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20世纪80年代以来,国内外的学者在自闭症儿童的装扮游戏能力的研究方面取得 了很多有价值的成果.在分析了最新的研究成果之后,本文得出结论:装扮游戏能力缺陷 是自闭症儿童特有的障碍之一;心理表征及元表征缺陷、执行功能缺陷在一定程度上解释 了造成自闭症儿童装扮游戏困难的原因.此外,本文还介绍了针对自闭症儿童在装扮游戏 方面的评估以及干预措施.  相似文献   

学前儿童角色游戏中的元交际是儿童对有关游戏角色、材料、行为和情景装扮转换的协商,以及对游戏情节和规则的讨论.已有研究发现,学前儿童一方面在角色游戏中学习元交际,另一方面借助元交际开展角色游戏,并在这一过程中发展了叙事能力.今后的研究一方面要注重对学前儿童在角色游戏中的元交际语言进行全面考察,另一方面应在实证研究的基础上提出具体可行的教育建议.  相似文献   

假装游戏对幼儿心理理论发展的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本研究以48名3~4岁儿童为被试,借鉴以往假装游戏的干预方式,对幼儿进行假装游戏训练,以此探讨假装游戏对儿童心理理论发展的影响.结果表明:(1)游戏组儿童的心理理论后测成绩显著高于控制组,即假装游戏的训练促进了3-4岁儿童心理理论能力的发展;(2)在后测的心理理论任务总成绩上年龄效应极其显著,即训练后,实验组4岁儿童与3岁组儿童在心理理论成绩上差异显著.假装游戏可能通过游戏中的角色、实物转换,即用一个物体代替另外一个物体或想像一个不存在的物体、角色扮演等方式促进了儿童心理理论的发展.  相似文献   

提高自闭症幼儿装扮游戏能力的教育干预研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探索提高自闭症幼儿装扮游戏能力的教育干预方法和途径 ,采用了变异 -个案研究法 ,对两名实际年龄为 5 9、6 1个月 ,心理年龄为 30、31个月的自闭症幼儿 ,进行了为时 11个月的教育干预研究。通过量和质的分析检验 ,证明了教育干预的有效性。结果表明 ,教师和家长以及同伴与自闭症幼儿能每天在一起进行 30 - 40分钟的装扮游戏 ,并在这个过程中给予积极的情感支持和鼓励行为 ,能有效地促进自闭症幼儿装扮游戏水平的提高。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Two forms of exercise play (toy mediated and non-mediated) and 2 forms of rough-and-tumble (R&T) play (chase and fighting) were examined in relation to preschoolers' peer competence. A total of 148 preschoolers (78 boys, 89 Euro-Americans) were observed during free play at their university-sponsored child care center. The gender makeup of children's play companions (same gender, other gender, or mixed gender) as well as the type of play that children engaged in was recorded. Sociometric interviews assessed how well liked children were by their classmates. Analyses revealed that toy-mediated exercise play with mixed-gender and same-gender peers was associated with boys' and girls' peer acceptance. Girls' non-mediated exercise play and boys' R&T chasing was associated with peer acceptance. Boys who engaged in R&T fighting with same-gender peers were better liked by peers, whereas boys who engaged in R&T chasing with other-gender peers were not liked by peers. Practice or Policy: The results suggest that child gender and the gender of one's playmate are important factors in associations between physical activity play and peer acceptance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The social behaviours of 2400 3‐, 4and 5‐year old children attending an early childhood programme were observed, recorded, and analysed, and their cognitive style assessed. Factors underlying the play of preschool children based on their cognitive style were identified. Sex and age were considered in these social factors. ThePlay Rating Scale was used to record young children's behaviours in four different forms of play (physical, block, manipulative, dramatic); while theGoodenough‐Harris Drawing Test was used to determine the children's cognitive style. Factor analysis indicated two dimensions of play behaviours for each group of children. These factors had strong loadings with a range of items. The factors indicated that field‐dependent children participated more in social play activities, whereas field‐independent children engaged more in nonsocial play activities. The study suggests practical and research implications in promoting educational play using the children's cognitive style.  相似文献   

假扮游戏的出现、发展到成熟伴随儿童的认知发展.儿童需要具备必要的认知技能才能参与假扮游戏,与假扮游戏有关的认知技能主要包括:社会参照、解读意图、分离、符号化假扮、角色扮演等.假扮游戏与儿童认知发展是一个交互作用的过程,作用的起点是假扮行为的出现.  相似文献   

Pretend Play Skills and the Child's Theory of Mind   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pretend play has recently been of great interest to researchers studying children's understanding of the mind. One reason for this interest is that pretense seems to require many of the same skills as mental state understanding, and these skills seem to emerge precociously in pretense. Pretend play might be a zone of proximal development, an activity in which children operate at a cognitive level higher than they operate at in nonpretense situations. Alternatively, pretend play might be fool's gold, in that it might appear to be more sophisticated than it really is. This paper first discusses what pretend play is. It then investigates whether pretend play is an area of advanced understanding with reference to 3 skills that are implicated in both pretend play and a theory of mind: the ability to represent one object as two things at once, the ability to see one object as representing another, and the ability to represent mental representations.  相似文献   

Social Pretend Play in Korean- and Anglo-American Preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-two preschoolers (46 Anglo- and 46 Korean-American) were observed during free play activities and videotaped in an experimental toy play setting. Cultural differences were examined in the frequency of social pretend play, communicative strategies, and pretend play themes. Anglo-American children engaged in more pretend play during free play activities than Korean-American children. In the experimental setting, there were no cultural differences in the frequency of pretend play; however, there were significant differences in children's communicative strategies and in their play themes. Korean-American children's play included everyday activity and family role themes, whereas Anglo-American children enacted danger in the environment and fantastic themes. Anglo-American children described their own actions, rejected their partners' suggestions, and used directives, whereas Korean-American children described their partners' actions and used tag questions, semantic ties, statements of agreement, and polite requests. The findings suggest that play is a common activity for most children. However, the thematic content and the communicative strategies used to structure and maintain pretend play are influenced by culture.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Pretend play is an essential part of child development and adjustment. However, parents, teachers, and researchers debate the function of aggression in pretend play. Different models of aggression predict that the expression of aggression in play could either increase or decrease actual aggressive behavior. The current study examined pretend play and classroom behavior in preschoolers. Children (N = 59) were administered a measure of pretend play, and teacher ratings of classroom behavior were obtained. Pretend play skills were positively associated with prosocial behavior in the classroom and negatively associated with physical aggression in the classroom. In particular, expression of oral aggression in play related to less physical aggression and more prosocial behavior in the classroom. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that pretend play should be encouraged, as these skills relate to positive behaviors in the classroom. In addition, it was found that aggression in pretend play was not an indicator of actual aggressive behavior, as it related to positive behaviors in the classroom. Implications for parents and teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

假扮游戏伴随着儿童认知技能的发展而发展,儿童只有具备必要的认知技能才能参与假扮游戏.与假扮游戏有关的认知技能主要包括社会参照、解读意图、现实与假扮世界分离、符号化假扮、角色扮演等.假扮游戏的发展与儿童认知技能的发展是一个交互作用的过程.  相似文献   

“玩”的文学:幼儿文学的游戏性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游戏对幼儿来说不是一种剩余精力的简单耗费,而是包含了学习、创造和娱乐层面的多重意义。幼儿文学是幼儿体验游戏的一种特殊场所。幼儿文学从内容、语言、体式到内在精神,都体现了一种与幼儿生活密切相关的游戏性。这种游戏性以语言作为最基本的承载物,其游戏内容主要也是在语言的层面上展开。幼儿文学作品所具有的对于童年内在生命精神的理解和尊重等深层内涵,构成了幼儿文学所独特的游戏精神,这既是一种天然的童年游戏趣味,意味着一种充沛的童年生命能量,也是一种高级的审美游戏,意味着一种严肃的童年内在精神。  相似文献   

Play is important in child development and learning. The intent of this study was to assess the effects of play, using physical movement and pretend imagery, on learning dance. Four preschool dance classes, encompassing 32 children ages 3–6, were randomly divided into pretend imagery groups and traditional teaching groups. The classes were videotaped over 3 weeks and rated for speed of learning new motor skills, future recall of the skills, attentiveness to the task, and enjoyment during the task. As hypothesized, results found that children in the pretend imagery group had significantly better visual fixation on the instructor, engagement in and enjoyment during the task, and needed less prompting and time to recall and a shorter amount of time to learn the skill than children in the traditional teaching group. There is little research in this area of learning and play, but the results of this study suggest more is warranted.  相似文献   

Understanding children's decisions to include a child with a disability in activities is an important component of the social environment of children with disabilities. We examined preschool children's understanding of the motor and social competence of hypothetical children with a physical disability, children's decisions to include or exclude a peer with a physical disability in play activities, and children's justifications of their inclusion/exclusion decisions. Children understood that a peer with a physical disability would have more difficulty with activities requiring motor skills than social skills and were more likely to include a peer with a physical disability when the activities required minimal motor skills. The role of typically developing children's understanding of social contexts in peer relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

50 33-month-old children were observed at home with their siblings and mothers. Observational measures of pretend play, observer ratings of the child's, mother's, and sibling's behavior, and measures of family discourse about feelings were collected. At 40 months each child was assessed on Bartsch and Wellman's false beliefs task and Denham's affective perspective taking task. Results revealed individual differences in the amount and sophistication of young children's social pretend play and suggested that these individual differences are related to experiences in the relationships that young children have with their mothers and siblings. Results also indicated that early social pretend play was significantly related to the child's developing understanding of other people's feelings and beliefs. The data are interpreted as providing support for the notion that early experience in social pretense is associated with children's mastery of the relation between mental life and real life. The importance of considering the relationship context of social pretense is also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to qualitatively explore the affordances for risky play in two different preschool outdoor environments, an ordinary preschool playground and a nature playground, based on Gibson (The ecological approach to visual perception, 1979) theory of affordances and Heft’s and Kytte?’s (Heft in Children’s Environ Qual 5(3) 29–37, 1988; Kytt? in J Environ Psychol 22:109–123, 2002, Kytt? in J Environ Psychol 24:179–198, 2004) extended work on this theory. Observations of risky play in two Norwegian preschools, one ordinary preschool (where play took place on an ordinary playground) and one nature and outdoor preschool (where play took place in a nature area) were conducted. In addition, the children were interviewed about their actualized affordances of risky play, their mobility license, and the constraints on risky play. The results show that both play environments afford an extensive amount of risky play among the children, and that the degree of mobility license tolerated by the staff is an important factor for the children to actualize these affordances. Differences in the qualities and features in the two play environments were found to have an impact on the degree of riskiness in the play situations. As such, the nature playground afforded a higher degree of risk in children’s risky play.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, children's comprehension of successive pretend actions was examined. In Experiment 1, children (25–38 months) watched 2 linked actions (e.g., a puppet poured pretend cereal or powder into a bowl, and then pretended to feed the contents of the bowl to a toy animal). Children realized that the pretend substance was incorporated into the second action. In Experiment 2, children (24–39 months) again watched 2 linked actions (e.g., a puppet poured pretend milk or powder into a container, and then pretended to tip the contents of the container over a toy animal). They realized that the animal would become "milky" or "powdery." In Experiment 3, children (25–36 months) drew similar conclusions regarding a substitute rather than an imaginary entity. The results are discussed with reference to children's causal understanding, their capacity for talking about objects and events in terms of their make-believe and real status, and the processes underlying pretense comprehension.  相似文献   

本研究采用以录像为媒介的集体访谈和多重话语分析的教育人类学研究方法,探讨了中国城乡幼教工作者对游戏,特别是对幼儿园中儿童自由游戏的不同看法.研究归纳出三种看似不同但实则存在内在关联和相互转化可能的游戏观.(1)儿童自由游戏只是幼儿园中游戏的一种,游戏化的教学活动也可以被称为游戏.(2)儿童自由游戏是真正的游戏,教学活动游戏化(或游戏活动教学化)固然有其合理性,但与游戏有质的区别.(3)高水平的自由游戏是儿童游戏的最高境界,"会玩"的儿童才能在游戏中享受到真正的自由.教师的游戏观影响了儿童对游戏、自由的体验.  相似文献   

The goals of this paper were two-fold. The first goal was to examine the emotional and social developmental value of play in the early childhood classroom. This issue is important because of the recent impetus for a more academic focus in early childhood classrooms, and questions about the developmental benefits of play. The second goal was to examine and discuss the role teachers could play in making play a developmental and educational experience. This is because understanding the significance of play could make teachers less apprehensive about using play to promote learning and development, and enable them answer questions regarding the value of play. Using these goals as a backdrop, this paper discussed views of children’s play; the defining characteristics of emotional and social development; play and the socioemotional development of children; and the role of early childhood teachers in children’s play.  相似文献   

Research Findings: As policymakers expand access to preschool, the sociodemographic composition of preschool classrooms will become increasingly important. These efforts may create programs that increase the concentration of children from low-income families or, alternatively, foster the creation of socioeconomically diverse preschool classrooms. What effect the creation of such contexts would have on very young children remains unclear. Using multilevel methods and data on 2,966 children in 704 prekindergarten classrooms, this study explores the relationship between socioeconomic classroom composition and children's social and cognitive development. The results indicate positive associations between the mean socioeconomic status (SES) of the class and children's receptive language, expressive language, and mathematics learning, regardless of children's own sociodemographic backgrounds and the characteristics of their classrooms. However, the analyses indicate no association between the development of social competence and class mean SES. Practice or Policy: The links between classroom SES and language and mathematics development were comparable in size to those associated with instructional quality and even children's own SES. Neither structural nor instructional characteristics of prekindergarten classrooms explained these relationships, suggesting the possibility of direct peer effects. The findings indicate that the composition of children's classrooms should be considered an important aspect of preschool quality.  相似文献   

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