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The exhibition "The Holy Land of Tibet" was held in Taipei Palace Museum from July 1 to September 19. Tibet, an autonomous region of China known as the Roof of the Earth : enjoys rich and time-honored Buddhist traditions. For instance, a popular legend about the origin of the Tibetan people is widespread,that the Goddess of Mercy incarnated herself into Macaque and married with Rakasasa and their offspring were ancestors of theTibetan ethnic group. Religious concepts and image styles of Tibetan Buddhism are drastically different from Buddhism of inland China.That is why inland Chinese feel unfamiliar with Tibetan Buddhism.  相似文献   

China-Europe trade was first launched by Portuguese fleets which began to navigate in Chinese seas in the 16th century. Numerous Chinese commodities were shipped to Europe, among which Chinese porcelain was particularly favored by European noblemen and merchants as a sign of fortune. In the 17th and 18th century, the fever on Chinese art, triggered out by the French court, brought China-Europe trade growth to an unprecedented height.  相似文献   

In the end of the 19th Century, Richthofen, a German geographer coined the term Silk Road that refers to the route from China toRome.Then in the early 20th Century, the Silk Road attracted many people of Western countries, such as KozIov of Russia who led an expedition to Inner Mongolia and Tibet, Stein of UK, Pelliot of France, Greenwood and Le Coq of Germany who arrived at Central Asia and Xinjiang for adventure and plundering, and the Otani expedition of Japan reached Tibet. The Western powers only came to look for the Buddhism that founded by Shakyamuni in the 6th Century BC, Buddhist antiques and other artworks with thousands years history in Central Asia, Xinjiang, Dunhuang, etc.  相似文献   

<正>Imitation: from Soft-Paste to Hard-Paste Porcelain In the 16th century, Europe was still in the age of pottery and unable to make real porcelain. So it is un...  相似文献   

Terra-cotta warriors in the Mausoleum of First Emperor were first discovered in 1979. Thanks to hard work and successful excavation by archeologists, a magnificent museum was built in the site and opened to public in 1979. The mausoleum and warriors have been hailed as one of the greatest archeological findings in the 20th century and the site was included in the World Cultural Heritage list in 1987.[第一段]  相似文献   

Writing is one of the most remarkable skills of mankind. Human culture can be continued and preserved with writing.In the early 20th century, the fountain pen began to replace the brush which had been used by Chinese for more than one millennium. In 1928, the first home-made pen was produced in Shanghai. After new China was founded in 1949, the fountain pen became the most popular writing tool, thanks to its portability and convenience in writing and storage. A  相似文献   

Porcelain wares were the most elegant present that China gave to Europe so that they are even called "China" in English. In the early 17th century when the Dutch people attacked Portuguese vessels and moved Chinese goods on the vessels to Amsterdam, the European women were so amazed by the elegance of the porcelain wares that they even did not dare to touch them. The production method of porcelain wares also has different versions in the West. Bacon (1561-1626) mentioned how the Chinese made porcelain in his book "The New Atlantis" (1624). Thomas Brown (1605-1682) also pointed out two other ways of producing porcelain in the 17th century: to bury eggshells, lobster shells and plaster under the ground for 80 years; or to put the mud under the sunshine for 40 years. All these tales and legends made the porcelain wares even more sacred and precious.  相似文献   

September 9, 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of the National Library of China. 1 00 years ago, the Imperial Capital Library, the predecessor of the National Library of China, was founded. Over the past century, the library has adhered to its motto of "continuing the civilization and serving the society", making significant contribution to the evolution of human civilization and social progress.  相似文献   

Yixing clay is a type of clay from the region near the city of Yixing in Jiangsu Province, China. Its use dates back to the Song Dynasty [960-1279] when purple clay was firstmined around Lake Taihu in China. From the 1 7th century on, the ware was commonly exported to Europe. The finished stoneware, which is used for teaware and other small items, are usually red or brown in color. They are known as purple sand ware, and are typically unglazed. The clays used for Yixing wares are very cohesive and can be formed by slip molding,  相似文献   

<正>The exhibition"The Holy Land of Tibet"was held in Taipei Palace Museum from July1to September19.Tibet,an autonomous region of China known as the"Roof of the Earth",enjoys rich and time-honored  相似文献   

In the late 19th century, a war occurred between China and France due to France's occupation of Tonkin Gulf in northern Vietnam. The Qing Court government was defeated and forced to sign an unequal treaty. According to this treaty, France acquired in 1898 an authorization to build and operate railways along borders between China and Indochina. Soon after, Vietnam-Yunnan Railway was constructed to cut across the Red River and tropical forests of southern Yunnan and lead to Kunming, a key town of southwest China.  相似文献   

Donnu Guo ("Eastern State of Women") was an ancient kingdom governed by queens and existing during the Sui and Tang dynasties (approx. 6th-9th centuries AD). Few historical records have been ever found about this mysterious matriarchic society until it was rediscovered one thousand years later in Danba, a county in western Sichuan Province adjacent to Tibet. Ancient watchtowers, unique terrains in the shape of plum blossoms and in particular beautiful women that have been insulated within the depth of mountains for hundreds of years,all have gained it a reputation as the "valley of female beauty".  相似文献   

In this amazing season, the 2013 Xi'an Qujiang Relics Park Music Festival, China's greatest music event celebrated its grand opening on September.A Cross-cultural Music Event The 2013 Xi'an Qujiang Relics Park Music Festival was held in Xi'an Tang Paradise from September 14th to October 7th.This event was the perfect combination of pop music, culture and history, presenting wonderful music to the audience by 27 groups of artists from home and abroad.  相似文献   

Pagodas were first buiff as places to memoriallze and worship the Buddha,the founder of Buddhism,After Buddhism's sprad to China,this traditional structure was combined with Chinese architecture to form a distinctive new kind of pagoda native to China.  相似文献   

The History of Ma Manchu's Conquest and Rule over China Starting in the late 16th century,Nurhaci,a Jianzhou Jurchen chieftain,started to unify Jurchen tribes of northeast China.Over the next several decades,he continued to move the capital southward and took control over most of  相似文献   

The year 2010 marks the 150th anniversary of the destruction of the Old Summer Palace (the Yuanmingyuan Garden). In order to commemorate this lamentable disaster, an exhibition on photographs of the Old Summer Palace shot by Ernst Ohlmer, a German tax official serving in China Custom in the late 19th century, will be jointly launched by Beijing World Art Museum and Taiwan-based Qin Feng Old Photo Studio. The exhibition will display 72 large original photos developed from 12 negative films by Ernst Ohlmer, presenting to visitors an authentic review of the vestiges of this spectacular royal garden destroyed by Western colonists.  相似文献   

The year 2010 marks the 150th anniversary of the destruction of the Old Summer Palace (the Yuanmingyuan Garden). In order to commemorate this lamentable disaster, an exhibition on photographs of the Old Summer Palace shot by Ernst Ohlmer, a German tax official serving in China Custom in the late 19th century, will be jointly launched by Beijing World Art Museum and Taiwan-based Qin Feng Old Photo Studio. The exhibition will display 72 large original photos developed from 12 negative films by Ernst Ohlmer, presenting to visitors an authentic review of the vestiges of this spectacular royal garden destroyed by Western colonists.  相似文献   

<正>Religious Life Buddhism Zen was the most prominent of the several forms of Buddhism practiced in the period when China was ruled by Jurchens,but under Khubil...  相似文献   

The Chinese edition of Greek writer Panagiotis Tranoulis’s novel “The Furnace” was recently published by China Translation & Publishing Corporation. The book, like a gentle breeze from the Aegean Sea, has opened a window on contemporary Greek literature and been well-acclaimed by Chinese readers. At the release ceremony of the new book, Tranoulis donated to Beijing Foreign Studies University publications and AV materials worth 50,000 RMB. A child, insulated from the blessing of th…  相似文献   

Suzhou Art Museum, first built nearly one century ago, celebrated its 80th anniversary this autumn. Despite so many ups and downs, this Greek-style structure, with 14 columns in its facade, still stands chicly at the bank of Canglangting (surging wave pavilion) River, housing art exhibitions and receiving numerous visitors every year. In the early 20th century when the 2000-year-strong feudal monarchy was overthrown and modern democracy began to be established in China, many Chinese elites w…  相似文献   

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