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以传统的实证科学、理论科学和独立科学等狭义的自然科学观及其相应的学科观来考量教育管理学,它还进不了“学”堂;而将人社会科学纳入科学序列,以现代广义的大科学观及其相应的学科观来检证教育管理学,则它不仅早已入“学”,而且渐成显“学”,其涵指也因其自身的发展及其所处时代和化背景的不同而不同。  相似文献   

以传统的实证科学、理论科学和独立科学等狭义的自然科学观及其相应的学科观来考量教育管理学,它还进不了“学”堂;而将人文社会科学纳入科学序列,以现代广义的大科学观及其相应的学科观来检证教育管理学,则它不仅早已入“学”,而且渐成显“学”,其涵指也因其自身的发展及其所处时代和文化背景的不同而不同。  相似文献   

陈独秀是“五四”新文化运动的主将,扮演着思想启蒙者的角色。他从独特的视角对“科学”概念的内涵进行阐述:宇宙间有自然法和人为法两种法则,它对人类社会的发展进程有十分重要的推动作用;科学有广义狭义之分,包含自然科学和社会科学两个方面;既是精神又是信仰。陈独秀的科学观尽管存在一定的局限性,但在当时历史环境下,以科学为武器,批判封建思想。反对迷信盲从,并以科学为准则来重估一切事物,有力地促进了思想解放,对中国现代化进程的启蒙之功是不可抹杀的。  相似文献   

“科技伦理学”作为一门独立学科而成立,是以“科技本身存在伦理问题”为前提条件的,而“科技本身存在伦理问题”本身又是有问题的。它抹杀了伦理的阶级性质;过高估计了科学技术及其主体对人类历史同时也是实践史的作用和影响,从而间接否认了唯物主义的“历史合力论”。因此,我们只能说:“科学伦理学”,它是一门难以成“学”的“科学”!  相似文献   

心理学在其发展过程中逐渐形成了科学主义与人文主义两种研究取向的心理学。建立在自然科学基础上的科学心理学受其狭隘的科学观的影响,使心理学成为一门缺乏“人性”的科学;人文取向的心理学强调人的存在、价值及意义,使“人性”这一主题重新回到心理学研究中来。心理学要结束危机,成为一门真正独立的科学必须要从根本上彻底改变其唯科学主义的狭隘的科学观,重构一种与自身性质相符的新的大科学观——科学人文主义,以实现心理学科学化与人性化的整合。  相似文献   

自泰勒时代,理论运动发展至今,教育管理理论科学观一直处于“涨落”的状态,科学观决定了在教育管理中研究领域的范围,并影响了研究范式的采用。走出当代教育管理领域理论范式之争的混乱局面应当从转变科学观开始。  相似文献   

翟应增 《现代语文》2006,(12):106-107
中国现当代学,指的是从“五四”新学运动以来不断发展壮大,延续至今并不断发展前进的中国学。在学科体系上,它是一门艺科学,同时又是一门历史科学,具有明显的综合性。  相似文献   

新世纪教育管理学的新方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“科学观”是透析百年来教育管理学科发展的一个重要维度,而重塑学科使命并深刻反思学科的研究对象、体系及研究方法,已成为目前教育管理学科建设的紧要任务。教育管理研究应廓清“事实与价值”、“本土化与国际化”、“理论与实践”等之间的关系,确立“伦理视角”、“多元学科视角”和“历史视角”。作为新世纪教育管理学发展新方向的微观体现,学校管理研究将呈现以下新动向理念多元发展、关注校长成功和职业化、重视知识创新的具体运用、突现“问题”意识以及道德伦理向度渐受重视。  相似文献   

在有关教育管理学研究对象的诸多学说中,教育管理现象及其规律说成为了一种主流的观点,这已是一个不争的事实。我国的教育管理研究者,大多数都秉持教育管理现象及其规律说。尽管他们在表述的方式上存在细微差异,有的强调应重点研究现象,有的则突显规律研究的重要性:有的重视研究有效开展领导和管理活动的教育管理现象和规律.有的则关注作为管理过程的教育管理现象及其规律的探讨,等等。譬如.刘文修先生认为.“教育管理包括各级各类教育行政机关和各级各类学校的管理工作。教育管理学是教育科学的一门分支学科.它是研究这些管理工作的科学理论和行动规律的科学。  相似文献   

高校开展“教书育人”、“管理育人”,“服务育人”的工作,是加强思想政治工作,培养社会主义建设人才的要求。本文拟从《教育管理学》的角度,探讨“管理育人”的内涵及其在高校工作中的地位和作用。一、“管理育人”的内涵及其特性《高校教育管理学》是一门研究教育工作的管理和领导的科学,它是在《教育学》、《管理学》两大学科的基础上,借助于新兴学科,如系统科学、现代数学以及计算机科学,以实践为基础,发展起来的一门科学。  相似文献   

This study considers the relationship between science, science teaching and the philosophy of science perceiving these three cultural phenomena as a semantic triad. This approach presents science teaching as being a form of a scientific reflection. The relationship of science teaching to the philosophy of science is advocated to be essential, revealing the conceptual meaning of science in the science curriculum and thus removing the semantic degeneracy taking place when the philosophy of science is ignored in science education. The study points at the bricolage as well as magic nature of the science curriculum preserving as long as science teaching preserves semantic degeneracy. Different types of meaning of Schwab’s commonplaces were recognized. The study challenges the common view of the relationship between science, science teaching and pedagogy and suggests effective representation of individual knowledge of science educators.  相似文献   


This paper is, in part, a narrative account of a teacher educator's professional growth during a longitudinal case study of three primary science teachers, Katie, Jean and Ruth, as they made the transition from pre-service to inservice teaching. The study sought to explore ways in which the beginning teachers perceived and dealt with constraints to science teaching in the primary school, and how they changed and adapted the knowledge and skills developed at university in a practical situation. The findings of the study are organised by considering what we, the researchers, saw as three categories of challenge for these beginning primary science teachers, their initial alienation from the study of science, the differences between teaching science and teaching other subjects in the primary school, and the impact of novice status on science teaching. Working with participants to help them respond to these challenges became an occasion for our own development as science educators.  相似文献   

近三十年来的文章学研究历程可分为三个阶段,第一个阶段(1980-1987年)为当代文章学的自觉期;第二阶段(1988-1999年)为发展期;第三阶段(新世纪以来)为兴盛期。文章学研究在不同的发展阶段各有特点。回眸、考察新时期以来的文章学研究历程,不仅对中国文章学研究会的自身发展和文章学学科的真正确立具有积极作用,而且对现代文章学与古代文章学的汇通与互动,以及对未来的文学研究和文艺研究都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study explores the influence of religion as a support factor for a group of Latina and African-American women majoring in science. The current project is a part of a larger study that investigated persistence factors of underrepresented woman who were enrolled as science majors at United States colleges and universities. This paper focuses on one theme that emerged among six participants who disclosed how religion was a significant influence on their persistence in science fields. The strength and support offered by religious values is certainly not specific to science content; however, the support received from their beliefs highlights a potential area for further exploration. Given the importance of increasing participation by students from diverse backgrounds into science fields, it is critical to recognize how some of these differences may be the key factors influencing the way these students look at the world. This study offers evidence that science educators need to consider what role religious beliefs have for students who may be considering science or science education as a future career, particularly for those students from underrepresented groups.  相似文献   

This study examined how a contextually based authentic science experience affected the science identities of urban high school students who have been marginalized during their K-12 science education. We examined students’ perceptions of the intervention as an authentic science experience, how the experience influenced their science identity, as well as their perceptions about who can do science. We found that the students believed the experience to be one of authentic science, that their science identity was positively influenced by participation in the experience, and that they demonstrated a shift in perceptions from stereotypical to more diverse views of scientists. Implications for science education are discussed.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of gender differences in science courses and careers have identified three probable causes: numbers of mathematics courses, level of science achievement, and attitudes toward science. Recently, differential science experiences have been suggested as a factor contributing to the gender differences found in science interest and achievement. A study of science activities, both within and outside of school, has been conducted. Although both boys and girls report similar classroom experiences, boys more often than girls report extracurricular science activities. The findings suggest that equal experiences within science classrooms do not overcome the advantage that boys hold due to more extracurricular science activities. Increased experiences in science, however, have led to more positive attitudes toward science among the girls in this study.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effectiveness of one science teacher education program designed to be a model program. The study provided evidence that preservice science teacher education can have a very positive effect on the development of preservice science teachers into effective practicing teachers. Thirty program graduates completed a pilot version of the 1985 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education providing information on course objectives, teaching strategies, equipment use, time allocation, and textbook use. The responses of program graduates were compared to the responses of a select national sample of teachers. All teachers in the comparison group were from programs in the Search for Excellence in Science Education, Presidential Award winners, recognized as outstanding state science teachers, employed as department chairs, or actively involved in the development of science curriculum. Analysis of the responses indicated that both program graduates and comparison group teachers had similar course objectives and teaching strategies, used materials and equipment a similar amount of time, and allocated class time in similar ways. In another component of the study, students of 37 program graduates completed a questionnaire that assessed their attitudes toward science teachers, science classes, and the study of science. Analysis of attitudinal data from their 2871 students indicated that students of program graduates generally had positive attitudes. For instance, 89% of the students perceived their science teacher as asking questions and 80% perceived their science teacher as letting them ask questions. In general, the data are in stark contrast to the images obtained from National Assessment efforts.  相似文献   

科学馆在民国时期学校理科教学特别是中学理科实验教学中扮演了重要角色。民国时期公共科学馆从建议设立到零星出现再到行政推广的过程,凸显了它在中学理科实验教学中的作用及其与学校科学教育发展的关系。  相似文献   

In reform-based science curricula, students’ discursive participation is highly encouraged as a means of science learning as well as a goal of science education. However, Asian immigrant students are perceived to be quiet and passive in classroom discursive situations, and this reticence implies that they may face challenges in discourse-rich science classroom learning environments. Given this potentially conflicting situation, the present study aims to understand how and why Asian immigrant students participate in science classroom discourse. Findings from interviews with seven Korean immigrant adolescents illustrate that they are indeed hesitant to speak up in classrooms. Drawing upon cultural historical perspectives on identity and agency, this study shows how immigrant experiences shaped the participants’ othered identity and influenced their science classroom participation, as well as how they negotiated their identities and situations to participate in science classroom and peer communities. I will discuss implications of this study for science education research and science teacher education to support classroom participation of immigrant students.  相似文献   

This qualitative, sociocultural study examines how teacher preparation programs may have deliberate impact on science reform by unearthing the complex layers of diversity inherent in the contextual reality of education. This study was conducted in one of the largest school districts in the Southeastern United States, serving a predominately Hispanic population comprising 65 % of its student body, followed by African Americans at 24 %. The representative subjects utilized for this study were elementary education undergraduate students and later a percentage of the same subjects, as practicing teachers in the field. All subjects were exposed to inquiry based methodology in science teaching as part of their undergraduate studies with emphasis on the learning cycle, facilitation of student voice and exposure to the nature of science. The goal of science education was emphasized to students as purposeful in promoting scientific literacy. This study is framed by sociocultural theory grounded in a social constructivist paradigm with the understanding that science learning takes place within social and collaborative processes leading to internalization and greater sense of self-efficacy. The study examines the perception of education students’ beliefs about scientists as well as reflections on their own learning of science as elementary students themselves. As present practicing teachers, perspectives from their position in the field were obtained via interviews. Interviews served to elicit reflections on present practice as related to previous perceptions, in order to analyze whether these were pervasive in framing practice as well as self-perceptions related to science. A lack of change of these perceptions may underscore the importance of an emphasis on issues of gender, culture and social factors within teacher preparation, specific to science teaching and learning. Cognizance of such factors are believed to support internalization and hence greater understanding of the complexities framing science teaching and learning, leading to an actual paradigm shift in our elementary science classrooms.  相似文献   

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