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开放性教育是针对单一的封闭性教育而言的,其特征有两个方面:一是面向全体学员开放,通过向学员开放,让学员参与,将他们思维同问题结合起来,利用各自的知识和经验提出解决问题的方法;二是通过对教学方式、内容、手段的开放性,在开放的学习环境中,逐步形成创造性的思维能力.培养高素质的创造性的职工队伍是企业持续发展对职工培训提出的必然要求,为此职工培训必须由过去的封闭式教育走向开放性教育.  相似文献   

教师在职培训课程基本特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师在职培训已成为教师专业发展常态性的期待,但由于理论上缺乏对教师在职培训课程基本特性的认识,教师培训实践出现了一定程度的偏差,教师在职培训的实效性受到了质疑。教师在职培训课程的基本特性是由教师在职培训的特殊性决定的,具体表现为课程目标的多样性、课程内容结构的非正规性、课程展开方式的实践性以及课程管理的开放性。  相似文献   

The effects of learning disabilities teacher training for consultation with classroom teachers were investigated. Twelve learning disabilities resource teachers and 60 elementary school classroom teachers within one school system served as subjects. Four learning disabilities resource teachers received communication skills training, and four resource teachers received conceptual assumptions training. In addition, four resource teachers served as a control group for the study. Each resource teacher conducted three 20- to 30-minute conferences with each of five elementary school teachers. Following the third conference, information was collected concerning: (a) classroom teacher ratings of satisfaction with services, (b) joint ratings of the child's progress toward goals set during the first conferences, (c) the percentage of recommendations implemented, and (d) classroom teacher ratings of joint responsibility, and of resource teacher respect, empathy, and congruence. There were three findings in this study. First, no differences resulting from either type of training were found at posttest for classroom teacher respect, resource teacher congruence, joint responsibility, or joint ratings of the child's progress. Second, training resource teachers in communication skills resulted in significantly higher classroom teacher ratings of resource teacher empathy. Finally, significant differences due to resource teacher experiences prior to this study were noted with classroom teacher ratings of the child's progress, and the number of recommendations implemented.  相似文献   

本文运用2004年中国9省(市)企业员工培训和继续学习调查数据,着重分析企业在职培训对员工收入增长的影响。研究发现,企业在职培训对员工收入增长有显著的正作用,但不同个人特征和劳动力市场结构特征的员工其在职培训收益率有明显差异,其中员工的性别、岗位性质及企业所有制性质是影响在职培训收益率的主要因素。  相似文献   

在我国高等教育大众化快速发展时期,地方高校师资呈快速增长态势.为提高教学质量,青年教师在岗培训成为一个重要问题.本文分析了地方高校原有教师在岗培训方式的弊端及其原因,提出了地方高校教师为适应大众化教育发展要求的在岗培训新途径.  相似文献   


This project was undertaken by researchers at three universities in England where there is a well established tradition of introducing student teachers to Information Technology. Questionnaires were administered at three key points in the course to a student group in each university, to establish how students' concepts of IT were developing and to identify key influences on their practice and their thinking. Selected students were interviewed towards the end of their teaching practice, as was the school mentor for each student wherever possible, and all staff in the student's host department were invited to complete a questionnaire. All tapes were transcribed. The study suggests that student teachers of English have a broader view of literacy than is currently predominant in schools and this view positively embraces the role of IT in literacy. Student teachers do not envisage the disappearance of books, instead they see a wider and more inclusive range of texts, including the electronic, as part of the normal focus of the English teacher. Practising teachers of English range from those with an essentially negative attitude to IT, to an increasing number who are themselves developing this broader view of literacy. Current pre-service provision appears to be succeeding in giving new English teachers a positive and committed attitude towards the use of IT in the current and future literacy curriculum.  相似文献   

在职培训模式研究是当前特教教师专业化成长领域中研究的热点。本研究通过问卷调查及教师访谈,对湖北省70所特校教师培训现状、问题与策略进行了研究,结果表明,特教教师在职培可供选择有6种模式,即"以学校为中心"反思式校本培训、"以龙头校引领片区校"合作研究、特教专家巡回指导、特教高校集中培训、远程培训、职前培养与在职教育一体化。加大每一种模式的应用实践效果的研究是下一步研究工作的方向。  相似文献   

Despite the frequent criticisms directed toward them, in-service teacher training (INSET) programmes remain one of the most commonly used approaches for enhancing teachers’ professional development. This article reports on a study that examined the effects of a part-time masters of education INSET programme based in Central China. The main source of data was reflective papers written by 38 teacher participants; classroom observations and informal interviews also helped reveal the teachers’ perspectives on the programme. Whilst the programme was very popular, and had a variety of positive impacts on the teachers’ professional development, the programme paradigm involved several drawbacks. The results suggest that part-time INSET programmes for rural teachers should be supplemented by various other forms of teacher development activities to meet the dual goals of developing such programmes and providing professional development for teachers.  相似文献   

探索新形势下电力企业培训工作新举措   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业是经济活动的主体,企业教育与培训已经成为国家提高竞争力和综合国力的重要手段。因此,如何在新形势下开展企业培训工作是一个非常有价值的课题,电力企业是一种知识、技术密集型企业,知识、技术更新的任务相当繁重。同时随着经济全球化进程的不断加快和科技进步的日新月异,特别是在加入WTO的新形势下,我国的电力企业将面临越来越激烈的人才竞争,对从业人员的总体素质提出了更高的要求。然而从目前情况看,我国电力企业员工队伍的整体素质还不高;职业教育和培训的资源相对不足;技术工人,特别是高级技术工人的培养状况远不能满足电力企业安全生产、技术进步和产业升级的需求。在这种现实面前,电力企  相似文献   

The article describes employing a short self-instructional videocourse as a form of in-service education for teachers of children with severe learning difficulties. The study examines the feasibility of training teachers to implement simple teaching games in the classroom, aimed at enhancing the basic number skills of children with severe learning difficulties. Teachers'attitudes to the materials were positive, and the videocourse was effective in helping to improve the counting ability of a sample of thirty children. The provision of training opportunities for teachers using videocourses is supported. The article concludes with a discussion of some of the features of the self-instructional model employed in the study.  相似文献   

Teachers' lack of sex education training has been widely regarded as a barrier to delivery, but very few in-service programmes have been evaluated. This paper evaluates the teacher training component of a theoretically-based behavioural sex education programme for 13–15-year-olds called SHARE. It combines data from participant observation, in-depth interviews, questionnaires and lesson observations. The teachers found the training very valuable, particularly in relation to collegiate support, familiarisation with the SHARE pack and reducing discomfort. The two main objectives of the training programme that were congruent with teachers' perceived needs were fulfilled: to make teachers more comfortable and confident to deliver sex education and to prepare them to deliver the SHARE pack. However, the introduction of social-psychologically informed skills based exercises, radically different to those normally followed, was the least successful aspect of the training, as one might predict from previous research on in-service training. This might suggest that theoretically based, behavioural health education programmes might be best delivered by specialist staff.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to explore the contribution of a mathematics in-service training course to elementary school teachers (1st–6th grades) in Israel. The study was conducted among 449 educators. They were required to respond to background questions. Moreover, they were asked to indicate their expectations from the in-service training course and, at its end, point out to what extent they benefitted from that course. The research findings illustrate that educators who teach mathematics at elementary school and attended the course are generally women in their 40s, holding a BEd degree and a teaching certificate not in mathematics, with an average 13-year seniority. The participating teachers indicated their wish to enrich their didactic knowledge in order to acquire varied tools for teaching mathematics to the entire pupil population as well as to gifted pupils and pupils with learning difficulties. Nevertheless, their demand to expand their mathematics knowledge was very limited. Based on the fact that most teachers have no mathematics education, this is a surprising finding as, in order to be a good teacher, one must be versed not only in Pedagogical Content Knowledge but also in Subject Matter Knowledge.  相似文献   

Adapting instruction to the specific needs of each student is a promising strategy to improve overall academic achievement. In this article, I study the impact of an intensive in-service teacher training program on reading skills offered to kindergarten teachers in France. The program modifies the lesson content and encourages teachers to adapt instruction to student needs by dividing the class according to initial achievement. While assessing impact is usually difficult due to the presence of ability bias and teacher selection, I show that in this context, a value-added model that controls for school and teacher characteristics constitutes a legitimate strategy to estimate the treatment effect. Results show that all students benefiting from the program progressed in reading skills at the end of the year. Besides, weaker students progressed faster on less-advanced competences (such as letter recognition), while stronger students improved their reading skills. This suggests that teachers adjusted content to students’ needs. Finally, a cost-effectiveness analysis reveals that the program is approximately three times more cost-effective than reducing class size in France.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, despite the introduction of a new curriculum based on a child-centred education approach, there exist many problems and challenges in the educational process. To overcome these problems, the Vietnamese and Japanese governments have been conducting an in-service teacher-training programme, including school-based observation and reflection of lessons as a major activity. This study investigates the problems encountered in these schools. The results reveal that (1) the lesson is extremely fast-paced, (2) teachers tend to evaluate their colleagues and students, (3) teachers need to learn about how to learn and (4) promoting dialogue among teachers is considerably challenging.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands counselling is seen as an integrated part of school life for the benefit of all students. Counsellor education at the University of Utrecht was provided as a part-time, in-service programme for teacher-counsellors. This structure enabled students to integrate the skills and theory learned with their practical application in schools; current school practice enriched learning on the programme. Examples of integrative activities which encouraged these benefits are given.  相似文献   

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