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古今皆有所语:"万事果之成败,依其基,夯实与否。"而在英语,特别是对于处于初学阶段的小学生的英语学习过程中,词汇的掌握,便是其学习英语的基础,是其今后通往英语华殿的阶梯。而英语词汇的积累,往往也是英语学习者学习"终身制"的一个方面,"背单词"也成了英语学习的"家常便饭"。但是,"没兴趣,背不出,记不牢"或许也是大多数还没有掌握技巧的孩子们在背单词时最真切的感受。既然我们已经了解了掌握坚实的词汇基础的重要性,那么,基于以往的学习与实践经验,我们是否应该想到一些创新性的词汇教学法,来把孩子们从枯燥乏味的"苦背生记"中解救出来呢?由此,笔者总结了一些词汇教学的方法,为日后的教学工作或家庭教育提供些许灵感。  相似文献   

This paper describes how a short, repeated and structured opportunity to reflect was integrated in the storyline of a serious game in order to stimulate the development of a meta-cognitive skill: the ability to self-assess the degree of confidence in own answers. An empirical validation of the approach, conducted with 28 secondary school pupils, delivers an uncommon pattern: while the cognitive benefits—the acquisition of academic knowledge in optics—are negligible and mixed up, the meta-cognitive gains present a raising tendency. The experiment also demonstrates that reflection does not necessarily hamper the game flow, if certain conditions, discussed in the paper, are met.  相似文献   

Researchers have offered, in recent years, compelling reasons for considering the potential of digital games to support learning and in response policy-makers and educators around the world have demonstrated a commitment to exploring their practical use in school. There remain, however, many questions about how games can best support learning, particularly in formal education. This paper examines the implications of formal game-based learning for teachers developing their own digital learning games, exploring two guiding overarching research questions. What strategies are employed by teachers to manage intergenerational, technological, operational and pedagogic tensions in the classroom? And to what extent is the notion of being a “designer” visible in their professional practice? The paper suggests that there are multiple ways of “being a designer” for teachers, and that the notion of “designer” may be a more problematic representation of teacher agency and identity than currently visible in the literature.  相似文献   

古语有云:"好之者不如乐之者",兴趣是学习最好的老师,在小学英语课堂中采用游戏教学法,符合小学生的个性心理特点,延长注意力集中时间,挖掘思维潜力,激发学习英语的兴趣,达到巩固学习内容的目的。适宜的课堂游戏可以培养学生的竞争意识、团队合作意识,提高学习效率,促进学生全面发展,使学生在愉快的氛围中学习英语。游戏教学法固然是一种值得提倡的教学方法,但在实际的运用中,仍有一些值得关注和避免的地方。  相似文献   

词汇教学既是小学英语教学的一个重点,难点。因此,在小学英语词汇教学中,如何加强词汇教学的直观性、增强词汇教学的趣味性、利用语境,突出词汇教学的整体性显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

本对高三、理科学生在英语学习中词汇策略的使用特点及其对他们英语成绩的影响程度进行了对比研究,结果显示:、理科学生在英语词汇学习中所用策略虽有重合,但仍有所不同;优生与差生在学习时使用词汇策略有些差异。因此,在目前的高中英语词汇教学中宜以策略指导为主。  相似文献   

Educational games are increasingly used in informal and formal educational settings for promoting active learning and gaining students’ interest in cognitively demanding subjects, such as programming. However, empirical studies that investigate the true impact of educational games on teaching and learning programming, especially to small aged students, are limited. This article presents the results of a pilot study that utilized the educational game Run Marco for teaching basic programming concepts to primary school students. Students’ performance was studied through specially designed worksheets, while their acceptance of the intervention was evaluated through a questionnaire that was based on the principles of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The results of the pilot study showed that the educational game supported students in comprehending basic programming concepts, while the results regarding the acceptance of its usage in the learning process were quite positive. However, the game did not succeed in raising students’ interest as expected and further research is necessary in order to study the reasons for this fact and make informed choices on designing and utilizing such games.  相似文献   

Educators and learning theorists suggest that play is one of the most important venues for learning, and games a useful educational tool. This study considers game activity preferences of middle school-aged children, so that educational games might be made more appealing to them. Based on children’s activity modes identified in our prior research, we developed the Educational Game Preferences Survey, which collects information on children’s preferences for play activity modes, their attitudes about each activity mode, and their preferences for game characters, settings, and forms of help. Survey results suggest the appeal of the Explorative mode of play for all children, especially girls. Gender differences in children’s preferences and attitudes for Active, Strategic, and Creative play modes were also found. We close with recommendations for game design to appeal to both boys and girls, as well as for boys and girls individually, to build engagement and hopefully lead to learning.  相似文献   

The goal of this experimental intervention study was to determine if evidence-based instructional strategies for general vocabulary words are effective with middle school English learner (EL) students and academic vocabulary words. Participants showed significantly more growth in their knowledge of academic vocabulary during the treatment condition than during the control condition. A secondary goal of this study was to examine the predictive utility of students’ English language proficiency, and students’ general vocabulary knowledge in English was a positive predictor for their academic vocabulary growth during the intervention. However, participants’ growth during the control period had the greatest predictive utility for their growth during the intervention. Furthermore, this relationship was negative, suggesting that the intervention had the greatest benefits for students who made the least progress in English vocabulary in the absence of the intervention. Implications for instruction, policy, and future research are presented.  相似文献   

新课标侧重于对学生信息素养的培养和学生的学习能力的激发,游戏化教学顺应了新课标的这一要求,作为一种新型的教学方式它也备受广大师生的青睐,这种教学方式可以激发小学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的独立思考能力和对问题的探究能力。文章首先讲述了游戏化教学的必要性,其次讲述了游戏化教学的设计要求和基本的游戏设计,最后以具体的案例的形式展现了游戏化教学的优点和具体的教学效果。  相似文献   

In the context of an on-going project emphasising the centrality of speaking and listening in the primary curriculum, the present article turns to vocabulary development: to the wide differences characterising primary age children in this regard, to their consequent unequal access to the wider curriculum, and to means by which such deficiencies may be addressed. This article reports how, given a variety of in-service supports, teachers in a small group of schools undertook to define relevant aims and objectives and to include a range of appropriate approaches in their teaching. Particular emphasis was placed upon active and ‘explicit’ vocabulary instruction. The viability and effectiveness of the strategies employed were assessed through analysis of a range of collected data; numerous examples of which are presented and evaluated here. This article concludes by reviewing such matters from teachers’ as well as pupils’ perspectives, and by emphasising the role of explicit instruction within the various approaches discussed.  相似文献   

游戏教学法,是指在实际教学中把教育与游戏相结合。小学信息技术教学案例《学会使用鼠标》中借助丰富的游戏来教授信息技术知识,不仅能调动学生的学习兴趣,还将寓教于乐落到实处。  相似文献   

The paper describes the history, results and teaching experiences associated with an educational project eDIHO that was designed as a model of teacher education enabling student teachers to teach online. The paper analyses and evaluates practical experiences gained in project activities and summarises methodological perspectives for the online support of primary school educators and those in teacher education courses.

Online‐Unterstützung von Grundschülern: das eDIHO Projekt

In diesem Papier werden die Entwicklung, die Ergebnisse und die Lehrerfahrungen geschildert, die am Unterrichtsprojekt eDIHO , das als Lehrerbildungsmodell zur Befähigung von Studenten zum Online‐Lehren entwickelt worden war, gewonnen wurden. Der Beitrag analysiert und evaluiert praktische Erfahrungen, die bei der Arbeit in diesem Projekt gewonnen wurden und stellt die methodologischen Perspektiven für die Online‐Unterstützung für Grundschüler und die für die Lehrerbildung zusammen.

Soutien en ligne pour les élèves de l’école primaire:projet eDIHOS

Cet article décrit l’histoire, les résultats et les expériences d’enseignement associées à un projet éducatif eDIHO qui a été établi comme maquette de formation des Maîtres permettant aux futurs professeurs d’enseigner en ligne.Cette étude analyse et évalue les expériences pratiques acquises dans les activités du projet et résume les perspectives méthodologiques qui s’offrent au soutien en ligne tant pour aider les éducateurs du primaire que ceux qui donnent des cours de formation des maîtres.  相似文献   

After breaking the essence of conditional logic down into a set of five basic principles, Ennis and his associates discovered that primary children vary greatly in their degree of competence in conditional logic, and the principles differed considerably amongst themselves in their degree of difficulty. The evidence here reported is taken to count rather strongly against Piaget's claims that children under 11–12 years of age cannot handle propositional logic and cannot reason correctly from premises that they do not believe. Conditional logic knowledge correlated fairly highly with Wechsler verbal IQ, moderately with socioeconomic status, and weakly with dwelling area. Boys and girls appeared to be about equal in logical ability.
Résumé Après avoir divisé l'essence de la logique conditionnelle en cinq principes de base, Ennis et ses collègues ont découvert que le degré de compétence dans la logique conditionnelle des enfants dans l'école primaire varie beaucoup, et que les principes mêmes différaient considérablement dans leur degré de difficulté. On soutient que l'évidence qu'on présente ici va contre la conviction de Piaget que les enfants qui ont moins de 11 ou 12 ans ne peuvent pas traiter de la logique propositionnelle et ne peuvent pas raisonner correctement des prémisses qu'ils ne croient pas. La connaissance de la logique conditionnelle se trouvait à un haut degré en corrélation avec le IQ verbal de Wechsler, modérément en corrélation avec la position économique et social, et faiblement en corrélation avec le lieu d'habitation. Les garçons et les filles avaient presque la même aptitude logique.

The project on which this brief and factual report is based was supported jointly by the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell, by the New York State Education Department under Article 73, Section 3602a, Subdivision 14 of the Education Law, and by Federal Hatch funds. Points of view and stated opinions do not necessarily represent official policy of supporting institutions.This report, an earlier version of which was presented to the American Educational Research Association in March 1970, is a Summary of part of the final report of that project (Ennis, Finkelstein, Smith, & Wilson, 1969). I assume responsibility for this summary and the presented interpretations of Piaget.  相似文献   

Serious games foster the acquisition of complex problem-solving skills. Assessment of such skills should be in line with instruction, and within a serious game environment its content validity should equal face-to-face assessment. Research on assessment in serious gaming has remained rather scarce. This article shows how assessment can be implemented in serious gaming in a way that assures content validity. The core of the authors’ validation method entails mapping learning activities (as contained in the game scenario) on performance indicators and outputs (as derived from formal attainment levels). They present how they have elaborated and applied the method for an assessment game for ICT managers in secondary vocational education. They describe the procedure and extent to which this assessment is content-valid compared to face-to-face assessment.  相似文献   

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