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激励学生主动投入英语学习,寻求好的投入方式,以利于学生学好英语是英语教师的职责。  相似文献   

企业参与工学结合的机制设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育在我国教育发展中占据特殊的地位,目前在职业学校开展的工学结合中,多数企业与学校的合作仍停留在浅层次的结合。为此,可以通过修改职业教育法、修改税收政策、了解市场需求、实施弹性学制、完善培养机制、深化职教改革、大力创新理论、实现全球化等方面的实践来促进企业参与工学设计。  相似文献   

体验:活动类课程的价值追求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入90年代后,原国家教育委员会开始从课程改革的视角出发,探索与实施素质教育。1992年《九年义务教育全日制小学、初级中学课程计划》的颁布,预示着我国中小学由单一学科课程一统天下时代的结束。“活动课程”第一次以国家课程的“身份”出现在课程计划中,并与“学科”一起,成为新课程结构中的两个重要组成部分,由此揭开了我国活动课程研究的新篇章,并由此掀起了活动课程研究的“热潮”。从新的课程计划颁布实行以来,我国的活动课程研究形成了两方面的显著特点:一是从新的课程计划实施的角度看,研究工作的组织具有明显的自…  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会是党的十六大提出的中国21世纪的宏伟目标,是对建设有中国特色社会主义理论和实践的丰富与发展。探讨全面建设小康社会的内涵、标准及重点,对于理解和把握全面建设小康社会的实质具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

首先介绍情境学习理论及学习活动管理系统(LAMS),然后采用具体的教学实例,从3个方面对基于LAMS的网络情境化教学设计进行较为详细的分析,旨在提供一种开展网络情境化教学的平台和途径,并为LAMS更好地应用于教学实践进行进一步尝试.  相似文献   

Kindergarteners (M age = 6;2) were exposed to novel spoken nonwords and their written forms within a storybook reading context. Following each of 12 stories, the children were required to spell and identify 12 novel written nonwords and then verbally produce and comprehend the spoken version of those words. Results indicated the children acquired initial specific phonological and orthographic representations. Spoken and written word learning skills were strongly associated and both were influenced by the words' linguistic regularities. Spoken word learning ability explained 62% of the variance on a spelling measure, whereas written word learning ability predicted 42% of the variance on a reading measure. The results provide evidence that beginning readers employ simultaneously a mutually shared learning mechanism that is sensitive to statistical regularities of words when engaged in the process of learning new spoken words and their written forms.  相似文献   

Creativity researchers have drawn on cognitive principles to characterize individual innovation. However, few comprehensive frameworks have been developed to relate social innovation to social cognition research. This article introduces the Communities of Innovation (COI) framework and examines its applications in a culture designed to promote collaborative creativity. Findings included evidence for some aspects of the COI model (flow and hacker ethic, entrepreneurship, collaboration and mentoring, sense of community, and learning through design criticism), moderate support for others (dynamic expertise and idea prototyping), but no evidence for other components (developing adaptable knowledge and expertise, symmetrical expertise within the community, community reflection, shifting interpersonal roles, or benefiting from cultural/educational/skill/other diversity). The majority of the new ideas identified and shared by participants were developed through interaction with others. Implications for refinement of the COI framework and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of research on relationships between depression and participation in learning using data from a large sample of older adults. The objective was to establish whether learning can reduce the risk of depression. Data were obtained from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, a nationally-representative sample of adults aged 50 and above. The eight-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) was used to measure depressive symptoms. Participation in learning covered the acquisition of qualifications; taking formal training courses, learning at arts, music or evening classes; and participation in gym/exercise classes. Multiple regression analyses were conducted with the change in the measure of depressive symptoms between two waves of the longitudinal survey as the response variable. There was limited evidence that participation in learning reduced the risk of depression in later life. Only learning leading to qualifications was significantly associated with the outcome after controlling other factors. But learning leading to qualifications was undertaken only by a small minority of the sample, mainly the youngest and most highly educated. Other types of learning were not significantly associated with depression. It appears that learning has, at best, a small role to play in addressing the risk of depression in later life.  相似文献   

语文课堂教学过程是指教和学的两个方面。针对现实教学中教师讲得多,学生动得少的现象,强调学生的参与意识,培养学生的参与能力尤为重要。“不能使学生参与是教师的最大过失”,只有让学生主动参与教学活动,引起学生对教学内容的高度关注和强烈兴趣,才能最大限度地发挥学生的自主性、积极性和创造性,提高语文课堂教学的效益。  相似文献   

根据基础信念的不同,可将学习的研究与实践分为获得与参与两种取向的模型。获得模型假定学习即获得某种实体材料的过程,参与模型假定学习即成为团体成员的过程。20世纪末期学习理论发生由获得向参与转向的原因在于,获得模型面临的认识论困境以及所产生的不良规范与价值问题。要恰当处理获得模型与参与模型的关系,须正确认识知识的迁移,不偏废一方,使二者有机互补,并根据实际需要选择与应用某个模型。  相似文献   

语篇思维模式及其在英语学习中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语篇思维模式作为语篇分析的宏观层面,其应用价值越来越受到人们的关注。它满足图式结构中“自上而下对信息进行解码的条件。因此,在阅读和听力学习中,有效地利用语篇思维模式能达到迅速解码,提高阅读和听力理解能力。同时,在英文写作中,运用语篇思维模式来指导写作,比单纯让学生通过多读多写来提高写作能力更具有操作性,更能写出地道的英文文章。*  相似文献   

英语书面语言能力的提高决定于两个方面,一是大量的阅读,二是阅读材料必须是能引起学生兴趣的英文资料。阅读的经验对英文写作有十分积极的作用,写作可巩固阅读所获得的语言习惯。  相似文献   

语篇思维模式作为语篇分析的宏观层面,其应用价值越来越受到人们的关注.它满足图式结构中"自上而下"对信息进行解码的条件.因此,在阅读和听力学习中,有效地利用语篇思维模式能达到迅速解码,提高阅读和听力理解能力.同时,在英文写作中,运用语篇思维模式来指导写作,比单纯让学生通过多读多写来提高写作能力更具有操作性,更能写出地道的英文文章.*  相似文献   

在文献研究的基础上,对泛在学习相关概念、理论、技术与教学策略框架进行了梳理与分析,并提出研究所涉及的"泛在学习活动系统"特指"普适计算环境支持的随时随地学习"活动系统,即一种特殊的数字化学习活动系统。同时,运用解释结构模型(ISM)方法对泛在学习活动系统的结构模型进行了建构。最后,在对数字化学习系统的演变及其数据模型进行文献研究的基础上,运用系统建模的方法对基于活动感知的泛在学习系统的功能模型和体系结构进行了分析。  相似文献   

在目前实施素质教育和倡导终身教育学习的信息化社会中,信息技术教育成为时代的一项紧迫任务,在信息技术课中加强研究型教学的实施研究,对于学生素质发展具有重要的意义.以活动课为切入点是行之有效的途径.本文主要从活动课与研究型教学的切合点出发,构建了一个信息技术教育的新型教学模式,并提供了具体的实例.  相似文献   

从学习的经费投入、时间投入和精神投入等三方面入手,对北京市中小学教师学习投入状况进行问卷调查,并在学校的层次、级别及所在地,教师的性别、教龄和学科等层面进行比较,分析当前北京市中小学教师学习投入状况及其基本特征。  相似文献   

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