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The article is an argument in favour of a type of national science policy in which a National Academy of Sciences is at the same time the highest ranking association of scientists and the capstone of a national organization of research institutes specialized in different fields of the sciences and the humanities. Such was the Soviet Academy of Sciences and is now the Russian Academy of Sciences, the roots of which go back to 1724. The achievements in science of the various Academy institutes are detailed, and while the author recognizes that the universities too perform research, their basic task is teaching. For him, the duality of research in the academy and teaching in the universities has given good results and should continue.  相似文献   

The different national Academies of Sciences are as varied as their individual histories and the societies of which they are a part. At the same time, they all have certain characteristics in common. An Academy is usually the highest ranking scientific body in its country. It is independent of higher education institutions, of political parties, and of the state, even if it receives state subsidies. Among the special features of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, one can cite the fact that its General Assembly includes two hundred representatives of the Hungarian scientific community who serve three‐year terms but cannot participate in elections for new Academy members and that its forty research institutes and eighty research groups that are located and function in universities have a high degree of autonomy in regard to the Academy as such.  相似文献   

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic traces its origins back through the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to several private learned societies, one of which was founded in the Eighteenth Century, that eventually received royal (Habsburg) charters. The Academy as it exists today has been affected by the same processes of transition as the rest of Czech society. The Academy and its various institutes are subject to periodic evaluation. It must now share responsibility for research in the Czech Republic with other state organs, particularly the universities.  相似文献   

心理状态是心理学中的一个重要问题。但长期以来对它的研究重视不够。研究成果不多。随着心理状态在实践中的作用逐渐被人们认识,对心理状态的研究也在进步深入,研究成果日益增多。奉文试对心理状态的研究作一介绍和评价。  相似文献   

The work and the prospects of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences are described. The Academy, like other institutions in Belarus, has suffered greatly since the period of transition began in 1990. The Academy and its constituent institutes are struggling to continue providing their traditional leadership in regard to basic and applied research in all disciplines. In some areas, particularly in the hard sciences, Belarussian researchers continue to chalk up internationally recognized successes; however, the size of the research staff in the republic has declined by 50 per cent since 1990, and there is difficulty in recruiting new blood. The basic problem is one of finance; however, the Academy is trying to tap several sources of funding including the government. It is also taking steps to influence the training of young scientists and academics and to forge links with the Academies of other countries. At all costs, Belarus must not lose its scientific potential.  相似文献   

The UNESCO International Seminar on Experience Gained from the Polish NUHT System in the use of Radio and Television in Teacher Training was held in Warsaw from 24‐28 January 1977.

We give below information on the main elements of the Seminar's activities.  相似文献   

The transformation of a socialist‐type Academy of Sciences into an institution capable of functioning in a democratic market economy is described. Prior to 1989, the Slovak Academy of Sciences was the state mandated coordinator of science and technology in Slovakia and was funded directly by the state budget. Since 1990, the Academy has had to share many of its prerogatives with other authorities and institutions, as in the case of the universities in regard to doctoral programmes, or to cede them out‐right, as in the case of the Ministry of Education and Science in regard to the coordination of basic research. Its budget has been drastically cut. It has also had to contend with the introduction of a western type of grant programme and system of evaluation for its subordinate institutes, some of which have been closed. In short, the Slovak Academy of Sciences must compete in an increasingly open science market in which it must give proof both of the quality of its work and of the relevance of the latter to the needs of society.  相似文献   

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which was established in 1969 is the central research institution of Bulgaria. Not only has it been affected by the forces of economic and political transition, but while most of the country vacillated when faced with the need to make radical changes, the Academy early on devised a strategy of comprehensive restructuring. The Academy continues to make internationally recognized contributions to the advancement of science in a number of areas, particularly in the hard sciences. It has by no means neglected the humanities, its original domain of research, where it continues to reinforce Bulgarian culture in a number of areas.  相似文献   

Although founded in 1972, the Albanian Academy of Sciences was subjected to strong political and ideological control until after 1990. Its academic freedom and autonomy were recognized by law in 1994. The Academy has been very much concerned with rehabilitating the fields of the social sciences, particularly Albanian history and Albanian studies in general.  相似文献   

The editor-in-chief of Perspektywy, a major educational publication house in Warsaw, Poland, describes a major activity of his organization, namely the ranking of secondary schools and higher education institutions. Indeed, Perspektywy is the major Polish organization providing rankings and elaborating league tables of Polish higher education institutions. In particular, Perspektywy has teamed up with a leading Polish newspaper, Rzeczpospolita, to produce major rankings in separate listings of the main state-operated and private higher education institutions. The author explains the methodologies employed for both sets of rankings and argues that his organization provides a valuable service to college-bound youth and their parents.  相似文献   

Since achieving independence in 1991, the Republic of Latvia has taken radical measures to reform its system of science on a western model. The funding system has been overhauled, the Academy of Sciences, that used to be a kind of Ministry of Science, has become an academy of the classical type, and the advanced degrees of scientists inherited from the USSR‐era have been nostrificated. The big problem has been that of enacting the decision made to integrate the former institutes that were subordinated to the Latvian Academy of Sciences into the university system. The process has been resisted by university teachers who do not want to do research and by institute scientists who do not want to teach students, particularly undergraduate students. The article describes several measures that have been taken to deal with this problem which still remains unresolved.  相似文献   

A short aperçu of the Albanian Academy of Sciences is given. Its twelve institutes are grouped into two sections, one dealing with the social and human sciences, the other dealing with the natural and technical sciences. The work of the Academy has been seriously hampered by financial and social problems. Some financial aid has been provided by the SOROS Foundation, but much more is needed. The Academy looks forward to fruitful collaborative relations with other academies in the Balkans and in Europe in general.  相似文献   

In common with the Academies of Science of the other European countries, the Romanian Academy traces its origins back to a local scholarly society founded in 1795 in Sibiu to promote the study of the Romanian Language and of Romanian history. Such origins were as much influenced by Herder's stress on the importance of local culture as by Liebnitz's urging that all the great rulers of Europe create academies of science to be in the service of the state. In common with the Academies in the other eastern and central European countries, the Romanian Academy suffered under communism but was re‐established with a new lease on life after the collapse of the communist regime. The oldest international non‐governmental organization committed to international scientific co‐operation is the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) that was created in 1931. Its Standing Committee on the Free Circulation of Scientists (SCFCS), created in 1963, contributed to liberalizing science in the communist countries and in bringing about the rebirth of the Academies in eastern and central Europe after the collapse of communism. The Romanian Academy was a founding member of ICSU.  相似文献   

The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts traces its origins back to efforts to create a learned society in Croatia during the first half of the Nineteenth Century. At first concerned exclusively with the language, literature, and history of Croatia, it evolved into an eclectic organization conducting and sponsoring research in a wide rage of disciplines and fields. Currently, the work of the Academy is concentrated in eight departments and is conducted by eleven scientific councils, ten committees, and twenty research units. Since its founding, the Academy has published almost 3,400 books.  相似文献   

The article analyses the progress in the participation of women in Polish higher education, with respect to different fields of study and their position in graduate studies, as well as in professional life, where she underlines the dangers of the feminization of certain professions

Mrs. Jablonska‐Skinder is scientific secretary of the Institute of Science Policy, Technological Progress and Higher Education, Warsaw, Poland  相似文献   

The Romanian Academy decided to conduct an evaluation of its research institutes based on facts, quantitative statistical data and indicators, as well as on qualitative factors specific to each scientific domain. A first report, concerning input data analyses (human, material, and financial resources), was issued at the beginning of 1995. A second one, consisting of a revised and updated version of input analyses, as well as an output evaluation (publications, patents, etc.) was due to appear in the autumn of 1985. During the spring of 1995, the Romanian Academy initiated a research grant system, open to all Romanian scientists and research groups, for the competitive funding of projects in fundamental and advanced research. Applications are screened and selected by four autonomous expert panels, after an ex‐ante evaluation; midterm and final evaluations (ex‐post) are also foreseen.  相似文献   

The humanities and the social sciences particularly suffered under communism because of the susceptibility of their disciplines to political and ideological manipulation. Nevertheless, in some of them the intellectual climate was more liberal in the Academy than in the universities. With transition, a much reduced research staff has adopted new approaches to research and to the definition of areas of research, one of which is a reevaluation of the recent history of the Czech Republic. A major task of the humanities and the social sciences is permanent reflection on the human condition.  相似文献   

高校与科研院所联合培养研究生是发挥双方资源优势,促进人才培养和科学研究深度融合的有效举措。本文根据对南京农业大学江苏省农科院研究生教育中心的调查,分析其建设成效和存在的主要问题,进而提出相应的对策建议,以期为高校与科研院所联合培养研究生提供组织和制度借鉴。  相似文献   

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