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This study examined the relationships of achievement goal orientations and perceptions of the motivational climate in physical education classes among Colombian students, and tested gender and age differences in goal orientations and perceived motivational climate. Participants (1378 boys and 1615 girls, ranging in age from 9 to 18 yr) completed the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), and the Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire (LAPOPECQ). Bivariate and canonical correlation analysis identified conceptually consistent relationships between goal orientations and perceptions of motivational climate. Boys scored higher than girls in ego orientation and in perceptions of performance orientation. Task and ego goal orientations, and perceptions of learning or performance orientations decreased with age. Data obtained indicate that the Spanish versions of the TEOSQ and the LAPOPEQ could be useful instruments for physical education teachers, helping them to identify achievement goal orientation of their students and perceptions of the motivational climate in their education classes.  相似文献   

Students’ perception of school climate plays an important role in the quality of their academic experience. However, the effects of perceived school climate on self-determined academic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000, 2020) have received little empirical attention to this day. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the role of school climate in predicting changes in self-determined academic motivation and grades in a longitudinal study with secondary school students. Participants are 957 Belgian students (girls = 52.87 %; Mage = 14.41 years, SDage = 1.66 years) who took part in a three-wave, year-long study. Results from structural equation modeling showed that students’ positive perceptions of school climate at the beginning of the study (Time 1) were positively related to changes in self-determined academic motivation at the mid-point (Time 2), which in turn were positively associated with changes in grades by the end of the study (Time 3), over and above the effects of gender and age. These results have implications for educational psychology by suggesting that organizational aspects of the school setting can positively influence students’ academic grades through increases in the quality of their motivation over time.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对福建省9地市191个高中体育教师进行问卷调查,结果表明:福建省高中体育教师教学动机由高到低依次是志愿动机、成就动机、情趣动机、安稳动机,不同性别、不同年龄高中体育教师教学动机不存在显著性差异,不同职称高中体育教师志愿动机存在显著性差异,参加不同级别培训的体育教师之间在情趣动机上存在高度显著性差异。  相似文献   

该文针对我校公共体育课男生选修健美操课人数偏少的现状,通过文献资料、问卷调查、访谈、观察等方法对其影响因素进行了分析,发现制约我校男生选修健美操课的原因主要为:对健美操缺乏认识、学习兴趣不高、自信心不足、教学内容和教学条件欠缺等。  相似文献   

从全方位、多层次的视角来认识学校体育,有效利用学校体育教育中所孕育的包括个人礼仪、社交礼仪、文书礼仪、习俗礼仪和体育仪式等礼仪教育内容,形成生物的、教育的、心理的、社会的多维体育“育人观”。  相似文献   

Motivation theory suggests that autonomy supportiveness in instruction often leads to many positive outcomes in the classroom, such as higher levels of intrinsic motivation and engagement. The purpose of this study was to determine whether perceived autonomy support and course-related intrinsic motivation in college classrooms positively predict student ratings of instruction. Data were collected from 47 undergraduate education courses and 914 students. Consistent with expectations, the results indicated that both intrinsic motivation and autonomy support were positively associated with multiple dimensions of student ratings of instruction. Results also showed that intrinsic motivation moderated the association between autonomy support and instructional ratings—the higher intrinsic motivation, the less predictive autonomy support, and the lower intrinsic motivation, the more predictive autonomy support. These results suggest that incorporating classroom activities that engender autonomy support may lead to improved student perceptions of classroom instruction and may also enhance both student motivation and learning.  相似文献   

This study examined the temporal patterns and concurrent effects of teachers and peers on the motivational climate to student’s achievement goal adoption in the physical education (PE) classroom. On three occasions, over the course of one school year, 655 students in Years 7, 8, and 9 of a secondary school completed measures of approach-avoidance goal adoption, perceptions of the teacher-created motivational climate and perceptions of the peer-created motivational climate in PE. Measures were taken towards the end of each school term. Perceptions of a teacher mastery climate were found to decrease over the course of the school year, while perceptions of a peer performance climate increased. Multilevel analyses considered the intraindividual, interindividual and interclass levels and revealed that perceptions of both the teacher and peer climate influenced student achievement goal adoption over the course of the school year. The findings indicate that future research would benefit from incorporating peer as well as teacher influences on the motivational climate in order to understand the dynamics of student motivation in the PE classroom.  相似文献   

学生的一切活动都是由一定的动机引起的,学生动机是推动学生学习的一种内部动力,是激励学生从事学习的主观动因.学生参与体育活动的动机影响着当代体育教学目标、教学形式、教学方法及教学评价.  相似文献   

21世纪的到来,教育思想、教育观念是体育教育工作进行体育教育教学并进一步深化改革的指导思想。振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师,作为体育教育工作,如何完成培养未来社会的各种高级人才的重任?本结合新世纪、新理念、新的指导思想,论述了终身体育动机的重要性及终身体育动机的培养,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - School motivation is key to promoting optimal educational pathways. Some studies suggest that parental monitoring behaviors foster school motivation...  相似文献   

在体育教学中渗透思想道德教育是毫无疑问的,作为学校教育内容的两个重要组成部分,体育与德育是相辅相成的,在职业院校中,体育教师必须针对学生的特殊性对学生进行有的放矢的品德教育。本文以如何在职业学校体育教学中渗透德育教育为主题展开探讨,具有一定的现实意义和指导意义。  相似文献   

Using Self Determination as a framework, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationships between basic psychological needs, motivational regulations, self-esteem, subjective vitality, and social physique anxiety in physical education. One thousand and eighty two high school students aged between 14 and 19 [mean (M) = 15.89 ± 0.95 years] from six public high schools participated to the study. Students’ basic psychological needs: motivational regulations, subjective vitality and self-esteem served as positive indicators, while social physique anxiety was a negative indicator of psychological well-being. Structural equation modelling results revealed that students’ motivational regulations mediated the relationship between basic psychological needs and psychological well-being. Intrinsic motivation negatively predicted social physique anxiety and positively predicted subjective vitality. Amotivation positively predicted social physique anxiety and negatively predicted subjective vitality. Identified regulation and external regulation positively predicted subjective vitality. Results supported the tenets of Self Determination Theory (SDT) and suggested that satisfying adolescents’ basic psychological needs in physical education will promote their psychological well-being.  相似文献   

当前的中学(初中)教育处于9年义务教育阶段,有一部分学生初中毕业后会立即走上社会,成为国家的劳动者,另一部分同学则会继续升学深造,为大学阶段的发展储备知识。无论是作一名普通劳动者,还是成为高校学生,都必须树立正确的体育观,掌握基本的体育技能、知识。所以,在体育课的教学实践中,首先必须树立为他们的终身教育打基础和服务的思想。在此前提下再计划对学生如何进行具体的、有针对性的素质教育,则是中学体育教学需要认真思考和改进的。  相似文献   

中学的体育教学环节对大学体育教学具有的承接作用,同时也是终身体育教育过程中的重要环节。而终身体育意识应当贯穿到整个体育教学过程中,对终身体育的特点进行剖析,通过对中学体育教学原则、内容、方法等方面,以终身体育意识为视角对中学的体育教学产生有意义的启示。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法、数理统计法,对体育专业学生的成就动机进行调查研究.结果表明:体育专业学生的成就动机水平较高,其中追求成功的动机高于避免失败的动机;不同性别的体育专业学生在成就动机水平上存在显著差异,女生高于男生;体育专业学生中独生子女与非独生子女在成就动机水平上不存在显著差异,非独生子女高于独生子女;不同生源的体育专业学生的成就动机水平不存在显著差异,农村高于城镇.  相似文献   

作者结合学校体育工作的实际情况,通过互联网对学校体育工作影响的分析,就如何充分认识互联网在学校体育工作中的作用,以及充分发挥这种作用的优势进行了探索性研究,进而加强对这一新技术在体育工作中的开发,更好地促进学校体育工作的发展。  相似文献   

The present study examined the efficacy of autonomy-supportive teaching during elementary school physical education (PE) in influencing pupils’ enjoyment, fear of failure, boredom and effort. A sample of 54 pupils attending fifth and sixth grades comprised the control group (typical instruction; n = 27) and the experimental group (autonomy-supportive instruction; n = 27). Pupils’ responses were provided four times during a school trimester on perceived autonomy-support provided by the PE teacher, fulfilment of psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, behavioural regulations for PE participation, enjoyment, fear of failure, boredom and effort. In the autonomy-support condition, levels of the positive motivational indexes remained relatively stable during the trimester. Motivational deterioration was evident for the control group, and especially during the middle and the end of the trimester. Autonomy-supportive teaching leads to enhanced levels of motivation compared to non-autonomy-supportive teaching that may lead to gradual decline of motivation for PE participation.  相似文献   

学生班集体是学校集体的基础 ,是学生经常生活、共同学习的地方 ,是学生在校生活的“儿童社会” ,它是社会影响学生个人进入社会的通道之一。正是在集体中 ,学生逐渐学会讲文明 ,讲礼仪 ,做遵纪守法的合格小公民。良好的班集体 ,是实施全面教育的重要途径 ,也是重要的教育力量 ,更是教育的结果。笔者认为 ,班级管理中重视礼仪教育的实施 ,对培养良好的班风有重要作用。一、树意识 ,立目标 ,从小事抓起。班级管理中对学生进行礼仪教育 ,首先离不开正确的思想指导 ,班主任应充分利用朝会、班队会时间向学生宣传什么是礼仪。采用老师讲 ,班干部…  相似文献   

Continuing intrinsic motivation to learn is the result of actively generating and implementing a variety of metacognitive, cognitive, and affective processes and skills. An understanding of these processes, skills, and their interrelationships forms a basis for the design of an effective motivational skills training program. This article advances a generative process model of continuing motivation in which the central role of perceived self‐efficacy and personal control are explicated. Support for this model from current theories of learning and motivation is presented, along with implications for specific skills training interventions. It is argued that the functional purpose of motivational skills training is to promote perceptions of self‐efficacy and personal control that underlie the ability to take positive self‐control and change negative attitudes and orientations toward learning. For students with motivational deficiencies, this training is a necessary precursor to their active engagement in the learning process and execution of appropriate learning strategies and skills.  相似文献   

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