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The Centre for Paired Learning Audio Training Pack is a distance learning resource expanding upon the organisational issues considered in this article and including a photocopiable planning guide.

The Centre for Paired Learning Video Training Pack includes useful materials for training in generic tutoring skills. These include: Preparation, Rapport Introduction and Advance Organisers, Goal Setting, Sequencing and Varying Tasks and Activities, Instructing Discussing Explaining Listening Questioning, Modelling and Demonstration, Error Detection Signalling and Correction, Structuring Thinking Time, Prompting, Praising and Rewarding, Evaluating and Assessing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of collaborative learning with hints and peer tutoring with hints, and individual learning with hints in chemistry laboratory education in a secondary school. A total of 96 eleventh graders participated in this study. The study has a randomized pre‐test and post‐test design with a delayed post‐test. During the four‐week intervention, students were required to carry out eight lab tasks in total. The students filled in a 17‐item self‐assessment of learning gain questionnaire on the last day. Analyses of students’ learning achievements showed that students in both the collaborative learning and peer tutoring situations outperformed those learning individually with hints. The delayed post‐test, which was administered three months later, revealed that students who had been in the peer tutoring situation outscored those in the collaborative learning situation. Student self‐assessment questionnaires on learning gain provided further details in this regard.  相似文献   

Peer Tutoring     
An analysis of the ubiquitous but taken-for-granted term “rigorous academic curriculum” reveals that by definition it is not an academically rigorous term. The term contains multiple meanings, negative connotations, and a constricted conception of the school curriculum. It is associated with a discredited learning theory and in practice tends to function more as a status marker than as a substantive educational experience. We should shift our thinking and teaching away from the imprecise and potentially miseducative notion of a rigorous academic curriculum and toward the ideal of a vigorous educative curriculum.  相似文献   

In the Materials Department of Imperial College we have introduced a peer tutoring scheme for the first-year subject of crystallography. It is a subject which students find difficult since it involves new concepts, in particular the use of three-dimensional lattices and structures. Formally, the subject is taught through lectures, class work and general tutorial sessions. We have trained peer tutors over 2 days, to understand the need to draw out students so that they work through and think out for themselves some of the more confusing aspects of the subject. Within a very short period of time, the tutors had developed so that, rather than seeing their role as a surrogate teacher, they understood their role to be that of a facilitator. The fact that the peer tutors could use real scientific concepts in their role plays helped to provide a focus. It also ensured that the tutors realized that they really could use group process and discussion to solve even technical problems. The scheme, with its possible pitfalls and solutions, is discussed in the context of materials science. It is found that peer tutoring, which is often used in more discursive subjects, provides an excellent way to effect a more questioning approach to a very technical subject.  相似文献   

Abstract Four low achieving 12‐year old readers were trained to tutor similar age low achieving readers in both general (monitoring) and specific (summarisation and illustration) for strategies reading comprehension. Repeated measures indicated that both tutors and tutees learned to use the strategies successfully. Use of both strategies enhanced comprehension for tutees. For tutors, there was evidence of generalisation of reading gains to their own reading. Gains made by tutors and tutees on two standardised reading tests were superior to gains made by a contrast group. Results are discussed in terms of the effects of increased academic engaged time and increased strategy use on comprehension.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the barriers and opportunitites facing higher education when assessing the usefulness of 'quality as an organising principle' for institutions. Four general definitions of quality are identified alongside a number of operational dimensions of quality. Both internal and external pressures towards quality of performance and service are outlined. Private sector and higher education quality systems are examined, and conclusions are drawn which emphasize the challenges ahead for leaders of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

The role of friendship in mediating children's learning is poorly understood, and conflicting claims exist about the manner in which friendship may influence both the process and outcome of learning. Evidence from studies on peer tutoring suggests that children acting as tutors have difficulty co‐ordinating the physical, informational and social demands of a tutoring task, due to their limited cognitive resources. Eight‐ to nine‐year‐old boys and girls were allocated to friend or non‐friend pairs in one‐to‐one tutoring dyads for the purposes of examining the impact of friendship on the process and outcome of tutoring. Although tutoring dyads of friends might be expected to focus their resources on informational components of the task, because their pre‐established relationship would minimise the burden of managing the social demands of the task, the opposite was found. Child tutors who were friends allocated additional resources to the social management aspect of the task, including monitoring tutee progress, but allocated no additional resources to imparting information about the task necessary for improving learning. Far from reducing task demands upon the tutor, friendship appears to impose greater burdens on children's limited resources, consequential upon the need to re‐negotiate their new social relationship arising from unfamiliar and unequal roles into which tutoring has thrust them.  相似文献   

Historical loss of staff and teaching resources in Cambodia has resulted in significant challenges to anatomy education. Small group anatomy teaching opportunities are limited. A visit to Cambodia by a teaching team from the University of Melbourne in 2010 demonstrated it was possible to implement well-resourced anatomy workshops for this purpose. However, continuation of the workshop program was inhibited by the limited number of local teaching staff. In 2015, another team from the University of Melbourne returned to Cambodia to implement anatomy workshops that incorporated peer tutoring. The objective was to improve teacher-to-student ratios and to demonstrate that interactive anatomy workshops could be delivered successfully despite low staff numbers. The anatomy workshops were attended by 404 students of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Midwifery at the University of Puthisastra. Medical students were invited to act as peer tutors for nursing students. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to determine student satisfaction with both the workshops and peer tutoring. The overwhelming majority were positive about the workshops and keen for them to continue. Almost all medical students who acted as peer tutors agreed or strongly agreed that this role increased their anatomical knowledge (98%) and confidence (94%). Most nursing students agreed or strongly agreed with statements that they would like peer tutoring to continue (94%) and that they would like to be peer tutors themselves (88%). This report demonstrates that peer tutoring could be an effective tool in educational settings where poor staff-to-student ratios limit delivery of interactive workshops.  相似文献   

高校育人导师制度,主要是指一种以成人为目的,给在校大学生思想、学习及生活等方面配备指导教师的制度。建立高校育人导师制的意义在于发挥学校德育的整体功能,化解育人工作的艰巨性和复杂性,有效落实德育目标。  相似文献   

高职教育实行导师制的探索与实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在一个迅速变革的时代中,高职教育需要有新的观念和模式,彻底变革教育内容、方法和教学手段。而高职教育推行导师制是一个探索。它不仅是对传统“班建制”教学模式的重要补充,更重要的是真正贯彻“以学生为本”的教育理念,倡导个性教育,实现教学相长的实践和提高高职教育教学质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the provision of higher education courses in the further education sector in Northern Ireland. It charts the evolution of policy through the 1990s by examining major policy documents. It notes the chronic absence of reliable statistical and research evidence during this period. The available statistical evidence is reviewed. Key themes are identified including: localism, ‘non‐evidence based policy making’, higher education versus the demand for skills and community relations and equality. The innovative concept, now it would appear doomed, of the Springvale campus for west Belfast is examined. Finally, the paper notes that there is an urgent need to provide strategic direction to the further education sector as a whole.  相似文献   

ASK to THINK—TEL WHY®© is an inquiry-based model of mutual peer tutoring in which tutoring partners mediate each others' learning in a transactive manner. This tutorial model is designed as a person-plus cognitive partnership that supports the distribution of cognition and metacognition in order to promote complex, higher-level learning. This article focuses on what is being distributed during ASK to THINK—TEL WHY®© (i.e., the cognitive tasks of questioning, explaining, thinking, problem solving, as well as monitoring and regulation of learning) and how these cognitions are distributed across the tutoring pair and various aspects of their learning environment. Results of research on the effectiveness of using this model in classroom contexts has shown that the model promotes students' construction of new knowledge.  相似文献   

面对高校学业困难学生特征的多样性和复杂些局面,朋辈辅导是帮扶学业困难学生的有效措施之一。通过运用案例分析方法,结合朋辈辅导相关知识,选择合适的朋辈辅导学生,全方位开展帮扶工作,取得较好效果,并为以后推广朋辈辅导积累了经验。  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of peer tutoring in the development of verbal and spatial abilities that helps students attain a high level of academic achievement in geography. Students studying in class VIII of five selected schools took one standardized and three self-made tests. Results indicated that peer tutoring strategy plays a significant role in increasing the verbal and spatial abilities as well as in raising the academic level of students in geography.  相似文献   

In an exploratory study, peer tutoring in higher education is examined for students with visual impairment and students with learning disability (LD). Data were collected by means of interviews and focus groups. Findings indicate both academic and social benefits for tutees and tutors. Difficulties encountered are discussed, and differences between the two populations are raised. It is suggested that the visibility and complexity of the student's disability affected the tutoring encounter. Professional guidance is suggested as a means of reducing tutoring problems and increasing benefits.  相似文献   

当前,我国大学生朋辈辅导缩影在各高校都有显现,已成为增强大学生心理素质、提高自我管理的重要形式。文章基于“四位一体”朋辈辅导模式,归纳已有的朋辈教育资料,分析新时代的新生特点,阐述“四位一体”朋辈模式的有效运用,分析在新生适应性教育中产生的积极作用,进而提高朋辈辅导的现实意义,引导学生自我管理、自我教育。  相似文献   

England has a two-sector system of higher education and further education. Shaped by legislation in 1988 and 1992, the architecture of this system was intended to concentrate each type of education in separate institutions and separate sectors. In recognition of these different missions, each territory came under different funding and regulatory regimes, with little or no movement of institutions anticipated between sectors. These arrangements continue, although Government policy is now to support and expand higher education in further education colleges. This policy turnaround is part of a larger strategy or experiment to change the future pattern of demand for, and supply of, undergraduate education. However, the college contribution to this new higher education is neither co-ordinated nor protected. Rather, further education colleges compete as well as collaborate with institutions in the higher education sector, under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and dependency.  相似文献   

论朋辈辅导在心理危机干预中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朋辈心理辅导员是高职院校危机干预工作的重要潜在资源。引入朋辈辅导理念,将有助于进一步完善高职院校心理危机干预体系。朋辈危机干预的过程可分为四个阶段:观察了解,发现问题;及时报告,建立反馈;采取措施,做好保护;延伸关注,提供帮助。  相似文献   

本文论述了高等职业技术教育实践“三个代表”重要思想的途径,从为生产力发展提供最广泛的教育服务和为最广大人民提供教育服务两个层面剖析了高等职业教育的服务领域和服务对象,对高等职业教育的服务类型,功能定位,教育要求,教育生产力,人才“立交桥”等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

朋辈心理辅导是指同辈在人际互动的过程中给予心理安慰、引导、支持和鼓励,提供一种心理咨询帮助的活动。常见的朋辈心理辅导模式有思想观念引导模式、心灵慰藉模式、行动支持模式等,在具体操作上形式多变。它在高职心理健康教育工作中起到辅助协调、助人自助、预防和发现问题的作用。  相似文献   

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