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在技术创新影响因素模型中增加了有技术背景的高管人员和专利的指标.以中小企业技术创新影响因素模型和"成长一创新"模型为基础,对我国153家中小企业板上市公司进行实证.结果表明:技术人员投入越多、研发技改投入越多、创新转化效率越高、有技术背景的高管人员和专利数量越多的中小企业,其技术创新能力越强;成长性与中小企业技术创新呈倒U型关系;在我国中小企业技术创新各个影响因素中,有技术背景的高管人员和专利对技术创新的影响度最大,研发技改投入较为欠缺.  相似文献   

Ownership and firm innovation in a transition economy: Evidence from China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We examine innovation performance of firms in a transition economy from an ownership perspective. We focus specifically on the relationship between ownership structures and firm innovation performance. Drawing on data from 548 Chinese firms we find volume of patent registration to be most strongly influenced by foreign ownership in the firm along with firm affiliation within a business group. The influence of state and institutional ownership on innovation performance is positive but lagged. Contrary to expectations, insider ownership leads to lower innovation performance and concentrated ownership has no significant impact. Our study has two principal contributions. Firstly, we utilize a comprehensive treatment of ownership characteristics, overcoming weakness in previous studies that have used a more narrow focus on ownership type. Secondly, we contribute to understanding of how firms in transition economies build ‘indigenous’ capabilities for innovation by drawing attention to the interplay of foreign and domestic control of agents’ innovation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of the part that regulation plays in processes of innovation in sectors of technology. The politico-economic phenomenon of ‘Europe’ is partly constituted by regulatory regime-building, and new technologies are one of the major sites of regime-building. A constructionist social theory perspective shows that study of the conflictual processes of regulatory policymaking affords insights into the formation of the rules of engagement that constitute technology domains. Adopting the concept of emergent ‘technological zone’ in preference to industrial ‘sector’ or technoscientific network, the paper presents, using empirical research, a detailed account of the case of the debate and development of regulatory policy for therapeutic tissue engineering in the European Union's policy institutions and stakeholder networks. It describes how the jurisdiction of an emergent zone has been formed through such negotiations, providing a counter-example to the common view that regulation ‘lags behind’ innovation. The analysis takes account particularly of the part played by the malleability of the definition of the material technology itself in such constructive governance processes, and it also suggests various consequences for the array of producers of the technology, for market structuring and for the innovation pathways taken by tissue engineering technology. Concluding, the paper argues that there is conceptual advance to be made by bringing together constructionist social theory with innovation studies approaches that highlight the part played by non-firm, public institutions in shaping innovation ecologies.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103796
Errors and biases in published results compromise the reliability of empirical research, posing threats to the cumulative research process and to evidence-based decision making. We provide evidence on reporting errors and biases in innovation research. We find that 45% of the articles in our sample contain at least one result for which the provided statistical information is not consistent with reported significance levels. In 25% of the articles, at least one strong reporting error is diagnosed where a statistically non-significant finding becomes significant or vice versa using the common significance threshold of 0.1. The error rate at the test level is very small with 4.0% exhibiting any error and 1.4% showing strong errors. We also find systematically more marginally significant findings compared to marginally non-significant findings at the 0.05 and 0.1 thresholds of statistical significance. These discontinuities indicate the presence of reporting biases. Explorative analysis suggests that discontinuities are related to authors’ affiliations and to a lesser extent the article’s rank in the issue and the style of reporting.  相似文献   

The Great Recession, which began in 2008, brought about large contractions in aggregate consumption in many countries. In this research, we study the impact of heterogeneous decreases in demand on innovation investments by analyzing the evolution of innovation investments in a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms during the 2004–2013 period. We proxy heterogeneous variation in demand with net exit rates in the productive stratum of each firm, defined as the group of firms in the same industry and size class. These net exit rates are computed considering all firms in the stratum, including firms that are determined to be non-innovative firms. To support the identification strategy, we show that exit rates do not capture idiosyncratic unobservable characteristics among innovative firms. In addition, we control for the effect of time-varying credit constraints. We find that a one standard deviation increase in exit rates is associated with reductions of 1.5% in the share of firms investing in innovation. The drop is larger for smaller firms, which also experience greater decreases in sales. Since smaller firms are most sensitive to demand drops, they are the natural candidates to be the target of policies devoted to increasing R&D activities during crises. As additional analysis, we study firms’ perceptions of the main obstacles to innovation to find that net exit rates capture the heterogeneous variation in demand, rather than credit constraints. Finally, when analyzing the exit patterns of firms in the sample, we confirm that the net exit rate in a firm's stratum does not drive the exit of firms in our sample.  相似文献   

Marcus Wagner   《Research Policy》2007,36(10):1587-1602
This paper analyses empirically the relationship between environmental innovations, environmental management and patenting. In particular it tests a number of propositions on how environmental management systems and the interaction with environmentally more or less concerned stakeholders are associated with the probability of firms to pursue innovation in general (measured as patenting behaviour) and specifically environmental innovation (measured based on firm self-assessment and through patent data). In applying a negative binomial as well as binary discrete choice models the relationship is studied using data on German manufacturing firms. As a novel and important insight, the study finds that environmental innovation can be meaningfully identified using patent data and that environmental innovation defined this way is less ubiquitous than self-reported environmental innovation. It also reveals that the implementation level of environmental management systems has a positive effect exclusively on environmental process innovation, whereas it is negatively associated with the level of a firms’ general patenting activities. For environmental product innovation and patented environmental innovations a positive relationship with environmentally concerned and a negative link with environmentally neutral stakeholders is found.  相似文献   

陈晓红  于涛 《科学学研究》2013,31(4):585-595
在营销能力与市场绩效的关系研究中,引入中介变量技术创新,从技术创新的视角出发,为技术创新构建3个维度,研究营销能力通过技术创新对市场绩效的影响作用,并对我国340家中小上市企业进行实证分析。研究结果表明,营销能力对于市场绩效有显著影响,同时,营销能力会通过企业技术创新的2个维度(研发投入和技术投入)对市场绩效产生显著影响,然而专利对二者关系的中介作用并不显著。研究结果丰富了企业对营销能力的认识,为企业的技术创新和以后的发展策略都有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(4):104727
The aim of this study is to investigate technological diversity in the knowledge search and the knowledge output stages of the green inventive process. Exploiting a large sample of European patent data, from 1980 to 2013, the paper explores the degree of diversity in green inventions, comparing the recombinant features of green technologies with a control sample of non-green technologies selected through propensity score matching techniques. Empirical results suggest that green technologies show a higher degree of diversity of the knowledge sources and a higher technological diversity in how knowledge is effectively recombined. We further find that the green diversity premium is higher in the knowledge output phase than in the knowledge search phase. We conclude that the assessment of the role of technological diversity along the different phases of the invention process may improve the appropriate organization of innovative activities and policy design necessary for stimulating green technological developments and support a feasible sustainable transition.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of investments in modernization and innovation on productivity in a sample of firms in the global pulp and paper industry. This industry has traditionally accounted for significant amounts of employment and capital investment in North America and Europe. In contrast to much of the existing literature which focuses on the impact of R&D and patents on firms’ performance and productivity, we examine data on actual investment transactions in four main areas: (i) mechanical, (ii) chemicals, (iii) monitoring devices and (iv) information technology. We find that firms that implemented a greater number of investment transactions in modernization achieved higher productivity, and these estimated quantitative effects are greater than the impact of standard innovation variables such as patents and R&D. Investment transactions in the information technology and digital monitoring devices imparted a particularly noticeable boost to productivity. These results are obtained after controlling for other firm-specific variables such as capital intensity or mergers and acquisitions. Thus, firms’ decisions to undertake investments in modernization and incremental innovations appear to be critical for achieving gains in productivity, compounding to form meaningful differences in performance, productivity and competitive position across firms in the longer run. For some of the traditional industries like pulp and paper, R&D and patents seem to be particularly poor indicators of innovation and, more generally, how firms go about achieving gains in productivity.  相似文献   

E-business is of increasing significance in promoting agricultural economic development and restructuring and upgrading, yet agricultural firms’ transformation toward e-business in China is at a low level. To gain insights to why and how agricultural firms intend to accept or resist the revolutionary innovation of e-business, this study draws on the perspective of institutional theory and organizational innovativeness to develop an integrative model to fathom factors affecting transformation to e-business in agricultural firms in China. By analyzing the impacts of institutional pressures on perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and subsequent e-business transformation intention, the empirical results indicate that mimetic pressure, coercive pressure, and normative pressure have different levels of positive effects on perceived benefits; normative pressure has a significantly negative impact on perceived barriers, while mimetic pressure and coercive pressure have no significant effect on perceived barriers. Perceived benefits and organizational innovativeness have significantly positive impacts on e-business transformation intention, while perceived barriers have no significant effect. Perceived benefits play a partial mediating role between institutional pressures and e-business transformation intention.  相似文献   

Literature on innovation policy reveals little of how relations between government agencies as policymakers evolve. Taking the policy network approach, this paper investigates three mechanisms underlining the evolution of inter-government agency relations in emerging economies – policy agenda, power concentration and heterogeneity dependence, and applies them to the analysis of the evolution of innovation policymaking in China. Operationally, the paper proposes a social network analysis (SNA)-based method to quantitatively study China’s innovation policy network, which consists of 463 innovation policy documents formulated by its central government ministries between 1980 and 2011. The findings show that the formal policy network for innovation has been not only sustained through the intervention of policy agendas but also self-organized because of policy network’s nature of power concentration and heterogeneity dependence. The presence of such mixed mechanisms in China’s innovation policy network’s evolution differs from the findings from industrialized countries where self-organization plays a central role. This work advances our theoretical understanding of the evolution of innovation policy network and has implications for innovation policymaking in emerging economies.  相似文献   

Research on social protest movements raises many complicated methodological issues. This article systematically explains the methodological quandaries the authors confronted when studying demonstrations and online and offline activism by ethnic Turks in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands in support of the Gezi Park protesters in Turkey. It explains how participants were recruited and surveyed in this complex and extremely sensitive environment. It offers lessons learned that can be applied to other studies involving surveys of ethnic minorities engaged in social protest movements. More generally, they may also apply to surveys of any vulnerable population about sensitive issues.  相似文献   

可持续发展是:21世纪经济发展的主题,中国制造业企业实施绿色持续创新已势在必行。而如何实现企业污染治理的环境效益向企业经济效益的转换是企业绿色持续创新的关键。本文着重分析了中国制造业实现企业绿色创新效益转换的两个制度条件:排污权交易制度和绿色会计核算体系,并指出这是中国政府绿色制度创新的重要问题。  相似文献   

郑帅  王海军 《科研管理》2021,42(1):33-46
制造企业生态化创新战略转型中,枢纽企业为获得长期竞争优势,如何伴随创新生态系统的演化而做出技术、商业决策?依据“情境-结构-机制”的研究框架对海尔集团进行纵向案例研究,从模块化视角探索企业创新生态系统结构、演化机制与路径特征。研究表明:(1)情境主导了技术创新的可实现性,技术标准、用户需求和政策支持3个情境因素驱动企业创新生态系统的交互演进。(2)发现企业创新生态系统结构的3个重要特征,即创新架构模块化、交互界面开放性、网络治理嵌入性。海尔模块化生态圈战略转型历经的开拓布网期、扩展织网期和颠覆融网期3个发展阶段,以 “产品、生产模块化-组织模块化-超模块化”的架构创新驱动了海尔集团创新生态系统 “以内部研发为中心的创新体系-以产业链协同为中心的创新体系-以用户为中心的创新生态系统”的演化路径。(3)企业创新生态系统的创新实现机制突出表现在杠杆、协同和互利机制上,通过揭示系统的结构特征与实现机制的作用逻辑,提出杠杆机制呈现出重用“模块资源-平台资源-场景资源”的演化路径,协同机制使枢纽企业在系统中的角色沿着 “分解者-平台领导者-创新集成商”演化,互利机制呈现出“企业主导-开放市场机制”的演化路径。研究结论丰富和发展了创新生态系统理论,为传统制造企业的创新生态系统战略转型提供方案设计启示。  相似文献   

分析我国大中型工业企业各项科技活动支出的绝对量及变化、支出强度及变化,构建基于柯布-道格拉斯生产函数的计量模型,运用2005—2011年32个工业行业的面板数据研究不同科技活动对产出的影响,主要结论为,(1)各项科技活动的支出均呈增长态势,其中RD内部支出增速最快;除了RD内部支出的强度在增加外,其余五项的支出强度在减弱。(2)RD内部支出、引进国外技术经费支出、消化吸收经费支出对工业销售产值有显著正影响,RD内部支出的产出弹性明显高于引进技术经费支出和消化吸收经费支出的产出弹性;RD外部支出对工业销售产值没有显著影响;购买国内技术支出对工业销售产值存在显著影响,但弹性系数为负值,存在一定程度的负效应。并分析原因给出相应建议。  相似文献   

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