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本文以白鹿洞书院为例,从"道"与"化"的视角勾勒古代书院的课程图景。其中,从来源、选择和结构三方面探寻书院课程之道,从内容、次序和方式三方面探寻书院课程之化。书院"道——化"课程思想的要义是以人性为核心构建圆心式课程目标,以文化为主轴梳理累进式课程内容,以导学为枢纽形成自学式课程范式。  相似文献   

康乐园教育书院是书院模式的网络学习社区,体现了网络学习社区的一个新的发展方向——网络书院。文章通过对康乐园教育书院"精华博文"栏目的博文回复的社会网络分析和内容分析,研究网络书院中的交互关系与质量,进而提出了一些网络书院发展的建议。  相似文献   

办学经费是影响教育事业发展的一个重要因素,对书院的办学活动起着直接的制衡作用。莲池书院的经费来源广泛,并相对充足,为书院教育活动提供了必备的物质基础。近代教育家吴汝纶在主持莲池书院期间特别重视办学经费,曾为书院别筹经费,对书院的发展产生了积极的教育效果及社会影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to explore whether there is a gender difference in the beneficial effects of Racing Academy, which is a video game used to support undergraduate students learning of Mechanical Engineering. One hundred and thirty-eight undergraduate students (15 females and 123 males) participated in the study. The students completed a pre-test a week before they started using Racing Academy. The pre-test consisted of a test of students’ knowledge of engineering, and a measure of students’ motivation towards studying engineering. A week after using Racing Academy the students completed a post-test which was identical to the pre-test, except it also included a measure of how frequently they used Racing Academy and how motivating the students found playing Racing Academy. We found that after playing Racing Academy the students learnt more about engineering and there was no gender difference in the beneficial effect of Racing Academy, however there is some evidence that, female students found Racing Academy more motivating than male students. The implications for the use and design of video games for supporting learning for both males and females are discussed.  相似文献   

由江西余干籍右丞相赵汝愚及其从弟赵汝靓创办的东山书院,在赵汝愚好友朱熹的亲临讲学与大力协助下,文风日盛,培养和熏陶了诸如柴元裕、饶鲁、谢枋得、胡居仁等一代又一代的理学名人与乡贤。东山书院虽曾多次遭毁,但始终发展并延续了下来,成为齐名于白鹿洞书院、鹅湖书院、白鹭洲书院、豫章书院的江西古代著名书院。虽然近现代其关注度和影响力不及这三所书院,但其曾经的辉煌却是一种客观存在。  相似文献   

明代,随着明政府军事、政治权力在贵州的确立,行省的设立、移民的涌入,贵州当地的经济、文化获得相当大的发展。书院的纷纷兴建便是教育文化发展的一种象征。明代贵州书院的兴衰沉浮亦是随着全国书院发展的大环境而有起有落。与全国其他地区书院的发展相比较,明代贵州书院的发展有着自身的一些基本特征。而书院的兴起,不仅推动当地学术文化的发展,而且也深深影响到当地民众的精神信仰、风俗习惯及伦理道德等方方面面。  相似文献   

从竹山书院看徽州的书院文化情结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹山书院是雄村这一传统文化村的重要历史遗存,人们从中可窥见徽州的书院文化情愫及其渊源与归结之一斑。  相似文献   

具有学校功能的书院,有"聚书"、"聚徒讲学"和"习礼"这三个"要件".乃古代"留意斯文之地方贤士大夫"所为的一种学校模式.其产生的年代曾长期有争议.建于唐代的具有教学功能的书院于二十多年前,在江西已发现有确实的证据.东佳书院(东佳书堂、义门书院)史料的发现,已使书院起始于唐代成为中外教育史学界的共识,而后又发现了多处,如桂岩书院、景星书院、施肩吾书院(石室书堂)、都官书堂等等.近年有人又提到了丰城的罗山书院、进贤的栖贤书院亦建于唐代,然而这两所书院当时(唐代)是否已具有学校性质尚待证实.  相似文献   

南溪书院生态文化建设与旅游开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在尤溪最能体现朱熹理学文化的无疑就是南溪书院。考察南溪书院建设的历史,可以发现世人对南溪书院有着特殊的情结。打造朱子文化城的核心应该是南溪书院的建设。目前南溪书院无论是建筑规模.还是文化意蕴尚不能充分体现朱子文化的精髓,不能很好地为朱子文化城的建设服务。南溪书院的建设应始终贯穿生态与文化两条主线,做好生态文章,提升文化品位,借“海西”发展的东风,促进尤溪经济文化事业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍了戴钧衡创办桐乡书院的有关情况及其所取得的成就,阐述了戴钧衡创办桐乡书院的指导思想,指出了戴钧衡对书院教育的认识和全新的办学理念以及在当时产生的积极影响。他撰写的《桐乡书院四议》对书院教育有很好的指导和借鉴作用,桐乡书院也因此成为晚清书院发展史上的一面旗帜。  相似文献   

The article is an argument in favour of a type of national science policy in which a National Academy of Sciences is at the same time the highest ranking association of scientists and the capstone of a national organization of research institutes specialized in different fields of the sciences and the humanities. Such was the Soviet Academy of Sciences and is now the Russian Academy of Sciences, the roots of which go back to 1724. The achievements in science of the various Academy institutes are detailed, and while the author recognizes that the universities too perform research, their basic task is teaching. For him, the duality of research in the academy and teaching in the universities has given good results and should continue.  相似文献   

清代历任直隶总督对保定莲池书院的发展有着重要的作用,历任直隶总督与莲池书院的院长之间都有着千丝万缕的联系;在莲池书院的发展过程中,图书建设、学院经费、课程管理、考课、讲学等多方面,直隶总督都起着特殊的作用。曾国藩、李鸿章、袁世凯在任职期内对书院在嬗变中所做的调整及改革的努力尤为突出。政府与社会的合力是莲池书院兴盛与转型结局的决定因素。  相似文献   

稷下学宫是我国春秋战国时期齐国举办的最著名的一所高等学府,稷下学宫人才辈出,各学派充分发展,百家之学差不多都可以在稷下学宫找到思想的源头.稷下学宫的成功离不开人才,它的管理人才的方法对当代高校教师人才管理有十分重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

讲学功能,作为书院的本质所在;而祭祀作为一种规范的展礼、学礼活动,历来受到古代教育者的高度重视。基于对“考亭书院”、“鳌峰书院”、“叔圭精舍”这三所书院所奉祭主的考察,分析书院所奉祭主的发展脉络和主要特征。  相似文献   

应天书院在北宋时期位居全国四大书院之首,在文化教育史上具有重要地位。应天书院的前身为后晋戚同文讲学的睢阳学舍,北宋大中祥符二年获应天书院赐额,书院日益官学化。北宋时期,应天书院位于州(府)治东,明代嘉靖年间,御史蔡叆改建社学为应天书院,在商丘县城西北隅。郑三俊于万历二十九年建宋范文正公讲院,可以看作是北宋应天书院的延续。  相似文献   

A short aperçu of the Albanian Academy of Sciences is given. Its twelve institutes are grouped into two sections, one dealing with the social and human sciences, the other dealing with the natural and technical sciences. The work of the Academy has been seriously hampered by financial and social problems. Some financial aid has been provided by the SOROS Foundation, but much more is needed. The Academy looks forward to fruitful collaborative relations with other academies in the Balkans and in Europe in general.  相似文献   

保定莲池书院是清代直隶省最高层次的书院,其教学内容主要围绕科举考试设计。自从近代西学课程被引入书院,莲池书院的教育内容呈现出中西交融的态势。吴汝纶任院长后推行的书院课程西学化改革,虽然为书院注入了新鲜的血液和力量,但在当时的社会背景下,书院课程变革却因为主体自身的失落而未能逃脱终结的命运,当然这也为清末"新学制"的制定提供了有益资源。  相似文献   

以现实的地域辖区而论,台湾之有书院,最早可以追溯至南宋时期的金门。以本岛而言,则施琅所创西定坊书院应为台湾最早的书院;与其后所创的8所书院,是台湾书院发展的初期,而不应认为是“徒具书院之名”的“义学”。以卫台揆崇文书院为转折点,台湾书院进入了成熟期,并由此迎来了台湾书院发展的高潮。福建书院的成功经验,为台湾书院的发展提供了先进的办学模式以供参照和借鉴。而赴台的福建官员和学者的努力,则是台湾书院成功办学的关键。在以闽学治台的政策导向中,台湾书院起到了振兴纲纪,教化民众,促进台湾经济、文化和教育事业发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

The process of transforming the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, founded in 1869 as a Bulgarian Learned Society, into a national research center began in 1940 and was significantly accelerated in 1944, immediately after the coup d'état of September 9, 1944, called during the last 50 years a 'socialist revolution'. Strong pressure was exerted on the Bulgarian 'bourgeois intelligentsia' by the new Fatherland Front ruling circles controlled by the communists. Closing down of the old and appointing a new 'progressive' Academy was also discussed. The urgent actions of the Executive Council of the Academy prevented these plans. A number of progressive-minded scholars and artists were elected to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts in January 1945 and July 1946, and a plan for reorganizing the Academy was approved in November 1945. This opening stage of self-restructuring of the Academy was crossed out by the Law of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences of 1947. By this law the Academy was transformed into a governmental organization, but some academic autonomy and respect for the academic traditions were preserved. Only two and a half years later, however, when the Bulgarian Communist Party had an absolute majority in the Parliament and the 'open building of socialism in the People's Republic of Bulgaria' had been already announced, a new, completely totalitarian, Law on the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was passed.  相似文献   

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