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This essay explores the author's experiences as a teacher, a reader, and a researcher in terms of some now-conventional knowledge about postmodernity. Using the term "postmodern research landscape," the author explains how the commonplaces of interactions among readers, teachers, and researchers co-emerge with ongoing senses of socio-spatial identity, and how these identities, in turn, shape the contexts in which persons experience personal and professional aspects of their lives. These ideas are used to map a more specific and particular understanding of postmodern action research practice.  相似文献   

描述和解释译者在翻译过程中所扮演的角色是翻译理论的根本问题之一。本文试图利用互文性理论来探讨原作与译作之间的互文参照关系,从而进一步说明在翻译的过程中,译者在其所具备的读者——阐释者——作者三重身份上所体现的主体性地位。  相似文献   

While teacher identity has been conceptualized in different ways, research in teacher education has shown that the development of self‐understanding about being a teacher is critical to learning how to teach and can be shaped in multiple ways. Etienne Wenger argues that the formation of communities of practice is influenced strongly by the negotiation of identity and thus, to understand learning in relation to identity formation and communities of practice, three modes of belonging should be considered. Using data from a three‐year action research project, the author examines how modes of belonging (engagement, alignment, and imagination) were enacted in teacher‐centred action research communities of practice. As well, an ecological perspective is adopted to provide insight into how teachers' identities are formed and reformed in the context of teacher‐centred action research.  相似文献   

In his account about reading novels, Wolfgang Iser argued that the work of art is not the text itself but the experience that emerges as a reader interacts with the text. Yet, he clarified that the aesthetic object is not based only on the subjective input of the reader but also determined by specific signs that a text presents. This article draws from Iser's theories to examine the process through which five teenagers discover meaning in an abstract sculpture by artist Isamu Noguchi. The author shows how the young viewers arrived at a series of readings that were elicited by the qualities of the work and that built upon each other in a sort of snowballing process. The article also illustrates how the sort of meaning that an artwork can yield stretches throughout the whole experience and can therefore not be translated into a discursive statement.  相似文献   

This article reports on how teacher educators from a university, acting as facilitators, supported teachers in conducting a school-based action research project as a practice of professional development in the context of reform in language assessment in Hong Kong. In particular, the article problematises how the facilitators and teachers negotiated and managed identities whilst being engaged in a collaborative action research project. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews. Critical discourse analysis was used to examine the textual data. A key finding was that identities were neither fixed nor finite in the context of collaboration, but were negotiated within and against a range of contextually salient discourses. A major contribution of the article lies in its examination of the complexities of negotiating identities when educators from two different institutional cultures collaborate. The article suggests that collaboration has to be understood within broader sociocultural contexts to identify the interplay of forces that shape relations, identities, and practices constructed.  相似文献   

Living action research: authoring identities through yaya projects   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article examines the authors’ experiences living action research through an art therapy activity known as YaYa that involved creating and sharing visual representations of themselves as beginning researchers. This activity was part of a graduate course on education action research and students in the course found the activity transformative. The article first explores how four students in the course created and presented their YaYas. It goes on to discuss how the activity provided opportunities for students to imagine and re-imagine authored identities in the figured worlds of teaching and research. The role that visual arts play in transforming consciousness is also used to help understand the powerful impact of the YaYa activity. The YaYa as a visual artistic process opened students up to meaning-making and reconstructing identities that involved not only the mind, but also the emotions, body and spirit. The authors claim that learning action research can itself be a process of action research, and that living such practice is about involving and imagining the whole self in multiple figured worlds.  相似文献   

(Action) is frequently a taken-for-granted aspect of educational action research. Proponents often focus on how research will benefit educational practice without explaining what is meant by educational practice or action. Here, the author reverses that emphasis: exploring his interest in how different conceptions of action lead to diverse relationships with research. He uses Arendt's tripartite division of human action into labour, work and action to show how each version of practice involves a different link to theory, knowledge and research. Educational labour research focuses on finding better means to achieve predetermined ends and educational work research concentrates on developing new ends. Arendtian educational action research, however, attempts to use research to understand how human freedom might be exercised in dialogue with others. The argument is illustrated with examples drawn from his own practice and from articles in one issue of Educational Action Research.  相似文献   

This article outlines how the author's conceptual understanding of a labour market programme in Australia called Landcare Environmental Action Plan (LEAP), and the author's place within it, changed as he engaged in a socially critical action research project. As a methodology, action research provided him with a deeper insight into how LEAP experiences were structured ideologically and materially within asymmetrical relations of power and privilege. Indeed, while the programme was supposedly designed to benefit unemployed youth, the reality was that the participants were often frustrated and angry which manifested in acts of passive and active resistance. As the author engaged the young people in seeking out an alternative structuring of space within the confines of the LEAP, he found that his own liberal beliefs in social mobility and equality tended to reinscribe the circle of oppression and despair he sought to eradicate. In this article the author argues that action research may become yet another normalizing and oppressive practice in itself, if educators refuse to move beyond the need for civility and professionalism  相似文献   


This article examines how teacher thinking is socially negotiated yet individually enacted. Through a case study approach, the author explores how the identities of a first-year kindergarten teacher were fashioned linguistically as she moved through the contexts of her teacher education program, the elementary school in which she taught and the personal aspects of her life. Using ethnographic techniques, multiple layers of data were gathered in nested contexts. A theoretical framework was developed by juxtaposing the work of the Russian theorists Valentin Volosinov on the concept of ideologies and M.M. Bakhtin on his notions of language to guide the analysis of data. Findings indicate that by providing prospective teachers with the tools for conceptualizing teacher thinking as social, teacher educators can provide future educators with alternative ways to author their identities and help them to understand that they can create possibilities for all children.  相似文献   

This article presents a feminist reading of a Swedish social work academic textbook as a case study. We use a discourse analytic approach and positioning theory, focusing on author positions through different story lines. The aim is to make visible how differences are created and positions of the author/reader normalised in terms of gender, race/ethnicity and class. The analysis illustrates how the organisation of the book privileges a particular story line by presenting gender research in a special section of the book and as a perspective. A neutral, unmarked author position is assumed, presented as a common ‘we’ by identifying ‘women researchers’ and ‘feminist’ points of departure as different. If the unmarked author/reader ‘we’ position appears desirable and morally superior, the clients’ gender, ethnicity and class are often openly discussed in relation to social problems, positioning them as ‘the other’. Finally there is also a story line of more critical and ambivalent knowledge positions.  相似文献   

Professional development intended to change teachers' teaching practices is often unsuccessful. This article explores a case set in a developing country. Although some researchers have attributed failure to factors that are external to the teacher educators involved, this study explores the role that teacher educators themselves may play in instances of limited success. The first author used self-study to explore how his framing of his facilitation role created a defensive rather than an open-to-learning professional development experience. Through engagement with the literature of Argyris and Schön, he began to realise how, despite his best intentions, his actions communicated a persuasive and controlling sub-text. This article documents how, with commentary from the second author, he learned to learn from his mistakes in order to act more consistently with the collaborative values he espoused. His double-loop learning enabled him to understand teachers' reluctance to change and to experiment with teachers in the use of more child-centred pedagogy. The article suggests how teacher educators could become more aware of their theories of action and of the implications for fostering the learning of teachers within developing countries.  相似文献   

双层叙事的提出意在探求《一个人的遭遇》与《活着》文本审美价值相似性产生的叙事技巧上的缘由。认为两部作品具有双层叙述结构,第一叙述者与第二叙述者的层次使作家能够从题材本身的客观限制中解放出来,从而发掘题材在写作上的最大可能性。这一结构方式能够突破对作家的限制的同时也改变了一般阅读状态下读者的姿态。赋予读者以叙述上的参与与阅读时的对话姿态。双层叙事使读者与第一叙述者展开对话而与第二叙述者保持距离,形成阅读时的第三者角色,一方面参与叙述建构,另一方面保持对叙述的批判与思考,形成一种“间离化效果”,是能够将读者引向深入思考状态的理想叙事方式。余华与肖洛霍夫的这两部作品提供了双层叙事结构的经典范本,同时他们在具体叙述选择上也有所侧重,但在阅读效果与文本审美趣味上却有着异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   


This study set out to explore how Black immigrant academics (BIAs) reconstruct their identities within academe. Utilising the research methodology of narrative inquiry, this article explores how BIAs came to see themselves across those communities, which were of primary importance to them in the reformation of their identities. Through the construction of narratives of experience, their lived and told stories emphasised the diversity of their identities that were negotiated with others within personal, historical and situational contexts. The study of BIAs’ lives from their perspective, in which they actively and socially develop their identities, not only provides a lens through which they can be understood as shifting constructions of identity but allows them to rethink who they are and have become and what influence power relations have in promoting or negating their sense of academic self.  相似文献   

Accounts of practice within the action learning literature tend to omit the more mundane session-to-session details of the inner-workings of the action learning set. As well as concentrating on the problem, individuals in all sets spend some of their time in unproductive interpersonal exchanges. These exchanges may be considered trivialities and not worthy of mentioning within an account of practice. The behaviour could, however, hold the key to understanding how the action learning group manages its unconscious anxieties associated with problem solving. In this article, using empirical research from his Ph.D. dissertation, the author explores how the insights developed by Wilfred Bion on groups, their unconscious behaviour and the anxiety of problem solving can help both action researchers and set participants better understand the working of their sets.  相似文献   

In this piece, Elizabeth Moje discusses with the authors of FORUM: Giving oneself over to science: Exploring the roles of subjectivities and identities in learning science (Tucker-Raymond, Varelas, & Pappas) the challenges and potentials of theorizing about the role of identities in learning science. The authors debate how identities and subjectivities should be conceptualized, and whether learning science requires people to change identities and/or subjectivities. In particular, the authors discuss the potential for thinking about how identities are enacted in practices, and how teachers might construct practices that evoke the identities associated with science as a way of developing opportunities for deep science learning. Elizabeth Birr Moje is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Literacy, Language, and Culture in Educational Studies, a Faculty Associate in the Institute for Social Research and a faculty affiliate with Latina/o Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Moje teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in secondary and adolescent literacy, cultural theory, and qualitative research methods. Her research interests revolve around the intersection between the literacies and texts youth are asked to learn in the disciplines and the literacies and texts they engage outsIDe of school. Moje also studies how youth construct cultures and enact IDentities via their literacy practices outsIDe of school. Eli Tucker-Raymond is a doctoral student in the Literacy, Language, and Culture program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He sees his evolving status as a social scientist fraught with similarities and differences between himself and social scientists “out in the world.' He is working toward a designated researcher and teacher IDentity that includes a focus on critical media literacy, collaborative action research, and developing praxis-oriented, critically-conscious learning communities in urban K-8 school settings. One evolutionary, co-constructed step toward that IDentity are these publications, his first. Maria Varelas is Professor of Science Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research, teaching, and service are highly interrelated, focusing on classroom-based teaching and learning of science in urban settings with linguistically and socio-culturally diverse populations, collaborative teacher action research, discourse in science classrooms, integration of science and literacy, and science education reform in elementary school and college science classrooms. She currently co-leads with colleagues in Education, Natural Sciences, and Computer Science, three US NSF multi-year grants. Her research has appeared in a variety of journals and edited books. Christine C. Pappas is Professor of Language and Literacy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her teaching and research focus on classroom discourse, genre (especially informational and science ones), teacher inquiry, collaborative school-university action research (CSUAR), and the development of culturally responsive pedagogy. She is a co-author of the 4th edition of An Integrated Language Perspective in the Elementary School: An Action Approach, which emphasizes the use of language and literacy and other modes of meaning as tools for inquiry and learning across the curriculum. She has co-edited two volumes on a Spencer-sponsored CSUAR project, Working with Teacher Researchers in Urban Classrooms: Transforming Literacy Curriculum Genres and Teacher Inquiries in Literacy Teaching-Learning: Learning to Collaborate in Elementary Urban Classrooms, and her research has been published in book chapters and various journals.  相似文献   

黄生的《杜诗说》是影响于当时却淹没于后世的一部杜诗评论和研究著作。黄生在《杜诗说》中,将孟子所提出的“以意逆志”原则作了重新诠释和具体化,并以其作为评论和研究杜诗的基本方法,力图揭示杜诗的本意。对《杜诗说》评论和研究杜诗的方法所作的初步探讨,通过对《杜诗说》的钩稽认为:黄生所提出的“深悉公之生平”、“综贯公之全集”、“融会一诗之大旨”三原则,就是“以意逆志”的具体化,是黄生在《杜诗说》中分析和研究杜诗的主要方法。黄生对杜诗创作本意的认真探寻,体现了他作为训诂考据学者的严谨学风。  相似文献   

接受反应文论认为读者是文学活动的主体,文学作品的最终完成、文学意义的最终实现取决于读者的能动性阅读和接受。本文运用文学接受史中的典型例子阐述了读者创造性阅读的重要意义,指出读者在文学接受活动中的主体作用对于作家的文学创作起着推动作用。  相似文献   

本文采用叙述学的分析框架,从叙述视点、叙述声音、叙述结构三个方面剖析了白先勇的短篇小说。本文认为白先勇通过对叙述视点的选择和自由变换,极大地拓展了作品的弹性空间,成功地在短篇小说中容纳了接近中、长篇小说的内涵;通过对叙述声音的控制,离间了隐含作者、叙述者、读者之间的距离,使读者能够积极地参与作品的解释和创造;而叙述结构的转变则赋予他的短篇小说以新的生命形式,并把艺术审视的目光由外部世界转向人的心灵。  相似文献   

School and work climate studies of LGBTQ-identified students and educators often reflect challenging environments for those with non-normative sexual and gender identities. Thus, this study sought to understand the experiences of LGBTQ-identified world language (WL) educators in the classroom as well as the intersections of their gender and sexual identities. Drawing upon Butler’s theory of gender performativity and arts-based approaches to research, specifically ethnodrama and performance, this article describes a researcher’s process of working through contradictions in research and representation. Through arts-based approaches to qualitative inquiry, the author maintains how such approaches can provide different mediums for exploring and conveying participants’ lived experiences that are often not possible through traditional qualitative methods of representation.  相似文献   

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