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’The rise of a central authority for English education had been a slow, tortuous, makeshift, muddled, unplanned, disjointed and ignoble process.‘ 1 1. A.S. Bishop, The Rise of a Central Authority for English Education (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971), 276. View all notes


This authority . . . claims to be supreme in the borough . . . this authority . . . claims to be arbiters of their own destiny. We intend to be masters in our own house untrammelled and will submit to no dictation from any source whatever . . . there is nothing in the Education Act that warrants the board of education in interfering with the local authority in its discretion as to whom it would appoint and discharge. 1 1Lowestoft Journal, Report on the meeting of the borough council 16 June, 1923. View all notes


The aim of this paper is to encourage sociologists of the curriculum to contribute more both to curriculum policy advocacy and the curriculum development process. It concludes by suggesting four areas of curriculum policy research around which both sociologists of education and curriculum studies ‘specialists’ could unite and which would go some way towards meeting the demands of the National Curriculum at the level of policy analysis and implementation.

No one should be expected to say all the time, at the same time, everything that is to be said. (Karl Popper[2] [2] Quoted in Schilpp (1974), p. 1167. View all notes)


The United States has two national credentials for paraprofessionals (persons who do not hold a bachelors degree, and are therefore not eligible for state certification). The first of these is the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, currently overseen by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition in Washington, DC[1] [1] The figures contained within this article are reprinted with the permission of the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition, Washington, DC, USA. View all notes. The Council is affiliated with NAEYC. This credential has undergone a number of changes, which were the subject of a recent book by Bouverat and Galen. The second credential is called Certified Childcare Professional (CCP). It is awarded by the National Child Care Association, a professional trade association of licensed private child care centers, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Primary attention will be given to the CDA National Credentialing Program by the author, who is a CDA Representative (an assessor and validating agent in the program).


Is it still possible to combine two programmes of study in higher education, and if so, what are the characteristics of these double‐students and what kind of obstacles do they face? In the Netherlands, about 10 percent of students in university education take two studies at the same time.

Different theoretical approaches offer hypotheses to explain the choice of students for a second study, compared to students who pursue the regular one‐study programme. Human capital as well as financial (socio‐economic) capital theory provides some insights in this choice process. Education programme‐related factors, as well as motivational and (social and academic) integration (Tinto, 1987 Tinto V 1987 Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition Chicago The University of Chicago Press  [Google Scholar]) factors, will possibly be important determinants for pursuing one or two study programmes in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the strengths of giving visibility to the concepts of space and time in research related to women's lives and higher education. It is based on research that explores the everyday practice and experience of women higher education students at a community college in the north of England. It focuses on the ways in which space and time to study are both socially and personally constructed. The concepts of space and time are drawn on to theorize and analyze women students' experiences and to draw attention to the ‘behind scenes of power and control’ shaping action (Layder, 1993 Layder D 1993 New strategies in social research (Cambridge, Polity)  [Google Scholar], p. 249). Women students from a range of backgrounds are considered, including younger/older, mother/non‐mother and differential class and geographical heritage. The paper highlights three issues. Firstly, the increasingly restricted ground available for academic studies in women's lives, resulting from the restructuring of paid work, social welfare and higher education. Secondly, the hierarchy of values and ambiguous meanings attached to higher education when women attempt to study. Thirdly, the intense negotiations undertaken by women students in order to construct space and time for academic work.  相似文献   

The Education for All initiative is one of the best known and most widely referenced policies in the development field. This paper investigates the extent to which the most recent EFA conference in Dakar (2000) addresses the complex issue of women and higher education. Two questions guide this inquiry. First, what are the basic concepts and definitions used in a feminist policy analysis? Second, to what extent, and in what ways is the topic of higher education and women referenced in the document (Dakar Framework for Action, 2000).2 2. Full text available at ?http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/ed_for_all/dakfram_eng.shtml?. View all notes Employing content analysis, this paper reveals the EFA policy's minimal attention to tertiary education for women throughout the world.  相似文献   

The article briefly reports on a school‐based training group, citing it as illustration of a development shared by other schools which have evolved partnerships with higher education. It suggests that good mentoring practice has existed in previous years and that there is a pool of expertise in schools, which can be tapped for the benefit of teacher training in the new courses. (Implementation of Circular 9/92). 1 Nichloas Pyke, Inspectors cast doubt on in‐school training. TES 10.3.95 article on forthcoming report by HM Inspectorate on the School Central Intial Teacher Training Scheme. (SCITT) View all notes


This paper (1) (1) I would like to acknowledge my debt of gratitude to all members of the BAP A Course Board whose collective contribution to the recent CNAA progress review made the writing of this paper possible. View all notes traces the evaluation process of the BA Public Administration course at the Glasgow College. The process ran from September 1985 to November 1986, during which time, the author, a senior lecturer in the Law and Public Administration Department, was a member of the course review committee at the centre of the process, liaising with staff, Faculty, CNAA, external examiners, students, graduates and employers. The outcome was that the CNAA awarded retrospective approval, thus enabling students, enrolled in October 1986, to transfer to the new scheme, and the course board was given delegated authority to make changes without prior approval.


This article explores the context of the period following the Education Reform Act 1988 in terms of the efforts by successive governments to raise academic standards. These attempts are illustrated by discussion of the impact of the introduction of market forces and parental choice, a centralised National Curriculum and associated assessment regime, the increasing cultures of performativity and surveillance in schools and the resulting commercialisation of education. The article then examines the current Secretary of State for Education, Mr Gove's, plans for the future standards agenda1 1Department for Education, The Importance of Teaching: Schools White Paper (Runcorn: Department for Education, 2010). View all notes, speculating that the current trend of raising standards and emphasising standards and performance is nearing the end of its useful life. Finally, drawing on Barker's2 2Bernard Barker, The Pendulum Swings: Transforming School Reform (Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham, 2010). View all notes advocacy of progressive community schools and the best of the progressive tradition the article suggests a counter argument to the creeping commercialisation and narrow results-based focus on standards in schools since 1988.  相似文献   

It would be fascinating to map out the political implications of scopic regimes, but it can't be done too reductively. The perspectivalist regime is not necessarily complicitous only with oppressive political practices. Under certain circumstances it may be emancipatory; it really depends on how it is used. [1] [1] M. Jay (1988) Scopic regimes of modernity, in: H. Foster (Ed.) Vision and Visuality, pp. 3‐28 (Seattle, WA, Bay Press). View all notes


Participants in this study were ethnic Hungarian secondary students attending high schools in Romania in which Hungarian was the primary language of instruction. Attitudes of participants toward ethnic and cultural groups were measured using a variation of the Bogardus (1933 Bogardus, Emory S. 1933. A Social Distance Scale. Sociology &; Social Research, 17: 265271.  [Google Scholar]) Scale of Social Distance. Results were consistent with predictions based on Allport's intergroup contact theory. Students reported a wide range of tolerance levels for majority and minority ethnic groups with which they were likely to have contact in Romania. However, the students reported little difference in tolerance levels for groups that are not a recognized part of the Romanian cultural landscape, such as people of Hispanic origin, and Native Americans.  相似文献   

All stakeholders are aware of the importance of measuring performance in higher education at the university/college level. Generally the performance indicators used for this purpose have focused on graduation rates and/or final examination scores, rather than the performance-enabling processes. Further, the most commonly used method for knowledge transfer is the traditional classroom teaching, which should be tracked/monitored continuously during its delivery process. It can help in the detection and correction of existing and impending problems, if any, in the teaching and learning processes. Further, the students’ attitude towards learning, that is, their readiness/willingness and interest should also be taken into consideration while measuring the performance of classroom teaching.

In the present paper, the model for measuring classroom performance illustrated by Grygoryev and Karapertrovic (2005) Grygoryev, K. and Karapetrovic, S. 2005. Tracking classroom teaching and learning: an SPC application. Quality engineering, 17: 405418. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] is used to measure the performance of under-graduate Engineering students in two BTech. (Mechanical) courses, namely, fluid mechaincs (FM) and experimental methods and analysis (EMA). Classroom assessment techniques (CATs) along with the statistical process control (SPC) have been used to analyse the learning performance. Further, the data for student's readiness and interest factors are collected and their positive influences on knowledge gain are established.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which initial teacher education (ITE) programmes contribute to the development of inclusive attitudes, values and practices. Inclusive education is the entitlement of all children and young people to quality education, irrespective of their differences or dispositions. It is about embracing educational values of equity, diversity and social justice. The data which underpins this paper was obtained through research commissioned by the Department of Education (DE) Northern Ireland (NI) which sought to identify existing practices that increased the motivation, participation and achievement of all pupils of school age with special educational needs (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). Head teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) views were sought on the effectiveness of ITE programmes in preparing student teachers to work in inclusive school settings.

Cet article considère jusqu'à quel point les programmes de formation pédagogique initiale (ITE) contribuent au développement d'attitudes, de valeurs et de pratiques inclusives. Tous les enfants et les jeunes ont le droit à un enseignement de bonne qualite sans tenir compte de leurs différences, de leurs tendances ou de leurs infirmités. Il s'agit d'embrasser les valeurs éducatives de l'équité, de la diversité et de la justice sociale. Les données qui sont à la base de cet article ont été obtenues à partir de recherche commandée par le ministre de l'Education (DE) pour l'Irlande du Nord (NI) qui cherchait à identifier les pratiques actuelles qui ont augmenté la motivation, la participation et la performance de tous ceux qui ont des difficultés d'apprentissage scolaire (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). On a demandé les opinions de Directeurs et de Coordinateurs pour l'enseignement spécialisé sur l'efficacité des programmes de formation pédagogique initiale (ITE) à préparer les enseignants stagiaires à travailler dans des établissements d'enseignement inclusif.

Este documento examina el punto hasta el que los programas iniciales de formación pedagógica contribuyan al desarrollo de actitudes, valores y prácticas inclusives. Todos los niños y los jóvenes tienen derecho a la enseñanza inclusive, o sea, de buena calidad, sin distinción de diferencia, temperamento ni discapacidad. Se trata de dedicarse a valores educativos de equidad, diversidad y justicia social. Los datos que respaldan este documento fueron obtenidos por medio de investigaciones encargadas por el Ministerio de Educación de Irlanda del Norte. Este pensó identificar prácticas actuales que aumentaran la motivación, la participación y el rendimiento de todos los alumnos de edad escolar que requirieran una educación especial (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). Solicitaron las opiniones de los directores y de coordinadores de la educación especial respecto a la eficacia de los programas iniciales de formación pedagógica en lo que se refiere a preparar a los estudiantes de magisterio para trabajar en colegios con ambiente inclusive.

Dieses referat untersucht, inwieweit die ersten Lehrerausbildungsprogramme (ITE) zur Entwicklung von inklusiven Einstellungen, Werten und Praktiken beitragen. Inklusive Ausbildung bedeutet die Berechtigung aller Kinder und Jugendlicher zu einer erstklassigen Ausbildung, ungeachtet ihrer Unterschiede, Veranlagungen oder Behinderungen. Es geht um die Wahrnehmung der erzieherischen Werte von Fairness, Vielfalt und sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Die Daten in diesem Referat wurden anhand von Forschung im Auftrag des Kulturministeriums Nordirland (DENI) erworben, die versuchte, die bestehenden Verfahrensweisen zu identifizieren, welche die Motivation, Teilnahme und Leistungen aller schulpflichtigen Kinder mit besonderen schulischen Bedürfnissen förderten (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). Schulleiter und Koordinatoren von Besonderen Schulischen Bedürfnissen (SENCOS) wurden befragt im Hinblick auf die Wirksamkeit von ITE‐Programmen, Referendare auf die Arbeit in inklusiven Schulumgebungen vorzubereiten.  相似文献   

Progress in education in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban has been described as ‘fragile, limited in reach, depth and uncertainty of sustainability' [UNICEF. 2013 UNICEF. 2013. Annual Report – Afghanistan. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. http://www.unicef.org/about/annualreport/files/Afghanistan_COAR_2013.pdf. [Google Scholar]. Basic Education and Gender Equality: Afghanistan. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. http://www.unicef.org/afghanistan/education_2206.htm]. This is particularly true for Afghan women participating in higher education, within a culture that remains resistant to women's education. This article documents the views and attitudes of Afghan women who have sought to gain a higher education, within a context where only 5% of the Afghan population attends university, and less than 20% of university students are female [The World Bank. 2013. World Development Indicators: Poverty Headcount Ratio at National Poverty Lines. The World Bank Group. http://data.worldbank.org/country/afghanistan]. It is an attempt to listen to the voices of Afghan women to ascertain what they see as the best ways to improve their educational outcomes. Findings illustrate that while progress has been made in enabling a small percentage of women to pursue higher education, there are still significant and enduring obstacles for Afghan women seeking such a path.  相似文献   

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