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The spelling errors of third graders who fit phonological andsurface profiles of developmental dyslexia were analyzed, alongwith the errors of younger (reading level matched) andchronologically age matched non-dyslexic comparison groups. InStudy 1, errors were analyzed as phonologically constrained,unconstrained, or inaccurate and as either orthographicallyacceptable or unacceptable. Study 2 extended the errorclassification system to nonword spellings. The main finding wasthat different types of dyslexics produced different types oferrors. Both studies found that children produced spelling errorsconsistent with their type of dyslexia. The phonological groupshowed poor knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences,consistent with the existence of a phonological deficit. Thesurface group's spelling error profile differed from thephonological group and closely resembled the younger normalcomparison group. This pattern is consistent with other evidencethat surface dyslexia represents a general delay in acquiringliteracy skills. The studies provide converging evidence, from aspelling task, that developmental dyslexia is a non-homogeneouscategory consisting of at least two major subtypes with distinctetiologies and behavioral sequelae.  相似文献   

Less-skilled readers may experience a processing bottleneck in reading comprehension produced by a failure to automate word recognition. The automaticity hypothesis predicts that training which increases rapid and automatic word recognition will improve comprehension. To date few studies have tested this hypothesis. Our goal was to test the automaticity hypothesis by training dyslexic readers (n=35) to access the meaning of words more rapidly. Training consisted of speeded word games implemented on a microcomputer that provided feedback concerning subjects’ speed and accuracy using sound and graphics. Three experimental tasks were administered both before and after training in which trials with trained and untrained stimuli were randomly intermixed. The measures were latency and accuracy of word vocalization, sentence comprehension, and a dual-task procedure designed to measure automaticity. Although pre/post improvement was larger for trained than untrained stimuli, reaction time on the word vocalization and sentence comprehension tasks improved significantly for both trained and untrained stimuli. In contrast, automaticity and sentence comprehension accuracy improved significantly for trained but not untrained stimuli. The training effect in comprehension remained when controlling for increases in word knowledge. The results support the automaticity hypothesis and further suggest that severely disabled readers may benefit from training in automatic word recognition. A portion of this research was supported by a Faculty Development Grant awarded to the first author from Southeastern Louisiana University. Directed by the second author, the Los Angeles study was based on a doctoral dissertation submitted by the first author to the University of Southern California in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Portions of this work were presented at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, April 1989, and The Orton Dyslexia Society, Portland, November 1991.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is a developmental disability affecting the acquisition of reading and writing skills, and its developmental nature makes longitudinal research of great importance. This study therefore investigated the cognitive-linguistic profiles of the typical-functioning dyslexics and high-functioning dyslexics with longitudinal cohorts of Chinese-speaking adolescents diagnosed with childhood dyslexia. These two dyslexic groups of fifty students (with 25 typical-functioning dyslexics) were assessed in Grade 2 (Time 1) and in Grade 8 (Time 2), whereas 25 typically developing controls were assessed at Time 2. Students were administered measures of phonological awareness, morphological skills, visual-orthographic knowledge, rapid naming, verbal working memory, and literacy skills. Results showed that, at Time 2, both dyslexic groups performed less well than the control group on most of the measures. Deficits in rapid naming were particularly salient in both dyslexic groups. Comparing the two dyslexic groups, the typical-functioning dyslexics had more multiple deficits than the high-functioning dyslexics. Findings highlight the importance of rapid naming deficits as potential universal causes of dyslexia and the utility of targeting visual-orthographic knowledge and morphological skills in supporting the development of dyslexic adolescents.  相似文献   

In this article I examine the ways in which teachers organize their workplace behaviors as they respond to computers in their schools. Particular attention is given to the strategies that develop among teachers enabling them to address their own occupational concerns and organizational expectations simultaneously. Data were collected through extensive observation and formal interviewing in nine elementary schools. Computers had been in each of the schools for at least five years at the time of the study. Findings reveal that teachers shape the meaning of computer technology in their schools through styles of computing including avoidance, integration, and technical specialization. This influence has critical implications for the ongoing process of computer implementation in elementary schools.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 86th meeting of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1991. The author gratefully acknowledges the comments and suggestions of Maurice Garnier, Randy Hodson, Cynthia Negrey, Brian Powell, Suzanne Staggenborg, and the editor and anonymous reviewers of ETR&D.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal matching abilities of 67 male and female fifth and sixth grade average (18) and severely disabled readers (49) were investigated. Subjects were classified according to the Boder Diagnostic Screening Procedure readers: dysphonetic, dyseidetic, and alexic. Results of the matching task indicated that average and dyseidetic readers were better able than dysphonetic and alexic readers to match purely temporal information. When order of difficulty among the spatial and temporal tasks was analyzed, dysphonetic and alexic readers demonstrated greater difficulty with temporal information. Matching abilities were found to be less related to integration ability than to an ability to sequence temporal information. The existence of possible memory and neurological correlates is discussed.  相似文献   

Processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on an experiment designed to evaluate processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics, defined as university students with a history of reading difficulties who have age-appropriate reading comprehension skills. We compared high-functioning dyslexics with a group of normal adult readers in their performance on a lexical decision task with derived items (such as cloudy and ably) and pseudo-derived items (such as belly and gravy). Some items contained an orthographic change (such as able-ably and gravy) and others did not (such as cloud - cloudy). The results indicated that although control participants’ response times varied systematically as a function of morphological complexity, those of high-functioning dyslexics did not. Further, there was some evidence of a relationship between derivational processing and reading. It seems that high-functioning dyslexics have persistent difficulties in processing one particular aspect of morphology; that of derived forms.  相似文献   

In today’s higher education, the Internet is indispensable in creating, storing, and disseminating information and knowledge. This study examines gender differences among college students in their usage perceptions of the Internet. A multiple-variable logistic model was proposed and tested using data gathered from 805 college students. The results of the study suggest gender differences in usage perceptions of the Internet can be detected among college students. Specifically, the differences are reflected in that male college students have a higher level of perceptions of Internet self-efficacy, experience, and information overload than females. Implications for research in information systems and practice in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study identified children born to mothers in foster care and documented Child Protective Service (CPS) involvement among children.MethodsProbabilistically linked birth and CPS records from California (2009–2012) were used to identify all mothers in foster care on or after conception. Children were followed prospectively using linked records to identify CPS involvement occurring during the first three years of life. Differences between reported and unreported children were examined using χ2 tests. The Latent Class Analysis (LCA) identified classes of children born to mothers in care who were at increased risk of CPS involvement. Model fit was assessed using the Bayesian Information Criterion, entropy, and likelihood ratio tests. For each of the classes, the relationship to the distal outcome (i.e., a maltreatment report by age three), was examined.ResultsFindings indicate that 53% of children born to mothers in care were reported. The proportion of children reported to CPS for maltreatment declined over time, from 63% of children born to mothers in foster care in 2009, to 46% in 2012. The LCA documented three distinct classes of mother-child dyads with varying risk of report. More than one third of children in Class 1 and nearly 70% of children in Class 3 were reported.ConclusionsThis study was the first to develop multi-dimensional class profiles of two-generation CPS involvement among mother-child dyads. This study documents that mothers’ experiences in care and mental health conditions vary widely, underscoring the importance of providing services that fit the needs of dyads.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cultural and familial ties are crucial for the overall well-being of children. Extant research and permanency planning practices support the reunification of children with their families when possible. In 1978, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was enacted to promote cultural and familial preservation for Indian children, but sparse empirical research has examined the implementation and outcomes associated with this landmark legislation. This article examines the relationship between compliance with ICWA in one Southwestern state and the rate of reunification of Indian children with family or tribal members following out-of-home placement. METHOD: Public child protection records were reviewed for 49 ICWA-eligible children who were placed in alternate care. Data were collected on compliance with placement type, use of qualified expert witnesses, and incorporation of Indian culture and resources. Additionally, 78 state caseworkers and 16 tribal workers were surveyed regarding knowledge and attitudes about three areas of compliance. RESULTS: Case record reviews indicated that the majority (83%) of Indian children were placed according to preferences outlined by ICWA. Almost all cases included a court finding that active efforts were applied to prevent family breakup. While state workers reported limited understanding of many ICWA's requirements, both state and tribal workers reported a high level of state-tribal cooperation in working with Indian families and children. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study point to two major patterns of findings: (1) individual case record reviews suggest compliance with ICWA; and (2) differences exist in knowledge and perceptions of ICWA by state and tribal workers. Furthermore, state child protection systems should follow the American Indian lead in further emphasizing cultural and familial ties for children. Highlighting such ties acknowledges the importance of reunification and cultural and familial preservation to enable children to have a clear sense of tradition and belonging. Evidence indicates that compliance with ICWA promotes better outcomes through reunification.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is a complex reading and writing disorder with a strong genetic component. In a German case-control cohort, we studied the influence of the suspected dyslexia-associated gene DCDC2. For the first time in a German cohort, we describe association of a 2445 basepair deletion, first identified in an American study. Evidence of association for three DCDC2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs807724, rs793862, rs807701), previously identified in German or American cohorts, was replicated. A haplotype of these polymorphisms showed evidence for association as well. Thus, our data further corroborate association of DCDC2 with dyslexia. Analysis of functional subgroups suggests association of investigated DCDC2 variants mainly with nondysphonetic, nonsevere, but probably dyseidetic (surface) dyslexia. Based on the presumed function of DCDC2, our findings point to a role of impaired neuronal migration in the etiology of the disease. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
A. WilckeEmail:

通过对一个基于局域网的实验考试系统的设计与分析,阐述了网上考试系统的开发、功能和使用等方面.该系统采用C/S结构的设计方法,界面友好,操作方便.实际应用证明,其随机产生试卷、自动判卷、成绩存档等功能很好地满足了实验考试的要求,深受教师和学生的欢迎.  相似文献   

The present study presents data on two classrooms that used a coteaching approach to provide services to students who were deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing. The author conducted extensive observations, as well as interviews with teachers, students, administrators, and parents. The resulting qualitative data supported coteaching's effectiveness as a service delivery model. However, the research also identified important and specific challenges. Seven subthemes about coteaching are presented, and quotes from various stakeholders are provided to support and illustrate the information reported. Suggestions for future research are provided. The author makes recommendations on how to establish coteaching teams and describes issues surrounding communication, staff development, and family involvement.  相似文献   

Academic entitlement (AE) has been a concern among college educators due to millennial college students entering the educational setting. Although there is theoretical justification to support such conjecture, it remains unclear whether AE is more prevalent among this generation. The present study examines the relationship between narcissism, self-esteem, gratitude, and AE between millennial and nonmillennial college students. Among millennial college students, narcissism, self-esteem, and gratitude were found to be significant predictors of AE; however, among nonmillennial college students, only self-esteem was found to be a significant predictor. Findings were consistent with the literature in that they demonstrate that millennial college students may be more prone to narcissism than previous generations. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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