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The different national Academies of Sciences are as varied as their individual histories and the societies of which they are a part. At the same time, they all have certain characteristics in common. An Academy is usually the highest ranking scientific body in its country. It is independent of higher education institutions, of political parties, and of the state, even if it receives state subsidies. Among the special features of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, one can cite the fact that its General Assembly includes two hundred representatives of the Hungarian scientific community who serve three‐year terms but cannot participate in elections for new Academy members and that its forty research institutes and eighty research groups that are located and function in universities have a high degree of autonomy in regard to the Academy as such.  相似文献   

The Romanian Academy decided to conduct an evaluation of its research institutes based on facts, quantitative statistical data and indicators, as well as on qualitative factors specific to each scientific domain. A first report, concerning input data analyses (human, material, and financial resources), was issued at the beginning of 1995. A second one, consisting of a revised and updated version of input analyses, as well as an output evaluation (publications, patents, etc.) was due to appear in the autumn of 1985. During the spring of 1995, the Romanian Academy initiated a research grant system, open to all Romanian scientists and research groups, for the competitive funding of projects in fundamental and advanced research. Applications are screened and selected by four autonomous expert panels, after an ex‐ante evaluation; midterm and final evaluations (ex‐post) are also foreseen.  相似文献   

Seemingly unlike the cases of the Academies of Sciences in the other eastern and central European countries, the Romanian Academy wishes to continue sponsoring state‐of‐the‐art‐research to be undertaken in its own network of research institutes. This decision comes both as a reaction to attempts made by the Ceauescu regime to destroy the Academy completely and the realization that other major models of national research policy, notably the US model, the western European model, and an intermediate one adopted in Mexico, are not easily adapted to Romanian reality. The specifically Romanian model chosen, of beginning with two major sets of government supported research institutes subordinated either to the Ministry of Science and Technology or to the Romanian Academy, of linking them to the universities, and of adapting them according to the dictates of a market economy and democratization seems to be the best option.  相似文献   

The article is an argument in favour of a type of national science policy in which a National Academy of Sciences is at the same time the highest ranking association of scientists and the capstone of a national organization of research institutes specialized in different fields of the sciences and the humanities. Such was the Soviet Academy of Sciences and is now the Russian Academy of Sciences, the roots of which go back to 1724. The achievements in science of the various Academy institutes are detailed, and while the author recognizes that the universities too perform research, their basic task is teaching. For him, the duality of research in the academy and teaching in the universities has given good results and should continue.  相似文献   

Independence and transition to a market economy have led to economic decline in the Republic of Moldova. Scientific research directed at sustainable human development is the key to economic renewal. As Moldova must import most of its energy, a major task is to reduce energy consumption through improved energy efficiency. Since the basic source of national wealth is agriculture, the development of derivatives of agriculture, such as the bio‐chemical industries, the pharmaceutical industry, the perfume industry, and the veterinary sciences should be stressed as well as components of information technology in which Moldova has a lead. As the premier research organization of Moldova is its Academy of Sciences founded in 1946, it should channel its best efforts into the economic development of the country through science.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study between 1970 and 1988 of scholastic and occupational achievements of intellectually gifted youths from the Sisak‐Banija region (SR Croatia, Yugoslavia) had four stages: (1) identification (organized during the final classes of the primary school period), (2) first phase of follow up (monitored during the period of secondary school education), (3) second phase of follow up (monitored during the period of higher education), (4) third phase of follow up (monitored during the first few years of employment). Results until now show that the intellectual status of subjects has remained constantly high; all subjects completed secondary school education and 67 percent continued their studies; a high proportion of them were oriented to engineering and science; they attained much higher levels of school achievement than average; many of them were interested in scientific research and different activities in arts and sport; many of them published their works. However, the study has drawn attention to negative consequences of the absence of a social support system for gifted youth in our country.  相似文献   

理学集大成者朱熹作《江州濂溪书堂记》,赞理学开山祖周敦颐"不由师传、默契道体",将其当作有宋匡扶孔孟"道统"第一人,并把"濂溪书堂"看作此千载不传"道统"之教育载体。因此,"濂溪之学"的说法自然为后人所接受。但作为首位理学家书院讲学象征的"书堂",其具体的相关事迹却一直未被系统发掘和整理,以至于后世学者间或有疑。本文将对此作些初步的、尽可能全面的整理与考证,以期进一步明晰濂溪书堂的历史地位。  相似文献   

The humanities and the social sciences particularly suffered under communism because of the susceptibility of their disciplines to political and ideological manipulation. Nevertheless, in some of them the intellectual climate was more liberal in the Academy than in the universities. With transition, a much reduced research staff has adopted new approaches to research and to the definition of areas of research, one of which is a reevaluation of the recent history of the Czech Republic. A major task of the humanities and the social sciences is permanent reflection on the human condition.  相似文献   

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which was established in 1969 is the central research institution of Bulgaria. Not only has it been affected by the forces of economic and political transition, but while most of the country vacillated when faced with the need to make radical changes, the Academy early on devised a strategy of comprehensive restructuring. The Academy continues to make internationally recognized contributions to the advancement of science in a number of areas, particularly in the hard sciences. It has by no means neglected the humanities, its original domain of research, where it continues to reinforce Bulgarian culture in a number of areas.  相似文献   

The work and the prospects of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences are described. The Academy, like other institutions in Belarus, has suffered greatly since the period of transition began in 1990. The Academy and its constituent institutes are struggling to continue providing their traditional leadership in regard to basic and applied research in all disciplines. In some areas, particularly in the hard sciences, Belarussian researchers continue to chalk up internationally recognized successes; however, the size of the research staff in the republic has declined by 50 per cent since 1990, and there is difficulty in recruiting new blood. The basic problem is one of finance; however, the Academy is trying to tap several sources of funding including the government. It is also taking steps to influence the training of young scientists and academics and to forge links with the Academies of other countries. At all costs, Belarus must not lose its scientific potential.  相似文献   

Information and support for families of children on the autism spectrum is limited in south-east Europe. A three-year project, Equity and Social Inclusion Through Positive Parenting (ESIPP), was established to develop and provide parent education (PE) in autism for families in Croatia, Cyprus and North Macedonia. This paper presents findings from Croatia regarding family life and the impact of PE. Data were collected via pre- and post-PE questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Participants discussed the impact of autism on family life, the difficulty of obtaining a diagnosis, the importance of family support (and varying experience of formal support), common experiences of stigma and social exclusion and concerns for the future. The value and benefit of PE is identified, and recognition of its impact within Croatia has ensured its ongoing provision.  相似文献   

Since achieving independence in 1991, the Republic of Latvia has taken radical measures to reform its system of science on a western model. The funding system has been overhauled, the Academy of Sciences, that used to be a kind of Ministry of Science, has become an academy of the classical type, and the advanced degrees of scientists inherited from the USSR‐era have been nostrificated. The big problem has been that of enacting the decision made to integrate the former institutes that were subordinated to the Latvian Academy of Sciences into the university system. The process has been resisted by university teachers who do not want to do research and by institute scientists who do not want to teach students, particularly undergraduate students. The article describes several measures that have been taken to deal with this problem which still remains unresolved.  相似文献   

山西大学堂对中国近代大学教育的贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
创立于1902年的山西大学堂,在20世纪最初的20年里,与京师大学堂、北洋大学堂一起开创了中国近代大学教育的先河。山西大学堂以其一校两制、以新化旧的独特办学模式,取法英国的教学风格和开内省举办大学的先河,为中国近代大学教育的发展作出了多方面的贡献。  相似文献   

书院教育在中国有悠久的历史。《中国书院史资料》是当代书院研究的重要工具书。对《中国书院史资料》作者对《文献通考》相关资料理解的再理解可以说明,书院史料的征引与解读应合于基本的语言学、历史学、逻辑学、教育学及所属历史场域的本真。作为一项历史研究,书院史研究理应追求主观与客观的共生,在主客观对话中迫近书院历史的真实。  相似文献   

The Serbian Academy of Sciences, which dates back to 1841, became more than simply a Serbian Academy, for its membership included major scientists from all the nations of former Yugoslavia. Scientific institutions in Serbia, as in the other countries of eastern and central Europe, are having great difficulties in recruiting younger people into science. Not only are better opportunities available in other professions, but some of the most qualified young people are turning away from science because they find it morally repugnant. They feel that science lacks underpinning ethics. The central and eastern European countries must address this and other problems and possibly make appeals to a broad form of patriotism in order to redirect their most talented youth into scientific careers.  相似文献   

1930年10月,卢作孚在重庆北碚创建了中国西部第一个综合性科研机构——中国西部科学院,并对川康为重点的西部地区开展了一系列生物、理化、农林、地质的调查研究,取得令世人瞩目的成果。抗战爆发后,由于卢作孚和中国西部科学院的影响和鼎力帮助,一大批东部地区的科研学术机构和科学工作者内迁北碚,中国科学文化的国脉和精华得以保存和延续,北碚也因此成为大后方科技文化中心,中国西部科学院成为大后方科技事业的“诺亚方舟”而永载史册。  相似文献   

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic traces its origins back through the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to several private learned societies, one of which was founded in the Eighteenth Century, that eventually received royal (Habsburg) charters. The Academy as it exists today has been affected by the same processes of transition as the rest of Czech society. The Academy and its various institutes are subject to periodic evaluation. It must now share responsibility for research in the Czech Republic with other state organs, particularly the universities.  相似文献   

In common with the Academies of Science of the other European countries, the Romanian Academy traces its origins back to a local scholarly society founded in 1795 in Sibiu to promote the study of the Romanian Language and of Romanian history. Such origins were as much influenced by Herder's stress on the importance of local culture as by Liebnitz's urging that all the great rulers of Europe create academies of science to be in the service of the state. In common with the Academies in the other eastern and central European countries, the Romanian Academy suffered under communism but was re‐established with a new lease on life after the collapse of the communist regime. The oldest international non‐governmental organization committed to international scientific co‐operation is the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) that was created in 1931. Its Standing Committee on the Free Circulation of Scientists (SCFCS), created in 1963, contributed to liberalizing science in the communist countries and in bringing about the rebirth of the Academies in eastern and central Europe after the collapse of communism. The Romanian Academy was a founding member of ICSU.  相似文献   

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