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The development of inter‐university co‐operation in Europe is conditioned by such major sets of events'as the evolution of the EC, growing environmental awareness, and the recent revolutionary changes in eastern Europe. Attempts to develop inter‐university cooperation between eastern and western European universities must still cope with the heritage of some forty‐five years of a divided Europe. Such strong points of the eastern European universities as research capacity should be recognized. A very good way to further inter‐university co‐operation on a broad front is through interregional co‐operation, particularly that linking contiguous regions on the East‐West European divide.  相似文献   

大学精神与大学文化既相互联系又各自独立 ,大学精神是大学文化的合理内核。在大学发展过程中 ,大学除了传统已经形成的学术自由、注重研究、服务社会精神外 ,还应具有关爱教学主体的精神。大学应以此为基础 ,通过尊重学术自由 ,培育大学文化 ;依托科学研究 ,创新大学文化 ;增强服务意识 ,拓展大学文化 ;关注教学主体 ,提升大学文化。  相似文献   

加拿大著名大学是国际化的大学,师生来自不同的国家,大学教育反映了文化的多样性。其中阿尔伯塔大学作为加拿大一流的研究型大学,是创造研究与基础教学的孵化器。文章全面思考加拿大的教育,认为教学的文化包容性、教师的教学、科研与社会服务实质的结合及学生学习的合作能力培养是加拿大教学与科研的特色。正是由于大学的办学特色,也促进了加拿大经济、文化与社会的发展,对整个社会的和谐产生了积极的影响。加拿大大学的办学,促进我们对自身高等教育健康发展从不同的角度思考,教学中不同文化的对话,身份的认知和个体独特性的发现是我国高等教育国际化进程中需要着力研究的方面。  相似文献   

军队综合大学是我军新型院校体系的龙头和基石,在整个军事教育中占有基础性、全局性和先导性地位.1999年我军综合大学组建以来,各院校加紧以实质性合并为契机的"综合化"、质量化建设,成效显著.军队综合大学作为一种创新模式,由于其合并基础、学科积累、办学条件等方面差异显著,其建设应基于"校情",进行多样化、个性化发展战略选择.  相似文献   

随着西方近代以来的学科分化,大学教育也日趋专业化,乃至于职业化,培养出来的是某种“产品”而不是一个人格整全的人,西方的教育学者因而提倡自由教育与通识教育。但自由教育产生的是西方意义上的现代公民,并不能真正培养中国社会所要求的人格健全、道德高尚的学生。中国传统书院以传授儒学为主,与现代自由教育有同有异。本文认为书院所要传授的儒学与现代自由教育品性不合。现代的大学与现代的自由教育相适,儒学在现代大学中的处境并不乐观,因而现代书院于儒学复兴任重而道远。  相似文献   

With reference to the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, the author elaborates the argument that universities are capable of anticipating social and economic change, that indeed it is their duty not only to adapt to these changes but to anticipate and to influence them. A brief outline of the history of universities is given, and the situation of universities in western Europe, specifically in the Netherlands, is contrasted with that in eastern and central Europe, specifically Hungary. Currently, European universities, West and East, are headed towards the same future. This future is being influenced by a number of external factors, particularly technological change, which places a premium on strategic planning, interdisciplinarity with regard to research and teaching, and interuniversity co‐operation at national and international levels.  相似文献   

In the seventeenth century the status of chemistry changed remarkably. Chemistry was no longer regarded as a manual practice subordinated to medicine but as an independent discipline that was taught both privately and in universities. In Germany, it became part of the medical teaching in several universities, while in the rest of Europe the introduction of chemistry in the university curricula was a much slower process, as it was often taught outside the universities. This was the case of France, where a strong opposition from the Medical Faculty prevented the introduction of chemistry in the university curricula. Nonetheless, thanks to the support of the King physicians and of members of the court, chemical teaching spread in Paris, both in private courses and at the Jardin du Roi. The present paper investigates chemistry teaching and the chemical textbooks published in France in the seventeenth century. The focus of the enquiry is the definition of the aims and scopes of chemistry to be found in the chemical textbooks, as well as its relationships to other disciplines, notably, medicine and natural philosophy.  相似文献   

大规模网络开放课程平台(MassiveOpenOnlineCourse,MOOC)正在对高等教育产生巨大的影响。文章阐述了国外三大MOOC平台的区别和国内高校课程联盟的发展,以东西部高校课程共享联盟为例,论述了MOOC推动教学资源共享+翻转课堂推动教学改革的混合式教学模式。  相似文献   

应该重新审视"复调音乐基础写作"这门课在师范艺术类院校的教学思路,不可把专业艺术院校对于"复调"的教学模式一成不变地照搬,而应在总的教学原则下尽量创建灵活多样的、适应师范艺术类各专业多元需求的复调音乐教学法。这一目标的实现,首先在于对于"复调"教材的改革与创新。  相似文献   

The university as a producer of highly qualified human resources contributes not only to economic development, but more importantly, to endogenous technical progress. Although certain students of the subject have tried to prove that research and teaching in universities do not complement one another, most professors would disagree. If university teaching contributes to economic development, then it should also contribute to the improvement of teaching which through its effects on students will also contribute to economic development. A poll that the authors helped to direct of senior university managers indicated strong belief that teaching and fundamental research will remain linked and will continue to be very important parts of the missions of universities for the foreseeable future. Applied research will have a slightly lower priority, but its role will steadily increase in importance. Interestingly, very little priority was accorded to lifelong learning and even less, to third age instruction.  相似文献   

欧洲的中世纪大学和中国宋代的书院,对文化教育的发展都起过积极的作用。它们在教学内容、教学方法、管理体制等方面颇有相似之处。在教学内容上,中世纪大学具有很强的神学性质,宋代书院则有鲜明的理学色彩;在教学方法上,它们都以讲授和讨论相结合的教学法为主;在教育制度上,欧洲中世纪大学和宋代书院都具有自治性、开放性和制度化的特点。  相似文献   

The article examines the extent to which the notion of a publicly-funded university as an institution engaging in both teaching and research is likely to be sustained in the European higher education space of the future, given the variety of pressures (including funding and mass higher education) on such a conception of a university and changes in how national governments regard the purposes of higher education. Relevant literature on the changing purposes of universities is reviewed. For illustrative purposes, the article uses an example of recent legislation, the 2004 Higher Education Act, in England, whereby research degree awarding powers are no longer a pre-requisite for the conferral of university status. The position in England's higher education system with regard to research and teaching is contrasted with that of a second UK country, Scotland, which has contrasting policies on teaching and research in universities. The article examines the research-teaching debate from the perspective of individual academics, universities and policy-makers, using recent empirical data where available. It is suggested that whilst academics and their institutions (for different reasons) may be in favour of retaining a link between teaching and research and may resist changes to this, policy-makers faced with rising demands on the public purse may see such links as suited only to an academic elite. Such pressures apply equally to other member countries of the European Higher Education space, so the outcomes of this policy debate about the centrality of research and teaching to universities have many implications for the future shape of European higher education.  相似文献   

文章介绍了近年来在大学物理教学中采用军事应用实例教学的初步探索,分析了实例教学对培养学生科学素养和解决问题方面所起的作用。此研究成果对军队院校物理课程教学满足部队实战化要求具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

邓丽群 《安康学院学报》2012,24(1):109-111,125
研究性教学是近年来高校教学改革的中心问题,实施研究性课堂教学既是地方高校教学改革的必然结果,同时也是地方高校提高竞争力的重要渠道和提升科研水平的有效途径。在实施研究性课堂教学中,地方高校应准确把握以课题形式和非课题形式展开的两种课堂教学模式,有效掌握实施过程,充分利用教学策略,以使研究性教学理念在课堂教学中得到淋漓尽致的展现,从而实现高校教学改革的目标和人才培养的目的。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of organisational theory in a research and development project at the University of Queensland. It focuses on the introduction of a student evaluation of teaching scheme for feedback purpose and for use in annual appraisals, as well as for tenure and promotion decisions. It is a case study of planned change introduced into a traditional university within the framework of the literature on change, university systems and the academic profession. The paper demonstrates that organisational theory helps (a) to clarify the context and the conditions which facilitate introduction of change in a traditional university, and (b) to evaluate strategies to initiate and implement change. When the student evaluation of teaching system was developed and first promoted in Semester 2, 1982, 37 staff members had their teaching evaluated. Since then it has grown to a regular evaluation of teaching in over 300 class sessions, with 150–200 staff members participating each semester, and about 15,000 students returning questionnaires. This makes it a unique scheme in Australian universities.  相似文献   

本文第一部分在参考前人研究成果的基础上,指出清代书院研究的重要意义在于给现代大学教育改革提供一种精神资源,而二十世纪初期以来绵延近百年的创办书院的实践,也从另一方面证示书院存在和研究之价值.第二部分从学术史和教育史的角度评述数种清代书院研究论著.第三部分指出清代书院研究中的两大问题,一是书院基本文献和相关文献未能充分发掘利用,二是从观念出发,过分强调书院对乾嘉考据之学的培育和推衍之功.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, globalization and ever-increasing demands of the knowledge-based economy have caused higher education in most countries around the world to undergo significant transformation. Notwithstanding the dramatic changes in higher education, it is clearly noticed that the influence of the European higher education models is still present despite the fact that the American model has then become dominant on higher education in Europe or even worldwide. The changes have been seen in the evolutionary roles of universities, which share the common trend from traditional missions of teaching and research to the third mission for economic development. Despite various viewpoints about the third mission, the common one concerns the entrepreneurial role of university for socio-economic development, underlying the concept of entrepreneurial university in which the collaboration between university and external stakeholders is emphasized. This paper is aimed to present a review of the taxonomy of the three European higher education models, namely the Humboldtian, Napoleonic, and Anglo-Saxon model, which is followed by a discussion on the emergence of the Anglo-American model of higher education. The paper then presents the third mission in relation to the roles of a university in developed countries, which is followed by the elaboration on the transformation from mode 1 to mode 2 in knowledge production, and a pathway toward entrepreneurial universities.  相似文献   

为了响应联合国秘书长安南提出的“高等院校应该更多地参与国际公共政策和事务”倡议,纽约地区5所高校发起成立了大学校长全球峰会。首届峰会于2005年1月18日至19日在哥伦比亚大学举行,全球著名研究型大学的40多位校长和学者参加了会议,并于6月27日发表了《学术自由宣言》,倡议全球大学校长联合签名,共同创建自己认同的学术自由氛围和环境。  相似文献   

现代教育思想的发展和终身体育观念的确立,为我国高校公共体育改革提供了理论依据.本文阐述了体育俱乐部教学改革的价值和意义,说明了俱乐部教学模式自身的优势,从而对我院公共体育课实施俱乐部改革进行了可行性研究,并结合实际情况,为俱乐部教学改革提出了合理化建议.  相似文献   

研究型大学是20世纪世界教育与科技迅猛发展的结果,是以科研和培养高级创新性人才为目标的高水平大学的集合体,因此研究型大学的人才概念包括优秀的科研教学骨干和一流的研究生两个方面。研究型大学依靠自身强大的师资、一流的科研设施和雄厚的经济基础在人才培养方面发挥着不可替代的作用。以清华大学、北京大学、南京大学等15所国内研究型大学为例进行实证研究和分析,并从学校的教学、管理、科研和经费投入四个方面提出了四点政策建议。  相似文献   

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