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The political changes occurring in eastern and central Europe in 1989 and 1990 and the breakup of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991 fragmented a large area in which science and technology policy was more or less centralized and rationalized. Each country in this area, as a result, has had to develop its own science and technology policy in very difficult situations of transition. One of the attempts made to re‐establish some order and unity in science policy in the former socialist countries has been spearheaded by the International Association of Academies of Sciences, founded in Kiev in 1991. It is attempting, on a voluntary basis, to assume some of the functions of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences, and in particular, to re‐create the scientific space existing before 1989‐1991. Among its many projects are efforts in favour of young scientists and closer co‐operation with other international organizations of academies.  相似文献   

The role and functions of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, the oldest (1979) of the three European international academies, are described. Working with UNESCO, it is helping to establish a network of Academies of the Mediterranean Countries. It is also co‐operating with the Institut de France in the setting up of the Academy‐Third World Project. By working through the international academies, the national academies increase their participation in international activities.  相似文献   

Academies of sciences are, roughly speaking, of two types, institutions with individual members, and umbrella organizations of specific specialized institutes, not offering the possibility of individual membership or restricting it. The Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union and the academies of the successor republics tend to be of the second type. These academies, particularly that of Armenia, are confronted with two particularly serious problems: the out‐migration of scientists and the lack of funding. They are attempting to solve these and other problems by seeking sources of funding other than their respective governments and by collaborating among themselves and through a common organization, the Association of the Academies of Science of the CIS countries.  相似文献   

随着社会转型速度加快,我国农村社会也正发生着巨大的改变,转型期农村各种社会问题日益突出,尤其是随着农村老年人口的增多,农村社会群体、组织、制度等实体结构的分化导致农村社会观念结构的分化,并使其呈现出多元性和广泛性等特征。在这一转变过程中,传统的价值观的统治地位受到挑战,新的市场经济要求下的价值观念、思想道德观念正发生着转变。本文着重分析了转型期我国农村老年人价值观转变的具体情况,以利于引导农村社会的正向分化,促进农村社会良性运转。  相似文献   

In order for developing countries, particularly the former socialist countries undergoing transition, to make progress in science, they must co‐operate among themselves. One way to stimulate such co‐operation is to create a network of eastern European Academies. Such a network would share information, facilities, and equipment; sponsor and direct work on joint projects of value to the sub‐region as a whole; and serve as a bulwark against brain drain. Such a network should be of interest to UNESCO and to other intergovernmental organizations.  相似文献   

The article begins with a few remarks on the general organization of the structure of German science, which proceeding from a great deal of constitutional autonomy and independence, is essentially one of distributed power and great institutional differentiation. Next, the Max‐Planck‐Gesellschaft is briefly described. It is one of the four or five pillars in this differentiated organizational landscape of the sciences in Germany. The article concludes with a discussion of age and general dynamics in science and their significance for an academy of the future. Future‐oriented academies have a special responsibility to sponsor programmes for the young rather than the mature and established. This task should be undertaken in a manner that creates a fine balance between the generations that make up at any given point in time the population of living and active scientists.  相似文献   

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 44% of students entering American colleges and universities in 1995 were over age 25.As increasing numbers of students make changes to enter community college, it is imperative that counselors address the fundamental dilemmas facing this population. Addressing the transition concerns of these students as they navigate through community college may provide a counseling perspective that effectively enhances overall student development while simultaneously influencing future growth and success. This article outlines counseling considerations, from assessment to intervention, designed to help the community college counselor meet students' transition needs.  相似文献   

This report discusses the Workshop as a whole and reflects upon the points raised in the papers presented and the resulting discussions. First, the reasons for establishing non‐university higher education are presented and discussed, and then types of diversification, particularly vertical diversification, are examined. The most important questions raised, however, are those of how diversification is to be established and by what mechanisms it is to be controlled. The conclusions are mixed but stress that diversification should be undertaken very carefully and very democratically, care being taken both to recognize the value of the university tradition which has been evolving for centuries to avoid threats to flexibility and international recognition and mobility.  相似文献   

The humanities and the social sciences particularly suffered under communism because of the susceptibility of their disciplines to political and ideological manipulation. Nevertheless, in some of them the intellectual climate was more liberal in the Academy than in the universities. With transition, a much reduced research staff has adopted new approaches to research and to the definition of areas of research, one of which is a reevaluation of the recent history of the Czech Republic. A major task of the humanities and the social sciences is permanent reflection on the human condition.  相似文献   

清代,归化城和绥远城共建有三所书院。即启秀书院(长白书院)、古丰书院、启运书院。形成了满、汉、蒙三学并立、分庭课徒的格局。三书院在课程设置等方面都显示了不同于内地书院的诸多特点。这些书院不仅在人才培养和繁荣当地的民族文化方面发挥了积极作用。在中国书院史上也应有其独特地位。  相似文献   

报导了氵舞水河的鱼类概况,共有鱼类71 种,隶属于5 目、14 科、55 属;列出了鱼类名录;同时也讨论了鱼类自然资源的保护、增值和利用等问题  相似文献   

Universities in the United States of America are in a state of decline. Allocations, the proportion of knowledge taught, the proportion of research carried out, staff number, movement and salaries are all declining. Recognition of this situation has initiated studies of, and changes in, what they do in terms of value, quality and effective use of resources. Television is used extensively to relieve traditional faculty teaching load, enable faculty to maximise use of scarce resources and enhance the quality and coverage of knowledge. Developments in cable television, optical fibres, lasers and satellites herald a new era, pose a threat to the autonomy of universities and have initiated inter‐university competition for the same students as well as opening up new opportunities and markets. Substantial development has taken place in postgraduate studies and outreach.  相似文献   

The following paper is adapted from the Association's formal response to the DES consultative document on the Warnock Report. The Working Party responsible for the Response's formulation submitted the document to the journal since it was felt that the issues raised were of wide interest and importance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article uses social movement theory to analyse campaigns against a new type of government-sponsored school – the Academy – in four areas of England. It seeks to identify the social composition of anti-Academy campaigns, to track their encounters with proponents of the new schools and to describe the characteristic forms of their campaigning strategies. In doing so, the article aims to help place research into educational opposition and contestation closer to the centre of researchers' agendas.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,随着改革开放的不断深入,中国教育史研究开始步入繁荣时期。在这一过程中,《中国教育通史》是第一个标志性成果,它在中国教育史学科的恢复和重建过程中发挥了不可替代的作用。迄至90年代末,《中国教育史研究》(陈学恂总主编)、《中外教育比较史纲》(王承绪、张瑞瑶总主编)、《中国教育思想通史》(王炳照、阎国华总主编)、《中国教育制度通史》(李国钧、  相似文献   

武术源于中国,属于世界,是整个人类的共同财富.2008年奥运会在北京获得成功举办,武术已经成为奥运会期间表演项目的背景下,进一步弘扬中华武术,推动武术的国际化传播,是我们广大武术工作者当前一项紧迫的任务.本文对武术在国际上的开展现状进行调查和分析,找出其中存在的问题,提出一些中国武术在国际上的发展策略,有助于中国武术的更好发展,也有利于武术在全世界的进一步推广和传播.  相似文献   

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