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The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of item phrasing on the validity of a Likert-type attitude scale. Three content similar scales were composed of 15 items, either all positive, all negative, or a mixture of positive and negative items. Five hundred twenty-two students in grades 4–6 responded to one of the three forms. Results from the all positive and negative forms indicated that item means, variances, and factor structures differed significantly. Inspection of item means suggested that it was difficult for the students to indicate agreement by disagreeing with a negative statement. Analyses of the mixed phrasing form indicated factors based upon item phrasing, not item content. Taken together, the results suggest that the technique of balancing item phrasing when used with elementary students appears to affect adversely the validity of attitude measurement.  相似文献   

A policy at a New Zealand University to assess lecturers’ teaching performance as an administrative requirement provided for information to be obtained from the chairperson, colleagues, students and the individual being evaluated.

In designing the summative scales to obtain student feedback, four conditions were seen as important for achieving a system acceptable to both lecturers and students. These conditions—length of scale, time to complete the scale, face validity of the scale and the acceptability of the procedures used to distribute the scales, together with the context within which teaching takes place at the Institution, provided constraints to the design of the summative scales.

Following 98 lecturing and 43 course evaluations, the scales were subjected to a principal factor analysis. This analysis showed that the items most strongly related to overall teaching effectiveness, as assessed by students, included the lecturer's ability to communicate ideas and information and to stimulate interest in the subject.

By pooling student ratings from different teaching situations for any one lecture, a Teaching Performance Profile was prepared. This profile increased the reliability and validity of the information obtained. At the same time it provided a summary suitable for combining with the evaluative . information from the other three sources in making a judgement as to the individual's level of teaching competency.  相似文献   

Currently, there are few strengths‐based preschool rating scales that sample a wide array of behaviors believed to be essential for early academic success. The purpose of this study was to assess the factor structure of a new measure of early academic competence for at‐risk preschool populations. The Teacher Rating Scales of Early Academic Competence (TRS‐EAC) includes two broad scales (Early Academic Skills and Early Academic Enablers) and was completed by 60 teachers for 440 children enrolled in Head Start and public preschool classrooms. Evidence from two exploratory factor analyses supported a five‐factor solution for the Early Academic Skills Scale (Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking Skills, Numeracy, Early Literacy, and Comprehension) and a five‐factor solution for the Early Academic Enablers Scale (Approaches to Learning, Social and Emotional Competence, Fine Motor Skills, Gross Motor Skills, and Communication). TRS‐EAC scores also demonstrated good to excellent reliability and were related to children's performance on direct measures of early academic skills.  相似文献   

简论草原文化的核心理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草原文化的核心理念,是草原文化的基本内涵、基本精神和价值取向的高度概括和集中体现。因此,我们要讨论草原文化的核心理念,就应该从草原文化的内涵、特征、基本精神和价值取向入手,正确认识和深刻理解草原文化核心理念的精神实质。笔者在深入分析草原文化的基本内涵、基本精神、价值取向的基础上,将草原文化的核心理念归纳为:以开拓进取的精神和和睦友善的价值取向,崇尚人、自然、社会的和谐统一;以崇信重义的精神和诚实正直的价值取向,提倡社会交际的广纳包容;以乐观豪迈的精神和崇拜英雄的价值取向,坚持宏伟事业的持续发展等几个方面。  相似文献   

英语是“形合”特征明显的语言,而汉语是“意合”明显突出的语言。在英-汉翻译中,两种语言在信息结构上的差异,往往给翻译中的理解和转换造成了许多障碍,而以主位推进为英-汉翻译的单位,不仅从理论上为英-汉翻译单位的研究提供了一种新的视角,而且在实践上有益于译者,特别是以汉语为母语的译者,正确地解读和分析英语语篇,并有效地进行翻译转换,生成自然、流畅的汉语语篇。  相似文献   

文章采用田纳西自我概念量表和SCL-90量表对大学生进行调查,对不同年级和性别的学生进行分析,发现自我概念与心理健康之间存在着密切的联系。并根据调查结果,针对当前大学生自我概念和心理健康状况提出几条建议与应对策略。以帮助大学生完善自我概念,促进心理健康。  相似文献   

论教学质量意识的概念、结构及其形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学质量意识是人们对于教学质量的本质、意义、形成方式及其诸因素间依存关系的认识、判断和评价。是人们对于教学质量所持的主观态度,指向性、动力性和个体差异性是教学质量意识的本质特征。教学质量意识的基本结构是由办学方向意识、教授质量意识、学习质量意识和管理质量意识构成。文章还分析了影响教学质量的主要因素及教学质量意识形成的基本模式  相似文献   

Strangely, the concept of philosophical education is not much in use, at least not as a philosophical concept. In this essay, Steinar Bøyum attempts to outline such a philosophical concept of philosophical education. Bøyum uses Plato's Allegory of the Cave, René Descartes's life of doubt, and Immanuel Kant's criticism of metaphysics as paradigms or defining examples of this concept. Bøyum's aim in this essay is not exegetical; rather, he hopes to describe these examples in a way that will let their character as conceptions of philosophical education show forth. His underlying aims are to show which forms such conceptions may take and why philosophical education is or should be an important topic for both philosophy and education.  相似文献   

在虚概念问题的讨论过程中,好多文章都谈到了虚概念的分类,但这些分类都是从虚概念的产生或来源方面进行的。众所周知,形式逻辑是外延逻辑。所以,笔者认为从外延方面对虚概念进行分类才符合形式逻辑的要求,本文在评述目前流行的虚概念分类标准和分类结果的同时,提出了自己的分类标准和分类结果  相似文献   

An empirical investigation of the effect of choice weight scoring on predictive validity and reliability. Choice weight scoring refers to the procedure whereby different weights may be assigned to all the options of an item. Four groups of subjects were included in the experiment. Weights derived from each group were used to score tests for another group in order to assess the cross-validity of the weighted scoring. In no case did the increments in reliability and validity due to the weighted scoring exceed .03.  相似文献   

响应联合国与全球正义教育联盟号召,实施"法律赋能"项目是政府当前的一项重要任务,高校法学院开设法律诊所课程,有利于培养学生的法律职业能力,实现对贫困弱势群体的"赋权增能".从法律赋能诊所课程的发展背景及现状看,该课程存在定位模糊、长效发展机制欠缺、课程特色难以凸显等缺陷,应当对法律赋能诊所进行科学、准确的定位,建立科学的长效发展机制和鲜明的课程特色,从而促进法律赋能诊所课程的完善.  相似文献   

论人治、息讼和宗族意识对法治观念形成的消极影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法治的建立受多方面因素的影响,其中,法治观念的形成尤为重要,是建立法治的民众基础。笔者试图通过对封建传统文化中对法治的建立起制约作用的人治、息讼和宗族意识的分析,以引起民众的普遍关注,从而自觉抵制封建残余思想,加快法治的进程。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Leonard Waks contributes to a reconceptualization of "fundamental educational change." By distinguishing sharply between educational change at the organizational and the institutional levels, Waks shows that the mechanisms of change at these two levels are entirely different. He then establishes, by means of a conceptual argument, that fundamental educational change takes place not at the organizational, but rather at the institutional level. Along the way Waks takes Larry Cuban's influential conceptual framework regarding educational change as both a starting point and target of appraisal.  相似文献   

"自由教育"涵义的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自由教育是一种古老的教育思想 ,但直到今天它仍然在教育领域发挥着影响力。在自由教育思想从古至今的发展中 ,它的涵义经历了一系列的变化。古希腊的自由教育思想重视理智、德性和审美修养 ,鄙视知识的实用价值 ;中世纪 ,古希腊人创造的自由学科被用作神学教育的基础 ;赫胥黎认为 ,自然科学应成为自由教育的重要内容 ;在 2 0世纪 ,人们致力于使自由教育与自由民主制度相适应。  相似文献   

“法兰克福”学派因其文化批判理论而昭名于世,但其对于艺术本质的独到认识却常为理论界所忽视,本文从艺术的社会性与形式自律性、现实主义与现代主义、艺术与人的解放等三个方面对该派的艺术观念进行了学理性梳理及评析。  相似文献   

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