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教育回归生活世界是课程改革的热门话题.文章探讨了哲学意义的"生活世界"与教育回归"生活世界"的误区.重新审视了教育回归生活世界,应重建"理性生活",回归"公共生".  相似文献   

在巴金的创作中,时间观念是断裂的、单向进化的,它区别于古典的亲和性循环时间。受这种现代性时间观念的支配,现代性的时间怨恨表现为两种形态:弱的没落意识与强的奋求意识。巴金本中表现的现代性伦理悖论——“青春是美丽的”与“牺牲的意义何在”,只有在独特的现代性时间背景中,才能凸现其本质。巴金的时间转向,是通过对“在家的时间”与“离家的时间”来重新诠释尼采“永恒回归”主题的。  相似文献   

I shall never forget going to school for the firsttime.I remembered____in the morning and starting to____while my mother began cooking my breakfast.Shekept on____me to hurry up or I would miss the bus,orI would not catch the bus.I soon finished____because Iwas too____to eat much.I was a very small child and I  相似文献   

作为一种幽默形式,喜剧小品是当今人们喜闻乐见的艺术形式,具有独特的艺术表现手法。文章从语用学的视角运用关联理论来解释2007年春晚小品《回家》的幽默语言,以萨克斯等人提出的“话轮转换”和“相邻对”为依据,将小品中的语言划分成小的语言对话单位进行分析,旨在说明关联理论对幽默具有很强的解释力,为观众更好地欣赏小品提供一个新的语用学视角。结果表明:关联理论确实能够充分解释言语幽默现象。  相似文献   

江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要思想是与毛泽东的“全心全意为人民服务”在本质上是一致的。在新时期“三个代表”又使“全心全意为人民服务”的内涵和外延得到理论的升华,具有鲜明的时代特征,并成为检验当代中国共产党人是否全心全意为人民服务的惟一标准。  相似文献   

Education for citizenship is now recommended for all primary schools. Whilst primary teachers have long covered social and moral education, they have been less likely to cover teaching about community and political literacy (including the discussion of topical, controversial issues). This paper reports research findings on current practice and identifies key areas for discussion. It argues that there is great scope for enriching and enlivening the primary curriculum through the introduction of education for citizenship, by extending current practice in social and moral education and incorporating the newer themes of community and political literacy into existing teaching.  相似文献   

马可波罗出使云南时间考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外学者对马可波罗东方行程和年代的注释众说纷纭,莫衷一是,而在马可波罗何时出使云南这一问题上更是存在着激烈争论。笔者在前人研究的基础上,以《马可波罗寰宇记》及《马可波罗注》为主要参考依据,对马可波罗出使云南的时间作了新的探讨,认为马可波罗出使云南应在1281——1282年之间。  相似文献   

Madame Blanche Cohen, a French physiotherapist, was both a colleague of Drs. Fernand Lamaze and Pierre Vellay and their primary teacher of the Lamaze method (also known as accouchement sans douleur, or “painless childbirth”). She is the woman we read about in Marjorie Karmel''s landmark book, Thank You, Dr. Lamaze. In her Paris apartment in 1955, Madame Cohen conducted private classes to prepare Marjorie for her birth experience. She also served as Marjorie''s monitrice when Marjorie gave birth to her first daughter. Madame Cohen is still living in France with her husband, Henry. In this interview, she shares a fascinating glimpse into the history of the Lamaze method.  相似文献   

一、做一名有思想的校长 关于素质教育,有很多说法和理解,既有理论层面的,也有实践层而的,还有哲学层面的.  相似文献   

学风问题是一个关系到党的兴衰成败的重大政治问题,是党理论上和政治上是否成熟的一个根本标志。中国共产党始终重视学风建设,并对学风问题做出了卓越的理论贡献。毛泽东在中共党史上首次指出了学风的内涵,阐明了理论与实际的关系;邓小平强调理论“管用”的方针和原则,强调马克思主义理论的运用;江泽民强调马克思主义的与时俱进和理论创新。  相似文献   

“去来 ,归去来”与“去去 ,归去去”等是陶渊明及其他魏晋唐宋大诗人几乎都使用过的两种表趋向的语词。其使用情况及准确含义 ,语文学界至今没能认识清楚 ,因而在评价和赏析陶渊明及其他诗人名作时 ,一是对陶渊明的创作颠倒了文学与生活的关系 ,二是在错误前提下任意发挥 ,三是反映出当今一些学者治学不严谨。结论 :“去来”是离来 ,“去去”是离去 ,在它们前后加“归”与“兮”仅为调整音节。“归去来”就是归离来 ,亦即离某归来。  相似文献   

"重返八十年代"成为当下最热门的文艺思潮。"辩证法的诗学"、"知识考古学"、"再解读"、"访谈录/回忆录"等是"重返八十年代"思潮中最明显的知识范式,它们以其鲜明的特征推动了"重返八十年代"的深入发展,也存在一些值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

基于数控机床归参考点的故障诊断与排除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分析举例的方法阐述了数控机床归参考点的基本方式,讨论只有做到机械上粗定位,电气上精定位,才能极大地降低归参考点故障的产生。数控机床归参考点故障只有在其确定的回参考点方式下准确诊断,并加以及时排除,才能进一步提高数控机床的开动率和可靠性。  相似文献   

Going Home     
几年前我在纽约的格林尼治村从一位遇到的姑娘那儿第一次听到这个故事。它也许是那种隔几年就会改头换面地被重新传播一次的神奇的民间传说。然而我仍然愿意想象它是个某地某时真正发生过的事。  相似文献   

台湾著名的现代派诗人痖弦,诗思往往延伸到过去时空,在回眸中关照存在。此文剖其为三个方面:乐园式;挽歌式;批判式。并对其发生因由和具体表现进行探讨。  相似文献   

Going Global     
The educational exchange relationship between developed and developing (not accidentally non-Western) countries has always been characterized by imbalances and asymmetries. Accordingly, the traditional forms of North-South relationships have been between donors and recipients. International educational exchange between developed and developing countries needs to be located in a historical context of colonialism, and many constraints continue to pose barriers to genuine partnership. Today, neocolonialism is the relationship that developing countries have to deal with. The present international educational equation has certain institutional and intellectual "centers" that give direction, provide models, produce research, and in general function as the pinnacles of the academic system. At the opposite end of the spectrum are universities that are peripheral in the sense that they copy development from abroad, produce little that is original, and are generally not at the frontiers of knowledge. Educational institutions located in developing countries are strongly dependent on the institutions located in the centers.

Meanwhile, the contemporary academic world is becoming increasingly multipolarized. A critical mass of non-Western scholarship is emerging, and beginning to force a reconsideration of traditional concepts and theories. The latest work in research fields is done at many more centers of scholarship than before. China, a giant periphery, as some scholars describe it, is especially noticeable and should be treated seriously, with its massive investment on research and development. Based on long-standing observation of the Chinese higher education system, this article explores the maintenance of international links in Mainland Chinese universities, set in an international context. It ends with some critical comments and constructive suggestions, with particular regard to the genuine collaboration and reciprocity in international educational exchange between the best institutions in the developed countries and their Chinese peers.  相似文献   


Going Camping     
<正>Last Sunday I went camping with my classmates. We put up tents beside the lake. Our teacher taught us how to make a fire. I forgot to take my lunch box, but my classmates were happy to share their food with me. We enjoyed a lot of nice food and drinks together under the  相似文献   

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