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This forum discussion focuses on seven themes drawn from Sonya’s fascinating paper: the terminology of “cogenerative dialogues,” the roles of participants and their power relations within such dialogues, the use of metaphor and analogy in the paper, science and science education for all students, the ways in which students’ expectations about learning change in innovative classrooms, teacher research and the “theory-practice gap,” and the tension between conducting cogenerative dialogues with individual students or with whole classes. These themes by no means exhaust the ideas in Sonya’s paper, but we feel that they have allowed us to explore the classroom research she reports, and to extend our discussion beyond the paper to explore some of these themes more broadly.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和教师自我认识水平的提高,以道德说教和榜样示范为主要形式的传统师德建设已经不能适应时代发展的需要了。在"以人为本"的今天,尊重教师权益、关心教师发展、提升教师生命质量应是师德建设的发展方向。  相似文献   

The author discusses the development and practice of participatory research as both a method and strategy of social investigation and social action within an adult education framework. Participatory research is compared with traditional research strategies, and its defining principles are outlined, together with specific examples of its application and practical issues both today and in the future.
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser bespricht die Entwicklung und die Praxis der partizipatorischen Forschungsweise sowohl als Methode und als Strategie der gesellschaftlichen Ermittlung und des gesellschaftlichen Handelns im Rahmen der Erwachsenenbildung. Die partizipatorische Forschungsweise wird mit traditionellen Forschungsstrategien verglichen, ihre formulierten Prinzipien werden zusammen mit spezifischen Beispielen ihrer Anwendung und deren Erträgen für die Gegenwart und in Hinblick auf die Zukunft umrissen.

Résumé L'auteur présente et analyse le développement et la pratique de la recherche participative comme méthode et comme stratégie de l'investigation et de l'action sociale dans le cadre de l'éducation des adultes. La recherche participative est comparée aux stratégies traditionnelles de recherches, ses principes de base dégagés et des exemples spécifiques de son application donnés en même temps que les problèmes encourrus aujourd'hui et pour le futur.

The world of the everyday life of the oppressed is not merely a sphere of social reproduction, but is crossed over by numerous breaks and cleavages with the dominant order; and that although these points of rupture are most often contradictory or partial, they concern the most intimate and long lasting logic of the social struggle.

Jose Nun,The Rebellion of the Chorus

'Sous le familier, découvrez l'insolite Sous le quotidien, décélez l'inexplicable Puisse toute chose dite habituelle vous inquiéter Dans la règle découvrez l'abus Et partout ou l'abus s'est montré Trouvez le remède'

Bertold Brecht,L'exception et la règle  相似文献   

本文基于行动研究探讨大学英语学习环境下教师在学习者自主中的作用以及教师如何中介学生自主能力发展。通过对自主学习模式和课堂教学模式的对比分析, 及对自主学习模式的行动干预结果分析,发现: 1) 教师是大学英语学习环境下学习者自主的必要构念: 2) 基于行动研究范式的教师介入有助于提高学习者自主学习能力、 心理和行为。文章最后讨论本研究结果对实施大学英语自主学习的启示。  相似文献   

This study presents an argument for valuing subjective, reflective knowledge based on Habermas' category of cognitive interest of emancipatory knowing. Using the teachers' autobiographies and action research as data sources, the process of personal empowerment is explored. A model of change derived from analysis of teachers' writings is proposed that includes disturbance, alternatives, confidence and action.  相似文献   

教学行动研究是近年来国外发展起来的一种教学理论研究方法,它是能够解决教学与研究领域脱节的问题,使教学行为向着更专业、更系统的方向发展。本文作者通过英语课堂教学中所做的教学行动研究,反思教学效果,探讨这种研究方法在提高教学效果中的实践意义。  相似文献   


Institutional research is well established in postsecondary institutions in the USA as an effective tool for provision of accurate, reliable data to support management decision making. Institutional research offices are much less prevalent in such institutions in the UK however, particularly in colleges. The purpose of this paper is to outline the principal roles and functions of an institutional research office, briefly discuss relevant staffing issues (including important qualifications), and suggest some practical considerations regarding the role of institutional research in college management.  相似文献   

叙事行动研究:高校辅导员专业成长的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校辅导员岗位是一个集思想教育、学业辅导、学生发展指导功能于一身的复合型岗位。如何加强辅导员队伍专业化建设,促进辅导员个体的专业成长成为新时期高校辅导员队伍建设的新课题。本文拟借用教育研究中叙事行动研究的思路,倡导辅导员通过自我叙述来反思个体的教育职业生活,并在反思中改进和重建自己的教育生活,使辅导员从教育研究和生活研究做起促进自身的专业成长,并进一步完成从“实践”型向“实践-研究型”人才的转变。  相似文献   

高校教师专业自主发展是我国高等教育转型发展迫切需要解决的问题。当前高校教师专业自主发展有三种典型模式:教师自我个体行动模式、外部制度引领模式和教师组织支持模式。进一步提升我国高校教师专业自主发展的能力和水平需要从三个方面进行努力:一是发挥高校教师的主体能动性,提升高校教师自我专业发展能力;二是优化制度设计,实现制度管理和人文管理相结合;三是建立高校教师专业学习社群,提高组织支持的成效。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to research on affirmative action by examining issues of equity in the context of racial quotas in Brazil. We study the experience of the University of Brasilia, which established racial quotas in 2004 reserving 20% of available admissions slots for students who self-identified as black. Based on university admissions data and a student survey conducted by the authors, we find evidence that race, socioeconomic status, and gender were considerable barriers to college attendance and achievement. For example, first-difference regressions involving pairs of siblings indicate that black identity and gender had a negative effect on entrance exam scores. Moreover, we compare displaced and displacing applicants and find that racial quotas helped promote equity to some extent. Nevertheless, the scale and scope of redistribution were highly limited, and the vast majority of Brazilians had little chance of attending college, suggesting that more still needs to be done.  相似文献   

Urban populations that live in the outskirts of major Latin American cities usually face conditions of vulnerability attached to complex environmental issues, such as the lack of sewerage, floods, pollution and soil and water contamination. This article reports an intervention research programme in São Paulo, Brazil that combines a moral education approach with sustainability awareness in vulnerable communities. The main conceptual foundations of the project, designed to empower the community and promote ethical and environmental awareness are: strengthening the ties between the school and the surrounding community in order to construct ‘moral atmosphere’; adoption of Problem- and Project-based Learning and the Design Thinking approach to reach the proposed goals.  相似文献   

As new technologies promise to be an enduring feature of the landscape of teachers’ work, we consider how teachers implicitly bring stories forward into their classroom explorations with new media as a part of their ‘informal learning’. By ‘stories’ is meant specific classroom texts as well as preferred teacher practices with those texts. The article represents a reflection on the methodological role that ‘elicitation’ can play in drawing out teacher thinking during a time of professional change, thinking that would otherwise likely remain embedded, particularly when teachers’ attention is focused forward on innovation in practice. The methodological use of ‘elicitation’ emerged in the first year of an ongoing teacher action research study, in which seven teachers have been involved in a professional development initiative that actively engages teachers in examining changing literacy formations, beginning with the teachers’ own literacy formations. The methodological practice of elicitation borrows from phenomenology, ethnomethodology, narrative research, reader response theories, curriculum theory and psychoanalysis, and emerged as a way to acknowledge the life histories that teachers were bringing to their professional development with new media. We suggest that elicitation can potentially draw out deep and sustaining sources of a teacher’s commitment, as well as resistance, to change. It can help disclose the tensions between commitment and resistance that even teachers who voluntarily undertake to incorporate new technologies into their practice may experience. Within a teacher action research framework, elicitation can also serve to remind teachers (and others) of the value of what they know and are learning, thus contributing to teachers developing a ‘scholarship of practice’ in response to any actual or perceived ‘intensification’ of their work.  相似文献   

我们在"高等师范院校教师评价的研究"课题的研究调查中发现普通师范院校目前的教师评价以总结性评价为主,而发展性评价因其激励、导向、发展的功能应该更多地被重视和使用.作者从发展性评价的特点出发,论述了发展性评价对提高普通师范院校师资水平的重要意义,并针对发展性评价难于操作的特点在评价实施方面作了探讨.  相似文献   

众所周知,在教学中实施行动研究是有着众多好处的。这也是英语教学实践中的一种实用性方式方法。所以,本文阐述了行动研究在英语教学,尤其是大学英语教学之中的作用。并从四个方面全方位的论述了在大学教师中开展教育行动的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

一个县级市实施省农村中小学教师素质提升工程,应从五个方面展开工作:加强宣传发动来实现思想引领化;重视资源共享达到师资的优质化;注重设计实现培训的多元化;强调规范组织以实现检测的程序化;确立多重保障来实现管理过程化。通过上述举措真正落实"工程"主题培训,努力促进教师专业成长。  相似文献   

提升专业品性是提高教师专业素质、促进教师专业发展的有效路径,是教师专业自主性、专业素养及专业精神的集中体现。承担教师教育职责的高校应以提高专业自主性为重心推进农村教师教育改革,以提高教师专业素养为中心,优化教师教育课程体系,以形成专业精神为核心,创新教师教育教学模式,最终提升农村教师队伍的专业化水平。  相似文献   

教师专业化已成为国内外研究者争相探讨的课题。本文对国内外十年来教师专业化的内涵、影响因素及促进策略三方面的研究进行了归纳和评价,以期为后续研究提供启示。  相似文献   

院校研究的视角:新建本科院校迫切需要加强自身研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
院校研究是一种基于本校情境、以问题为中心、以实践为导向的高等教育研究的新范式.新建本科院校是我国高等教育的新生事物,由于其产生的历史背景的特殊性、承担的历史使命的独特性、发展阶段的关键性、面临问题的复杂多样性,相比其他高校,更加迫切需要加强院校研究,以促进学校的迅速转型、健康持续发展和提高管理水平.新建本科院校开展院校研究的当务之急是提高研究的自觉性、设置专门的研究机构、提高研究人员的专业化水平.  相似文献   

大学是人才培养的重要基地,而教学是作为培养人才的主渠道之一,因此大学教师的教学水平就影响了大学输出人才的质量。当前一些大学重视科研和社会服务而忽视人才培养,教学日益边缘化,殊不知教学是学校的主旋律,也是衡量教师专业发展的一个重要的维度。因此让大学教师回归教学,回归到育人为本的理念是大学教师专业发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

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