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This article describes how disability studies can be used in a medical and science writing class to critically examine the assumptions of scientific discourse. An emerging, interdisciplinary field, disability studies draws on feminist, postmodern, and post‐colonial theory and extends their critiques to the medicalization of disability. Deconstructing the medical model of disability helps students understand how science is socially constructed. After conceptualizing disability studies, this essay discusses sample disability‐related classroom activities, readings, and writing assignments.  相似文献   

新一轮的基础教育课程改革将小学“作文”更名为“习作”,将传统作文教学过分重写作的方法、技巧和结果的作法,拓展为重视习作活动的全过程,即写作材料的获取、认识、展示、整理、交流、完善、表达等活动。当再次回顾和审视我们的习作教学时,我们看到了学生习作经历三个阶段,实现了两次质变。学生已由过去习作的接受者最终成为了习作的实践者。  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of what constitutes effective remediation for developmental dyslexia, combining neuropsychological and applied cognitive perspectives on specific reading disability. Despite its high prevalence, whether the disorder is amenable to treatment and what constitutes effective treatment were questions which, until recently, remained essentially unaddressed by properly controlled evaluation studies. Positive results from controlled remediation studies and experimental training paradigms with disabled and poor reader samples are reviewed. As part of a clinical research program at The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto, we have completed a series of treatment outcome studies with dyslexic samples (cumulative N = 285) in which we evaluated the efficacy of different programs designed to remediate the reading and reading-related deficits of dyslexic children and adolescents. Results from one of these studies are summarized to illustrate the unique perspective afforded through remedial outcome data: Emphasis is placed on what the results of such studies may reveal of dyslexic learning disabilities.  相似文献   

This article explores some relationships between collaborative writing practices and writing support technologies. It attempts to illustrate the range of ways in which technologies are used. It examines the relationships of particular technologies and practices with how the writers view the process in which they are engaged. The implications of the findings for thinking about the role of computers in supporting writing, and facilitating collaborative writing in particular, are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of context variables is emphasized in recent research on writing, from which a great variety of meanings of the word ‘context’ emerges. The aim of this paper is to investigate some aspects of the identification of context variables in writing research by focusing on three main functions of context:
  1. context as a condition for communication, i.e. the ground the writer creates in order to communicate with the reader
  2. context as task environment, i.e. the situational variables (task objectives, motivational aspects, media, etc.) which can influence the writing process and/or product
  3. context as an interactive framework, i.e. context as constituted by what people are doing, as well as by when and where they are doing it.

White and Bruning (2005) distinguished two sets of writing beliefs: transactional and transmissional beliefs. In this paper we analyse their beliefs scale and suggest two hypotheses about how such beliefs relate to writing performance. The single-process hypothesis treats the beliefs as different amounts of engagement, whereas the dual-process hypothesis claims that the beliefs represent different types of engagement. We then describe the results of an experiment with 84 university students as participants that assessed the relationship between writing beliefs, different forms of pre-planning and different aspects of writing performance. Our results support the dual-process hypothesis, and suggest that transactional beliefs are about the preference for a top-down strategy or a bottom-up strategy, while transmissional beliefs are about the content that is written about. These beliefs interact in their effects on text quality, the amount and type of revision carried out, and the extent to which writers develop their understanding. They also moderate the effectiveness of outlining as a strategy.  相似文献   

Summary The case of a left-handed female patient is described who presented serious problems in learning how to write during childhood, particularly in relation to directionality and letter sequence. The patient then learned to write correctly with her left hand, but practiced and maintained her ability to write backwards (from the last letter to the first). Implications of the case are discussed.Send Correspondence to Dr. Alfredo Ardila, Miami Institute of Psychology of the Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies, 8180 NW 36 Street, Second floor, Miami, Florida 33166-6612.  相似文献   

针对《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对英语专业学生不同阶段的写作要求,笔者决心将合作学习运用到英语基础写作中,要求学生在写作过程中进行合作,并试图证实合作学习的实施能够显著提高学生的英语短文写作水平,增强写作动机和兴趣。  相似文献   

写作历来被认为是“经国之大业,不朽之盛事”。在现代社会,更成为一个人必须具有的素质。从写作学的现代观念出发,对写作概念进行溯源,并描述它嬗变的轨迹,梳理“写作”的各种不同称谓,弄清现代“写作学”和传统“章观”、“作论”之间的联系与区别,对写作学的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

英语写作一直都是语言学习者难以把握的一项,也是英语教师在教学中的重难点。在实施过程中,英语写作教学的效果不尽人意,大部分教师依然运用写作教学法,学生欠缺有效的写作方法,因此提高英语写作能力还需假以时日。在本文中,笔者运用先进的教学理论进行试验探究,希望能够研究出英语过程写作教学的有效课堂,探究出一系列可以有效提升课堂写作教学的方法,从而达到"有效教学"的目标。  相似文献   

Students in a large undergraduate biology course were expected to write a scientific report as a key part of their course design. This study investigates the quality of learning arising from the writing experience and how it relates to the quality of students’ preconceptions of learning through writing and their perceptions of their writing program that led to their report. Closed‐ended questionnaires investigating student conceptions and perceptions of writing, and approaches to writing, were completed by 121 students. Significant associations were found amongst qualitatively different prior and post conceptions of writing, approaches to writing and achievement. The results of the analyses suggest that the effective support of student experiences of writing reports requires teachers to be aware of the type of conceptions that students bring to their course and the perceptions they hold about the purpose of the writing program in which they are engaged.  相似文献   

Your writing     
过年的时候最不可或缺的就是美食了。赶紧来《舞文弄墨》跟大家分享一下您最喜欢的一道茶是怎么做出来的吧!  相似文献   

提起写作文,一部分学生就怕写甚至个别学生拒写,即使写也东抄西凑,缺乏文采,不够深刻,主要原因是无话可说,没有写作的材料,真是"巧妇难为无米之炊"。要想让学生克服怕写作文的念头,提高写作能力,就必须调动学生写作的积极性,多积累写作素材,让其在写作实践中体会到写作的乐趣,进而提高写作能力。  相似文献   

合作写作--元认知支持应用于作文教学的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国学者Fiona Yarrow和Keith J.Topping创立的配对写作模式,是一种非常灵活的结构性合作写作体系,它以整合元认知和社会互动的方法支持学生的写作发展。其中,带有元认知支持的配对写作流程图,不仅能有效地提高学生的写作成绩,而且能激发写作兴趣,增强自信心及自我效能感,培养协作精神。因此,该研究具有较高的理论意义和实践价值,是一项极具创新的作文教改实验,值得我们研究与借鉴。  相似文献   

Conventional methods of differentiating reading disability (RD) caused by deficits in decoding skills or comprehension from poor reading performance caused by inconsistent attention associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have produced equivocal results. This study presents a model of differential diagnosis of attentional problems and RD that differs from these conventional approaches. The new diagnostic procedure uses intraindividual differences seen in the performance of at-risk learners on tasks related to reading that vary in their sensitivity to the sustained attention required for successful performance. The hypothesis is that children with inconsistent attention would perform more poorly on tests that require sustained attention, such as listening comprehension, than on tests that are more tolerant of inattention, such as reading comprehension. Such differences would not be seen in the test scores of children who have only RD, because their performance is determined more by the difficulty level of the reading tests than by the degree of sensitivity of the task to attention. The validity of this new model was evaluated by determining the capability of the differences seen in the scores of tests that differ in their sensitivity to sustained attention to predict the degree of inconsistency in sustained attention as measured by a continuous performance test. The data obtained from 39 children who are at risk for RD suggest that this is a viable model.  相似文献   

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