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~~My English Cool Kids@姚玉琦$江苏省镇江市江苏大学附小五(2)班~~  相似文献   

TheInternethasledtoahugeincreaseincredit-card(信用卡)fraud.Yourcardinformationcouldevenbeforsaleinanillegalwebsite(非法网站).Websitesofferingcheapgoodsandservicesshouldberegardedwithcare.On-lineshopperswhoentertheircredit-cardinformationmayneverreceivethegoodstheythoughttheybought.Thethievesthengoshoppingwithyourcardnumber———orselltheinformationovertheInternet.Computerhackers(黑客)havebrokendownsecurity(安全)systems,raisingques-tionsaboutthesafetyofcardholderinforma-tion.Severalmonthsago,…  相似文献   

~硬一一吸_~装乙兄一,样 就像一牛大个于翻在一钱小床上, 一切似手都不对劲, 前点不晰落在我头上, 雨点不断落下来 于是我甘太阳说, 我不喜欢他那样做— 工作时间睡觉 雨点一直落在我头上, 雨点不新落下来 但我知遗一件事— 他们带给我的比郁无法把我打例 不久快乐就会来到_ 雨点不停地落在我头上 但这并不意味我的眼圈要交红, 我从来就不哭泣, 因为我从不用艳怨阻止下雨. 因为我自由,无忧无虑 不久快乐就会永到 雨点不停地落在我头上. 但这并不意味我的眼图要变红, 我从来就不哭泣. 因为我从不用抱怨阻止下雨, 因为我自由,无忧…  相似文献   

The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card(信用卡) fraud.Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal web site(非法网站).  相似文献   

As the saying goes,blood isthicker than water.I think thereis something in it.I do believeFather,Mother and my brotherare the most important personsin my life.  相似文献   

There is one thing that I will never forget, that is my childhood. I spent my childhood in Da Tang.There was a small hill behind our house where bees danced in spring, crickets held concerts in summer, ants worked hard in summer and autumn and a group of children including me often gathered and played on the hill.  相似文献   

Theplasticidentificationcards(ID,身份证)carriedbyallChinesecitizensover16aretobereplacedwithelectroniccardsfromnextyear.Thenewcards,whichmostpeoplewillhaveby2005,containamicrochip(微芯片)onwhichpersonalinformationisstored.Thiscanbecheckedagainstdatabases(资料库)keptbythegovernment.“Theinformationwillbelockedintothecardsothatpeoplewontbeabletousefalseidentities,”saidRenTianbu,asecurityofficialinShenyang.Chinaspresentplasticidentitycardswereintroduced17yearsago,andasimilarsystemisusedbymany…  相似文献   

Education is today in question, both in its institutional forms and in its conceptual remit. The sense of a knowledge explosion and a world in rapid change challenges the curricula of schools, universities, vocational colleges. And the institutions seem to have to account for themselves in new ways, as if their purposes have subtly shifted. Outside formal institutions the possibilities of new technologies and new forms of communication are highly visible. Do we need education when we have information? What happens to education when it is all about learning? And what is the role of education research in any of this? In this 2011 Radford Lecture, Lyn Yates discusses challenges and transformations evident across the education spectrum today, and why, in the flux of new possibilities and new kinds of institutions, there is a need to talk again about the distinct purposes of education and education institutions.  相似文献   

想与大家分享自己的经历吗?想将自己的故事变成铅字吗?想锻炼自己的写作能力吗?“My Story,”就是为您而设,现特向五湖四海的读者朋友征集原创文章。只要您胆子够大、文笔够炫、文章够精彩,就请放马过来吧!  相似文献   

想与大家分享自己的经历吗?想将自己的故事变成铅字吗?想锻炼自己的写作能力吗?“My Story”就是为您而设,现特向五湖四海的读者朋友征集原创文章。只要您胆子够大、文笔够炫、文章够精彩,就请放马过来吧!  相似文献   

Every one has his own hobby. And ourhobbies are not the same. My hobby is listeningto music.It is my favorite.  相似文献   

Researchers have underscored the need for appropriate counseling services for Third Culture Kids (TCKs), yet few have addressed therapeutic approaches. This article applies Relational-Cultural Therapy (RCT) to the counseling of Adult TCKs, focusing on TCK experiences such as inaccessibility of parents and ‘parentification’. The long-term impact of such childhood experiences, including emotional disengagement, role-playing, and replication, is explored. Finally, a case scenario is presented to illustrate the application of RCT.  相似文献   

It is known to all that smoking is a bad habit, which is harmful not only to yourself, but also to others. However, there are still a larg enumber of smokers throughout our country, and the number is increasing year by year. The existing trend is that more and more young people begin to smoke. Statistics indicate that there are more than 60 million smokers who are are under  相似文献   

April is an A m erican girl. She is fourteen.She is m y good friend. She has long golden yellow hair. H er eyesare big and blue. H er m outh is sm all. She istall.She has long arm s and legs.She is w earinga red coat this m orning. She looks very verybeautiful. She likes sports very m uch.Playingfootball is her favourite sport. She isgood at basketball and volleyball熏 too.A fter class she likes playing w ith m e. She speaks English very w ell. Shetalks about A m erica. She likes C hine…  相似文献   

AprilisanAmericangirl.Sheisfourteen.Sheismygoodfriend.Shehaslonggoldenhair.Hereyesarebigandblue.Hermouthissmall.Sheistall.Shehaslongarmsandlegs.Sheiswearingaredcoatthismorning.Shelooksveryverybeautiful.Shelikessportsverymuch.Playingfootballisherfavourite(最爱的)sport.Sheisgoodatbasketballandvolleyballtoo.Afterclassshelikesplayingwithme.ShespeaksEnglishverywell.ShehelpsmewithmyEnglisheveryday.SheoftentalksaboutAmerica.ShelikesChinese,Maths.Weoftenhelpeachother.OnSundaysheoftencomestomy…  相似文献   

Footballisagamebetweentwoteamsofeleven,andthegameisplayedwithalargeball.Andtheplayerstryhardtokicktheballintotheopposingteamsgoal.ModernfootballstartedinEngland,andsoonbecamepopularinEurope.Nowitisplayedbypeopleallovertheworld.Thegamecandeveloptheba  相似文献   

Inclusion in the general education classroom is becoming the placement of choice for many students with autism. Autism is a disorder that can impact many aspects of a child's learning experience. A child's profile along the continuum of Autism Spectrum Disorders dictates the severity of impairment in language engagement, social connectedness, sensory integration, and cognitive skills. This can often be overwhelming for teachers who are uninformed and untrained in the unique issues of autism. Teacher awareness and understanding of behaviors and perceptions unique to these disorders can facilitate the development and implementation of strategies created specifically to ease this potentially overwhelming situation for students and teachers.  相似文献   

My name is Gina是人教社英语新教材Go for it七年级上册的第一单元,其主要功能项目是:Introduceyourselfi[自我介绍)。而作为本单元的开篇课,第一节课主要目标是教会学生如何与外国人打招呼,做自我介绍,同时能够区分英美国家人士的姓与名即:family name与first name的含义。  相似文献   

在一部美国西部影片中,一位已年过花甲的老警长因年轻时枪法如神,威振四方,新警长请他出山平匪,而老警长却说“My day is gone”,因而拒绝了他。若从字面上讲,这句话是“我的天已经过去了。”因为 day 一字在英语中的基本含义是“日子,天”等。然而,day 的意义并非这么简单。它有着较为丰富的用法。在这里,day 常常用作单数,其前多带有my,his,their 等物主代词,表示“辉煌的日子”,“年轻有为的时期”、“鼎  相似文献   

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