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受到外交战略和现实需求的影响,多年来澳大利亚一直为印尼提供各方面的援助。2014年澳大利亚发布印尼学童创新项目,力求通过提高教师的课堂教学质量、提供宏观和微观层面的教育支持、促进全纳教育的发展,达到提高印尼基础教育质量的目的。该项目设置了灵活递进的多项目标,实施了契合本地情况且随时改进调整的各项举措,设立了专门的管理机构,并吸纳广泛的合作伙伴,援助效果十分明显。印尼学童创新项目教育援助经验在于:立足受援国实际,以增强援助的有效性;发挥受援国的主体作用,从援助国单向主导转向双向合作;鼓励多方参与,扩大援助主体,以提高援助能力。  相似文献   

Over the next two decades, sub-Saharan Africa will face substantial pressure to expand its secondary education system. This is driven by the current low development of secondary education compared to other world regions, continued rapid population growth, the increase in the enrolment and completion rates at the primary education level, and the upsurge in the demand for skills. This paper suggests that in order to help countries respond to these pressures, external partners should now increase their support for secondary education, in terms of academic as well as technical and vocational skills training. Given the attributes of the African economies and the continuing need for foundation skills, this paper argues that in the current situation, particularly the lower secondary level will have to be strengthened, in many cases through a longer basic education cycle for all. The necessary rapid expansion of secondary education will require substantial investments, and this paper discusses how aid allocation can be made more evidence-based and used in a more strategic way to make these investments more effective and sustainable. While aid will continue to have a role to play over the next decade especially in fragile states, in the long run it is African countries’ capacity to achieve sustained economic growth which will be the single most important factor determining their ability to meet the financing needs.  相似文献   

梁文艳 《天中学刊》2011,26(1):18-24
面对经济危机给公立高校造成的经费困境,美国联邦政府积极调整高等教育财政政策,通过加大高等教育投入、改进高校学生财政资助政策、加大对高校基础科研和科技创新的经费拨款、推动以职业教育为导向的两年制学院发展等措施,美国的高等教育取得了长足的发展。在我国正式颁布《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,并着手制定"十二五"教育规划的过程中,我国的高等教育财政政策应借鉴"他山之石",作出战略性、前瞻性的部署。  相似文献   

Donor-initiated changes in aid delivery, to sector-wide approaches and direct budget support, have coincided with the focus on global development goals. Although intended to make funding more efficient and strengthen local ownership, they can stretch limited capacity. Literature on implementation of large-scale education reforms identifies three key sustainability factors related to policy, capacity and infrastructure. Current donor approaches targeting policy and budget may not adequately build the capacity required to improve quality and create sustainable reform of education systems. Building capacity is likely to be more critical than ownership; ignoring school-level capacity reduces the likelihood that targets will be achieved.  相似文献   

美国《高等教育法》的历史演变分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国自1965年颁布<高等教育法>以来,历经多次重大修改,各具特色.修改总趋势为,从确立联邦政府的教育责任,到完善联邦政府的教育投资.但是,后来的发展在一定程度上也背离了资助贫困,维护高等教育机会公平的立法宗旨.  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent orientation of educational aid policy away from enclave projects managed and protected by special donor-controlled units to interventions which support locally developed education policies and which are implemented through local sustainable institutions. Structural adjustment involves the international agencies in encouraging and assisting national governments to create their own development priorities and establish institutions of governance which can effectively direct and control sectoral activities. The World Bank and other agencies have in recent years examined the educational needs of Africa in particular and have initiated programmes of local capacity building to encourage national policy and management development. The paper explores the meaning of capacity building and its relation with local capacity utilization. The anomaly of donor policies which set out to liberate governments from donor influences is pointed out, together with the need for donor agencies to define more clearly their own policies and to subject them to the same sorts of analysis which they are advising for recipient governments.  相似文献   

我国义务教育贫困学生资助制度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,我国实施的是收费的义务教育。义务教育收费对贫困家庭,特别是农村贫困家庭造成了很大的经济负担,导致贫困学生因为负担不起入学费用而大量失学。贫困学生资助是收费条件下帮助贫困家庭子女入学的重要措施,但由于义务教育财政责任重心偏低和各级政府责任不明确等原因,义务教育贫困学生资助制度很长时间没有建立起来。本世纪开始,义务教育贫困学生资助制度建设快速推进。2001年《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》发布,提出对农村义务教育贫困学生减免杂费、书本费,补助寄宿生生活费的"两免一补"政策,奠定了义务教育贫困学生资助制度的基本框架。2005年国务院发布《关于深化农村义务教育经费保障机制改革的通知》,规定到2007年全国农村义务教育学生全部免除学杂费,对贫困家庭学生免费提供教科书,补助贫困寄宿生生活费,标志着义务教育贫困学生资助制度基本建立。但是,义务教育贫困学生资助制度运行中还存在不少问题:资助覆盖面偏小,部分农村儿童和多数进入城市的农村流动儿童没有得到资助;贫困寄宿生生活补助资金没有落实,只有一小部分的贫困学生能得到生活补助。贫困学生甄别困难,资助工作实施难度大,成本高。需要采取教育券等方式给进城的农村流动儿童提供资助,需要对全部学生免除教科书费,地方政府之间需要明确提供贫困寄宿生生活补助资金的责任,以进一步完善义务教育贫困学生资助制度。  相似文献   

In recent years a number of donor agencies have increased their lending to primary education in developing countries. However, some characteristics of primary schooling make it unsatisfactory for capital aid support, and arguments to increase recurrent funding are always controversial in aid policy circles. Nevertheless, this paper argues that this support should be further strengthened. It briefly reviews the economic case for such an emphasis. It analyses the typical problems faced in primary education, and the policy choices facing national governments. The final section outlines the main opportunities and priorities for increased donor agency support to the primary sector.  相似文献   

美国联邦学生资助体系的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1958年以来,美国联邦学生资助体系为美国高等教育大众化发展提供了重要支撑。经过半个世纪的发展,这一体系所带来的贷款化、多样化、市场化等倾向也引发了一些问题,2008年爆发的金融危机又使这些问题变得日益棘手。本文在概述美国联邦学生资助体系的现状、特征与问题的基础上,分析了金融危机对美国高等教育的冲击及其对该体系构成的挑战,介绍并评述奥巴马政府提出的改革措施。  相似文献   


Over the last two decades, there has been a significant change in the financing of higher education in the United States. A decrease in student and institutional support in real terms, tuition increases at all types of institutions, along with the view that students are the primary beneficiaries of higher education has resulted in policies that reduce the proportion of higher education costs borne by the federal and state governments. This paper will describe this financing shift in the United States, and analyse its impact on college participation with a particular focus on equity and opportunity. It will also provide an analysis of some questions that European countries should address as they implement their own policies that shift the burden of paying for college from the government to individuals, and as they consider various forms of financial assistance to help students pay for college.  相似文献   

A decade has passed since participants in the World Education Forum committed themselves to achieve, by 2015, the six Education for All (EFA) goals under the Dakar Framework for Action. Despite significant progress, some of the goals are likely to be missed by a large margin. Besides the absence of a well co‐ordinated multi‐donor approach in education, another major problem is the lack of funds: the EFA financing gap in low‐income countries is now estimated at around $16 billion annually. This article zooms in on debt swaps as one particular instrument of innovative financing. More specifically it assesses the macro‐economic impacts of debt‐for‐education swaps and their relation to the aid approach now advocated by the donor community. It does so on the basis of theoretical insights from debt relief and case studies on recent swap initiatives between Germany and Indonesia and between Spain and El Salvador. Our conclusions are mixed. On the one hand, typical debt swaps suffer from macro‐economic flaws and, in view of competition amongst sectors, have limited potential in narrowing the EFA deficit. On the other hand, our case studies suggest that debt‐for‐education swaps can be engineered to better comply with the needs of recipient ownership and could in the future address deserving niche problems.  相似文献   

对口支援少数民族地区建设,缩小东西部地区的发展差距,是我国实现共同富裕的重要历史任务。针对新疆伊犁州职业教育发展的实际,江苏省科学规划、精准施策与协同推进了对口职业教育援疆长效机制的构建,通过强化对口支援的顶层设计、强化示范辐射的院校对口帮扶、强化基础能力建设的帮扶提升、强化教育干部人才的结对帮扶、强化“输血”与“造血”并重的师资队伍培养等重要措施,助推伊犁职业教育的健康快速发展,为职业教育对口援疆提供了典型范例。  相似文献   

Pauline Rose 《Prospects》2009,39(2):109-122
“Absorptive capacity” is a frequently used term amongst development practitioners in education. It is adopted by some as a reason for caution over scaling up aid. Others are of the view that absorptive capacity is an excuse by some donors for not delivering on their Education for All financing commitments. Drawing on interviews with representatives from NGOs, development agencies and international consultants, the paper highlights that there are a variety of ways in which the term is understood. Overall, it finds that absorptive capacity should not be seen as a reason for not increasing aid. Rather there is a need to unpack the concept to ensure that bottlenecks can be identified and addressed. In breaking “absorptive capacity” down into component parts, it then becomes possible to identify alternative strategies that donors and national governments need to address to ensure that increased aid reaches schools and improves educational outcomes.  相似文献   

世界幼教事业发展趋势:国家财政支持幼儿教育   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
国家财政支持幼儿教育已成为一个世界性的发展趋势。这一趋势的出现基于对幼儿教育重要性的认识、有关幼儿教育的正外部效益的发现和对幼教市场缺陷的揭示。幼儿教育经费整体投入不足、有限资源分配不公、效益不高是我国幼儿教育财政投入体制的主要问题,必须从制度和政策层面加以改进。  相似文献   

Increasing international cooperation and interdependence are important features of the contemporary globalized world. In the present age, foreign aid is a very peculiar type of transaction in the sense that its focus is to satisfy the objectives of the donor and the recipient, which are not always the same. This paper attempts to analyse the situation of US and British aid to Pakistan’s education sector. The role of international donors in the development of the education sector in Pakistan cannot be underestimated. They have been even more important for this developing country which has faced financial crises, particularly during the 1990s. These financial hardships faced by the country were mainly the outcome of the changed regional, political, as well as the geostrategic situation which also caused the change in the behaviour of international donors. It is especially true in the case of the USA and the UK where the aid to Pakistan was seriously affected by the changed situation in Afghanistan, political changes within the country, its nuclear programme and more recently the events of 9/11. This discussion reflects that the potential benefits of the aid were not reaped adequately due mainly to disruption and resumption of aid on the grounds of the geo‐political situation and strategic interests of donors.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, there has been a significant change in the financing of higher education in the United States. A decrease in student and institutional support in real terms, tuition increases at all types of institutions, along with the view that students are the primary beneficiaries of higher education has resulted in policies that reduce the proportion of higher education costs borne by the federal and state governments. This paper will describe this financing shift in the United States, and analyse its impact on college participation with a particular focus on equity and opportunity. It will also provide an analysis of some questions that European countries should address as they implement their own policies that shift the burden of paying for college from the government to individuals, and as they consider various forms of financial assistance to help students pay for college.  相似文献   

With the conclusion of 1994, Cambodia will have ended its first year of rehabilitation under a freely elected government. Since the 1993 elections, Cambodia has moved cautiously towards a modern era and there has been considerable international effort to ensure that all sectors of the economy achieve the improvements required to achieve political and economic stability towards 2000. The education sector has been a major focus. Cambodia is ready to move into the next stage of development of the education sector-reconstruction. With the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) having provided support in this sector for over 10 years, the restoration of bilateral and multilateral aid will see a growing involvement of foreign governments and donor organisations in the restoration of the sector. This activity will need to be coordinated. Cambodia had a rapidly expanding education system before Pol Pot's Year Zero. Largely based on French colonial models and structures that system served a society very much in transition - a transition from colonial dependency to a possible so-called 'new tiger'. The current period will see a different 'system' emerge; one that is neither French nor Western nor indeed 'modern'. The transition of the education system will be predicated on an overhaul of the existing bureaucracy, training regimes and school curricula before modernisation processes are installed. This paper provides a historical backdrop for the current situation. It also examines current policy priority areas in education in Cambodia and the level of international assistance.  相似文献   

In 1998 the Government of Uganda (GoU) began implementing an ambitious reform programme called the Education Strategic Investment Plan (ESIP) in order to effect Universal Primary Education (UPE). This paper offers a perspective on how the GoU has met the challenge of financing education reform, addressed the need to improve the quality of basic education and increased access and equity while improving efficiency at primary and post-primary levels of education. The development model described in this paper privileges good governance and donor co-operation within a Sector Wide Approach. Important lessons have been learned in Uganda including the need for political commitment to universal primary education within a clear conception of whole sector reform. However, the discourse of SWAPs tends to function primarily in the formal sphere and not at the level of the experience of most teachers, pupils and their families, yet it is at this level that national education policies have to be mediated in practice. More attention needs to be given in education sector reform to the processes as well as the context of change.  相似文献   

Financial reform of basic education in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the early 1980s, the financing of basic education in China has moved rapidly away from a centralized system with a narrow revenue base to a decentralized system with a diversified revenue base. This paper provides a critical assessment of the impacts of the financial reform of basic education in China, focusing on issues of structure, resource mobilization, inequality, and inefficiency. It concludes that while the reform has been successful in achieving the objectives of structural change and mobilization of additional government and non-government resources, the current system is marked by notable weaknesses in terms of glaring inequalities and significant inefficiencies. Further improvements of the financing system require interventions both inside and outside the education sector.  相似文献   

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