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教育现代性以理性主义、个体主体性发展为核心价值取向。自近代以来,教育现代性在我国虽然获得了一定程度的发展,但教育现代性与教育前现代性之间的冲突、对立仍很尖锐。在当下话语交叠、并置一处的复调场景中,要吁求教育现代性“到场”,应作多向度反思。也即应从维护教育现代性为出发点,反思教育现代性的内在冲突;应站在发展教育现代性的立场上,警惕文化教育上的保守主义;应在强化教育现代性的本土问题意识的基础上,形成跨文化视野的反思意识,在警惕全球化对教育的负面影响的同时,认真反思、仔细清理教育的非现代性。  相似文献   

Teachers’ lives have been the focus of much recent research on teaching, and we now have rich, detailed understandings of how teachers develop a ‘teaching self,’ in the context of concrete details of biography, school settings, relationships and educational systems within which teachers work. What we lack is a sense of the teacher in a place—a specific location that holds meaning, that matters to those who inhabit it. The concept of ‘place’ has been neglected in contemporary education, yet it seems to be an important one for postmodern times. This article will examine the stories of immigrant teachers in Israel, people who have undertaken to teach in a culture different from the one in which they themselves were educated. Teachers who have made a transition from one cultural setting to another are likely to have developed an awareness of teaching and schooling in the new culture that other teachers may not have. Their stories reveal what it means in the chosen culture to tell one’s story and give an account of one’s career and work as a teacher. The stories of seven immigrant teachers, in dialogue with the researcher’s story, highlight losses and gains in the journey toward a new teaching self, and reveal something of what the process of finding or making a place for oneself—both in the new culture and as a teacher—is like.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contingency theory of approaches to teaching in Higher Education adopted by university academics who teach heterogeneous student cohorts within a changing university context. The study is located within the substantive context of academics within Australian universities who teach within the broad field of management studies. Orthodox grounded theory is employed to generate a contingency typology comprised of four separate teaching approaches: Distancing, Adapting, Clarifying, and Relating. The model demonstrates how academics utilise a variety of teaching approaches to address their ‘main concern’, namely maintaining their professional competence within the context of a rapidly changing university landscape and significantly heterogeneous groups of students. We have labelled this process ‘Maintaining Competence’. This model stresses the importance of the twin forces of structure and individual agency in determining teaching approaches. It emphasises the value of analysing what academics actually do in the classroom situation, rather than concentrating on normative assumptions of what they should do in terms of best practice.  相似文献   

The exhortation to innovate is a pervasive one that occupies a central position across university mission statements, strategic plans, marketing literature and job titles. This article locates a discourse of innovation within a history of Australian federal higher education policy, a history that may bear similarity with other national contexts. The article names this discourse as an innovation talk that influences our teaching and learning practices, a discourse that can be reconfigured in a way that opens up the possibility for change. As such, the article presents an analytical process used to resist taken-for-granted views of what constitutes valuable teaching practices. Suggestions for re-conceptualising how universities govern and support teaching and learning innovation are drawn from analysis of key federal policies that have influenced university practices in recent years.  相似文献   

Many universities today are businesses, embracing the priorities and values of any other consumerist enterprise. There is an argument that, insofar as the phenomenon of marketisation is a function of what (Michaels, F. [2011]. Monoculture: How one story is changing everything. Red Clover Press) terms a global economic ‘monoculture’, these developments are inevitable. Nevertheless, this article argues against such rhetoric that embraces the neoliberal principle of unrestrained growth and that has public universities adopting a business model, applying managerialist approaches, measuring and – most importantly in the context of this article – expressing worth and purpose in corporate terms, as these prioritise commerce over the cultivation of creative and critical thought essential to healthy social functioning. It argues for an educational environment that enables multiple ways of seeing, thinking and living to flourish. The particular focus is on the deleterious effects of corporatising language within universities. I reflect upon how this language is used to express notions of value and to shape identity. In (Fairclough, N. [2004]. Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge) phrasing, texts ‘have causal effects upon, and contribute to changes in, people?…?actions, social relations, and the material world’; thus, I examine language-based conceptual inadequacies, misrepresentations, and what Bourdieu terms ‘unconscious inclusions’ – within many contemporary universities. I then consider what style of language, what other attitudes and approaches, actually support the university as a learning place with a specific cultural role, rather than presenting it as another ‘multi-output organisation’.  相似文献   

"新时期"小说的自我认同的建构与中国现代性内部的注重悖论和冲突有着密切的内在关联。从"新时期"初期小说将人道主义话语、个人主义话语与人民话语的纠缠,到中期以民族、文化为中心的群体性寻根话语,都是中国现代性及其困境意识在人学和文学两方面的具体表征。作为审美现代性的集中体现,"先锋小说"既是"新启蒙"思潮的深化,又是对它的彻底反叛。"新写实"等"新"字号小说同样显示着中国现代性文化逻辑对主体认同建构的深刻规约。  相似文献   

在翻译教学中,语篇分析理论要求把语篇当作翻译对象和基本单位,将原语文本作为一个结构完整、语义连贯的有机整体来看待。它立足语篇的交际功能,联系情景语境,对比分析语篇的各个级层,结合语篇外的文化诸因素,从而培养学生的语篇、文体、对比以及技巧意识。  相似文献   

I argue that analyses of racial(ised) discourse and policy processes in education must grapple with cultural disregard for and disgust with blackness. This article explains how a theorization of antiblackness allows one to more precisely identify and respond to racism in education discourse and in the formation and implementation of education policy. I contend that deeply embedded within racialized policy discourses is not merely a concern about disproportionality or inequality, but also a concern with the bodies of Black people, the signification of (their) Blackness, and the threat posed by the Black to the educational well-being of other students. Using school (de)segregation as an example, I demonstrate how policy discourse is informed by antiblackness, and consider what an awareness of antiblackness means for educational policy and practice.  相似文献   


In this article Francisca E Gonzalez shifts the focus from a deficit view of cultural knowledge to an imaginary of the formation of identities and integrity braided with the law, policy, and social formations. In this way, cultural practices cultivate a unique worldview with implications for K-12 educational excellence and academic achievement. Gonzalez situates her research within the national discourse on educational reform so as to direct educational researchers', policy makers', and educators' thinking of young Mexicanas as pensadoras who interrogate the social order, and who give meaning to learning, knowing, and power. She describes a study intended to explore the development of womanhood among young Mexicanas beginning with an explanation of a theoretical lens, a looking prism of critical race feminisms and Latina critical theory interpretive frameworks. Then she explains the study's multimethodological approach of trenzas y mestizaje, the braiding of theory, qualitative research strategies, and a sociopolitical consciousness. The article then details young Mexicana meanings of gendered cultural socialization, educacion, and success as cultural epistemologies and pedagogies, what the young Mexicanas called haciendo que hacer. Gonzalez explains this as the teaching and learning of sociocultural foundations and the cultivation of academic achievement. In closing, Francisca elaborates on how a braiding of different ways of knowing, teaching, and learning brings cultural knowledge to the fore of discourses on human rights, social justice, and educational equity including the formulation of holistic educational policies and practices.  相似文献   

在现代性话语下,国家权力系统和精英知识分子之间构成了一种既相互依赖又相互排斥的文化空间。在这种双向的文化空间中,知识分子尽管完成了对国家、权力、政治等意识形态话语的批判和重建,但也在无形中依附了国家权力系统,二者形成了同构关系。20世纪80年代末,中国知识分子在进行“文化现代性”建设的同时,开始了对后现代话语的承传,在“边缘”这一充分的对话立足点上,试图确认中国知识分子构建知识分子真正的身份,开辟民主的文化空间,建立独立的思想品格、文化自主性和精神公共性,在合理性和合法性等层面上构建知识分子的话语体系。  相似文献   

Early childhood teachers and educational programs are expected to be the primary resources as children experience different and sometimes conflicting cultural contexts. Early educators can play a paramount role as young children move through fluid identities and start recognizing and navigating within and across spaces of cultural differences—e.g., between home cultures and the socially-dominant school culture. In this sense, we draw attention to a multi-year action research study, paying particular attention to the process whereby an early childhood teacher investigated, problematized, and challenged the nature of curriculum and practices in a diverse preschool classroom. We focus on the role of action research in fostering culturally-relevant teaching. As we do so, we analyze an early childhood teacher’s shifting perceptions of what it means to engage in culturally-relevant teaching, respecting and honoring cultural diversities.  相似文献   


This paper suggests that the subject of school reform and technology in education needs to be considered as a discourse that needs to be ‘unpacked’ and analyzed from a social, historical, and cultural perspective. Unpacking the historical and current interests in educational reform in light of information and communication technologies is no simple matter. There are two basic challenges. First, we need to analyze the language of change and the context of school reform. Second, the discourse of school reform needs to placed within a context of history and political theory. In the end the paper asks the reader to consider who the ideological ‘we’ is when we talk about education and technology.  相似文献   


In international educational studies, cultural context matters and demands increased attention by educational researchers worldwide. Along with a globalized discourse, how to map historical–cultural understandings of teaching and learning without getting bogged down in modern Westernized epistemology has become a paradigmatic dilemma. This paper argues a Heideggerian–Foucauldian language perspective can provide a way to address this dilemma. As an example, the paper demonstrates how their language perspective has enabled the author to encounter a ‘wind-education’ discourse in China’s current schooling, and to explore, as the originary (re)source of the whole Confucian educational culture, Confucius’ ‘wind-pedagogy’ as expressed in Yijing. This unique historical–cultural ‘wind-education’ discourse is salient, yet goes unnoticed, in China’s current schooling largely due to a planetary signifier-signified style of reasoning. This paper sheds new light on educational literature on Confucian educational thinking and provides an alternative paradigm to the (cross-)cultural studies of education in China and beyond.  相似文献   

This study reports on the non-discursive aspects of the disciplinary enculturation experiences of five international doctoral students from East Asia in three Second Language studies graduate programmes in the United States. Based largely on interview data, this study examined how students participate in their graduate discourse communities and what may contribute to or hinder academic success. It appeared that the kinds of social capital accrued through social ties and networks are key to students' successful disciplinary enculturation, suggesting the importance of establishing positive personal interactions and locating oneself within supportive discourse community contexts. The present study also sheds light on the issue that disciplinary enculturation is an inherent cultural practice, which may not favour students who do not adopt mainstream socio-academic conventions.  相似文献   

审美现代性是一个历史的范畴,不同文化背景下的艺术实践在面对现代性话语冲击时都带着自身的文化身影。中国审美现代性的历史限定性决定着其不同于欧美审美现代性的实质,“四川画派”在20世纪80年代的出现当为典型,它凸现出中国当代艺术在现代化进程中的特殊性。“四川画派”在理念和形式上所体现出的特色,也正是中国艺术现代化的独特性所在。  相似文献   

We report on a study of preservice teachers who tutored adults learning English in a free evening class while simultaneously taking a course titled Community Literacy. Exploring their participation, we wondered in what ways pedagogy developed within this context. Drawing on a close discourse analysis of preservice teachers’ written work, we found that each preservice teacher constructed pedagogy differently but in ways that drew on students’ funds of knowledge, interests, ways of learning, and political interests. Moreover, through reflections on practice, preservice teachers sedimented their identities as teachers who see diversity as a resource in teaching.  相似文献   

程福蒙 《教育学报》2006,2(3):27-31
本次课程改革所争论的议题,直接或间接地,都在回应社会所面临的文化认同危机。本文将新课程改革放在全球化与本土化交互辩证的文化认同视框中,考察课程改革表象下论述的形成、实践以及论述实践反过来所建构的文化认同,由此了解课程改革论述在接纳与排除的机制运作下,搓揉出一个怎样的文化认同。讨论课程改革需求的解释之语言政治,不同的语言论述是如何互动,课程改革论述的崛起、转变暗示一个怎样的政治、经济和个人教育之间疆域的转换,以及在课程的论述中形成一个怎样的主体化模式,并对文化认同和课程教学进行了反思。  相似文献   

刘士林认为在全球化的文化背景下 ,讲“中国话” ,应特别注意关照现存的边缘话语和非主流话语 ;丁少伦从当代性、文化的具体性、文化的解构和创造等方面阐释了其出版理念 ;张强认为新的人文话语的选择的关键是人文知识分子的主体性和思想的先锋性 ;朱国华分析了中西方两种诗学叙事话语方式的优长和缺失 ;骆冬青认为主流之外的“边缘”、“正统”之外的“异端”是重新发现中国文化话语的灵魂的源地 ;刘墨分析了 2 0世纪中国知识分子的位置话语空间和类型  相似文献   

本文运用泛后现代话语,重绘东方武侠影视,分析其在当下语境,受众面广的历史必然性和现实合理性。本文首先分析金庸武侠影视剧,满足观众消遣娱乐、消费英雄主义、和介入现实的需要,从而确证其与现代性的关联。然后从其对人性异化的关注,对生存困境的反映,对现代性负面质素的批判,指认其与审美现代性的内在联系。最后通过考察江湖权力话语的运作,描述“正义性”消解的后现代症候,在更深层次地论述其文化史意义。  相似文献   

文化逆差与跨文化交际张力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化逆差是文化全球化所传达的现代性与地方文化所固守的民族性之间交互作用的产物,它是跨文化交际的张力所在。通过分析文化逆差产生的经济原因和民族文化心理根源,文章指出文化逆差是现代性话语对民族性话语的暴力征服,在跨文化交际中,弱势文化的逆差直接关系到其文化话语的获得和文化身份在全球化语境的构建。  相似文献   

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