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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the traditional admission standards utilized by Kuwait University in predicting students' academic performance. It was found that the established practice of using students' score in standardized secondary school examinations and branch of study (i.e. sciences or arts emphasis) to be highly predictive of their college cumulative grade point average. Moreover, it was established that students' secondary school scores reflect intellective as well as the non-intellective factors pertaining to students' background.  相似文献   

This paper describes how a state education system in Australia introduced standards-referenced assessments into its large-scale, high-stakes, curriculum-based examinations in a way that enables comparison of performance across time even though the examinations are different each year. It describes the multi-stage modified Angoff standard-setting procedure used to establish cut-off scores on subject examinations, and how the results from this exercise were then used to develop standards packages. These packages illustrate the performances of students at the borders between the various bands.

The paper also shows how originally it was intended to use a Rasch measurement model to create the statistical feedback used in the standard-setting procedure. It also describes the modifications to the feedback that were necessary to meet the real-time constraints of this large-scale examination programme. It argues that consideration should now be given to using the Rasch model to provide this feedback instead of the current approach.  相似文献   

本文简述了图书馆评估的两种主要类型和基本要素,介绍了图书馆相关国际统计标准和统计项目内容,指出图书馆应强化标准在图书馆评估和统计中的指导作用和引领作用。  相似文献   

本文通过构造出来的一个实例,清晰地表明:为确保罗彼塔法则成立,条件F' (x)≠0不可省。  相似文献   

Many states have made performance standards the centerpiece of educational reform. Unfortunately, school aid systems have not kept up. Most aid systems ensure minimum spending per pupil instead of minimum student performance; that is, they fail to recognize that the cost of achieving a performance standard varies across school districts. This paper derives an educational cost index and incorporates it into an aid formula designed to bring all districts up to a performance standard. A district's performance can be moved toward a standard through a property tax rate increase, an efficiency increase, or increased state aid. In New York State, boosting efficiency to the current “best-practice” level would not bring large city districts even up to a minimal performance standard. In fact, these districts cannot achieve such a standard without large increases in state aid and local tax rates, accompanied by reforms that improve the productivity of teachers and administrators.  相似文献   

This article provides an example of a completed Performance Analysis Worksheet that systematically and systemically defines a performance gap and sets a reasonable goal in measurable terms for quantity, quality, time, and cost, as well as identifies, describes, weights, and displays the underlying causes. Although managers are the target audience for the new job aid, performance consultants may find that it is a useful tool to use as well.  相似文献   

设f(y)是n次实系数多项式,证明了:如果存在实数x0适合x0〉max(0,f(In x0),f^(1)(In x0),…,f^(n)(In x0)),其中f^(m)(y)(m=1,2,…,n)是f(y)的m阶导数,则不等式x-f(In x)〉0在x≥x0时成立.  相似文献   

表见代理在市场经济中的作用越来越明显 ,它的建立不仅能充分保护善意相对人的合法权益 ,而且更能维护市场交易的公平、安全、便捷。但我国缺少表见代理的立法 ,司法解释也不明确。本文试对表见代理的特征、形态、法律后果的归属作一剖析 ,以期完善我国的民事代理制度。  相似文献   

学术期刊所承载的自然是学术的东西,张扬的应该是学术精神,如果受非学术性的影响太大,承载的功利性因素太多,势必会影响学术质量,妨碍期刊功能的发挥。学术期刊非学术性影响主要是:评职称的影响;学术、科研管理部门对学术成果考核量化管理的影响;研究生管理的影响等。在呼吁营造学术期刊的良好社会氛围的同时,必须提高编辑素质,自觉抵制非学术性因素对学术期刊的影响。  相似文献   

阿基米德定律实验设计,培养独立实验能力和探索精神,自制教具,设计实验,分析浸入液体不同深度的物体受到的浮力。  相似文献   

Raising achievement has become a public issue, with policy strategies focused on target setting. Pupil performance is seen as an indicator of school success; the pupils' perceptions of school life find little place in the standards discourse. A study of under-achievement included group interviews with pupils in the early years of secondary school in Scotland. School experience emerged as a social rather than a pedagogic experience, with instrumental goals and arbitrary criteria. Comparative monitoring of performance and conformity with peer norms shaped pupils' perceptions of achievement. Relationships with teachers were characterised by the absence of a discourse about learning. The study underlined the importance of listening to the pupil's voice in school in order to focus on learning rather than on performance and 'standards' of achievement.  相似文献   

The Science Education Professional Development (SEPD) Project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) as part of its Projects of National Significance Program. Its brief was to develop a national strategy for enhancing the professional development of science teachers. This paper summarises one component of the Project's work, an exploration of the feasibility of establishing professional standards or expectations for teachers of science. The aim was to give clearer purpose and direction to professional development planning and to provide a more valid basis for evaluating science teachers for career development. Specializations: Teachers' work and policy, teacher development, educational evaluation, teacher evaluation, research on teaching.  相似文献   

编者按:2009年10月是陕西秦兵马俑发现35周年暨秦始皇兵马俑博物馆开馆30周年的纪念日.伴随着2009年6月,秦俑一号坑第三次发掘工作的开展,秦俑再次成为人们讨论和关注的话题.为此,本刊就"秦俑坑放置兵马俑的作用"、"四坑皆阵"与"三军说"等学术研究热点问题.走访了秦汉考古研究的专家、陕西省考古研究院研究员王学理先生.王先生热情地接受了我们的专访,对以上问题进行了解答,并整理成文,对此我们表示深深的感谢.同时,我们也希望海内外的专家学者能就相关问题与王先生展开讨论,以飨读者.  相似文献   

学习是一种艺术。各人情况不同,学习方法必有差异。本从宏观和微观的角度总结学习方法。其要点是在宏观上,学习要常有理想,善作选择;处处留心,备战备荒;交叉运行,交流求升;有入有出,活学活用。在微观上、读书要先观大略,前后交错;由薄到厚,由厚到薄;要体察微言大意,言外之意;变换角度,消化吸收。  相似文献   

本文通过具体分析几个英国科学教学案例,提出了深化我国信息技术与理科课程整合的几方面途径。(1)树立现代科学教育理念;(2)善于利用各种信息技术观察实验、问题解决以及讨论交流,特别是善于利用传感器、模拟与仿真、网络搜索引擎等信息技术来发现问题和解决问题;(3)还要注意数字化学习环境的建设;(4)注重信息技术与科学课程整合的实际效果。  相似文献   

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