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The authors respond to the charge that reading for intentionality necessarily leads critics into a naive conception of agency. They argue for methods that hold authors, texts, and audiences in productive tension. Genetic criticism is offered as a perspective in which the author may be integrated within this tension. Using Di Gregorio and Gill's study of Darwin's marginalia and Campbell's examination of Darwin's notebooks, the authors apply genetic criticism to Darwin's writings to demonstrate that intentionalist readings offer scholars a useful critical resource.  相似文献   

《西游记》中的人物都有其文化根源,沙和尚在天为卷帘大将,被观音菩萨收伏为沙悟净,做了唐僧徒弟又称沙和尚,最终为佛祖封为金身罗汉。这一系列称谓用道佛传统予以观照,均有深刻的文化寓意。  相似文献   

Lara Pudwell 《PRIMUS》2017,27(2):281-292

In this paper, we discuss the Experimental Mathematics course taught at Valparaiso University since 2009. We focus on aspects of the course that facilitate students’ abilities to ask and explore their own research questions.  相似文献   

本文论述了在教师的主导作用下,充分发挥学生的主体作用,通过实验探究的手段,学生归纳、概括出化学概念,并通过习题训练,使学生学会知识的迁移,从而使学生形成的化学概念得以巩固。  相似文献   

欧元区主权债务危机自2009年12月在希腊显现以来,呈现出逐步扩大和不断升级的态势。尽管欧洲对欧债危机做出了积极救助,但这场危机依然对全球经济的恢复产生了巨大的负面影响。文章针对欧债危机形成的复杂原因进行多层面的梳理分析,对这次危机爆发的渊源有较为全面和深刻的了解。并将此次危机纳入到目前全球经济复苏所遭遇的政府债务危机的普遍背景中进行了再度溯源,并简要提出了中国应对框架。  相似文献   

This is the report of a qualitative emergent-design study of 2 different Web-enhanced science methods courses for preservice elementary teachers in which an experiential learning strategy, labeled “using yourself as a learning laboratory,” was implemented. Emergent grounded theory indicated this strategy, when embedded in a course organized as an inquiry with specified action foci, contributed to mitigating participants’ resistance to learning and teaching through inquiry. Enroute to embracing inquiry, learners experienced stages resembling the stages of grief one experiences after a major loss. Data sources included participant observation, electronic artifacts in WebCT, and interviews. Findings are reported in 3 major sections: “Action Foci Common to Both Courses,” “Participants’ Growth and Change,” and “Challenges and Tradeoffs.”  相似文献   

Mendeley is a free, web-based tool for organizing research citations and annotating their accompanying PDF articles. Adapting Web 2.0 principles for academic scholarship, Mendeley integrates the management of the research articles with features for collaborating with researchers locally and worldwide. In this article the features of Mendeley are discussed and critiqued in comparison to other, similar tools. These features include citation management, online synchronization and collaboration, PDF management and annotation, and integration with word processing software. The article concludes with a discussion of how a social networking tool such as Mendeley might impact the academic scholarship process.  相似文献   

浙江省武义县俞源乡俞源村,是江南俞姓聚居大村。2005年,新修《俞源俞氏续谱》印行。谱记内对俞源俞氏始祖来自何处、何时徙居俞源语焉不详。同年,在金华市金东区孝顺镇浦口村俞氏重修《婺东浦口俞氏宗谱》中,有多处有关金华孝顺俞氏第十四世孙俞庭坚迁居武义(俞源)的记载。多处史料证明,俞庭坚是俞源俞氏的始祖。  相似文献   

都城作为一种特殊类型的城市,它的产生是聚落演进的结果.作为政治活动的中心,它又是国家演进的产物.中国古都的起源在聚落形态上表现为从部落联盟中心的大邑逐渐演进到王权国家的都城,时间形态上表现为从三皇五帝时代的丘墟文明发展到夏商时期的都城,地域形态上表现为从黄河上、中、下游的广泛分布渐趋集中于中游的中原地区,建筑形态上表现为宫殿、宗庙等大型夯土建筑物的出现.随着宫殿和宗庙的出现以及聚落中心功能的加强,至夏、商两代,真正意义上的"四方之极",即政治、军事、经济、典仪及文化中心的都城最终形成.  相似文献   

In the context of a three-year professional development program in mathematics, practicing elementary teachers persistently engaged in collaborative inquiry and reflection to build connected meanings for slope. One teacher invented a compelling representation for slope as a process of repeated addition, using Cuisenaire rods, based on teachers' shared experiences developing recursively defined linear equations. The presence of and tension between different representations of slope, brought forth by the teachers, catalyzed productive cycles of choice and inquiry for the entire class. Personal agency, purposeful choice, and performance provide a valuable lens for fine-grained analysis of mathematical learning. Preliminary versions of portions of this paper were presented at PME 28 and PME-NA 26.  相似文献   

清代扬州学派的形成“夙有端绪”。由于扬郡本地、邻邑淮安先儒及家学的濡染、沾溉,并接受了顾炎武等进步思想家与吴、皖二派广泛而深刻的影响,从而使扬州学派具有极为深广的学术渊源。  相似文献   

Our paper considers a critical juncture in community college leadership as many community college leaders approach retirement. These transitions are inescapable. How will institutional memory (Parker, 2011) be preserved with the passing of the leadership mantel to a new generation? These transitions also impact ways in which leaders influence student success, institutional mission, and the overall health of the institution (Boggs, 2011). We view these leadership transitions through the lens of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). We ask: How might AI be utilized to successfully navigate community college leadership transitions? Examining two cases where AI was applied within higher education environments, we discuss the potential for such a model to effectively address pending leadership changes within the community college environment. These cases illustrate ways in which AI has been applied in different institutions, yet each provides insight into the ways AI may ameliorate knowledge transfer through narrative and storytelling. We suggest that AI has the potential to address multiple facets of leadership transition and facilitate the development of contextual competency.  相似文献   

用文本分析和历史解剖的方法,追溯欧洲现代派电影的哲学-神学渊源.以往在论述欧洲现代派电影时有意或无意地抛弃基督教传统是有悖于西方文化实情的;欧洲现代派电影的创作渊源可直接追溯到萨特的存在主义、柏格森的直觉主义、新正统存在主义神学和新自由派神学;正是创作者对形而上的终极命题--人的本质、人与世界的关系以及人与上帝的关系问题的无限探索与发问,使其自诞生以来备受关注.  相似文献   

Practical work is often noted as a core reason many students take on science in secondary schools (high schools). However, there are inherent difficulties associated with classroom practical work that militate against scientific inquiry, an approach espoused by many science educators. The use of interactive simulations to facilitate student inquiry has emerged as a complement to practical work. This study presents case studies of four science teachers using a virtual chemistry laboratory (VCL) with their students in an explicitly guided inquiry manner. Research tools included the use of the Inquiry Science Implementation Scale in a ‘talk-aloud’ manner, Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol for video observations, and teacher interviews. The findings suggest key aspects of practical work that hinder teachers in adequately supporting inquiry and highlight where a VCL can overcome many of these difficulties. The findings also indicate considerations in using the VCL in its own right.  相似文献   

Providing refugee students with a safe and welcoming classroom environment is critical for school success but largely dependent on teachers’ knowledge, values, practices, and attitudes. This qualitative study juxtaposes the experience of one refugee students’ experience in the school system and one beginning teachers’ experience in working with and meeting the psychosocial and educational needs of refugee students in the classroom. Using narrative inquiry, from the perspective of a refugee student and a beginning teacher, this study identifies themes and key issues related to teaching refugee students. These experiences are compared to the current literature on refugee education to highlight the beliefs and values that teachers bring to their practice. Findings reveal that there are gaps in beginning teachers’ knowledge about who refugees are, their experiences, and how best to support them in the classroom. Some teachers also held negative attitudes and perspective of refugee students and failed to develop a nuanced perspective of diversity and multiculturalism. This study also shows how narrative inquiry, in the formal of a personal history account, can be used as tool to surface, challenge, and overcome negative stereotypes, biases, and assertions that prevent teachers from effectively supporting their students.  相似文献   

《嫘祖祭典》是流传在西平县民间祭祀先蚕嫘祖的典章。追流溯源当与历代官方提倡置公桑、劝农桑、祭祀嫘祖同出一脉。对于祖宗崇拜和敬畏是中华民族传统文化之一,集中体现了炎黄子孙对先祖的尊崇和赞颂,也是男耕女织的农耕文明之必然。  相似文献   

“穷而后工”说的正式提出 ,一般认为是北宋欧阳修的《梅圣俞诗集序》。其说源于中唐韩愈的“不平则鸣”说。其实此论盖源于司马迁的《报任安书》。不过 ,在司马迁之前 ,屈原、宋玉、刘安已导其先。而在此前 ,更有《孟子·告子下》又导其先。最后 ,此说之远祖似可举出《易·系辞》来  相似文献   

西王母龙虎座是西南地区西王母图像的一个重要组成部分,其造型的主要特征为西王母端坐在龙虎连体神兽座上,这与中国北方发现的类似造型的其他神兽座相似,有着共同的渊源。这种两神兽胁侍一女神的图像题材在青铜时代晚期及铁器时代早期已流行于西亚的伊朗和高加索地区,稍晚时期流行于中亚以及中国北方草原地区。通过比较研究可以发现,这些题材的内容及其传播的轨迹都与游牧民族密切相关;此外,西王母神兽座的造型与中国以西地区女神图像的一致性表明,这一造型可能与西方的女神崇拜有直接关系,或者说汉人至少在表现形式和神化手法上借用了西方的传统。  相似文献   

让.莫内是欧洲一体化的设计者和实践者,其一体化思想的理论来源是米特兰尼的“职能主义”,实践来源是国际联盟和欧洲经济合作组织。让.莫内欧洲一体化思想的本质是“超国家”主义,原则是“共同行动”,其对欧洲一体化进程影响深远,他本人也因此被称为“欧洲之父”。  相似文献   

早期秦人远源虽始自颛顼,但不无神话夸张和玄幻,直接的同源即是殷商。秦人"女修吞卵"和殷人"玄鸟生商"传说属于鸟崇拜意识下的故事构型,具有巧合性和相似性,深刻地反映了二者具有共同的繁衍心理和文化基础。在这种群体意识下商末周初出现秦人"忠商叛周"就不难理解了。《清华简·系年》载秦先人周初被西迁"邾吾",始地在今甘谷县朱圉山一带,但随着时间推移和早期秦人"为周作西卫"角色演进,属地范围推进到了清水县牛头河流域和礼县西汉水流域,已被三十多年来众多的考古发现所证实。早期秦文化分布的三个中心区,西汉水流域出土青铜器规模、品质为最,有鲜明的代表性,这些青铜器的纹饰有独到艺术特点和深厚文化内涵,因而也揭示了早期秦人特有的文化品质及其经典意义。  相似文献   

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