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Despite the growing interest of scholars and policymakers to better understand the determinants for researchers in public science to transfer knowledge and technology to firms, little is known how temporary international mobility of scientists affects both their propensity to engage in knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) as well as the locus of such transfer. Based on a sample of more than 950 German academics from science and engineering faculties, we investigate how the duration and the frequency of scientists’ visits at research institutions outside their home country affect KTT activities. We find that most mobile scientists engage in KTT to firms both in the host and in their home country, suggesting that KTT activities to firms abroad do not substitute or crowd out, but complement KTT to firms in the home country. We further find that the longer research visits abroad are, the higher the likelihood that scientists engage in KTT to firms, again both in the host and the home country. However, the more frequently scientists visit institutions abroad, the more likely they are to engage in KTT to firms only in their home country. Our results therefore provide evidence for the benefits of “brain circulation”. The article contributes to the growing strand of the literature on scientist mobility and on the determinants of industry-science linkages at the individual level.  相似文献   

分学科探讨中国科研机构之国际表现——科学计量学视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟永沣  周萍 《情报杂志》2012,31(4):70-75
随着科研事业的发展,如何对研究机构及其科研产出进行有效的评价,是决策者面临的重要挑战.以西班牙SCImago机构排名世界报告为数据源,探讨中国机构在健康科学领域、生命科学领域、物理科学领域、人文社会科学领域的论文产出、国际合作、高质量论文、归一化引用影响在国际上的地位,并用Pearson相关分析研究各个指标之间的关系.我国论文产量增长快,但是仍比不上发文排名前100名的机构中,所占机构数量绝对领先的美国;在国际合作方面,我国表现突出的机构不多,与国际合作非常活跃的欧洲国家相差甚远;我国机构的高质量论文比和论文的引用影响与世界先进水平也有很大的差距.因此,我国机构在追求论文数量的同时,还应在各个领域加强国际合作,同时鼓励研究人员在高质量期刊上投稿,加强与高水平作者群的交流,从而提高论文的质量.  相似文献   

董恒敏  李柏洲 《科研管理》2017,38(5):107-114
本文利用中国科学院13所分院的统计数据,基于知识生产、知识转移和知识传播的三维视角以及复杂系统理论中经典的"B-Z"反应模型对科研院所协同创新活跃度进行了研究。研究发现:科研院所的协同创新活跃度差距明显,并与外部投入强度保持一致性,科研院所的协同创新活跃度存在地域差异,东部科研院所协同创新活跃度明显高于中西部地区;各分院在知识生产、知识转移和知识传播三个方面表现出差异性倾向;基于科研院所协同创新系统的演化程度将科研院所分为活跃型协同创新系统、平稳型协同创新系统和一般型协同创新系统。  相似文献   

Female researchers have lower probability than male researchers of being accepted into the largest national research support program in Uruguay. Age, scientific productivity, teaching activities and previous applications explains 5.2 percentage points of the 7.1 point gender acceptance probability gap. The remaining 1.9% can be attributed to gender discrimination. This phenomenon is stronger at the top 2 levels (out of 4) of the program evidencing glass ceilings. Results are robust to issues of simultaneity (research productivity affecting probability of being accepted and vice versa), joint determination and correlation of variables and productivity effects at early stages of career development. The paper tests four hypotheses that are likely to produce a glass ceiling in any R&D incentive schemes: male overrepresentation in the initial setup of the program, male overrepresentation on evaluation committees and two types of field-level effects (a pure composition effect without discrimination and differentiated discriminatory effects by fields). We show evidence of gender bias in the initial setup of the program and bias in the gender structure of committees. Nevertheless, these hypotheses have little quantitative power to explain the glass ceiling. The pure field composition effect is also not important. We find solid evidence of glass ceilings in the three areas where women are most active: health-related sciences, natural sciences and humanities. On the other hand, we find no such effects in social sciences, agricultural sciences or engineering.  相似文献   

网络环境下学术信息传播的变革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
燕今伟  刘峥 《情报理论与实践》2004,27(2):199-201,208
学术信息传播是人类科学活动的组成部分,是推动科学发展的重要手段。本文介绍了学术信息传播模式的发展历史和研究现状,以参与学术信息传播过程的主要机构为出发点,探讨了网络环境下学术信息传播过程的变化,并简要分析了学术信息传播模式的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the main factors which determine the effectiveness of government-supported industrial research institutes (GSIRIs). GSIRIs are viewed as a sub-system of a larger, more complex system that is composed of the industrial environment, the universities, and the government. The interactions between GSIRIs and each of the components of their environment are examined.The potential effectiveness of a GSIRI is largely affected by the relationship, or ‘distance’, between industry's level of sophistication in performing its R&D activities and the nature of the university's applied research activities. The government influences this distance by affecting the supply of, and demand for, industrial R&D. Government usually intervenes by establishing specialized GSIRIs when the gap between industry's needs and the university's supply of R&D services is great. The role of a GSIRI may decline over time if industry becomes more sophisticated and/or the university becomes more applied.  相似文献   

陈炜  王彦  徐挺 《现代情报》2010,30(8):71-73
研究所图书馆信息服务应该与具体用户需求相结合。本文结合研究所工作实际,利用中国科学院国家科学图书馆拥有的各种数据库和现代信息技术,通过为科研人员提供具有针对性的方便、快捷的个性化信息服务的实践,研究探讨了研究所信息服务的几种服务模式。  相似文献   

新能源汽车产业产学研合作专利分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
后经济危机时代,新能源汽车作为中国战略新兴产业之一,在加快转变经济增长方式、振兴中国传统汽车制造业上扮演着极其重要的角色。本文通过对该领域整体发明专利和产学研联名专利的对比分析,得出结论:中国新能源汽车领域最初的研究主体是高校及科研院所,随着该技术的产业化、市场化,有更多的企业加入到新能源汽车技术的研发之中;日本和美国的公司表现出较强的研发能力,中国企业研发能力有限,企业与高校的合作在加强,与科研院所的合作力度降低;企业自主研发与产学研联合研发所侧重的技术领域有所不同,高校和科研机构的技术热点也存在差异。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104696
How does patent scope influence licensing propensity of inventions? Prior studies have often been confined to specific industries or settings, and their results have been mixed with studies showing a positive, a negative, or even no significant relationship. Also, while some have explored moderating factors that might influence the patent scope-licensing relationship, a systematic investigation of the heterogeneous effects of patent scope on licensing at the invention level has not been undertaken. This study combines a broad sample of publicly reported patent licensing agreements and a novel methodology that captures an exogenous variation in patent scope to re-investigate the relationship between patent scope and licensing and to explore key invention and inventor characteristics that could influence this relationship. The results show that narrowed patent scope leads to a substantial decline in licensing propensity of inventions and that the effect is stronger for high-quality, science-based, and novel inventions as well as for inventions generated by small inventors.  相似文献   

高等职业学院是我国高等学校的重要组成部分,近年来得到了长足的发展。然而其科研活动却大多处于起步阶段,同科研型大学及教学科研型大学的科研管理模式不同,高职学院的科研管理有其自身的特点,如何培育、管理高职学院的科研活动是每个职业学院都面临的问题。本文根据高职学院科研管理的特点,结合我院科研管理的实践,对高职学院科研管理的模式进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

研究生教育机构平衡计分卡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵力  叶中华 《科研管理》2010,31(4):181-187
摘要:本文首先对平衡计分卡理论在研究生教育机构的应用进行了文献综述,其次在分析企业与研究生教育机构平衡计分卡区别的基础上改进并构建了研究生教育机构的平衡计分卡,再次基于平衡计分卡四维度的战略关联构建了研究生教育机构的战略地图,最后通过战略目标的逐层分解构建了通用的研究生教育机构团队或个人计分卡。本文的研究成果有利于研究生教育机构成功地实施既定战略,有利于培育和不断提升研究生教育机构的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Based on a representative national sample of 1564 academic researchers, we investigate the impacts of research grants and contracts on the nature and extent of faculty research and technology activities with industry. A particular focus is on understanding the independent contributions of industry and government grant sources on levels of industrial involvement. In addition to examining the source of grants, the study controls for a number of independent factors including: scientific field, research center affiliation, tenure status, and gender. Results suggest independent effects of grants and contracts on industrial activities. Grants and contracts from industry have a significant effect on academic researchers’ propensity to work with industry, as measured by an “industrial involvement scale.” Federally-sponsored grants also have an impact in increasing work with industry, but a more moderate one. Further, those with more grants and contracts (of each type) have a greater propensity for industrial involvement than those who have such contracts but fewer. This holds even when proxies for productivity and career stage are introduced in regression equations. The analysis also considers whether provision of grants and contracts is best viewed as a predictor of industrial involvement or just another type of industrial involvement using factor analysis and nested multivariate modeling to compare effects.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2021,50(10):104361
Technology transfer from public research institutes and universities to industry is an effective way to promote social and economic development. However, although many studies have explored the various factors that affect technology transfers, few focus on the characteristics of an organization's technology stocks. In this study, we test which of technological diversity, uniqueness, combinative power, and proximity make a public research entity's knowledge stocks appealing. The study is set in the developing economy of China, using the research-subsidized Project 985 universities and the Chinese academy of sciences as the origins of public research. From an ERGM analysis, we find diversity and proximity have a significant positive effect; uniqueness has a significant negative effect; and combinative power has little to no effect at all. These insights have substantial theoretical implications for scholars in the technology transfer field and practical implications for public institutions engaged in research who are looking to improve their transfer rates.  相似文献   

试论科学学派的社会运行   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李伦 《科学学研究》1999,17(1):9-15
作为一种科学社会组织形式,科学学派的成功在很大程度上源于其社会运行的独特性和有效性。科学学派的社会运行,要求社会为其创造适宜的文化环境,提供必要的物质基础,以保证其科学思想的自由和科学活动的自由;同时要求科学学派建立充满活力的自主结构,以增强其社会运行的自身能力。这样,科学学派方能以大学、研究所、实验室等为基地,以科学期刊、著述为舆论领地,以学术会议为桥梁纽带,以讨论班、报告会、自由交谈等为有效的活动方式,积极参与科学的交流、合作与竞争,并在其中发展壮大。  相似文献   

Behind the recent surge of Chinese patenting: An institutional view   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xibao Li 《Research Policy》2012,41(1):236-249
This paper examines a number of forces that have possibly contributed to the explosive growth of Chinese patenting over the past decade. After a review of previous hypotheses and conventional wisdom, this study proposes an additional explanation and argues that patent subsidy programs implemented by each provincial region have played an important role in the growth of Chinese patenting. This institutional change, taking place at the province-level, has induced an increase in patent propensity among not only firms, universities, and research institutes, but also individuals. Empirical evidence based on publicly available data provides solid support for this argument. It was also found that a larger fraction of applications are granted patent rights since the implementation of such programs, suggesting that reduction in patent application quality may not be a serious concern, unless the criteria used for patent examination have been lowered.  相似文献   

利用CV source数据库2003年1月1日到2012年12月31日的数据,运用Probit回归模型,检验了基于同类资源间累积性和相似性匹配理论的联合投资伙伴选择问题。研究发现:在专业化程度(或网络位置)资源方面,风险投资机构选择高于自身专业化程度(或网络位置)的机构,进行资源累积性匹配,可增加联合倾向;在资本规模方面,低资本规模的风险投资机构无论是选择高资本规模水平的伙伴,进行资源累积性匹配,还是选择与自身资本规模水平相似的伙伴,进行资源相似性匹配,都能增加联合倾向。  相似文献   

基于整合和互动角度对科研院所的价值创造进行双维度分析,运用PP-SFA方法测度了中国科学院12所分院的价值创造效率,分析了影响科研院所价值创造效率的影响因素。研究结果发现:2009-2014年中国科学院整体的价值创造效率偏低,效率均值为0.58,存在很大的提升空间;价值创造产出与人力和资金投入同步增长,各地区的价值创造效率差距明显;科院院所的价值创造与应用导向和跨学科研究具有正相关关系,资金来源结构对科研院所的价值创造效率有负向影响。  相似文献   

省、部院共建科研机构是广东21世纪初期经济社会与科技发展的一项成功实施的重大战略措施,具有重要历史意义。通过21世纪初期广东与中国科学院系统、高教大学系统共建的科研机构共建单位自评、对其进行调研及综合评价活动,肯定了11个共建科研机构的建设投资有效或基本有效,其运行具有创新性、效率较高并具有可持续发展的前景。同时对存在的问题也进行了梳理分析。  相似文献   

企业风险倾向的跨国比较——基于前景理论视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用前景理论(PTospect Theory),对美国、比利时和中国企业的风险倾向进行了比较研究.结果发现:(1)无论是在业绩高于还是低于目标水平的情况下,中国企业都较欧美企业更具冒险倾向;(2)中国企业的风险与回报在宏观经济的上升期和下降期均为负相关,这与美国企业形成了对照;(3)中国企业的风险行为不完全符合前景理论的预期.  相似文献   

University spillovers and new firm location   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the impact of locational choice as a firm strategy to access knowledge spillovers from universities. Based on a large dataset of publicly listed, high-technology startup firms in Germany, we test the proposition that proximity to the university is shaped by different spillover mechanisms—research and human capital—and by different types of knowledge spillovers—natural sciences and social sciences. The results suggest that spillover mechanisms as well as spillover types are heterogeneous. In particular, the evidence suggests that new knowledge and technological-based firms have a high propensity to locate close to universities, presumably in order to access knowledge spillovers. However, the exact role that geographic proximity plays is shaped by the two factors examined in this paper—the particular knowledge context, and the specific type of spillover mechanism.  相似文献   

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