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<正>Hello, everyone! As a saying goes,Money is not everything, but without money, everything is nothing.Today I’m going to talk about saving money. We know that money is very important in our life. Although the money we spend is mainly from our parents, but(1)we always don’t know how hard they work for it. It’s not easy for them to make money.Wasting money is a shame. I am going to make plan(2)to save money. I won’t take(3)the  相似文献   

Save Earth     
正All of us have an earth.The green part is land.The blue part is sea.The white part is clouds.Our earth is very nice and wonderful.There are rivers,streams,seas and lakes.There are hills and mountains.There are woods,jungles and forests.There are many  相似文献   

情景:乔和林芝刚刚募捐了善款,帮助四川灾区人民灾后重建。 乔:好了,现在我们至少尽力做了些事情去帮助他们。我希望我们能做的更多。 林芝:是啊。我真的很羡慕那些真正到灾区救助的志愿者。那可真需要很大的勇气啊。  相似文献   

毫不夸张地说,地球上的每个人都为我们共同居住的环境造成了某种程度的压力。看看人类为这个地球做了什么:砍伐森林、捕食动物、丢弃对环境有害的废弃物……。事实虽然很讽刺,但我们不得不承认:正是人类,这个创造了世界文明并推进社会发展的群体,才是最需要对我们赖以生存的星球负责的人。现在开始醒悟还来得及,你还在等什么?  相似文献   

<正>The earth is human's homeland,and it is like our mother.She used to be very young and beautiful.But now she is badly ill.As her kids,we should protect her.The best way to protect the earth is to make us live in the low-carbon lifestyle in our everyday lives.We should save the water and recycle used water.And the electricity is so  相似文献   

The planet we live on is called earth. It is special ( 特别的) in the universe(宇宙) because it has life on it. It moves around the sun so we call it a planet(行星).Our home planet is a rocky one (石质行星).Our rocky planet has water.Water covers about 70% of its surface(表面).That's why the Earth looks blue from space.  相似文献   

Silents Please     
Conclusions It is quite evident that the auditory aspects of the film used in the study superseded the visual ones. Since both sensory modalities can reinforce each other in many films, those films can be used to educational advantage. Behavioral science films, however—placing most importance not on the habit of looking, but on the power to observe with care—should be produced and selected with caution. Such films should present only material that is visually and auditorily congruent. Lacking this congruency, the films may teach what is said, not what is seen, a procedure that defeats the very purpose of the film. This kind of film teaching may further authoritarianism and armchair “philosophy, ” and may weaken the habit of accurate observation, essential both to scientific methodology and to successful everyday living. It is difficult to compare the results of this study directly with the results of other studies, since—as Allen has pointed out (1)—there is a dearth of experimental research involving “flat” pictures. Hartman, however, recently commenting on the interference and facilitation between pictorial and verbal channels, pointed out that it is dangerous to assume a mutual strengthening (3). Results of the experiment reported here suggest again that the viewer when presented “equivocal” material gives precedence to audition. By thus accepting and remembering only the narrator’s point of view, he may narrow his own judgment and inquisitiveness. In such cases, silents please!  相似文献   

您是个举止得体的人吗?让我们来看看世界各地人们对礼仪的不同看法吧——  相似文献   

又该呐喊"救救孩子"了   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
如何面向建设和谐社会的需要,运用科学发展观进一步推进素质教育,这是当前我国基础教育改革与发展面临的重大理论和实践课题。有关素质教育的诸多问题受到党、政府和教育行政部门的高度重视,受到全社会的广泛关注。为了深入探讨这一重大而复杂的课题,深化基础教育改革,本刊将从本期开始连续6期举办“推进素质教育笔谈”,“笔谈”由中国教育学会会长、本刊主编顾明远主持。热忱欢迎广大教育理论工作、教育行政人员、中小学校领导和一线教师惠赐稿,从各个不同角度,面向实际,针对具体问题,各抒己见,参与讨论,共同丰富对素质教育的理解,携手促进我国基础教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

2010,06,15。 我好想妈妈.真的好想。今天端午节吧,又是一个人在家。  相似文献   

美男们尽管在外形上有诸多优势,可是追起女生也不是一帆风顺的。电视剧的美男王子们,可都是辛辛苦苦,兢兢业业才有了这么多Happy Ending的!这就像是个恋爱养成游戏,任何一个Flag选择可能都是创造心跳回忆的关键。那帅哥们到底是怎么获得女孩子的青睐的呢?就让我们来看一看吧!  相似文献   

为实现人类、社会、地球和谐发展,时代要求大学生具有较高的地球科学素养。我们针对大学生地球科学素养现状水平问题,发放调查问卷1265份,从地球基本知识、地质资源、地质灾害及地球科学理论与历史四个方面进行调查,分析了大学生地球科学素养水平现状。  相似文献   

正在夏天,人们总是想尽办法呆在空调房。但是,空调是使温室效应愈演愈烈的罪魁祸首。当空调温度每下降一度时,就会有更多的温室气体向上飘扬。如果有一天臭氧层不见了,请不要讶异。这是我们在享受空调的凉风之后必须付出的代价。  相似文献   

Hello,everyone!We are the ears.Youcan feel us,touch us,and listen with us.But,如果你想看看自己的耳朵,就只能去照镜子了!With our help,you can listen to yourfriends,enjoy music,etc.That's  相似文献   

We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes are about people. "When I got that job,did Jim really feel good about it as a friend? Or is he envious (嫉妒)of my luck? " "And Paul-Why didn't I find that he was  相似文献   

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