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用例证法阐述了阅读英语名篇在英语学习中的作用:领略纯正地道的英语,提高英语理解能力,提高英语写作水平,丰富英语背景知识以及深刻地思考人生。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between knowledge of popular culture and power negotiations among young children's friendship groups and derives from a research project on the identity formations of 'mixed race' children. The paper begins with a consideration of existing work on music, ethnicity and cultural identities and how this is implicated in formations of 'imagined communities' (Anderson, 1991, Imagined Communities , Verso). Next, I look at the ways in which this work has been gendered with particular reference to the female music 'fan'. Throughout I use data from my research to show how the children engaged in friendship/power relationships that challenge much of this material. The paper centralises the way readings are used by friends in processes that are implicated in en/gendering identities and identifications - how likes and dislikes are mobilised differently among children who are becoming 'boys' and 'girls' who are friends, through use of the love/loathe discourses. The allegiance work is saturated with and constitutive of relations of power/knowledge which are both painful and pleasurable for children who are differently positioned within networks of learning and cultural expertise.  相似文献   

Margaret Mackey is studying at the University of Alberta in Canada, pursuing a Ph.D. in Education. Her particular interest is the development of readers and the importance of the relationship between readers and texts. Previously, in Britain, she taught English in secondary schools and was secondary editor ofThe Essex Review of Children's Literature.  相似文献   

Despite the centrality of mothers in their children’s education, mothers have, until relatively recently, been largely invisible in the research on family and intergenerational literacy. This paper develops a feminist analysis of family literacy programs and outlines a pedagogical framework for family literacy, that repositions mothers as researchers of literacy practices within their families. Data from a case study of an intergenerational literacy program are analysed to make visible the complexity of the mothers’ intergenerational literacy practices and to demonstrate the value of critical literacy as a pedagogical approach that acknowledges the gendered subjectivities of women in family literacy programs as mothers, learners and teachers of their children.  相似文献   

Social exclusion and inclusion have emerged as strong policy-leading concepts at both the national and international level in recent years. Policies on lifelong learning are themselves in part premised on the contribution education and training can make to promoting an inclusive society. It is argued that social exclusion offends against human dignity, denies people their fundamental human rights and leads, in conjunction with social and economic instability, to marginalization and deepening inequalities, which threaten the stability of democracy. Social inclusion therefore appears to be an unconditional good. The argument in this paper suggests that this is not the case. Drawing on critical social policy studies and post-structuralist philosophy, we argue that the notion of inclusion relies on exclusions, some of which may be chosen and even desirable. We suggest that those interested in lifelong learning should take a more critical stance towards the social inclusion agenda to which it is being harnessed.  相似文献   

本通过市场结构、市场供求、市场行为等三个方面,对当前教辅读物市场作了剖析。根据市场与竞争的关系,阐述我国教辅读物市场竞争机制的构建。  相似文献   

本文从教材的选择以及教学方法入手,结合笔者以及同行的经验,探讨日本文学作品选读这门课程中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出文学作品的选择应该首先重视的是趣味性,引起学生的兴趣;同时在教学上,除了传统阅读所采取的方法外,还应该引导学生感受作品的意境,从中发现日本文学独特的美,获得阅读的乐趣。  相似文献   

Conventional introduction to computer science presents individual algorithmic paradigms in the context of specific, prototypical problems. To complement this algorithm-centric instruction, this study additionally advocates problem-centric instruction. I present an original problem drawn from students' life that is simply stated but provides rich discussions of different approaches. It lends itself to a wide range of didactic means from individual or group study to whole class discussions under various levels of guidance by the instructor. I suggest diverse algorithms for solving it, covering some of the most important algorithmic paradigms. Some of these algorithms (greedy, divide-and-conquer) do not produce optimal solutions but may nevertheless have their merits in practice. The best algorithms are illustrative instances of some of the most sophisticated paradigms introduced in undergraduate curricula (dynamic programming, graphs).  相似文献   

世界华文文学是中国文学的一个重要组成部分,具有精神内涵之美、民族文化之美以及艺术融合之美。当前中学语文教材中的华文文学课文所占的比重太小,无法满足学生的学习和审美需求,亟待开发优秀的华文文学课文资源,以拓展其审美领域。在研究如何开发中学世界华文文学课文资源的同时,要激发中学生对华文文学的学习兴趣,推进华文文学作品的延伸阅读,通过改进阅读方式,提高延伸阅读的效果。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种能读取电感式电能表正反向计量数据的抄表器设计方案,采用该方案设计的抄表器不仅适用于普通居民家庭和企事业单位电能电度表的自动抄表,而且也适用于要求能计量反向供电的特殊用户。文中提出的方案已经取得了成功的应用,显示出其良好的推广前景。  相似文献   

文白异读有三个很重要的性质。一是文白异读具有较强的系统性,这种系统性可以从三个方面来理解,并且系统性不应当被推至极至。二是文白异读是因他方言作用而引起的,“自己的”和“外来的”之间具有相对性,尤其值得注意的是文读音是可以突破一方方原有音系的。三是一字的文读音和白读音对应的意义具有相关性,这种相关性表现在六个方面。  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence from The W H Smith Children’s Reading Choices Project research in order to examine the relationship between achievement in English and the reading habits of 10‐ to 14‐year‐old children. Following a national questionnaire survey supplemented by a semi‐structured interview for a small sample of respondents, it was found that children read more books and periodicals in 1994 than in 1971. However, boys tended to read less than girls. Periodical reading is a strong feature in the reading diet of both sexes. The paper argues for the importance of recognising and respecting the range of reading children engage in, and the popular reading cultures in which they live. It suggests that officially sanctioned school definitions of literacy disempower many young readers, and inhibit their development as readers. In particular, schools should recognise and value the type of information‐rich reading that boys undertake away from school and should provide links between it and the ‘socially orientated’ reading, preferred by girls, that makes up much of the English school curriculum. Likewise, girls should be encouraged to undertake more technical and factual reading to better prepare them for the world of work. If this advice were adopted, both sexes would benefit and boys might be less inclined to perceive themselves as poor readers.  相似文献   

在皇权时代,读经乃封建教育的题中之义。辛亥革命后,中小学教育读经开始遭到普遍的质疑。但伴随民国在政治和思想上的反反复复,读经问题也一而再地引起政界和学界的争论,经历一个废止、恢复、半废半行到完全消失的过程。认真回顾和反思近现代教育史上的读经问题,对于我们今天理性地认识中小学"读经现象"大有益处。  相似文献   

One hundred and five English undergraduate college students at two colleges in the United Kingdom completed the Holland VPI, the Barron Ego Strength Scale, the Adult Nowicki-Strickland Internal Control Scale, and the Occupational Values Q Sort. Congruent students were identified by matching their reading (major) with their scores on the six Holland type indicators. A Multi-variate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) revealed that congruent subjects exhibited a higher level of internality, greater ego strength, and less affiliation than incongruent subjects. Results are discussed with respect to Holland's theory. The practicability of applying American measurement techniques to an undergraduate English college population is also explored.  相似文献   

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