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In common with the Academies of Science of the other European countries, the Romanian Academy traces its origins back to a local scholarly society founded in 1795 in Sibiu to promote the study of the Romanian Language and of Romanian history. Such origins were as much influenced by Herder's stress on the importance of local culture as by Liebnitz's urging that all the great rulers of Europe create academies of science to be in the service of the state. In common with the Academies in the other eastern and central European countries, the Romanian Academy suffered under communism but was re‐established with a new lease on life after the collapse of the communist regime. The oldest international non‐governmental organization committed to international scientific co‐operation is the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) that was created in 1931. Its Standing Committee on the Free Circulation of Scientists (SCFCS), created in 1963, contributed to liberalizing science in the communist countries and in bringing about the rebirth of the Academies in eastern and central Europe after the collapse of communism. The Romanian Academy was a founding member of ICSU.  相似文献   

Seemingly unlike the cases of the Academies of Sciences in the other eastern and central European countries, the Romanian Academy wishes to continue sponsoring state‐of‐the‐art‐research to be undertaken in its own network of research institutes. This decision comes both as a reaction to attempts made by the Ceauescu regime to destroy the Academy completely and the realization that other major models of national research policy, notably the US model, the western European model, and an intermediate one adopted in Mexico, are not easily adapted to Romanian reality. The specifically Romanian model chosen, of beginning with two major sets of government supported research institutes subordinated either to the Ministry of Science and Technology or to the Romanian Academy, of linking them to the universities, and of adapting them according to the dictates of a market economy and democratization seems to be the best option.  相似文献   

The article begins with quotations from Act No. 4 of 5 January 1990 of the Romanian Government, stating the mission and purposes of the Romanian Academy in a post‐communist Romania. Thus the missions of the Academy include a traditional mission, that of being the highest scientific forum in the country; a social‐managerial mission, by which the Academy undertakes specific scholarly projects of major national and international interest; an active mission, that of work in a number of areas performed by 65 units and 2,000 researchers; and finally, that of uniting the scholarly efforts of all Romanians, both inside and outside the territorial limits of Romania.  相似文献   

艺术设计教学过程评价方案的研制和实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过程评价方案是实施过程评价的方法和途径,方案制订的好坏,直接影响过程评价的实施效果和艺术设计人才培养的质量。研制过程评价方案要以艺术设计创新人才培养为目标,以培养创新精神和实践能力为目的。以学生全面发展为根本,以艺术设计教学要求为依据。突出重发展、重创新、重综合、重过程的特色;实施过程评价方案要以提高师生认识为前提,建立保障措施为基础。使过程评价方案的研制和实施成为艺术设计创新人才培养的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Although the Romanian Academy, as it had evolved through 1948, was dismantled by the communist government of the country, scientists in such fields as mathematics, physics, chemistry, technology, geology, medicine, and biology continued to be able to do outstanding work. It was only after 1969 that the Ceau?escu regime extended the work of destruction to these disciplines too. One of the first acts of the new government which came into power as a result of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 was to call for the rebuilding of the Romanian Academy.  相似文献   

我国高校教师职称评审与聘任制度调研分析报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在回顾我国职称制度发展历程、调研部分地区高校教师职称评聘现状基础上,分析了专业技术任职资格评审与职务聘任两种制度的内涵和异同,提出将职称资格评审与职务聘任分离,发挥职称评审的人才评价与激励作用,完善职务聘任的岗位系统管理功能。  相似文献   

A major survey of the motivations of Romanian young people is being undertaken by the Institute for the Quality of Life. Some of its findings in regard to the attitudes of young people towards careers in research are reported as are also certain findings regarding the feelings of young people, who have already embarked on research careers, about their working and living conditions and prospects. Although research suffered greatly under communism, the prestige of research survived. After 1990, many young people were attracted into higher education and research. Since 1992, however, the economic crisis which has affected Romanian society as a whole has reduced some of the gains made in 1990. Salaries are not keeping up with the cost of living, and the equipment available for different kinds of research is lacking or is of poor quality. Many young people are now leaving research careers for better paying opportunities in the private sector, particularly in commercial activities.  相似文献   

The implementation of peer marking within an existing tutorial system is examined. Peer marks were found to be in close agreement with the tutor's, lending credibility to the approach. The benefits of peer marking were discussed with the students, including their possible improvement in examination technique. This teaching approach has the added advantage in that the tutor can more easily act as a facilitator (rather than as an assessor) in the tutorial sessions. At the end of the year an evaluation of peer marking was carried out

Results from a questionnaire showed that five relative advantages of peer marking had been achieved. Further, the students believed that their work had been marked fairly, and that peer marks should count towards their end‐of‐year marks. Peer marking was found tobe most successful, fully complementing a tutorial system of teaching.  相似文献   

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic traces its origins back through the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to several private learned societies, one of which was founded in the Eighteenth Century, that eventually received royal (Habsburg) charters. The Academy as it exists today has been affected by the same processes of transition as the rest of Czech society. The Academy and its various institutes are subject to periodic evaluation. It must now share responsibility for research in the Czech Republic with other state organs, particularly the universities.  相似文献   

中国研究型大学国际化调查及评估指标构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对中国26所研究型大学国际化情况的调查,发现大学之间的国际化状况存在显著差异。这些差异表现在研究型大学与准研究型大学之间、世界前500名与非前500名研究型大学之间以及东部沿海与内陆的研究型大学之间。本文采用主成分分析法并考虑中国高等教育的实际,研究、检验及提出了战略规划与组织机构、人员构成与交流、教学与科学研究、相关条件与设施以及成果交流五类18个指标,评估中国研究型大学的国际化水平,并就未来中国研究型大学国际化的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which was established in 1969 is the central research institution of Bulgaria. Not only has it been affected by the forces of economic and political transition, but while most of the country vacillated when faced with the need to make radical changes, the Academy early on devised a strategy of comprehensive restructuring. The Academy continues to make internationally recognized contributions to the advancement of science in a number of areas, particularly in the hard sciences. It has by no means neglected the humanities, its original domain of research, where it continues to reinforce Bulgarian culture in a number of areas.  相似文献   

首代沙皇伊凡四世执政头十年的军制与财税改革取得了一些成效:组建了俄国历史上第一支常备军,通过了俄罗斯历史上第一个《兵役法典》,限制门第制度,进而大大提高了军队的战斗力,统一课税单位、取消过境税等等。改革规范中央管理职能,打击分裂势力,进而促进了俄罗斯统一国家的形成,伊凡四世成为俄国历史上中央集权的确立者和君主专制制度的开创者。  相似文献   

The first laws for regulating qualification requirements in Lithuanian higher education were passed by the Lithuanian government in 1991. Other laws providing for the nostrification of foreign degrees, awarded under the authority of the former Soviet State, were passed. Lithuania is now proceeding towards the development of bodies and procedures for the accreditation of institutions and programmes, this despite public weariness with over‐bureaucratization.  相似文献   

Investigations into EATE's particular style of development, and its effectiveness of approach in introducing and sustaining innovations, were thought to be important aspects in the identification of noteworthy strategies for bringing about change in issues relating to enterprise, economic and industrial awareness in institutions of initial teacher education. This article describes the composite thinking and support underpinning the eclectic evaluations of EATE‐funded initiatives. It discusses two essential, and sequential, steps — initial thinking about issues which need to be clarified before embarking on an evaluation, and the strategies for action, i.e. the practical activities which can then be carried out. The article is written with reference to the EATE initiative but ideas and considerations could, with ease, be applied to other innovationsThe processes of formulating a policy statement on enterprise education, undertaking a course audit and introducing enterprise education and economic awareness into college courses are discussed. In particular developments within Professional Studies in the BEd Primary Education course are examined. The respective contributions of college staff and business representatives are assessed. The interaction between Institutional policy‐making and implementation in enterprise education is seen as opportunistic and organic as much as rational and systematic.  相似文献   

笔者通过调查、分析呼和浩特市城市人居环境的实际情况,结合国内外研究状况,依据全面性、区域性、动态性等原则,选用经济发展、社会管理、生态环境和设施服务四大因素38个因子,构建了呼和涪特市城市人居环境评价指标体系。它将为呼和浩特市城市人居环境质量评价提供一些依据。  相似文献   

This paper reports how individual students respond to a nine‐week course in plant anatomy using two teaching techniques: self‐instruction and group interaction.

Students vary widely in their responses to teaching by these techniques. Over the four years of the study (1975–78) four major patterns of response have emerged. These are described as learning profiles. The profiles are composed from curves depicting the attainment of individual students, measured in seven weekly assessment tests given during group sessions. The assessment tests measured performance in four capacities, based on Bloom's criteria, viz. recall of knowledge, comprehension, application and short‐chain problem solving. Learning curves for each of these four capacities were obtained for each individual student. Other variables, e.g. general ability, age, sex, anxiety, motivation, time spent etc. were also determined for each student.

The purpose of the course is to train students to solve problems in plant anatomy. Although strategies for solving long‐chain problems were not practised in groups, the component skills used in their solution were practised in the weekly test items.

From the profile types — i.e. the patterns of individual response to the teaching ‐ it was possible to make some prediction about performance in the final examination, although this examination was predominantly one to test capacity to solve long‐chain, multi‐step problems.  相似文献   

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