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Vasiliu Gheorghe is the oldest student in Romania. He is a unique historical phenomenon in his country and perhaps a model for others. He may be the last student in Romania to earn a second university degree in a field different from his first degree. It would be inaccurate to leave the impression that Vasiliu is the only older Romanian attending a university. Although it is not possible to return to the university for a degree in a second field, many older Romanians are attending courses offered by evening extension programs at universities throughout the country.  相似文献   

The participation of specialists in environmental protection and their active participation in industry, research and planning is considered an essential demand in all efforts to improve the present environmental situation and to find solutions which will avoid the mistakes of the past. Of late, many countries have devoted considerable time, money and resources toward broadening the training of such specialists.

In this context, we present the following article, written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Dr. ing. Gheorghe Borilà and Dr. ing. Ionel Constantinescu from the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest.  相似文献   

One of the aims of the reform of Swedish higher education implemented in July 1977 is a renewal of the content of education programmes in connection with requirements of working life and lifelong education.

Below are presented the main types of courses which have been set up in accordance with the above‐mentioned aim.  相似文献   

杜夫海纳是现象学美学的集大成者。审美对象是他现象学美学理论体系中的一个极其重要的概念。他从艺术作品入手界定审美对象,指出审美对象的内在结构,以及他的特殊存在性--自在自为的准主体,同时也着重探讨了审美对象的世界和审美对象的深度。笔者对杜夫海纳现象学美学中的审美对象进行阐发,并探讨了这一概念及其理论的意义与启示。  相似文献   

幼儿科学教育是一门年轻学科,许多理论问题尚处于探讨阶段,就幼儿科学教育的教育原则而言,长期以来不为人们所重视,在此方面的研究探讨甚少,笔者在十几年的教学理论研究与实践探索基础上,提出幼儿科学教育应坚持自然性、科学性、发展性、综合性原则  相似文献   

The political changes occurring in eastern and central Europe in 1989 and 1990 and the breakup of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991 fragmented a large area in which science and technology policy was more or less centralized and rationalized. Each country in this area, as a result, has had to develop its own science and technology policy in very difficult situations of transition. One of the attempts made to re‐establish some order and unity in science policy in the former socialist countries has been spearheaded by the International Association of Academies of Sciences, founded in Kiev in 1991. It is attempting, on a voluntary basis, to assume some of the functions of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences, and in particular, to re‐create the scientific space existing before 1989‐1991. Among its many projects are efforts in favour of young scientists and closer co‐operation with other international organizations of academies.  相似文献   

首次把潜科学应用于化学教学,结合化学教学内容,对化学进行潜科学分析,把潜科学的理论和方法融入化学课堂教学,在传授知识的同时,起到了开发潜能、启迪思维、开阔视野、培养素质、揭示规律、提高能力的作用,教学效果显著,创造性地给出了一套把潜科学溶入化学教学的理论方法.  相似文献   

With recognition of the importance of scientific literacy for the nation and yet the increasing students’ disinterest in science through school science curriculum, the Korea Science Foundation launched an innovative program called ‘Everyday Science Class (ESC)’ in partnership with universities and local government offices in 2003. In this work, we introduce the structure and dynamics of the ESC program in K-district through examining (1) how everyday contexts helped learners’ perceptions and attitudes toward science and (2) how the dynamics of learning environments effected learners’ learning process. We employed interviews and video recording of classes for data collection. To analyze the data, we used the process of thematic coding to understand the outcomes and effects of ESC program. The research findings showed that everyday context and a unique environment of learning with parents in the ESC program could bring forth learners’ understandings on the connection between science and their everyday lives and positive attitudes toward science learning. We also found that there were certain issues to be taken into account in terms of children’s cognitive development for further development.  相似文献   

The higher education system of Romania has been one of the sectors of Romanian society most determined to undertake drastic reform and restructuring. The reform process, which got underway during the first months of 1990, is complex, particularly the efforts in favour of restructuring and diversification aimed at adapting Romanian higher education, both in terms of national and of curricular structures, to the realities of a market economy and liberal democratic principles. An appropriate legal framework is to be provided by two new laws, the Law on Education and the Law on Quality Assessment and Accreditation.  相似文献   

高校学生组织建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生组织在培养学生诸多社会能力方面具有重要作用.学生组织的建设实际上就是人力资源管理的问题.学生组织容易出现三方面问题,即独立创新意识差、工作与学习失衡、服务意识不强.对此,本文根据管理心理学原理,从人力资源管理的角度,提出高校学生组织建设的四大原则(机制),即引导机制、激励机制、约束机制、竞争机制.  相似文献   

中国现代化进程中地区发展不平衡的政治学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国现代化进程中,存在着地区发展极不平衡的问题。同东部沿海地区相比,中西部民族地区发展缓慢。两大地区之间发展不平衡,差距较大。这一状况已经对我国社会经济、政治生活产生种种不良影响,不利于消除民族间事实上存在的不平等以及促进各民族共同发展繁荣,从而阻碍着中国社会主义现代化的进程和21世纪中华民族的伟大复兴。对此,笔者对中央政府、中西部民族地区和东部沿海地区各级政府提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

The year 1990 marked a transitional period in the development of science and technology in Poland. A package of bills passed by the Polish Parliament in December 1989 has laid down the basis for the elaboration of a new funding system taking into account the opening and the liberalization of Polish society and the ending of the overcentralized system of control in the areas concerned. The four aims of the proposed reform are the replacement of administrative control over science by co‐operation between the government and the scientific community in the determination of science policy; the diversification of funding methods for basic and applied research; the introduction of the competitive principle with regard to research funding, including peer review for project proposals; and the ending of the separation of science into ‘sections’ of different state organizations. From now on, researchers and research organizations will have to elaborate funding packages for themselves, drawing upon numerous sources, and to adapt themselves to current perceived and expressed national needs. The author cautions, however, that an overemphasis of the market principle could have detrimental effects on academic freedom and on the productivity of theoretical research.


首先分析了数学教学中存在的问题,同时结合数学学科的特点,探讨了把潜科学理论与方法应用于数学教学中的途径,从五个方面作了具体阐述,以达到更好地培养学生的素质和能力的目的.  相似文献   

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