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老师:同学们,早上好,现在开始点名。杰勒德。 杰勒德:到。 老师:莱娜。 莱娜:到。 老师:好,阿龙。阿龙来了吗?  相似文献   

邢老师在中学讲台旁已站了近二十多个春秋,想不到今天的讲台愈来愈难站了,昨天校长找他说,学生反映他不用普通话教学。  相似文献   

这学期,我接了一个六年级的新班。第一次上课前,我拿起点名册挨个点名。突然,一个生字出现在眼前——"谌",好少见的姓氏。我迟疑起来,怎么读呢?问学生本人吧,新班、新生、新老师,太失脸面;按右边念,又怕念错,闹出笑话,下不了台。为难之际,灵光一现:先跳过去,等点完之后再问:"还有谁没点到?报上名来,我现在添上。"我心想,等他说出名字,  相似文献   

译文:现在点名。/保罗!,到。/玛丽。彼得。凯特。、到。到。到。、点完名了。上课。/老师。您没有点我的名。/你居然没有迟到!/你总是迟到。所以我习惯不点你的名了。  相似文献   

上世纪八十年代初,我在十里沟中学做教师。十里沟在抒皖交界处.是大别山系的余脉,地处偏僻.现在那里建了铁山寺国家森林公园,那会儿也是江苏省第二少年犯管教所的所在地。  相似文献   

Teacher:Good morning,everyone!Nolet’s call the roll.Gerard.老师:同学们,早上好!现在开始点名杰勒德。Gerard:Here.杰勒德:到。Teacher:Lena.老师:莱娜。Lena:Here.莱娜:到。Teacher:OK.Aaron here today?老师:好。阿龙,阿龙来了吗?Class Monitor:Madam,Aaron is nothere today.He is sick.班长:老师,阿龙没来。他生病了。Teacher:Oh,poor Aaron.I’m sorryto hear that.I hope he gets well soon.老师:可怜的阿龙,真感到遗憾。希望他早日康复。点名@华薇…  相似文献   

这学期,我接了一个六年级的新班。第一次上课前,我拿起点名册挨个点名。突然,一个生字出现在眼前——“谌”,好少见的姓氏。我迟疑起来,怎么读呢?问学生本人吧,新班、新生、新老师,太失脸面;按右边念,又怕念错,闹出笑话,下不了台。为难之际,灵光一现:先跳过去,等点完之后再问:“还有谁没点到?报上名来,我现在添上。”我心想,等他说出名字,我拿笔在名册上虚晃两下,就OK啦。  相似文献   

上世纪八十年代初,我在十里沟中学做教师。十里沟在苏皖交界处,是大别山系的余脉,地处偏僻,现在那里建了铁山寺国家森林公园,那时是省第二少年犯管教所的所在地。九月了,天高气爽,校园里散发着青草味儿和扑鼻而来的书香。新学期开始了,又一茬新学生象是枝条上刚发的芽。老师熟悉这些孩子是从点名开始的。这么多年过去了,学生一茬茬象出巢的小鸟,记住的不多,令人难忘的是一次特殊的点名,一个特殊的学生。他叫丁丁,是个少年犯,我们学  相似文献   


某老师接手新班级,第一堂课照例老一套:拿着花名册点名认识学生。也奇怪,有几个名字有些特别:牛?(音:bēn)、金鑫、水淼……一下子难倒了这位老师。情急之中,他大声说道:“牛一群、金一堆、水一大片……”点名  相似文献   

In November 1994, the Hertfordshire School Attendance Project, an initiative set up by the local authority's Education Welfare Service with the purpose of promoting regular school attendance, conducted a survey on school attendance in which 12 secondary schools participated. The survey was intended to establish how pupils responded to coming to school; to identify levels of truancy, including post‐registration truancy; to determine the reasons for such truancy; and to assist schools in developing appropriate and effective responses. The survey found that the overwhelming majority of pupils mostly liked school, attended regularly and were mostly happy with the curriculum which they were offered. The truancy that was located was confined mainly to Years 9, 10 and 11; it was neither widespread nor habitual in character, and appeared to be caused primarily by what might be termed ‘lesson difficulty’. That is, the pupil involved either did not like or could not do a particular lesson and/or had a poor relationship with a particular teacher. Post‐registration truancy (PRT) ‐ when the pupil comes to school, registers and then proceeds to miss certain or all lessons ‐ was found to be slightly more prevalent than blanket truancy (BT) ‐ when the child fails to attend school altogether and lacks authorization for failing to do so (these categories of truancy are based on the work of Stoll and O'Keeffe, 1989 and O'Keeffe, 1994). The survey strongly suggested the need for schools to engage in a debate on the nature of some aspects of the curriculum and to develop coherent and consistent whole‐school attendance policies.  相似文献   

Scores on the Georgia Kindergarten Assessment Program (GKAP) of 171 students (81 students who had attended preschool and 90 students who had not attended preschool) were analyzed to determine whether school readiness test performance was influenced by participation in preschool programs. Students who had attended preschool demonstrated statistically higher overall school readiness, higher Physical scores, and higher Personal scores than students who did not attend preschool. No difference, however, was found in GKAP scores as a function of type of preschool attended. Only one gender difference was revealed, that in the Social measure on the GKAP in which girls outperformed boys. Implications of our findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Young-for-grade students have been shown to receive lower grades and have a higher likelihood of retention compared to their oldest peers upon kindergarten entry. Our study of 1474 economically disadvantaged first-time kindergarteners investigates if preschool attendance may ameliorate some of the risks potentially associated with being young-for-grade. Using the state-mandated age cutoff date, we establish four groups of students based on age (oldest/youngest in the cohort) and preschool experience (attended preschool/did not attend preschool) and use multilevel linear and logistic regression models in analyzing early literacy scores as well as the likelihood of being retained. Our findings show that while preschool attendance is associated with higher emergent literacy performance, young students still experience higher retention risks compared to their older peers, regardless of preschool attendance and controlling for end-of-year literacy scores.  相似文献   

“百名学者评论中国教育”专栏,以教育研究者的角度,就教育理论和实践中的热点、焦点、难点、冰点问题发表各种建设性见解。一事一议,或提出问题,或分析评论,力求形成百家争鸣、百花齐放之势,激活中国之教育学术。特邀教育界有影响的专家学者参与,以教授和博士为主办成一个高层次论坛。各位同仁可就教育理论与实践中的重要问题写成评论,每篇2000—3000字为宜,诚请各位同仁在百忙中赐教赐稿。  相似文献   

The current study uses Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006 data to investigate international determinants of private school attendance. In particular, we seek to understand whether student achievement and home background factors such as socioeconomic status (SES) or motivational and goal-oriented factors are more predictive of private school attendance – in line with the concept of “cream-skimming’. Using baseline category logit models for nominal responses, our findings indicate that SES, rather than achievement or attitude, is the strongest, most consistent international predictor of attending a school managed or funded in large part by the private sector. Instead of traditional cream-skimming, our analysis suggests that a sorting effect of another kind exists – private schools (managed or funded) tend to lure students from better socioeconomic backgrounds, while public schools tend to attract the most engaged students.  相似文献   

There are arguably many factors that affect the way a student learns. A recent report by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) on student academic experience in the UK states that class size is an important factor in the quality of the student experience and that smaller class sizes provide greater educational benefit than the delivery of lectures. This article assesses research related to lectures, lecture attendance of medical students and their learning approaches in higher education outside the clinical setting. A questionnaire and focus groups were employed to gather quantitative and qualitative data. The results show that students value lectures in the curriculum alongside other teaching and learning methods.  相似文献   

This study analyzes school dropout in rural Guatemala using event history data and unusually detailed data on schools and teachers. Significant results for language of instruction, teacher education and fighting between students demonstrate the importance of accounting for school context influences on an outcome that has, historically, been analyzed mainly as a function of family background. Less support is found for the contention that dropout is lower in schools that are better at maximizing student achievement. Finally, using interaction analysis some of the school effects vary significantly by student gender and ethnicity. The various linkages between school features and dropout highlight the complicated reality of identifying the kinds of features of schools that are valued by poor families.  相似文献   

Despite the increased parental involvement in interventions for autism over recent decades, and the wide variety of home-based interventions which now exist, little is known about how these fit in with school attendance. Families' use of one intensive home-based intervention, the Son-Rise Program, was examined through a one-year longitudinal questionnaire and interview study. Issues relating to school attendance were examined, including parents' decision-making processes regarding concurrent school attendance, issues of compatibility between home and school, and issues arising for those families who discontinued school attendance in order to run a full-time intervention at home. Rather than using the Program exclusively and intensively, it was found that many families used the recommended intervention techniques part-time in the home whilst continuing their child's school attendance, and found the two learning contexts to be compatible with each other. Parents also identified a number of ways in which compatibility could be further maximised.  相似文献   

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