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Over the last half century, in varying degrees and under various names, there has been much interest in learning throughout life for everybody. Although what has been written has stressed its necessity and feasibility, little has been achieved. As is common to all things educational, it has lagged behind the times. Little considered and highly resistant among the obstacles to it are the current concepts, institutions and practices of education. The widespread, systematic study of education in the 19th century grew out of the need to train teachers required by the introduction of universal primary schooling. Concentration by teacher trainers on this task, and their struggle to establish their subject as a coherent discipline to be taught in institutions of higher education was such that the prevailing view of education came to be restricted not merely mainly, as hitherto, but only, to the upbringing of children and young people. Rejecting this view of necessity, adult educationalists have sought for their own field academic recognition as a discipline, emphasizing their differences from initial education. Study of current educational writings from many countries shows that the reconciliation of these two positions, necessary to lifelong education, has not gone very far. Consideration of what might be done to create a process and a habit of lifelong learning for all on the basis of current practice and theory of initial education and adult education, of which lifelong education can only be a contributory element, will require fundamental changes in both. There are few signs so far of the political will and the sense of urgency that will apparently be required.  相似文献   

终身学习是在新的时代背景下对终身教育的继承和超越。从终身教育到终身学习的转变是一种质的飞跃,终身学习是对时代发展要求的应答,它实现了整个教育的重心转移,保证了终身教育制度的有效实施,更符合学习化社会的要求。  相似文献   

Although a controversial concept and often badly understood, lifelong education, with its broad perspective and as a new field of research, seems to offer a way to bring the school and life closer together. This article illustrates how academic training may—or may not—predispose the student towards lifelong education. and was formerly Deputy County Education Officer for the County of Kent. He is also the Honorary Secretary of the (British) Universities Council for Adult Education and the Chairman of the Library Advisory Council (England).  相似文献   

Conclusion It is not clear at this time just how educational brokering as a concept within an overall model of educational development will develop from here. Nonetheless, it seems to have great potential for much more widespread application, not only in the United States but elsewhere, especially if principles such as lifelong education, or even moves in the direction of lifelong education, gain increasing acceptance. In the light of the increasing firmness of footing which seems to be developing from the present toehold both of brokering and of lifelong education, serious study of the former seems to be called for.  相似文献   

This is a discussion paper about access to, and participation in learning opportunities for Māori learners in New Zealand, and Indigenous learners in Australia. Teaching and learning practice in three separate institutional education programmes—one in New Zealand and two in Australia—highlight the problematic nature of inclusion based on competing knowledge systems and frameworks. These systems relate to differing worldviews about how knowledge is privileged and disseminated within society. One view is that whiteness behaviour, through a western worldview, is the erasure of inequality because it presents as the norm in many adult education teaching situations; quite often manifested as indulgent practice, but one that also reinforces the hegemony of normativity. In contrast, an Aboriginal/Indigenous worldview is one that places knowledge within a spiritual realm; constantly resituating the individual into the nexus between individual and cultural ties. The discussion here, is about ideas of whiteness behaviours being present in curriculum delivery, whereby mainstream ideals produce planes of engagement that encapsulate white subjectivities which are both visible and invisible, and represent just one chronology of whiteness. That is, consciously and unconsciously patterned behaviours of delivering curriculum, no matter what the discipline area, have the potential to produce accessibility and achievement, but many would argue that these same behaviours also reproduce inequalities. Ideas from the above theme, take on a whole new perspective with a focus on building workplace and academic skills to the exclusion of cultural identity development. Acquiring skills has the potential to provide another form of competence, yes, but may also undermine learner confidence in being able to transition successfully to further community or higher education programmes. For example, such development alone does little to improve and strengthen literacy, language and numeracy capability for learners to be able to access and undertake tertiary studies, but may do more to compound debates about whiteness behaviours implicit in the post-colonial criticism of ‘whose interest is being served’.  相似文献   

终身教育刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
适应社会变革和科技发展以及人们的教育需求,终身教育已成为21世纪的生存理念。这一时代课题赋予教育新的诠释和丰富的内涵,有着广阔的生长领域和空间,它是学校教育在时间、空间和职能上的科学延伸。终身教育被联合国教科文组织认为是“知识社会的根本原理”。  相似文献   

阐述了高校图书馆在终身教育中的重要地位,提出了终身教育背景下高校图书馆的发展在于"大力推进文献信息资源建设、改变传统的服务模式、建立学科导航系统、提升图书馆信息服务层次"等思路,并对建设学习型图书馆,如何提高馆员素质进行粗浅探讨.  相似文献   

Financial literacy education (FLE) typically focuses on teaching skills and capabilities that promote individual wealth accumulation—for example, the importance of working, budgeting and saving. In this article, we argue the need to move from an individual wealth accumulation focus in FLE to a praxis approach to FLE. We outline the shortcomings of the conventional approach to FLE and develop a conceptual framework for a praxis approach to FLE. We view praxis as the moral, ethical and caring aspect of teaching. Using the conceptual framework, we argue that a praxis approach to FLE includes full attention to: how financial decision-making affects others and self; acknowledging that some life decisions are not financially rewarding; understanding that improving financial mathematics skills and capabilities may not equate to an increase in income; how SES affects an individual’s ability to save and maintain long-term saving; and the ways in which gender, culture, values, psychological state, socioeconomic class and ethics shape identity and their impact on financial decision-making.  相似文献   

试论学习社会中的社区教育与终身教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习社会是一个人人都能终身学习和受教育的社会,终身教育是实现学习社会的途径和手段,而社区教育则是实现并完善终身教育体系必不可少的教育理论和实践形式。  相似文献   

基于Blackboard平台的在线信息素质教育探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blackboard平台是一个以互联网为介质的课程管理系统,有着强大的功能,基于这个平台进行在线信息素质教育有着明显优势.目前国内在这方面的应用还处在探索阶段,尚存在种种问题,应当优先处理好统筹规划和管理、制定评价标准、营造好的环境、平衡版权保护与资源共享的关系、制定激励政策等问题.  相似文献   

从资格教育到人格教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从教育目的历史变迁来看,教育逐步脱离了生活根基:古典教育遵循自然资格,例如财富和权势,因而沦为了资格化教育;近代教育迷失于知识分子制造的各种理想之中,由此深陷于竞争化教育境地。失去了生活根基,教育工具性日益增长,迷失了自身方向。追其根由,乃是"常人"观念在教育领域的误导。要回归本真教育,只有破除"常人"观念,从人格、尊重与决断这三位一体的要素来领会本真的人。  相似文献   

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