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Proponents of building a “creative society” through educational innovation are calling for engaging learners in new modes of collaboration, problem solving, and original thinking. How might the enterprise of Jewish education contribute to this evolution in creative thinking and action? This article explores how “the Jewish sensibilities” can be adapted into a framework infusing Jewish “ways of seeing and being” into a vision of “Jewish education for a creative society.” The proposed conceptual framework aims to spark conversation, experimentation, research, and inquiry within the broader discourse of rethinking the aims of Jewish education for the future.  相似文献   

在21世纪新时代背景下,外语教学既是一门语言课程,又是一门加强学生评判精神、培养学生创新能力的教育课。外语教学与教育学相融合,语言技能的培养与评判性思维能力的培养相结合,已日显重要。要培养学生的评判性思维能力,造就创新人才,必须实现教学观念的转变、教学方法的改进,构建民主和谐的课堂氛围和“多维度”的教学评估模式,引导和鼓励学生“换位思考”、“对比思考”、“设疑思考”。  相似文献   

基于机器深度学习的认识导致深度学习实践忽视知识创生和“问题发现”。作为人存在方式的深度学习是注重体验而非“占有”、强调思维解放与知识创生、关注问题发现素养培养的过程。在实践中,要树立人的深度学习观,设置发散性任务、培养创造性思维,坚持容错原则、促进知识创生,创设生活情境问题、激发问题发现,以实践“人”本体的深度学习。  相似文献   

要想落实广大青少年核心素养的培育,需要解决两个根本性问题:一是培育的“途径”问题;二是培育的“关键”问题。第一个根本性问题的答案,显然就是要实施STEM的理念与模式。第二个根本性问题的答案,应当是如何落实创造性思维的培养。为了让青少年具有良好的创造性思维素养,必须从培育创造性思维的要素入手。关于创造性思维的片面乃至错误的认识,若不尽快予以批判及清除,将会成为广大青少年培养创造性思维的极大障碍。“横纵思维”是专门应对复杂问题的,与科学的发明和技术的创新有着很密切的关系,要先掌握“复杂性理论”才能理解“横纵思维”的内涵,所以在进行中小学生的创造性思维培养时,可先从其他五个更基本的要素入手。  相似文献   

如何构建核心素养导向的学业测评框架是学科课程落实核心素养亟须解决的关键问题。澳大利亚2018年国家科学素养测评项目(NAP-SL2018)以科学课程标准为依据,在内容维度和认知维度渗透核心素养:一方面,将核心素养理解为学生在完成科学任务过程中所表现出的科学材料阅读、信息技术应用等相关能力;另一方面,将批判性思维和创造性思维渗透在"推理、分析和评价"和"综合与创造"等认知过程。在试题设计方面,该项目基于信息技术手段,围绕科学学科主要概念,落实发展学生核心素养所强调的"学业整合"理念。NAP-SL2018测评框架为核心素养导向的学业测评设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   

“民主”与“科学”是“五四”新文化运动的两大旗帜。“五四”小说所呈现的科学理性精神、思想方法以及创作观念与西方近代科学有着密切的关联,科学不仅改变了“五四”小说的外部形态,也使得传统的实用文学观披上“科学”的外衣,重新走上了现代小说创作的历史舞台。以往学者往往把实用的文学观摆在客观写实的对立面。事实上,客观写实所蕴含的科学精神本身就含有功用的目的。科学研究精神实际上就是要求作家注重对现实人生问题的“观察”、“分析”和“研究”,使得小说与当下社会存在的问题紧密地联系在一起。科学主义与儒家注重现世的功用文学观融合为一。  相似文献   

Picture books, as both sophisticated aesthetic objects and literary texts, provide the ideal site for critically examining how values and ideology are transmitted to children. How the child reader might be affected by the process of reading a picture book—that is, how he or she might be moved emotionally and potentially gain new insights about the world—is of interest to scholars and educators alike. This article draws upon cognitive literary theory as a conceptual frame through which to explore the cognitive and emotional affect that reading may have upon children. “Reader response” and “cultural criticism” are approaches to literature that seek to understand how readers interact with texts. Cognitive theory, when applied to literature, builds on these discourses by focusing on why reading fiction might cause the brain to produce emotional and cognitive responses in readers. As metaphors are a feature of language and of thought, a study of the metaphorical in picture books aptly lends itself to the theoretical framework offered by cognitive literary theory. Drawing on examples from four picture books produced for children, broadly correlating to different developmental stages, this article examines the role of metaphor in encouraging skills in decoding and creative thinking. Talking to children about visual metaphor or metaphorical expression introduces them to a feature of language and thought that provides a conceptual frame for richer understanding and expression of ideas. Examining how the metaphorical operates in picture books thus takes us a step closer to understanding how the process of reading affects children and enriches their lives.  相似文献   

This paper serves three purposes. First, it makes a case for seeing creativity as a key learning outcome in our times, and thus the core business of education. It then goes on to examine the nexus of creativity and pedagogy, showing the conceptual work done to demonstrate creativity as a learnable set of dispositions and capabilities. Finally and most importantly, the paper argues the value of a pedagogical approach the author calls “Meddling-in-the-Middle”, in augmenting and enhancing the repertoires of “Sage-on-the-Stage” and “Guide-on-the-Side” in order to build students' creative capacity. Examples are given of what these meta-approaches might look like in relation to the teaching of Shakespeare. The author concludes by arguing the important connection between Meddling pedagogy and creative capacity building.  相似文献   

宾恩林 《职教通讯》2019,(15):15-22
目前职业教育教科书科学理论并不算完善,即便整个教科书领域也是如此,总体而言存在“功能与目标”“过程与结果”“方法与程序”等三个思维框架下的碎片化探索,这不利于职业教育教科书研究的系统化积累。为了探求职业教育教科书的科学理论,应基于康德的范畴理论,建立教科书科学理论形式框架,汇总、归类已有教科书研究思维,并建构出更为系统的职业教育教科书研究的科学理论。具体行动包括:基于范畴框架阐释教科书以便系统性整合三种理论思维;基于范畴框架重新建立职业教育教科书科学理论的发展框架;职业教育教科书的科学理论建构不能脱离实践的需要。  相似文献   

Globalization and the knowledge economy have opened up worldwide agendas for national development. Following this is the emphasis on the social dimension, otherwise known as social capital. Much of social capital includes “soft skills” and “twenty-first century skills”, which broadly cover critical, creative and inventive thinking; information, interactive and communication skills; civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills. Proactively, the Singapore government is preparing for Curriculum 2015, a new curriculum that would develop student attributes, embedded in the “confident person”, “self-directed learner”, “active contributor”, and “concerned citizen”. Significantly, a new curricular initiative, Character and Citizenship Education, emphasizes the integrative nature of citizenship and twenty-first century competencies and has been implemented in all schools in Singapore from 2011. This future-oriented approach to citizenship education emphasizes the significance of individual initiatives and the intellectual capital of citizens. This paper analyses features of this particular approach to citizenship education, and its strengths and significance, which may be viewed as an integrative “total curriculum approach” with a “whole-society” perspective. In addition, the challenges of teaching twenty-first century skills will also be highlighted. This departs from the conventional paradigm of socialization, but to help students develop attributes for a future society to come.  相似文献   

According to Piaget, a fundamental epistemological distinction must be made between the psychological and the epistemic subject. The epistemic subject is studied by the genetic epistemologist who charts development through a “common universal rationality, which develops,” whereas the psychological subject is studied by the developmental/cognitive psychologist by focusing on accidental contingencies surrounding particular people and their individual differences. The epistemic subject as compared to the psychological subject is an idealized abstraction, viz., that set of underlying epistemic structures common to everyone at the same level of development. The objective of this study is to investigate the degree to which investigators in science education conceptualize the difference between the epistemic and the psychological subjects. It is argued that just as the ideal gas law (based on the theoretical formulation of Maxwell and Boltzmann) provides a “general model” to which the real gases approximate under different experimental conditions, so we can consider (by abduction) the epistemic subject to be an “ideal knower” to which the real (psychological) subjects approximate to varying degrees. The difference between the epistemic and the psychological subjects, however, cannot be used as an “epistemological shield” in defense of Piagetian theory. Any test of the Piagetian theory must involve psychological or real subjects. Empirical testability, however, need not be equated to being scientific. An analogy is drawn between Galileo's idealization, which led to the discovery of the law of free-fall, and Piaget's epistemic subject. Research conducted in science education shows that at least for some critics the wide variations in the age at which individuals acquire the different Piagetian stages is crucial for rejecting the theory. It is argued that the real issue is not the “proportion of heterogeneity” but the understanding that Piaget, by neglecting individual differences, attempts to build a general model applicable across types of situations/subjects. The distinction between the epistemic and the psychological subjects is important not for defending Piaget's theory (which has serious theoretical flaws) but to understand epistemic transitions, for example, the one between Piaget's epistemic subject and Pascual-Leone's metasubject. It is concluded that failure to understand the distinction between the epistemic and the psychological subjects would lead to misconstruing the significance of our research findings and, what is more serious, to a lack of a historical perspective.  相似文献   

从视觉思维的角度,对创造性在乡土材料中的生态运用进行分析,旨在探求视觉思维中创造性思维活动的某些方法和规律,使传统民居乡土材料运用的创作思维方法得以扩展.  相似文献   

创造性思维是人类发展所需的必要能力,可以帮助人们适应不断变化的世界和应对充满挑战的未来。经济合作与发展组织确定在PISA 2021中增加对创造性思维能力的评估,其发布的《PISA 2021创造性思维评估框架草案(第三版)》明确阐述了创造性思维的内涵、表现形式和促成因素,以系统的通用框架、科学简易的"三维度四领域"能力模型向公众提供了一个操作性强的评估系统。通过此次评估,各参与国家和地区可获得学生创造性思维能力的可比数据,为未来教育政策的制定和教育实践的改进提供支持。基于PISA的经验,为了更好地评估和培养学生的创造性思维,我国可借鉴创造性思维能力模型,细化学科核心素养的考查;构建创造性课堂,加强学校创新氛围的建设;在课堂教学中以真实情境和实际问题为载体,培育和评价学生的创造性思维。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to gather different perspectives on the “key ingredients” involved in creative writing by children – from experts of diverse disciplines, including teachers, linguists, psychologists, writers and art educators. Ultimately, we sought in the experts’ convergence or divergence insights on the relative importance of the relevant factors that may aid writing instruction, particularly for young children. We present a study using an expert knowledge elicitation method in which representatives from five domains of expertise pertaining to writing rated 28 factors (i.e., individual skills and attributes) covering six areas (general knowledge and cognition, creative cognition, conation, executive functioning, linguistic and psychomotor skills), according to their importance for creative writing. A Many-Facets Rasch Measurement (MFRM) model permitted us to quantify the relative importance of these writing factors across domain-specific expertise, while controlling for expert severity and other systematic evaluation biases. The identified similarities and domain-specific differences in the expert views offer a new basis for understanding the conceptual gaps between the scientific literature on creative writing, the writer's self-reflection on the act of writing creatively, and educators’ practices in teaching creative writing. Bridging such diverse approaches–that are, yet, relatively homogeneous within areas of expertise – appears to be useful in view of formulating process-oriented writing pedagogy that may, above all, better target the skills needed to improve children's creative writing development.  相似文献   

创造性思维是人类区别于动物的最根本的标志。研究它的内在机制的重要意义和最终目的在于使人类创造力的发展从自我走向自觉,从而尽可能挖掘出人类的创造潜力。本文认为“心理定势效应”是创造性思维的内在机制,并从它的研究历史、界定、动作流程以及它在主体创造性思维中的正负效应等方面进行了深入探讨,以求对个人和社会创造潜力的发掘有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文通过对思维方式、智力因素、知识传授和能力培养等因素的探讨,集中说明了科学和艺术创造力的培养对科学的发现、发明和创新,对文学艺术的创作都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

“对质”一词来源于法学学科,但巧妙地回答了教育科学中对学生“要我学”至“我要学”转变后关于“我该如何学”的持续追问。“学习对质”是深化学生思考的重要方法,能够达成学生以思考为核心目的之学习,可回应新时代育智问题,助力新时代学生学习。通过系统阐述“学习对质”的概念、内容、形式和结果,可进一步厘清“学习对质”的独特内涵。而梳理当前学习理论和实践变革发展需要,可肯定“学习对质”作为学习方法存在的意义。此外,要实现“学习对质”,应发挥教师“学习对质”的引导作用和发展学生的“学习对质”精神、能力,使学生在教师的引导下更好地掌握学习方法,有效开展“学习对质”,“解构”并“重构”广义知识,积极扩展思维界限,不断提升终身学习能力,不断实现自我发展、自我成就、自我超越。  相似文献   

加强大学生法治观念养成教育的力度,促使他们养成自觉守法、遇事找法、解决问题靠法的法律思维和行为方式,是我国实现全面依法治国、加快建设社会主义法治国家的基础工程。当前,应当创新大学生法治观念养成教育的课程体系,探索建立包含法治课程内容(Course)、法治教育实施(Carryout)、法治教育考核(Check)、法治教育完善(Consummate)、法治观念养成(Cultivating)为内容的大学生法治观念养成教育“5C”体系。  相似文献   

One of the main goals of design education is to enhance and enable creative thinking. Therefore, effectively teaching visual representational and interpretational skills is vital for the communication and articulation of such ideations. This article will explore examples from two specific introductory design studios where my personal pedagogical approach emphasises drawing as a creative language of reflection and critical conceptualisation. The aim of my approach accentuates the exploration any idea through drawing and thus allowing this graphic language to aid in the generation of creative thinking. Drawing, then, assumes the role of a research process concerned not only with the projection of thoughts, but with the study of correlations, and the consequent incorporation of perceptive and conceptual articulations.  相似文献   

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