次调查,获取了他们对文化课教学的评价和看法方面的信息,并在此基础上就如何改进文化课教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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