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The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also who we are (becoming). It involves integration of knowing, acting, and being in the form of professional ways of being that unfold over time. When a professional education program focuses on the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills, it falls short of facilitating their integration into professional ways of being. In addition, through such a focus on epistemology (or theory of knowing), ontology (or theory of being) is overlooked. This paper explores what it means to develop professional ways of being where the focus is becoming, not simply knowing as an end in itself.  相似文献   

Science, Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Besides viewing knowledge about the nature of science (NOS) as important for its own value with respect to scientific literacy, an adequate understanding of NOS is expected to improve science content learning by fostering the ability to interrelate scientific concepts and, thus, coherently acquire scientific content knowledge. However, there is a lack of systematic investigations, which clarify the relations between NOS and science content learning. In this paper, we present the results of a study, conducted to investigate how NOS understanding relates to students’ acquisition of a proper understanding of the concept of energy. A total of 82 sixth and seventh grade students received an instructional unit on energy, with 41 of them receiving generic NOS instruction beforehand. This NOS instruction, however, did not result in students having higher scores on the NOS instrument. Thus, correlational analyses were performed to investigate how students’ NOS understanding prior to the energy unit related to their learning about science content. Results show that a more adequate understanding of NOS might relate to students’ perspective on the concept of energy and might support them in understanding the nature of energy as a theoretical concept. Students with higher NOS understanding, for example, seemed to be more capable of learning how to relate the different energy forms to each other and to justify why they can be subsumed under the term of energy. Further, we found that NOS understanding may also be related to students’ approach toward energy degradation—a concept that can be difficult for students to master—while it does not seem to have a substantive impact on students’ learning gain regarding energy forms, transformation, or conservation.  相似文献   

A comprehensive view of science and technology in curricular reforms and materials is needed to promote public understanding and participation in science issues. This paper presents the results of an analysis of the treatment of the nature of science and technology in science curricular materials in India. Textbook sections on the conceptions of mechanics are the basis for this analysis. A contextualized curriculum for schools is offered as a more productive approach to learning and exploring science concepts, processes, and science-and-technology issues. The controversial Sardar Sarovar Hydro-Electric Project in India is used as an exemplary case that can further this effort. The paper concludes that a contextualized curriculum is potentially quite powerful for addressing the nature of science and technology in school curricula and materials.  相似文献   

Theories of teaching and learning, including those associated with constructivism, often make no overt reference to an underlying assumption that they make; that is, human cognition depends on domain-free, general-purpose processing by the brain. This assumption is shown to be incompatible with evidence from studies of children's early learning. Rather, cognition is modular in nature, and often domain-specific. Recognition of modularity requires a re-evaluation of some aspects of current accounts of learning science. Especially, children's ideas in science are sometimes triggered rather than learned. It is in the nature of triggered conceptual structures that they are not necessarily expressible in language, and that they may not be susceptible to change by later learning.  相似文献   

During the past twenty years, research, curriculum development, and instruction in science education have been influenced by Gagne's conception of science processes. This article reports an investigation of the epistomologic foundations of this conception. The results indicate that a commitment to inductive empiricism pervades the presently held view of science processes. A major tenet of this commitment is that conceptual knowledge results from the application of science processes in understanding natural phenomena and solving problems. Criticism of the commitment in light of recent developments in the philosophy of science reveals that there is limited philosophical support for this view. The implication is that if science educators continue to use the presently held view of science processes, the conception needs to be reformulated. Otherwise, there is a clear danger that students will be presented an inaccurate and inadequate view of science processes. The alternative is to view the exact nature of science processes as being dependent upon the conceptual knowledge that is used to understand a particular phenomena or problem.  相似文献   

中国的科学教育已走过百年历程,起到了十分重要的教育作用。但总的来说,我国的科学文化还很不发达,科学教育程度不够。为了改变这一现状,我们需要从三个方面进行努力:第一,全面理解科学教育,树立正确的科学价值观;第二,培育积极完整的科学文化;第三,创造和谐、自由的科研环境。  相似文献   

科幻小说翻译介绍国外科学文化概念,反映相应的创新精神这一科学本质。科幻小说翻译从读者阅读的经验层次、科学文化涵养层次和理性思考层次潜移默化地作用于人的意识。这既与当今社会发展离不开科学精神形成外在一致性,又与当今社会发展需要提高人的科学素养形成内在一致性。  相似文献   

Two fundamental questions about science are relevant for science educators: (a) What is the nature of science? and (b) what aspects of nature of science should be taught and learned? They are fundamental because they pertain to how science gets to be framed as a school subject and determines what aspects of it are worthy of inclusion in school science. This conceptual article re-examines extant notions of nature of science and proposes an expanded version of the Family Resemblance Approach (FRA), originally developed by Irzik and Nola (International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 999–1021, 2014) in which they view science as a cognitive-epistemic and as an institutional-social system. The conceptual basis of the expanded FRA is described and justified in this article based on a detailed account published elsewhere (Erduran and Dagher in Reconceptualizing the nature of science for science education: scientific knowledge, practices and other family categories. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014a). The expanded FRA provides a useful framework for organizing science curriculum and instruction and gives rise to generative visual tools that support the implementation of a richer understanding of and about science. The practical implications for this approach have been incorporated into analysis of curriculum policy documents, curriculum implementation resources, textbook analysis and teacher education settings.  相似文献   

Science Talent     
The basic differences between good and poor readers have been a standing topic among educational psychologists. Different symptom variables such as reading rate, eye movements, and subvocalization have been studied in this century-long search for the real cause to good or poor reading. During the latest decades these studies have, so far in vain, focused one question in particular: Why do the good readers show a better reading comprehension although they do not score higher than the poor ones on a conventional intelligence test, reading comprehension testing being one way, among others, of operationally defining what we use to call intelligence. I suggest that this missing link might be the good readers’ ability to perceive, i.e., to read, during their saccadic movements. This suggestion is forwarded since it has been possible to show that perception during voluntary saccadic movements is feasible.  相似文献   

理科教师的科学本质观对科学教育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们对科学本质的认识经历了由科学的“真理观”向科学的“建构观”的转变。不同的科学本质观将直接影响着教师对科学教育目标的不同理解,对科学知识的不同选择,对教学主题的不同设计、教学话语的不同使用,对学生学习的不同评价。教师不同的科学本质观及其教学行为影响着学生的科学本质观的形成,影响着学生对科学内容的理解以及看待问题的思维方式。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of recruiting highly qualified individuals into the science teaching profession, little is known about the effectiveness of particular recruitment strategies. Over 3 years, 34 college science majors and undecided students were recruited into paid internships in informal science settings to consider secondary science teaching as a career. Analysis of interns’ subsequent career plans revealed the internships were not effective in recruiting the interns into the secondary science teacher education program, although many interns thought they might consider becoming teachers later in their lives. Reasons for not pursuing teaching included continued indecisiveness, inflexibility of required plans of study, and concerns about teachers’ pay and classroom management.  相似文献   

本文首先从科学理论和科学与技术发展的趋势以及科学技术发展对人类社会的作用出发,阐述了当代科技和社会发展对综合性人才的呼唤,以及教育的功能.同时剖析了目前学校学科课程的形成过程及单学科教学的利与弊.在此基础上,分析了创新人才的培养需要基础教育适当软化已有的学科边界,从大科学观出发,使我们的基础教育能真正培养出适应新世纪的创新人才.最后,结合我国目前所进行的综合性科学(理科)课程教改试验的实际,从教育观念、师资培训、评价体系等方面提出了一些值得重视和研究的问题.  相似文献   

钱学森科学思想研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱学森是中国科学学的创始人和倡导者。他早年就提出基础科学、技术科学和应用技术的三层次划分法。20世纪70年代末期又提出中国科学学的研究纲领,廓清了科学学的定位、范围、内容等。他构建的现代科学技术体系是目前最系统的体系,这一体系带动了许多新学科的创建和发展,是现代科技发展的研究纲领。  相似文献   

Nature of science (NOS) is beginning to find its place in the science education in China. In a study which investigated Chinese science teacher educators’ conceptions of teaching NOS to prospective science teachers through semi-structured interviews, five key dimensions emerged from the data. This paper focuses on the dimension, NOS content to be taught to prospective science teachers. Among a total of twenty NOS elements considered by the Chinese science teacher educators to be important ideas to be taught, five were suggested by no less than a half of the educators. They are (1) empirical basis of scientific investigation, (2) logics in scientific investigation, (3) general process of scientific investigation, (4) progressive nature of scientific knowledge, and (5) realist views of mind and natural world. This paper discusses the influence of Marxism, a special socio-cultural factor in China, on Chinese science teacher educators’ conceptions of NOS content to be taught to prospective science teachers. We argue the importance of considering ideological traditions (mainly those in general philosophy and religion) when interpreting views of NOS or its content to be taught in different countries and regions and understanding students’ conceptual ecology of learning NOS.  相似文献   

爱因斯坦是位伟大的科学家,同时也是一位杰出的思想家。他的怀疑和批判精神,关于自然界统一性的思想和自然科学的唯物主义是引导他取得一系列科学成就的指导思想,并已成为人类宝贵的精神财富,对科学的进步产生了并将继续产生巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

Success in Science Learning and Preservice Science Teaching Self-Efficacy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined relationships between conceptual understanding, self-efficacy, and outcome expectancy beliefs as preservice teachers learned science in a constructivist-oriented methods class. Participants included 49 preservice elementary teachers. Analysis revealed that participants increased in self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, and conceptual understanding. Engaging preservice teachers in hands-on, minds-on activities and discussion were important contributors. Participants reported that they would be inclined to teach from a constructivist perspective in the future. One implication from this study is that increasing the quantity of science content courses that preservice elementary teachers are required to take may not be sufficient to overcome their reluctance to teach science if some of their learning does not take place in a constructivist environment. In our teaching, we have tried to integrate pedagogy with learning science content.  相似文献   

19世纪自然科学的新进展揭开了科学转型期的序幕。恩格斯在总结概括19世纪自然科学成就的基础上,提出了科学发展的新思想。20世纪,系统科学作为一场新的科学革命悄然兴起,在控制论、信息论、运筹学等一系列技术科学的推动下,系统科学取得了快速发展。耗散结构论、协同学、超循环理论以及突变论等新的理论,使系统科学的发展得到了进一步的深化。  相似文献   

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