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多不杂富金斑岩铜矿床位于斑公湖-怒江缝合带北侧多不杂构造岩浆弧中,成矿与侵位于中侏罗统雁石坪群和早白垩统美日切组地层中的石英闪长玢岩、花岗闪长斑岩有关.由于斑岩体的侵位,在岩体内及其围岩中形成强烈蚀变且分带明显,由含矿斑岩中心向外可划分出钾硅化带、中级泥化带、泥化带、伊利石-水白云母化-褐铁矿化带-角岩带或青磐岩化带(围岩是中基性火山岩时).矿化为细脉-浸染状,含矿斑岩全岩矿化,少量矿化产于围岩中,成矿为铜-金组合,为典型的富金斑岩铜矿.初步识别出(1)钾化带中主要发育M型、EB型、A型及部分B型脉;(2)绿泥石化带(中级泥化带)中发育B型、C型、石英-绿泥石脉及S型、G型脉;(3)在粘土化带(泥化带)中主要发育C型脉、G型脉及S型细网脉;(4)在围岩中主要发育B型、C型、D型及G型细网脉以及碳酸盐脉、M型脉等.矿区范围内发育丰富的热液磁铁矿、赤铁矿、金红石等,铜、金沉淀与热液磁铁矿的形成关系密切;矿石中主要为黄铜矿、少量斑铜矿和辉铜矿,而黄铁矿很少,总体上为黄铜矿>斑铜矿,黄铜矿>黄铁矿.在石英斑晶及各种脉系中识别出三个大类和十个亚类的流体包裹体.包裹体显微测温数据表明最高(达935℃、压力200MPa)的均一温度出现在石英斑晶中,这种由含不透明子矿物、简单多相、含硅酸盐子矿物、赤铁矿多相包裹体类型构成的具45%NaCleq盐度的多相包裹体可能代表本矿床最原始的成矿流体组成;这种成矿流体上升到3km左右、冷却到580℃左右发生沸腾,分离出超高盐度(60%~80%NaCl eq)流体包裹体和富气相包裹体,并导致大量磁铁矿的结晶和还原硫的释放,且伴随部分金属硫化物及部分金沉淀,形成早期的M、A型脉;随着温度的进一步降低和分离出的流体包裹体的聚集,在500℃~480℃之间、22~40MPa之间、深度约1.5km发生沸腾,大量释放出的硫与金属离子结合,导致了大量铜、金的沉淀,形成如B型脉等一系列脉系及浸染状的铜矿化.在450℃~400℃之间、压力20~32MPa之间、深度1.1km左右又发生了明显的沸腾事件,形成了如C型脉、S型等舍铜脉系.在370℃~200℃之间、压力5~30MPa之间,包裹体以液相包裹体和多相包裹体为主,其盐度变化较大,可能是由于岩浆流体的稀释作用或少量大气降水参与循环所致,形成了D型脉及面状硅化.我们的研究结果揭示多不杂富金斑岩铜矿是主要由直接从岩浆熔体中出溶(600℃~950℃)的具高氧化性、(超)高盐度的富合成矿元素的岩浆流体形成的,是斑岩矿床系列中正岩浆端元的典型代表.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the progress in the determination of water in glasses and melt inclusions with Raman spectroscopy. Using the presented "Comparator Technique" the water content of a sample is determined by siruple comparison with a known standard. A calibration curve is not necessary. Furthermore, with this technique the water concentration in silicate melt inclusions can be determined without exposing the inclusions for measurements. This is very important for extremely water-rich melt inclusions, which would loose H2O on exposure.  相似文献   

The acoustic decrepitation method heats a small monomineralic sample and counts pressure impulses as the inclusions burst when they develop high internal pressures. For aqueous fluids, the decrepitation temperature is correlated with the homogenisation temperature, but gas rich fluids give a distinct and characteristic low temperature decrepitation peak which can be used to recognize gas rich fluid inclusions. This information is useful in exploration for Au deposits, which are frequently associated with CO2 rich and sometimes CH4 rich fluids. This distinctive decrepitation occurs because the CO2 rich inclusion fluids expand according to the gas law and develop internal pressures high enough to burst the host mineral grain at temperatures well below their homogenisation temperatures. In contrast, aqueous fluids condense to a liquid and vapour phase during post-entrapment cooling. Upon subsequent heating their internal pressures do not increase significantly until after homogenisation to a single phase occurs and hence they do not decrepitate "prematurely" as gas rich inclusions do. This behaviour is usually regarded as an annoyance in conventional microthermometric homogenisation studies, but can readily be used as an exploration aid to find mineralisation deposited from such gas rich fluids. Decrepitation results on samples from Cowra Ck, NSW, Australia, which have also been microthermometrically measured for CO2 content, show that amounts of less than 5 mole % CO2 are easily distinguished by decrepitation and amounts as low as 1 mole % CO2 may be determinable. Examples of the use of acoustic decrepitation in the study of 6 gold mines in the Shandong and Hebei provinces of China are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on social protest movements raises many complicated methodological issues. This article systematically explains the methodological quandaries the authors confronted when studying demonstrations and online and offline activism by ethnic Turks in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands in support of the Gezi Park protesters in Turkey. It explains how participants were recruited and surveyed in this complex and extremely sensitive environment. It offers lessons learned that can be applied to other studies involving surveys of ethnic minorities engaged in social protest movements. More generally, they may also apply to surveys of any vulnerable population about sensitive issues.  相似文献   

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