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20世纪90年代,强纲领科学知识社会学逐渐走向衰落,科学知识社会学的研究纲领由强纲领主张转向社会学有限论。然而,社会学有限论和强纲领主张在本质上是一致的,这一变革并未触及科学知识社会学的实质性问题,因此难以解决自身存在的固有问题。科学知识社会学将会走向何方?以协调论作为解决方法,为科学知识社会学找到了一条可能的出路。  相似文献   

20世纪出现的经济与社会的巨大变化,催生了试图通过理论建构和案例分析来打破自然科学和人文科学分野的科学知识社会学的诞生。该领域经历了强纲领、社会建构论、社会学有限主义时期后日渐衰微,但科尔以"实在论的建构主义"为其在理解科学与人文关系上展现了生机,该学说对构建适合于当代的科学传播模式具有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

科学知识社会学分别以强纲领、社会建构论和社会学有限主义为指导纲领,展现为不断向实践纬度演进的三代发展历程,逐步摆脱了其理论困境,走向成熟,显示出强大的生命力,进而为科学知识社会学的未来走向开拓了新的发展空间。  相似文献   

科学知识社会学产生于20世纪70年代,并迅速产生了国际性影响。科学知识社会学流派中发展最为成熟、最具代表性的爱丁堡学派有以下主要理论观点:一是其理论核心“强纲领”,二是其说明模式“利益理论”,三是其建构方法“有限论”。  相似文献   

科学哲学的经济学进路是继科学社会学和科学知识社会学之后科学论新的研究方向,它以自然主义为理论基础,强调科学活动社会维度中经济运行原则的重要性,主张用经济学方法论揭示科学认识的规律与本质。但这种经济学范式介入科学哲学研究的基础还存在诸多问题,其理论主张与方法论仍是不确定性的,这源自于科学哲学的自然化解释与其规范性的张力并没有在这种新进路中得到彻底解决。  相似文献   

真理是不断创新的过程在古代很长的一段时间里,古希腊天文学家托勒密的"地心说"统治着人们的头脑。托勒密认为地球居于宇宙中央不动,日、月、星都环绕地球运行。后来,哥白尼推翻了托勒密的理论,提出了"日心说":太阳是宇宙的中心,其他星球围绕太阳运动。而后,布鲁诺继承并发展了哥白尼的"日心说",认为宇宙是无限的,太阳系只是无限宇宙中的一个天体系统。伽利略通过望远镜观察天体,发现月球表面凹凸不平,木星有四个卫星,太阳有黑子,银河由无数恒星组成,金星、水星都有盈亏现象等。不久,开普勒分析第谷·布拉赫的观察资料,发现行星沿椭圆轨道运行,并提出行星三大运动定律,为牛顿发现万有引力定律打下了基础……可以这样说:科学是不断发现的过程,真理是不断创新的过程。记忆关键调:"地心说"/"日心说"/宇宙是无限的/伽利略/行星三大运动定律/牛顿/万有引力定律  相似文献   

科学知识社会学的理论渊源来自于知识社会学、科学哲学和科学社会学,它从社会建构的纬度分析和研究科学知识的生产过程,正确消解了科学主义,对科学的完全客观性进行了否定.科学知识社会学指出科学事实和科学论文以及在此基础上形成的科学知识可以通过科学实验室制造出来,它的产生和发展具有重要作用和意义,使科学地位得到理性回归.  相似文献   

科学知识社会学转向后科学知识社会学研究是社会建构领域研究的新方向。与科学知识社会学相比,后科学知识社会学在科学生产的本性、科学中的行动者、科学共识如何达成和科学的进步性等方面都存在差异。这一转向的原因:一是科学知识社会学理论本身的矛盾,二是同一时期科学本身和哲学思潮发展的影响。  相似文献   

科学知识社会学视野中的科学教育观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学知识社会学是在解构传统科学基础上产生的。它提出以强纲领摧毁科学知识的客观性,以信念研究张扬科学知识的社会性,以实验室研究揭示科学知识的境域性。科学知识社会学观照下的科学教育坚持如下基本理念:否定知识的客观性和普遍性,张扬相对的科学知识观;重视全面的科学素养,追求多元的目的观;贯通科学与社会,倡导综合的课程观;摒弃简单的知识灌输,坚持建构与对话的教学观。  相似文献   

科学争论如何终止?——柯林斯对实验的社会学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学知识社会学以科学知识为探讨对象。科学知识社会学巴斯学派的主要代表人物柯林斯在对科学、技术争论进行案例分析时,提出“实验者回归”这一概念,指出实验方法与实验结果是互为因果的,实验证据不能作为终止一场科学争论的判定性标准;并用“经验相对主义纲领”对此加以解释,认为社会因素在终止科学争论中发挥着重要作用,实验结论是科学家协商的结果。  相似文献   

希尔伯特工具主义者希望用理想数学替换实在数学,但这样的元数学替换策略会导致稀释问题,也就是理想证明量上的增加会引起实在证明中质上的减少。为了解决稀释问题,需要对有限主义进行深入的研究。这是有限证明的必要性。对哥德尔主义标准论证的反驳使得有限证明变得可能,这是有限证明的充分性。在反驳标准论证的过程中,也使得解决稀释问题变得可能。  相似文献   

While adolescents’ academic motivation usually declines, not all adolescents struggle. This study tested the heterogeneity of motivation trajectories, focusing particularly on three types of extrinsic motivation (external, introjected, and identified regulations) accompanied by competence beliefs. Parallel-process growth mixture modeling was utilized to identify classes of joint trajectories from grades 8 to 11, drawing on nationally representative data from South Korea (n = 6908). Three distinct classes emerged based on external regulation and competence beliefs, but there were no significant differences in academic achievement (scholastic aptitude test scores) in grade 12 across the classes. Four distinct classes emerged for introjected and identified regulation, respectively, covarying with competence beliefs. The classes demonstrating high and/or increasing competence beliefs showed the highest achievement for both introjected and identified regulation models. The results highlight the importance of fostering competence beliefs and provide a more nuanced explanation of the development of multidimensional motivation from a standpoint of self-determination theory.  相似文献   

禁忌语是一种社会现象。就像语言的其他组成部分一样,禁忌语可以折射出特定文化社会理念与价值观;同时,在很大程度上又受这些文化理念与社会准则的限制。本文主要从英语禁忌语的普遍性和习用性、禁忌语的语用修辞策略以及会话准则与社会准则的双重约束几个方面,重点论述禁忌语的语用修辞特点及文化规约本质。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between teachers’ ability beliefs, expectancy beliefs, value beliefs, and technology integration based upon expectancy-value theory of motivation. The results of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling show that teachers’ value and competence beliefs about technology integration are multidimensional constructs. Ability beliefs strongly predict expectancy and value beliefs. Most importantly, expectancy beliefs and value beliefs play differential roles in relation to teachers’ technology use in classrooms. The ways in which different aspects of teacher beliefs can be fostered are discussed.  相似文献   

乔姆斯基的句法理论自从提出以来,一直处于不断的修正和完善当中。该理论以经验为基础,用自然科学的方法,揭示语言的本质,具有简明、严密的特点,因而历经四十多年而不败。由于它是一门经验科学,因而更多地表现出它对语言现象的阐释作用。本文通过对两个例子的分析,简要说明了乔姆斯基的句法理论对语言现象具有的较强解释力。  相似文献   

Young children's attribution of action to beliefs and desires   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When and how children understand beliefs and desires is central to whether they are ever childhood realists and when they evidence a theory of mind. Adults typically construe human action as resulting from an actor's beliefs and desires, a mentalistic interpretation that represents a common and fundamental form of psychological explanation. We investigated children's ability to do likewise. In Experiment 1, 60 subjects were asked to explain why story characters performed simple actions, such as looking under a piano for a kitten. Both preschoolers and adults gave predominantly psychological explanations, attributing the actions to the actor's beliefs and desires. Even 3-year-olds attributed actions to beliefs and false beliefs, demonstrating an understanding of belief not evident in previous research. In Experiment 2, 24 3-year-olds were tested further on their understanding of false belief. They were given both false belief prediction and explanation tasks. Children performed well on explanation taks, attributing an anomalous action to the actor's false belief, even when they failed to predict correctly what action would follow from a false belief. We concluded that 3-year-olds and adults share a fundamentally similar construal of human action in terms of beliefs and desires, even false beliefs.  相似文献   

布罗代尔作为年鉴学派的第二代掌门人,不乏创造性地提出了“长时段”理论,现实的开拓了人们对历史时间认识的视野。但目前诸多研究多数停留在就问题说问题的阶段,文章力求通过对“长时段”理论的梳理,从马克思唯物主义的高度时其进行深入分析,并从理论应用的角度分层次的进行了阐述,以求裨益于其理论体系的完整构建。  相似文献   

Implicit beliefs about the nature of human abilities have significant motivational, behavioral, and affective consequences. The purpose of this article was to review the application of implicit beliefs to the youth sport context and to provide theoretically derived and evidence-based instructional strategies to promote adaptive implicit beliefs about human abilities within this context. A narrative overview of theory and a review of research pertaining to implicit beliefs in education, sport, and physical activity are undertaken. Theoretically derived and evidence-based instructional strategies are outlined, and specific coaching behaviors are suggested. Six instructional strategies to promote adaptive implicit beliefs in these contexts are suggested: focusing on effort and persistence, facilitating challenge, promoting the value of failure, defining success as effort, the promotion of learning, and providing high expectations. It is concluded that instructional strategies may be used to facilitate positive motivational, behavioral, and affective outcomes for young people within a sport context.  相似文献   

Explaining inconsistency may serve as an important mechanism for driving the process of causal learning. But how might this process generate amended beliefs? One way that explaining inconsistency may promote discovery is by guiding exploratory, hypothesis‐testing behavior. In order to investigate this, a study with young children ranging in age from 2 to 6 years (N = 80) examined the relation between explanation and exploratory behavior following consistent versus inconsistent outcomes. Results indicated that for inconsistent outcomes only, the kind of explanation children provided informed the kind of exploratory behavior they engaged in and the extent to which children modified and generated new hypotheses. In sum, the data provide insight into a mechanism by which explaining inconsistent evidence guides causal cognition.  相似文献   

作为对阅读理解过程进行解释的一种理论,图式理论受到国内学者的关注和认可。尽管国内学者认为图式理论极其有用,且具有科学性,但现实中获得的试验结果却提醒国内学者:建立在人工智能研究基础上的图式理论具有一定的局限性。合理解释试验结果的建构一整合理论,强调了阅读是一个由词一短语一句一语篇的信息加工过程,强调了语言基础知识对阅读理解的重要作用。因此,相比图示理论,建构一整合理论更能满足那些背景知识有限或欠缺、或拥有背景知识但还想提高阅读理解能力的学习者的实际需要;同时,建构一整合理论也为从事英语教学的老师们指出一条提高学生阅读理解能力的路径——打好学生的语言基本功。  相似文献   

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