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Sometimes you give And I take And sometimes I give And you take  相似文献   

Despite instructors' belief that class readings are integral to the learning process, only 20–30% of undergraduate students complete required readings. Failure to complete course reading has been associated with declines in exam and research performance. This article first offers a brief review of the literature on why students do not complete course readings: 1) unpreparedness, 2) lack of motivation, 3) time constraints, and 4) an underestimation of reading importance. We then identify approaches that encourage students to read, enjoy reading, and develop metacognitive knowledge, shown to improve learning.  相似文献   

Learn to Choose     
As everything has an end,our lives will beover one day.No one can escape,but we canchoose the way of ending ourselves.Lu Youqing have left the world,saying."Ihave no regret all my life.”Yeah,he was un-able to choose live or die but death is nothingto be afraid of.In his last 100 days,he wrotedown all his feelings with strong will. We allappreciate him for telling us the meaning oflife  相似文献   

<正>Advantages of Reading When you learn a language, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful.There are many advantages associated with reading, including:  相似文献   

夏季天气炎热,到碧水中游泳是青少年喜爱的健身方式。但水火无情,我们首先要确保游泳安全,树立自我保护意识。今天,我们就谈谈游泳的安全注意事项吧。  相似文献   

How long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved? Do you feel grateful when you taste the delicious dinner your mother prepares  相似文献   

学好初中英语并不容易。目前,不少家长反映他们的子女什么科目都不错,唯有英语跟不上。不少学生虽然花费很多时间、精力,但英语知识仍然不扎实,成绩不理想。在多年的英语教学生涯中,我不断地探索、实践,觉得初中生学英语要从平时的一点一滴积累知识,持之以恒,而掌握良好的学习方法是学好英语的重要保证。我认为学习方法应注意以下几个方面:一、要进行“听”、“说”两种技能的训练。“听”和“说”这两种技能是相辅相成的。课堂上,老师教新语音时,学生要静听,集中注意力听单词的发言,看教师用来表明那些词的意义的动作或图片。…  相似文献   

1983年,一(项政府)个总统领导之下的委员会(任报告)发出警(示)告:“目前,我们社会的教育基础正在被(已充斥)如潮涌起的平庸之(才)辈所冲蚀, (且愈演愈烈,这必将)威胁到我们祖国和民族的未来。”二十多年以后,(此)这个名为《(危机)处在风险中  相似文献   

Today we teenagers are living in a world of conflicting messages and competing distractions. Every year the challenge of bringing young people to Olympic sport become tougher, and many people even regard the Olympic Games as a faraway event which they hav…  相似文献   

Today, I asked some classmates about "how to learn English". Most students watch English programs once a week. Some students watch English programs twice or three times a week. As for "read English magazines", some students read English magazines once a month, not all the students read English magazines every week. And all students do exercises and speak English every day, because we have English classes every day.I think,a language is like musicalinstrument.You must practice everyday,you…  相似文献   

Within weeks of becoming available, the iPad reportedly sold over 3 million units, a brisker pace than other tablets in the personal computer realm. Much of the early success might be attributed to the almost 250,000 applications that could run on the device and a similar interface to the popular iPod Touch and iPhone. This article considers whether the sales spark that has ignited a hardware revolution (numerous device manufacturers have launched–e.g., HP, RIM, Samsung, Motorola, and HTC–or have plans to launch tablet devices over the next year) is being matched on the software front, with a particular focus on K-12 teaching and learning. Authors consider the potential affect both the iPad and its applications might have on teaching and learning in K-12 settings and whether these technologies allow educators and students to accomplish what they otherwise could not, from a teaching and learning perspective.  相似文献   

Last Sunday morning my parents went shopping. I stayed at home. Near ten o'clock,I felt weak all over. What should I do with my parents still away from home? I thought I should learn to look after myself. I telephoned Dr Zhang.  相似文献   

My name is Zhang Rui.As my parents are both English teachers, I showed great interest in English even when I was a very little girl.Whenever my father was reading English, I always sat at the desk listening to him quietly. His reading sounded so interesting to me. Soon they began to teach me English and I learned quickly and happily. I studied English even harder after I got a chance to talk with an American. That took place when my father took me to the city of Jinan where I happened t…  相似文献   

Can you remember how excited you were when the Shenzhou Ⅴ and Shenzhou Ⅵ spacecrafts went into space? And how interesting it was when the Chinese astronauts told us about what they had seen on the trip! Guess what? It's time to get excited again. Shenzhou Ⅶ is just around the corner! Earlier this month, Chinese space scientists announced that Shenzhou Ⅶ will be sent up in 2008.  相似文献   

本文论述了基础英语教学中“讲”与“练”的关系,并以具体教学事例强调应把培养学生的基本语言技能放在首位,把课堂教学变为实际的交流活动.这对在汉语环境中进行英语教学具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

《微时代》将于7月21日在腾讯视频上线开播。而这部由杨幂担当制作人,集合了张云龙,迪丽热巴,李溪芮,高伟光,肖雨雨等一众俊男美女的青春爱情片,未开播便被寄予厚望。  相似文献   

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