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为了平抑收入差距急剧扩大的趋势,克服社会公平与增长相悖现象,必须关注社会公平。实行公平与增长并重的发展战略新选择,替代“效率优先、兼顾公平”的增长理念,促进和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

客家传统服饰是客家族群文化中极富代表性的符号。它的特色不仅在于视觉符号的象征意义,更加体现在它是客家族群形成的符号标记、客家人生活及生存状态的表征、客家人自我强化人格的象征,等等。正因为如此,客家传统服饰符号在当下外来符号冲击、现代符号变迁的情景中,依旧具有巨大的启示价值和运用价值。  相似文献   

大学生就业歧视的法学分析——以平等权为视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学生就业歧视是在大学生就业过程中的一种违背平等原则的,不正当的排挤和区别对待,其实质是侵害了大学生的就业平等权。判断用人单位是否构成就业歧视,需要考量的是用人单位的区别对待行为是否违背平等原则。大学生就业歧视既具有一般就业歧视的特点,又呈现为复杂性和特殊性。大学生就业歧视不仅影响大学生就业,而且影响高等教育的可持续发展,我们必须加强大学生就业平等权的法制保障。  相似文献   

Differences in children's social interactions during cooperative and competitive games were investigated. Thirty-seven children from two first grade classes with cooperative classroom climates were videotaped while playing a cooperative and a competitive board game. Children's social interactions were coded using Selman's Levels of Enacted Interpersonal Understanding. Small but significant differences were found between game conditions, with more higher-level negotiation strategies and shared experiences occurring during the cooperative games. No differences were found in lower-level strategies. The benefits of using both competitive and cooperative games in early childhood classrooms are discussed.  相似文献   

The showcase writing portfolio process was introduced for nine weeks to eighteen first grade students as an instructional intervention strategy to significantly increase: 1) quality of writing as assessed by the modified holistic rubrics, 2) quantity of writing as assessed using a count of total words written and number of words per journal entry, and 3) motivation to write as assessed by the frequency of visitation to the writing center. Using a t-test analysis, there was a significant increase on all three post assessment measures, as compared to the pre-assessment measures. Thus, the showcase writing portfolio process is an effective teaching strategy for improving writing. The educational implications and significance of this research are: 1) the intervention can be readily integrated into existing early literacy practices advocated in an early childhood curriculum; 2) the measure can be easily used by classroom practitioners for assessment of writing products and processes; 3) the study expands practitioners' uses of the portfolio process as a teaching and motivating methodology.  相似文献   

Differences in children's social interactions during cooperative and competitive games were investigated. Thirty-seven children from two first grade classes with cooperative classroom climates were videotaped while playing a cooperative and a competitive board game. Children's social interactions were coded using Selman's Levels of Enacted Interpersonal Understanding. Small but significant differences were found between game conditions, with more higher-level negotiation strategies and shared experiences occurring during the cooperative games. No differences were found in lower-level strategies. The benefits of using both competitive and cooperative games in early childhood classrooms are discussed.  相似文献   

The showcase writing portfolio process was introduced for nine weeks to eighteen first grade students as an instructional intervention strategy to significantly increase: 1) quality of writing as assessed by the modified holistic rubrics, 2) quantity of writing as assessed using a count of total words written and number of words per journal entry, and 3) motivation to write as assessed by the frequency of visitation to the writing center. Using a t-test analysis, there was a significant increase on all three post assessment measures, as compared to the pre-assessment measures. Thus, the showcase writing portfolio process is an effective teaching strategy for improving writing. The educational implications and significance of this research are: 1) the intervention can be readily integrated into existing early literacy practices advocated in an early childhood curriculum; 2) the measure can be easily used by classroom practitioners for assessment of writing products and processes; 3) the study expands practitioners' uses of the portfolio process as a teaching and motivating methodology.  相似文献   

以<金文编>作为金文的研究对象,从填空记号、代替记号,指示记号、别形记号以及记号字这五个方面进行分析,找出金文中带有记号或记号化的文字,进而更加有力的证明了在传统的"六书"说以及后来的"三书"说之外,还存在另一种"书"即记号字.  相似文献   

"博洛尼亚进程"目的在于通过资源整合在欧洲实现高教一体化,这个进程始于由29个国家签署的《博洛尼亚协议》。从经济学的视角来看,"博洛尼亚进程"是顺应经济全球化的一项举措。学位体系变革是"进程"中最为重要的一项改革,尽管对这个进程存有不少质疑,但欧洲各国仍积极推进,因为"博洛尼亚进程"已经不是单纯的教育问题。  相似文献   

劳动平等既是产生于商品经济的“普世价值”,又是贯穿于社会生产总过程的制度规则.只是在社会主义条件下,劳动平等才取得社会价值体系的主导权,才成为社会经济体系中占主导地位的基本经济关系.劳动平等与其所反映的社会主义经济现实既相矛盾又相统一,社会主义不可能实现完全的劳动平等,但可以提高劳动平等的实现程度.社会主义市场经济下,提高劳动平等实现程度的任务复杂而艰难.一方面,劳动平等与其他市场公平原则并存,形成双重公平叠加的特殊现象;另一方面,企业内部的劳动平等与社会范围的劳动平等既相互区别,又相关联,形成两个层面互动的特殊现象.公有制为主体的市场经济能够建立起全社会范围更高程度的劳动平等.  相似文献   


This paper considers the view, long fashionable in academic and political circles, which sees the expansion of higher education as benefiting the country, economically. Drawing on international and national data, the article suggests that such a belief is no longer defensible. On the basis of such data, it is argued that higher education has been expanded well beyond that threshold, where further expansion could be reasonably regarded as an investment and precondition for national prosperity. It is argued that the present expansion of higher education is better regarded as a form of consumption.  相似文献   

The National Literacy Strategy (NLS) was introduced into schools in England in 1998 with the aim of raising the literacy attainments of primary‐aged children. The Framework for Teaching the Literacy Hour, a key component of the NLS, proposes an interpretation of literacy that emphasises reading, writing and spelling skills. An investigation of the Literacy Hour for pupils with a range of special needs raised questions about teachers' interpretation of literacy when children have severe and complex learning needs. The research suggested that a skill‐based view of literacy is limited and has the potential to exclude pupils who cannot access or produce written material by conventional means. These issues are discussed within the context of views drawn from contemporary literature. Implications for further research are identified.  相似文献   

机会平等才是真正的平等   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平等历来是哲学和政治学的重要概念,也是当今时代的焦点问题。对于平等可从多个维度进行研究,从人的发展维度看,平等可分为起点平等、结果平等与机会平等三个层次。起点平等不可能,结果平等不可取,唯有机会平等才是真正的平等。构建社会主义和谐社会必须努力创造发展机会平等的社会环境。  相似文献   

抽象是对现实的提炼、简化,也是朗格意义上的人类普遍情感的形式化表现,因此抽象本身具有一定的象征性,也是造成象征意义具有多重维度的一个原因。“形式”或“形式化”是抽象的别名,也是艺术的本质之一;形式与象征关系复杂:从象征的客观存在言,象征是一种“形式”;而形式化或形式抽象是象征的一个成因。形式抽象的基础是形象或经验世界。  相似文献   

字符,这里是指汉字构形学上包容“声符”、“形符”、“记号”等的概念。各种类型的文字结构之间的对应,最大可能是基于字符的层次。字符区别意义的功能,在于整个文字结构类型。字符的确定,实际上意味着意义类型的划分。每个研究者首先遇到的是具体字符的分析和归类问题,特别是面对的处理对象是复杂的文字类型,最棘手的就是如何分析出相对完整的字符单位,也就是找到相应的归类。如果各自分类标准出入比较大,无论怎样千方百计分级分层的编码设计都过于“个性化”,也就很难说得上走向实际通用。  相似文献   

This article argues that test takers are as integral to determining validity of test scores as defining target content and conditioning inferences on test use. A principled sustained attention to how students interact with assessment opportunities is essential, as is a principled sustained evaluation of evidence confirming the validity or calling into question the inferences for individual students. Three innovative assessment systems are highlighted to illustrate where and how the developers might handle diverse test taker needs and learning characteristics. ONPAR measures challenging content using multisemiotic methods and novel item types, designing items to handle multiple profiles so they are accessible for most students. Dynamic Learning Maps has built an innovative network of learning maps, and multiple pathways designed to model how diverse students acquire knowledge. To support their assessments, the National Center and State Collaborative has built an exemplary web of educator resources such as content modules and guides in order to support differentiated learning.  相似文献   

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