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王永红  陈祥伟 《体育科研》2017,(6):54-59,66
为了了解我国射箭运动领域的研究现状,总结射箭运动研究的方向,厘清射箭领域的研究热点与演进路径,基于CiteSpace视角,采用定量与定性相结合的方法,对1998年以来发表在CSSCI数据库所收录的射箭运动文献进行了知识图谱的可视化分析。结果表明:我国射箭运动研究的发文量呈上升趋势;目前仅仅形成了简单的作者合作网络图谱,只有少部分作者之间有合作关系;研究大都以高校为依托,还没有形成基本的机构合作网络;研究热点主要集中在体育史、体育文化、射箭与竞技体育、射礼、弓箭系统等方面;传统射艺的传承与保护是当下研究的前沿。  相似文献   

射箭运动近年来越来越受到国人关注.我国射箭运动员的训练水平也随之提升.射箭运动作为竞技体育的重要组成部分,需要采取先进的训练技术,才能够确保运动员取得良好的成绩.本文主要介绍了我国射箭运动员运动智能训练的概念,在此基础之上提出了构建射箭运动员智能训练体系、射箭运动员运动智能训练的具体措施,希望可以为相关研究人员提供参考...  相似文献   

射箭运动员的初级选材   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
射箭运动员的初级选材汶上县业余体校林宏伟现代竞技体育可分为两大类,体能类竞技体育和技能类竞技体育。体能类竞技体育是以速度、力量性、耐力性为主的运动项目;技能类竞技体育则是以表现性、难美性、准确性和对抗性运动为主的运动项目。现代射箭运动是从20世纪初开...  相似文献   

射箭运动在人类的发展过程中起着非常重要作用的技能,但是随着人类的进步,社会的发展,射箭不再是人类的必要技能,从而演变成了一个休闲的体育运动项目。在射箭运动中,力量训练作为射箭运动中必备的训练之一,其在射箭运动中具有非常大的作用。基于此,为了提升我国青少年射箭运动比赛成绩,本文分析了青少年射箭运动员的力量训练概念,与此同时,探讨了如何帮助青少年射箭运动员更高效的力量训练方法。  相似文献   

G887 20031068射箭运动的动作技术及训练的探讨[刊,中,I]/周正宏,李浩//重庆体育科学研究.-2002(4).-42-43参4(XH)射箭//技术//训练法 射箭运动的技术水平近几年在世界上有了迅速的发展和提高。目前我国的射箭运动技术水平  相似文献   

自去年9月以来,中国射箭队不断取得好成绩,其中不乏历史性的突破。中国射箭开始“看起来很美”。的确,中国射箭队近期的成绩正呈上升的趋势,但由此得出中国射箭即将迎来明媚春天的结论还言之过早,甚至是言之有害。应该看到,中国射箭运动的全面振兴还有很长的一段路要走。首先是,中国射箭如何社会化的问题。一项运动,如果没有好的社会基础,它的兴盛只能是一句空话。在刚刚结束的全国射箭冠军赛上,中国国家射箭队总教练、韩国籍教练杨昌勋在谈到中国和韩国  相似文献   

前言 现代的射箭运动训练中,心理训练愈来愈受到重视,心理训练是门科学,已被国内外一些强队视为训练中不可缺少的一环。心理训练应从青少年基础训练抓起,它是决定胜负的关键。 1.射箭运动心理学的重要性 运动员在射箭高水平的运动竞赛中他  相似文献   

G887.3 20031069第14届亚运会射箭比赛成绩[刊,中,I]//中国射击射箭.-2002(6).-33(XH)射箭//比赛//成绩//14届//亚运会G887.3 20032057现代射箭运动竞技特征与我国射箭奥运夺金策略的研究=Competitive characteristics of modernarchery and China's Olympic strategy[刊,中,A]/郭显德(山西大学体育教研部),石岩(山西大学体育  相似文献   

射箭撒放动作的技术分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
射箭撒放动作的技术分析许爱秋,周茂城随着射箭运动的不断发展,射箭的动作技术也有了进一步的改进和完善。撒手在射箭运动中是一个关键的动作技术,它的正确与否影响着箭的准确性。因此就撤放的动作技术进行探讨分析,可望有助于训练。1合理正确的撒放动作在射箭时,合...  相似文献   

射箭具有悠久的发展史,随着人类社会的不断发展,射箭用于狩猎与战争的功能已经消失,逐渐演化为一种体育竞赛项目。我国是世界上射箭运动的强国之一,涌现出了大量优秀的射箭运动员。近年来,我国加快了青少年运动员的培养力度,旨在促进射箭运动的持续发展,本文仅就射击运动员的训练方法进行简要的研究。  相似文献   

射箭是以命中环数为比赛目的技能主导类表现准确性项目。在技术中,撒放技术是最重要的一个环节,它是整个射箭技术的精髓,撒放动作的正确与否直接影响着命中率。本文以专家访谈、问卷调查、实地观察为主要研究方法,通过对64名国家射箭优秀运动员的注意方式、撒放时机和勾弦方式等几个方面进行调查,并分析了撒放技术中几个主要要素指标与成绩的关系,最后得出以下结论:(1)轻松、稳固的勾弦;适宜的撒放时机,是创造良好成绩的重要因素;(2)在无意识状态下完成撒放动作,能减少心理的干扰;(3)自然快捷的脱弦,一般拉弓靠位到撒放在三秒左右最佳。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷法和比较法,并通过与世界射箭强国韩国进行比较,对福建省射箭运动的发展现状、存在问题及制约因素进行探讨和分析.结果表明:福建省青少年射箭运动员培养体系不健全,高水平队伍训练强度及难度偏小,运动员培养过程中功利性太强,训练方法不尽科学,提出了相应的整改对策.  相似文献   


This paper aims to interrogate the key policy factors behind South Korea’s archery success. Based on our review on the history of Korean archery, two additional key elements in terms of organization and administration were also included to form the analytical framework of this research, aside from Green and Houlihan’s four key policy elements. Our analytical framework is thus comprised of two background elements for elite sport development – the organizational structure and administration, and four areas of elite sport policy. According to our analytical framework, this paper highlights four key policy dimensions that have influenced South Korea’s archery success, as follows: (i) establishment of the Korean Archery Association (KAA) and the involvement of business elites; (ii) emergence of potential full-time archers by the identification of, and the support for, young talented athletes; (iii) developments in sport science, coaching, and facilities/equipment; and (iv) the provision of more systematic competition opportunities for elite-level archers. In summary, the success of Korean archers might be closely linked to the result of the KAA’s staunch strategy and policy initiatives encouraged by the government for international sporting success and the way in which the organization has paid more salient attention to the policy commitments as noted above.  相似文献   


South Korean archery has a remarkable history performed on a global stage, with the Olympic women’s archery team having won seven times consecutively. The Korea National Archery Association joined the Fédération Internationale de Tir à l’Arc (FITA) as a result of a national government policy but there are several factors that have made Korean archery successful, including active investments from Korean conglomerates, national sports promotion policy, field-oriented training and a scientific player management system, amongst other influences. Among the valuable factors, the most significant is that traditional Korean archery Gukgung instructors taught several archers in the early stages of their success. There are many similar shooting techniques in archery adopted from traditional techniques, including levelling one’s arms, releasing the string, taking one’s arm back to the rear and aiming according to the wind direction. This approach eventually became a foundation for the success of Korean archery. The Korea National Archery Association is the home of Gukgung, which advances traditional Korean archery. In this context, the Korea National Archery Association – the Mecca of traditional archery – has contributed much to the success of Korean archery.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料的研究方法,通过对超量恢复原理、应激性原理、恢复性原理、运动负荷的训练原理进行定义及其特点方面的研究论述,旨在通过对这些原理的了解和认识,使射箭运动训练的调控更有理论支撑,使之对具体的射箭运动训练起到一定得指导作用。  相似文献   

Recurve archery is an Olympic sport that requires extreme precision, upper body strength and endurance. The purpose of this research was to quantify how postural stability variables both pre- and post-arrow release, draw force, flight time, arrow length and clicker reaction time, collectively, impacted on the performance or scoring outcomes in elite recurve archery athletes. Thirty-nine elite-level recurve archers (23 male and 16 female; mean age?=?24.7?±?7.3 years) from four different countries volunteered to participate in this study prior to competing at a World Cup event. An AMTI force platform (1000Hz) was used to obtain centre of pressure (COP) measurements 1s prior to arrow release and 0.5s post-arrow release. High-speed footage (200Hz) allowed for calculation of arrow flight time and score. Results identified clicker reaction time, draw force and maximum sway speed as the variables that best predicted shot performance. Specifically, reduced clicker reaction time, greater bow draw force and reduced postural sway speed post-arrow release were predictors of higher scoring shots. It is suggested that future research should focus on investigating shoulder muscle tremors at full draw in relation to clicker reaction time, and the effect of upper body strength interventions (specifically targeting the musculature around the shoulder girdle) on performance in recurve archers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the temporal phases of the archery shot cycle that distinguish the arrows distance from centre, in an attempt to understand critical factors that affect performance. Fifteen archers of varying ability each performed 30 shots at 18 m. Fourteen potential predictor variables were measured for statistical modelling by stepwise multiple linear regression. The results show that pre-shot time (pre-performance routine), follow-through time (post-performance routine), aiming time, speed of the arrow and the %variation in clicker-release time, account for 7.7% of the variation in predicting shot performance. The results have implications for practice demonstrating factors that coaches should focus on to develop their athletes. Further work on pre-, but more importantly, post-performance routines are needed generally within sport research as they are lacking and have been shown to be important contributing factors in a number of sports.  相似文献   

射箭项目的特.a-和训练规律,一直是我国射箭教练员长期关注的热点问题通过对墨西哥蒙特雷射箭队八年执教成功经验的总结和分析,从中探讨射箭训练的效益与调控,进一步认识射箭项目训练规律,大胆提出一些见解,促进射箭训练效果的提高.  相似文献   

文章以《宋史》为蓝本,通过查阅资料和文献,对宋朝礼射的多种文化意味有所了解。礼射作为古代社会的重要礼仪活动,经过数千年的演变,至宋代已然具有多样功能和多重性质。通过对宋朝礼射文化的研究发现:宋朝宴射活动尤为凸显,此时的宴射特色鲜明,具有联系两国情感、加强彼此交流的重要外交作用,同时宋朝的宴射活动娱乐味道浓厚,是古代帝王进行游玩的重要项目之一。这不仅使我们对宋朝礼射文化的发展情况有所了解,而且对现代社会射箭活动的开展有积极影响。  相似文献   

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