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Understanding the quality of science systems requires international comparative studies, which are difficult because of the lack of comparable data especially about inputs in research. In this study, we deploy an approach based on change instead of on levels of inputs and outputs: an approach that to a large extent eliminates the problem of measurement differences between countries. We firstly show that there are large differences in efficiency between national science systems, defined as the increase in output (highly cited papers) per percentage increase in input (funding). We then discuss our findings using popular explanations of performance differences: differences in funding systems (performance related or not), differences in the level of competition, differences in the level of university autonomy, and differences in the level of academic freedom. Interestingly, the available data do not support these common explanations. What the data suggest is that efficient systems are characterized by a well-developed ex post evaluation system combined with considerably high institutional funding and relatively low university autonomy (meaning a high autonomy of professionals). On the other hand, the less efficient systems have a strong ex ante control, either through a high level of so-called competitive project funding, or through strong power of the university management. Another conclusion is that more and better data are needed.  相似文献   

The contextual approach gives the impression that we are moving into the 21st century with three competing scientific traditions of interpretation. Another understanding is the systemic view, which indicates a paradigm with complementing traditions of interpretation, depending on ontological level. The paradigm of archival science is, like that of many other sciences, influenced by positivism, systems theory and hermeneutics. The relevance of the paradigm depends on personal beliefs. The hermeneutic understanding of archival science emphasizes the context and deconstructs central concepts. Hermeneutics emphasizes the influence of conceptual changes and technological advances on perception. Hermeneutics stresses the need for a socio-cultural and historical orientation of archival science. The positivistic tradition is coloured by the myths about an ideal science. This is reflected firstly in the analogy comparing archives with nature, and secondly in the deductive method. Positivism is instrumental in its demands for distinct definitions of concepts and its insistence on the record as the basis of archival science. The flexibility of systems theory highlights the complex relations between context and record. Systems theory can, at its best, serve as a meeting-place for researchers, archivists and users and accordingly form the basis for new knowledge and theory formation. Systems theory enables a materialistic/dialectic epistemology based in reality and inspired by other relevant sciences. The result may be the foundation of a systemic-functionalist archival science with activities, records creation and evidential values in focus.  相似文献   

基于系统科学的知识组织研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍系统及系统科学的基本概念的基础上,以分类法和主题法为例,阐述了系统科学的原理和方法在知识组织中的应用.  相似文献   

杨建林 《情报学报》2020,39(2):125-134
与社会学等传统的社会科学相比,情报学的学科地位明显较低,其中一个重要原因是:情报学还没有形成一个被广泛接受的基础理论体系,情报学领域内争议较多,内行、外行对情报学的认知都不深刻。文章在剖析情报学理论流派、情报学范式的基础之上,探讨情报学各个研究领域之间的关系,构建一个广义情报系统体系结构模型,进而给出整合情报学现有理论体系的基本思路以及重构情报学基础理论体系的六点建议。其中,广义情报系统体系结构模型是重构情报学基础理论体系的基础,它将基于信息管理框架与知识管理框架的管理科学范式、基于intelligence的软科学范式、基于information的图书信息学范式这三大范式统一在一个模型之中。  相似文献   

图书馆学、情报学与档案学是同源学科,它们共同关注社会信息交流系统,是在信息技术支持下面向用户需求的信息采集、信息组织与信息产品形成过程。与其他信息学科相比,它们以社会认识论信息为基础,强调以相关为核心的信息运动过程,更关注信息意义的社会构建过程。它们的差异主要体现在以不同用户服务目标为基础的服务理念差异(图书馆的全民服务、情报的特定服务与档案的区别服务),以及由此导致的信息资源选择差异、信息序化方法及程度差异。  相似文献   

This article describes the issues involved in using a multi-method approach to address multi-faceted interdisciplinary research in archival science. The example chosen to illustrate the multi-method approach is taken from recent research, which explored the recordkeeping-ethics-law nexus from the perspective of communities as social systems, regulatory models for recordkeeping and their continuing application to online records. The methods combined traditional archival and social science research techniques, as well as legal and ethics research tools drawn from law and moral philosophy, together with disciplinary discourse analysis, concept mapping and empirical examples to illustrate the concepts. The example demonstrates that complex research questions that cross disciplinary boundaries need to draw from a number of research paradigms and conceptual understandings, which assist in breaking down the barriers with knowledge domains that have to date, had limited contact with archival science.  相似文献   

基于图书馆社会化的图书馆学社会化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文分析图书馆社会化与图书馆学社会化的关系,并从图书馆社会化入手,分析提高图书馆学社会化的各种措施和保障制度,提出图书馆学社会化过程中发挥图书馆社会化作用的途径。  相似文献   

加强学科建设促进研究生教育的可持续发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
概述学科与学科建设的意义和作用,提出我国高等院校学科建设的工作思路与重点;介绍我国学位授权审核的原则和学位授权的学科结构;分析当前我国研究生教育的新特点,并指出图书馆学、情报学、档案学研究生教育应当在五个方面进行努力。  相似文献   

文章分析了影响因子、期刊h指数和特征因子等三种期刊评价指标的优缺点,并以《期刊引证报告》2011年版的INFORMATION SCIENCE&LIBRARY SCIENCE(信息科学与图书馆学)类下期刊为例,对各种评价指标之间的相关性进行分析.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆学的发展需要与经典学科的话语系统进行对话,借鉴和引入一些经典学科的学术思想和方法将会对图书馆学范式变革产生积极影响,从而促进图书馆学的科学化进程。[方法/过程]基于科学共同体语境,以物理学为参照学科,通过把物理学的经典思想、基本定律和研究方法与图书馆学的若干研究问题结合起来,构建一个图书馆学与物理学进行交流融合的可操作性图景,重新认识未来图书馆学的范式发展。[结果/结论]物理学中熵增定律、波粒二象性、测不准定律、第一性原理4个物理学思想和基本定律可以为图书馆学学术研究思维和态度所借鉴,物理模拟实验和理想化方法可以为图书馆学研究方法论所汲取。未来图书馆学在与其他经典学科对话融合后,将呈现出图书馆学的学科价值体系扩展、图书馆学领域已有的研究模式转变的趋势。  相似文献   

英国图书馆专业从业人员的培养,迄今经历过四个时期。其中尤以分别代表了后两个时期的百年考制和专业教制为要。从对这两种体制的评说,可以看出英国的图书馆,图书馆协会以及图书馆学教育三者间的关系和各自角色与作用的演变。这一考察的目的是为中国的图书馆事业及相关的教学与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

论信息管理学的进化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
论信息管理学的进化岳剑波ABSTRACTFromthedevelopmentalviewofpoint,informationmanagementcanbedividedintothreestages:ancient,modernandcon-tem...  相似文献   

评《信息系统理论与实践》一书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评述武汉大学严怡民教授主编的《信息系统理论与实践》一书,并对该书在情报学理论与信息系统理论的关系研究、信息系统基础理论研究、信息系统建设与管理方法论研究及信息系统资源管理理论研究等方面独具特色的内容进行评述。  相似文献   

开放科学的驱动因素、发展优势与障碍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]考察目前国际开放科学的发展情况,为国内开放科学的发展提供理论支撑和参考。[方法/过程]通过网络调研和文献调研,综述和介绍开放科学的涵义、驱动开放科学发展的因素及当前开放科学发展的优势和障碍。[结果/结论]开放科学的概念存在多样性;科学发展的需求、各机构和国家的开放科学政策和实践项目是开放科学发展的主要驱动因素;开放科学的优势逐渐凸显,如提高科研的速度和效率、促进发现新的科研问题、增强科研的可见性和参与度、促进学术严谨和科研质量、增强科研合作和群体建设等;开放科学虽有优势,但也有一些因素阻碍其发展,如缺乏学术报酬等激励机制、独立的科研文化与竞争性、缺乏开放科学的知识技能、缺乏知识产权法律保障等。  相似文献   

The paper examines the state and basic directions of fundamental studies in the field of informatics, as well as the modern trends and prospects of its development as a science and complex research issue. At present, informatics is at a new stage of development and will, in the nearest future become an independent branch of science.  相似文献   

正在兴起的公共数字文化服务,迫切需要大量掌握图书馆学、博物馆学、档案学知识的复合型人才,三门学科课程体系的整合是学界关注的主要问题。在数字环境下,图书馆、博物馆、档案馆有共同的研究对象——文献,共同的建设任务——资源数字化,和共同的服务内容——数字文化服务,这些共性为三门学科的课程体系整合提供了现实依据。近年来,国外的iSchools运动、面向宽广信息职业的专业教育以及相关国际会议也正在倡导并推动这种整合。基于此,本文提出了以人机交互为核心,以文化管理、生态管理、馆藏管理、技术管理为主要内容的图书馆学、博物馆学、档案学课程体系整合模型。图1。参考文献30。  相似文献   

图书馆学研究中国化:概念、原因和内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澄清图书馆学研究中国化和本土化、中国化和全球化等概念之间的关系,并从西方图书馆学理论产生的历史背景及其学理结构上论证中国化将是图书馆学研究的永恒课题。认为图书馆学研究中国化内容主要包括三个层次,其中的重点应放在努力发现中国当今特定时空下、特定图书馆实践的新问题,去证伪那些一度作为中国图书馆学研究中心的西方通则。  相似文献   

Data science is a rapidly growing field with applications across all scientific domains. The demand for support in data science literacy is outpacing available resources at college campuses. The academic library is uniquely positioned to provide training and guidance in a number of areas relevant to data science. The University of Arizona Libraries has built a successful data science support program, focusing on computational literacy, geographic information systems, and reproducible science. Success of the program has largely been due to the strength of library personnel and strategic partnerships with units outside of the library. Academic libraries can support campus data science needs through professional development of current staff and recruitment of new personnel with expertise in data-intensive domains.  相似文献   

赵栋祥 《图书情报工作》2018,62(17):120-128
[目的/意义] 公众科学平台是一种新兴的公众科学服务模式,其发展现状和服务实践对我国的公众科学平台建设和发展具有启示意义。[方法/过程] 以公众科学平台Zooniverse为例,从其发展现状、面向公众科学项目全过程的支持服务以及公众科学生态系统的创建3个方面,总结和分析该平台围绕公众科学的服务创新和实践探索,并探讨关于我国公众科学平台建设的思考和启示。[结果/结论] 除自然科学领域外,Zooniverse也表现出对人文社会科学领域的特别关注;Zooniverse平台提供面向公众科学项目全过程的一站式支持服务,并创建一个完善的公众科学生态系统以支持在线交互和协同合作;为加强公众科学平台建设,我国应该借鉴Zooniverse的实践经验,巩固公众科学平台建设发展的基础,充分发挥行业协会和社会组织的作用,并尝试新兴ICT在公众科学平台建设中的应用。  相似文献   

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