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The ethnography presented by van Eijck and Roth focuses on the activities of people involved in a government funded internship program in conservation and restoration, which was offered by a ‘multidisciplinary research center’ through a local First Nation adult education center. The internship was designed, in partnership with a local non-profit conservation society (OceanHealth), to appeal to First Nation men and women considering career change, returning to school, or re-entering the work place. The primary aim of the internship was to ‘provide authentic science for diverse student populations (and their teachers), with particular attention to the needs of students from First Nations, to become scientifically literate to the extent that it prepares them for participating in public debates, community decision-making, and personal living consistent with long-term environmentally sustainable forms of life’. The authors report that at least one of the two interns was not interested in science and a WSáNEC elder expressed dissatisfaction with the efforts to establish the nature park and its current approved uses. Van Eijck and Roth argue that the divergence between the project aims and the goals of the participants are a result of how ‘place’ is viewed in place-based education and that disagreements like these can be resolved if place is theorized as chronotope. There are many interesting ideas raised and directions taken in the article by van Eijck and Roth. After several discussions during the review process, we decided to focus our forum response on the meaning of ‘place’ in place-based education, the utility of theorizing place as a chronotope, the implications for teaching–learning (‘education’), and musings on what remains unclear.  相似文献   

1 “引发—活动—改组”教学活动的理论思考创新精神和实践能力的培养是伴随着问题的解决而进行的 ,它是解决问题能力的最高表现形式。而影响问题解决的因素从广义知识的分类来说有三个方面 :言语信息、智慧技能、认知策略。因为学校素质教育的主渠道在课堂 ,所以创新精神和实践能力的培养对于学校教育来说 ,主要是在课堂教学中如何处理好三者之间的关系。课堂是学生的课堂 ,我们可以通过“引发—活动—改组”的方法解决教学活动 ,让学生在活动中学习 ,在学习中改组认知结构 ,并解决现实的问题。“引发”指引发学生思维 ,充分调动智慧技能…  相似文献   

Illuminating a dialectical transformative activist stance in education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this essay I comment on Stetsenko’s (2008) essay that draws together the work of Vygotsky, Piaget and Dewey, as she attempts to counter the ‘new’ reductionist synthesis in public educational policy. While this theoretical work is helpful, it could be enhanced further by illuminating everyday practices of learners. I pose some questions that might provoke ongoing discussions by researchers as they transform collaboratively cultural–historical activity theory.  相似文献   

病态的人格——论《无名的裘德》中淑的形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从淑对现存婚姻制度的抨击,以及她自己的一些不合乎现行风俗道德的言行举止来看,一些批评者认为《无名的裘德》中淑的形象是反抗性和现代性的。现以弗洛伊德的性欲三论为依据,探讨表层上淑的反抗性和现代性这些叛逆性格的所反映的深层的心理:她对异性的冷漠甚至是厌恶,是源于她的病态的自恋性格,这种性格的根源是她的童年经验以及成年后原欲的固置所形成的。  相似文献   

大学生入党积极分子作为高校党员的后备力量,他们的培养教育直接影响着发展党员的质量。本文分析了当前我国高校大学生入党积极分子党性修养与党性教育模式之现状,就如何采取有效措施,加强大学生入党积极分子培养教育提出了若干措施。  相似文献   


This article reports on a study that aimed to investigate how young Indonesians might become environmentalists, and what happens when they do. It uses a Bourdieusian framework to analyse interviews with six Indonesian environmental engineering students who took an active role in environmental conservation campaigns while studying at the prestigious University of Technology Bandung (ITB) in Indonesia. In 2014, they were pondering the challenge of negotiating an environmentally defensible career after graduation from their degree. Four years later, in 2018 follow-up contact, it was evident that while they still operated a moral responsibility of conservation and care for the natural world, not all of them had found the dream jobs they imagined as earnest undergraduates keen to protect the natural environment. Yet most had maintained their ‘ecological habitus’ even as they sought to make good on the institutionalised cultural capital invested in their undergraduate degree in environmental engineering. This article examines that journey.  相似文献   

The paper examines the argument that the contradictions of performativity provide the context in which new forms of professionalism can develop. English further education is used to explore these questions. The paper addresses four issues. It seeks to locate the discussion within the period immediately following the incorporation of colleges of further education in 1993, when colleges of further education were removed from local authority control and placed under aegis of the Further Education Funding Council. This is followed by an examination of changes to the management regime following incorporation. It considers suggestions that bullying forms of management have been superseded and that there has been some feminization of senior management. This discussion is set alongside one addressing the socio‐economic context as well as hegemonic understandings of the economy. The final part of the paper examines claims made for the development of an ‘activist’ or transformative professionalism. However the key difficulty with these potentially progressive arguments is that analyses operate at the level of ideology accepting the way in which the knowledge economy is constructed thereby failing to seriously consider and work through the patterns of antagonistic relations that exist within capitalism. In a similar manner they play down education as site of struggle. Whilst the paper is orientated towards English further education the argument has a wider purchase, applying to education in particular and the welfare state in general.  相似文献   


In this article there is a discussion about the results of an activist Ethnography carried out in Benicasim (Spain). The study is focused on the culture of youth participation in leisure spaces that contribute significantly to the education of young people as critical citizens. During 3 years of fieldwork as an activist in the Youth Club (YC) we carried out an investigation based on biographical, narrative, participatory and observational tools. Particularly, we try to understand which elements can turn a participatory structure into a tool for a model of participatory progression and offer the possibility of creating personalised participatory trajectories. Our results suggest that structuring participation in a youth club can be beneficial if we care for aspects like commitment, responsibility, availability, leadership and the sense of membership. Adapting these elements to the characteristics of each youth will boost participation to more autonomous levels, thus enabling an empowering and autonomous learning process.  相似文献   

李娜 《凯里学院学报》2006,24(4):114-116
苏·沃利斯是美国诗坛一位女诗人,这位诗人20年前还名不见经传,但现在已是美国诗歌发展中异军突起的现代牛仔诗派的领军人物之一。她的诗作无论是在用词上还是在情感的表达上都显得另辟蹊径,具有较为强烈的传统文化意识,强调传统文化对现代社会中人的协调发展的重要意义。该文从传统文化意识视角对苏·沃利斯的诗歌创作特点进行分析。  相似文献   

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