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The article highlights the Project, Magister in den Beruf (the Master of Arts and the Professions) launched at the University of Heidelberg in 1992. The rationale for the project was that the vacancies in some traditional careers like teaching, journalism, the printing industry, tourism, etc., can no longer absorb the growing number of graduates in the human and the social sciences. Consequently, undergraduates tend to prolong their studies or, on the contrary, to drop out, while graduates end up accepting employment beneath their intellectual levels, despite the fact that society will, in the future, require a large number of highly trained professionals. The two aims of the project are to familiarize interested students with certain sectors of the business world (e.g., public relations, advertising, personnel management, continuing education, etc.) and to inform the body of employers about the key qualifications of graduates. The means to this end include foundation courses in economics, talks given by employers and trainees, guided visits to enterprises, trade fairs, and internships.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Prior to its election to office in 2007, the Australian Labor Party announced a commitment to introduce Trade Training Centres (TTCs) into all Australian secondary schools as an initiative of its Education Revolution. TTCs were proposed as a key element of Federal Labor's education and training policy that aimed to manage future risks to Australia's competitiveness in the emerging global economy and to support school-to-employment transitions for young people. This analysis adopts a governmentality framework to conceptualise the Federal Government's introduction of TTCs alternatively as a key strategy for nationalising social investment politics in Australia. The paper draws on recent Australian policy documents to argue that TTCs are social technologies that work to open up social spaces in and around schools for governing relationships between schools and other community stakeholders, particularly businesses and families. The paper concludes by examining policy implications, including those of social justice, for promoting school community partnerships through TTCs.  相似文献   

In this article I examine my struggles as a White teacher educator creating discourse around race with my preservice students. I use my own struggles to highlight how White members of a teacher education faculty do, and more often do not, address race either with our preservice teachers or among ourselves. In particular, I explore the implications of "colorblindness" for teacher education. I conclude with suggestions for ways in which Colleges of Education can support White faculty members as they move beyond colorblindness toward racial consciousness.  相似文献   

高校社科学报编辑应强化市场意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国开始进入全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段,高校社科学报编辑要尽快从思想上完成从适应计划经济体制到适应市场经济体制的转变,强化市场意识;由以为作者服务为主,转变向以为服务为主,以精品文章,特色学报争得自己生存发展的空间。  相似文献   

山西师范大学现代文理学院坐落于有“华夏第一都”之称的临汾市,是2002年6月经山西省人民政府批准、国家教育部备案,以新机制、新模式举办的实施全目制本科学历教育的独立学院。学院现有16个系、34个专业及方向,在校生9099人。  相似文献   

This paper arises out of a concern that, in spite of the amount of work which has been done in the area of evaluation in the humanities, there has not been enough clarification of the kind of ‘knowledge’ or ‘experience’ which the humanities may be said to yield. It is of vital importance that more of this essential clarification be done before continuing to develop new methods or techniques.  相似文献   

The work and the prospects of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences are described. The Academy, like other institutions in Belarus, has suffered greatly since the period of transition began in 1990. The Academy and its constituent institutes are struggling to continue providing their traditional leadership in regard to basic and applied research in all disciplines. In some areas, particularly in the hard sciences, Belarussian researchers continue to chalk up internationally recognized successes; however, the size of the research staff in the republic has declined by 50 per cent since 1990, and there is difficulty in recruiting new blood. The basic problem is one of finance; however, the Academy is trying to tap several sources of funding including the government. It is also taking steps to influence the training of young scientists and academics and to forge links with the Academies of other countries. At all costs, Belarus must not lose its scientific potential.  相似文献   

The article is an argument in favour of a type of national science policy in which a National Academy of Sciences is at the same time the highest ranking association of scientists and the capstone of a national organization of research institutes specialized in different fields of the sciences and the humanities. Such was the Soviet Academy of Sciences and is now the Russian Academy of Sciences, the roots of which go back to 1724. The achievements in science of the various Academy institutes are detailed, and while the author recognizes that the universities too perform research, their basic task is teaching. For him, the duality of research in the academy and teaching in the universities has given good results and should continue.  相似文献   

The transformation of a socialist‐type Academy of Sciences into an institution capable of functioning in a democratic market economy is described. Prior to 1989, the Slovak Academy of Sciences was the state mandated coordinator of science and technology in Slovakia and was funded directly by the state budget. Since 1990, the Academy has had to share many of its prerogatives with other authorities and institutions, as in the case of the universities in regard to doctoral programmes, or to cede them out‐right, as in the case of the Ministry of Education and Science in regard to the coordination of basic research. Its budget has been drastically cut. It has also had to contend with the introduction of a western type of grant programme and system of evaluation for its subordinate institutes, some of which have been closed. In short, the Slovak Academy of Sciences must compete in an increasingly open science market in which it must give proof both of the quality of its work and of the relevance of the latter to the needs of society.  相似文献   

In attempting to understand what we are doing in assessing and evaluating in the Arts and Humanities, it is necessary to clarify and rethink some basic concepts. Amongst these the notion of knowledge and what is involved in knowledge is important, as is our understanding of propositional form. This paper also proposes that 1t would be useful to reconsider the view that there is a necessary dichotomy between the Sciences and the Arts and Humanities.  相似文献   

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