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自主、合作与探究学习是新课改倡导的学习方式和我国学习方式转变的方向。为了研究中小学生学习方式转变的现状及其影响因素,笔者对分层抽取的440名教师和14 406名学生进行了问卷调查,结果发现:中小学生的学习方式在一定程度上发生了转变,但自主学习与探究学习有所欠缺;女生、低年级和城市学生的学习方式转变相对较好;教师获得的教学支持、教学自主权和教学方式对学习方式转变具有显著的正向影响,而对以成绩为导向的教学能力却产生显著的负向影响;学生的母亲学历、同伴关系、师生关系、内在学习动机等对学习方式转变具有显著的正向影响,学业压力越大越不利于学习方式的转变。因此,应促进教师专业发展,增强教育管理的民主性,提高学习活动的针对性,建立良好的学习环境。  相似文献   

采用"自主学习策略量表"、"成就目标定向量表"、"学业自我效能感量表"和"大五人格量表"对河南省三所本科院校在校生进行随机调查,结果表明,成就目标定向、学业自我效能感、大五人格与自主学习策略存在显著相关,学业自我效能感和成就目标定向是自主学习策略运用的有效预测指标,大五人格中的神经质因子对自主学习策略的运用有负向预测作用。了解大学生自主学习状况,可为高校教学工作的有效开展提供依据。  相似文献   

陈向明  曲霞 《教育科学》2021,37(5):36-48
实习生与指导教师的互动模式对实习生学做教师有重要影响.本研究从双方建立了何种互动关系以及这些关系对实习生的知识转化与身份获得产生了何种影响两个维度,提炼出4种模式:正向促进型、正向阻抑型、反向阻抑型和反向促进型.分析这些模式的案例表现和形成条件后发现:和谐的师徒关系不必然促进实习生的知识转化和身份获得,而不和谐的师徒关系也不必然阻碍实习生的学习和成长;双方互动关系的建立主要取决于情境因素令实习生满足的程度;实习生知识转化与身份获得的效果在很大程度上依赖于指导教师的能力和方式以及实习生自己的反思意识和能力.最后的讨论指出,指导教师的能力不足和方式不当不仅仅归因于他们个人,而且受制于实习的制度安排和资源配置.  相似文献   

本文在研究了社会发展下教育的需要基础上,重点提出了网络和自主学习相结合的模式,以英语网络自主学习为媒介,通过对课上与课下、自主与授课及线上与线下的博弈,突出了当下大学生通过网络进行自主学习的必要性。  相似文献   

陈艳平 《成人教育》2013,33(2):63-65
网络学习平台已逐渐成为传统课堂教学的重要辅助工具和课堂的有效延伸,其教学模式的更新、学生自主学习能力的提高以及如何科学合理地使用网络学习平台等问题备受关注。文章从网络环境下的自主学习、自主学习平台的设计以及自主学习平台下如何培养学生的自主学习能力等方面进行了分析探讨,以使学生学习的积极性、主动性得到提高,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   


We exploit within-teacher variation in the years that math and reading teachers in grades 4–8 host an apprentice (“student teacher”) in Washington State to estimate the causal effect of these apprenticeships on student achievement, both during the apprenticeship and afterwards. While the average causal effect of hosting a student teacher on student performance in the year of the apprenticeship is indistinguishable from zero in both math and reading, hosting a student teacher is found to have modest positive impacts on student math and reading achievement in a teacher’s classroom in following years. These findings suggest that schools and districts can participate in the student teaching process without fear of short-term decreases in student test scores while potentially gaining modest long-term test score increases.  相似文献   

If the intellectual norms and values embedded in the mathematics education reform movement are to move beyond individual classrooms and significantly influence entire schools and districts, school and district administrators will need to become centrally, rather than peripherally, involved. This paper discusses the ways administrators' ideas about the nature of mathematics, learning, teaching, and school culture affect their interpretations of the nature and intent of the elementary mathematics reform movement and their thoughts about of how they might support it. In particular, administrators' views of parents' concerns, professional development for teachers, and of how new ideas move around in a school are discussed. I argue that administrators have well-formed ideas about mathematics, learning, and teaching, which influence their views of reform and their ideas of how to provide support. These ideas need to be taken into account if administrators are to be central actors in reform. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The correlation of student teachers’ religiosity with their views on the religious education course that they are called on to teach in Greek public schools is the subject treated in the present survey. The five main features of religiosity, that is, (1) religious faith, (2) religious knowledge, (3) religious experience, (4) participation in a religious group or community, and (5) daily practice and conduct, were assessed for 1009 student teachers. With the help of data processing and cluster analysis, a causal relationship was found between their religiosity and their views on religious education.  相似文献   

“学术不诚实”作为高等教育机构中的一个基本问题,在国内外引发了越来越多的关注。澳大利亚昆士兰4所大学1206个学生和190个老师对学术不诚实的看法表明:教育机构和学校有关部门高度重视;学校应设立专门的课程;学生自身应该提高学术诚实意识;加强对学术不诚实行为的制裁等。  相似文献   

Creative drama activities designed to help children learn difficult science concepts were integrated into an inquiry-based elementary science program. Children (n?=?38) in an upper elementary enrichment program at one primary school were the participants in this action research. The teacher-researcher taught students the Full Option Science System? (FOSS) modules of sound (fourth grade) and solar energy (fifth grade) with the integration of creative drama activities in treatment classes. A 2?×?2?×?(2) Mixed ANOVA was used to examine differences in the learning outcomes and attitudes toward science between groups (drama and non-drama) and grade levels (4th and 5th grades) over time (pre/post). Learning was measured using the tests included with the FOSS modules. A shortened version of the Three Dimension Elementary Science Attitude Survey measured attitudes toward science. Students in the drama treatment group had significantly higher learning gains (F?=?160.2, p?<?0.001) than students in the non-drama control group with students in grade four reporting significantly greater learning outcomes (F?=?14.3, p?<?0.001) than grade five. There was a significantly statistical decrease in student attitudes toward science (F?=?7.5, p?<?0.01), though a small change. Creative drama was an effective strategy to increase science conceptual learning in this group of diverse elementary enrichment students when used as an active extension to the pre-existing inquiry-based science curriculum.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - The science achievement of primary students, both in Australia and abroad, has been the subject of intensive research in recent decades. Consequently, much research...  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of teachers’ and students’ thinking styles on students’ satisfaction with the course followed and on their learning process. The sample was made up of 102 instructional psychology college students who responded to two administrations of the Thinking Style Inventory, one about their teacher and one about themselves, to a satisfaction scale referring to the instructional process, and finally to a scale designed to measure the time and effort they devoted to the learning process. Multivariate regression analyses were carried out. Results reveal that both teachers’ and students’ thinking styles are good predictors of students’ satisfaction and their involvement in the learning process.  相似文献   

We investigated how learning outcomes of students majoring in interdisciplinary fields differ from those of students in discipline-based majors. We found that students in interdisciplinary majors report less change in Critical Thinking and Need For Cognition than their peers in disciplinary majors, but no difference in change in Positive Attitude Toward Literacy. Students’ gains in Critical Thinking and Need For Cognition do not vary by the characteristics of the interdisciplinary major, but some program characteristics influence modest changes in Positive Attitudes Toward Literacy. Future research should address selection effects, develop measures of interdisciplinary learning, and further explore curricular and instructional patterns in interdisciplinary programs.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to report the influences of a mixed delivery professional development [PD] course involving face-to-face classes and the mentoring assisted inquiry-based teaching [MAIT] website that addressed the conceptual change and self-efficacy of high school mathematics and science teachers’ conceptions of inquiry-based teaching. Twenty-five in-service high school science and mathematics teachers participated in a 9 weeks, 4 h per week PD course. Data collection included the pre-post Inquiry Teaching Efficacy Questionnaire [ITEQ], teachers’ reflective journals posted on the MAIT website, teachers’ assignments requested by the course instructor, and follow-up teachers’ interviews. Findings revealed that both mathematics and science teachers’ conceptions of inquiry teaching show significant improvements after the course. The mixed delivery PD course had the same influence on science and mathematics teachers. The authentic video clips and lesson plans provided on the MAIT website and the specific feedback toward teachers’ performance are the main factors that shaped teachers’ inquiry-based teaching conceptions.  相似文献   

学业拖延在大学生群体中是普遍存在的。早期研究者主要关注拖延消极方面的影响,与此不同,有研究者提出拖延是个体主动进行的,是一种精明的决策有远见的行为。由此,拖延便被分为主动拖延和被动拖延两种类型。目前研究者们对于学业拖延的研究从特质论、动机论转变到自我调节理论。文章从自我调节的视角来阐述动机因素对于主动和被动两种类型的学业拖延的影响,并在此基础上提出改善学业拖延的建议。  相似文献   

文章从老师和学生的主体间性理论出发对大学英语口语教学中的师生关系进行了研讨,认为在大学英语口语教学中老师和学生都是教学实践的主体,他们之间是一种交往和对话关系,是一种互动关系,是一种辩证关系。文章对过去以教师为主体的旧模式和以学生为主体的所谓新模式都进行了一定程度的辩证和批评。  相似文献   

This study examined undergraduate and graduate students’ perceptions of the impact of in-class learning activities, out-of-class learning activities, and instructional materials on their learning. Using survey methodology, students anonymously assessed their perceptions of in-class activities, out-of-class activities, and instructional materials as most impactful, helpful, and enjoyable to their learning. Undergraduate college students found Jeopardy games, PowerPoint slides, and checking for understanding/review questions to be most helpful, while 50% often perceived Jeopardy games, Poll Everywhere, videos, and PowerPoint slides as enjoyable active learning strategies. Graduate students perceived small groups, out-of-class writing assignments, and Lino as most helpful to their learning. Additionally, an analysis of student comments about why these strategies were impactful, helpful, and enjoyable revealed 4 themes: fun, learning collaboratively, challenging but helpful, and variety in how students learn. Creating a learner-centered environment that is engaging as well as enjoyable for students positively impacts perceptions of students’ learning, which should encourage teachers to adopt this approach in their own college classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper summarises findings from several commissioned studies, doctoral dissertations, and federally-funded technology in education projects coordinated by the authors in conjunction with international colleagues over the past five years. It features evidence regarding the impact of information technologies on teacher training and student achievement, and spotlights trans-national trend analysis through common instrumentation as the technique believed to be the most promising research avenue for the future.  相似文献   

教师对学生的态度及看法中,存在着一部分无法被教师意识与控制但又确实对教师行为产生影响的内隐学生观.随着教育改革的推进,教师的学生观也发生了一些变化.本研究即是采用刻板解释偏差问卷对熟手教师和准教师的内隐学生观进行测量,以检验这一变化是否得到落实以及是否朝被期望的方向发展.结果表明:(1)熟手教师和准教师都持有传统学生观与新学生观相混合的内隐学生观,但熟手教师略微偏向传统学生观,而准教师更偏向新学生观;(2)不同教龄和性别熟手教师和准教师的内隐学生观无显著差异.  相似文献   

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