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村规监督员是中世纪英国村庄共同体的重要执法者,是保证村庄共同体正常运转的重要成员,本文通过对监督员的选举、人数、身份以及职能等方面的阐释,试图揭示中世纪英国村庄共同体的内部结构,并通过其发展变化来进一步的了解中世纪的英国社会。  相似文献   

本文以英国村庄共同体为研究对象,从庄园档案资料入手,通过对村庄共同体的独立法人、治安、军事以及税收等职能的论述,指出村庄共同体在中世纪英国社会生活中所起到的重要作用。同时,也进一步论证了中世纪时期的英国村庄共同体并非是原始社会的"残余",而是拥有一定自治职能的重要基层组织。  相似文献   

中世纪英格兰交通史研究经历了一个从"遮蔽"到"解蔽"的过程。已有的研究表明,14世纪时英格兰已形成以伦敦为轴心的道路网。道路网的维护是在"王之和平"的法律框架下进行的,这种维护机制体现了中央政府、地方政府和民间社会之间的良性互动。王权的强制性以及王权的仪式化功能(如鼓励慈善捐款、授权成立社团、颁布通行税授权令)起着监督引导作用。地方政府和民间社会则通过承担强制性维护义务、慈善捐助以及征收通行税三种维护方式发挥着主体作用。这种"中世纪式"的维护方式体现了王权的有限性,在很大程度上有赖于地方社会的慈善举措、共同体意识以及首创精神。上述维护方式适应了中世纪英格兰商品经济虽有发展但还毕竟有限的现实,也保证了中世纪英格兰道路通行维持在一个较好的然而也是较为脆弱的水平。  相似文献   

中世纪巴黎大学与社会之间的关系问题在高等教育研究中具有重要意义.引入社会角色概念,分析中世纪巴黎大学可以看到:诞生之初,大学与教会之间存在广泛的互动关系;大学满足了教会对宗教人才与信仰知识的期望;大学在行为模式方面具有极强的宗教性.在随后的发展中,世俗权力对大学控制不断增强;世俗希望大学培养世俗人才以抗衡教会;大学在行为模式上也趋于世俗化.巴黎大学处于宗教角色与世俗角色冲突之中,然而这种冲突却对大学自治、学术自由、组织结构等发挥着积极作用.  相似文献   

铸牢中华民族共同体意识内涵的界定模糊不清,导致其具体实践缺乏明确的内容指向性。尤其是缺失心理学视角对“铸牢中华民族共同体意识”本质属性的理解和关照,使得铸牢中华民族共同体意识路径的外烁论倾向明显,进而忽视了各民族成员铸牢中华民族共同体意识的能动性与自主性。为应对此问题,应从心理学视角出发,依循对象—主体—内容的逻辑,建构铸牢中华民族共同体意识的基本内涵。研究认为,铸牢中华民族共同体意识的心理途径在于使各民族成员的认识从“中华民族复合体”转向“中华民族共同体”,并使各民族成员对中华民族共同体的认知、情感和行为从无意识走向有意识,有效增进各民族成员对“五个认同”的高度共识。  相似文献   

从教育学方面来说,中世纪学徒制带给我们诸多启示.文章除认可中世纪学徒制教育方面的实用价值外,更深入分析学徒制在当时制度化的原因、目的及其所特有的社会意义.以试图从另外一个角度考察中世纪学徒制,从而对目前我国职业教育事业的发展提出更多的可行性建议.  相似文献   

“中世纪”是指西欧从西罗马帝国灭亡到“文艺复兴”的历史时期,有人将其称为“黑暗的中世纪”,主要是因为曾经的罗马帝国文明已渐趋衰败,伴随着“民族大迁徙”,日耳曼人相继建立起了一批国家,主要有莱茵一高卢地区的法兰克王国、意大利北部的伦巴第王国、英格兰地区盎格鲁一撒克逊人建立的诸王国。  相似文献   

英国是世界各国由中古农本封建主义文明向近代工商资本主义文明转型的先驱和典范。长期以来,各国史学界为了认识把握这次社会转型,从政治、经济、文化等不同角度进行了广泛而深入的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。研究、认识英国中世纪转型时期的城市化,对把握认识英国社会未来发展走向的脉搏具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

王玉亮博士的《英国中世纪晚期乡村共同体研究》以中世纪晚期英国自然聚居的村庄为研究对象,展现了村民们在社区事务管理中自我调控管理的能力和影响。该书的出版为我们研究英国中世纪历史提供了新的视角,也使我们能够更全面地认识中世纪的英国农民。  相似文献   

西欧中世纪城市常常被当作近代文明的先驱而具有重要的社会意义。因此,有关中世纪西欧城市兴起的问题也受到了人们的关注。文章从中世纪西欧城市兴起的背景入手,重点阐述了中世纪城市兴起的历史条件,并在此基础上对中世纪城市兴起的特点进行了概括。  相似文献   

中世纪的大学理念及其对后世的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代大学起源于中世纪,大学理念也从此得以萌发。在中世纪大学产生时,大学是探索普遍学问的场所,是由教师和学生组成的学者的社团。中世纪的大学理念对后世大学理念的发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

基督教的产生和发展是具有世界历史意义的现象.自文艺复兴至启蒙运动直到近现代的许多思想家与史学家大都认为,基督教对西方文明的影响基本上是消极而又黑暗的.如果将基督教放在西欧从古典时代走向封建时代这一历史大转变过程中,作客观冷静的历史主义分析,那么,关于基督教对西方文明的影响,就会是一种相反的结论,即基本上是积极而又光明的,其中至少有三点是可以肯定的一是在罗马帝国腐朽衰亡之际,基督教作为"救世福音"抚慰,安定了人们的灵魂与精神;二是基督教的修道士和神学家们以变态、扭曲的方式,保存并延续了希腊、罗马的古典文化;三是基督教的教会、教区和修道院等机构,成为日耳曼民族建立和扩大其政治统治、恢复生产并发展社会经济的组织借助.基督教在这三方面的地位和作用,在当时的历史条件下,几乎都具有一种唯一的和不可替代的性质.因此,基督教是西欧在古典时代末期和封建时代前期重塑文明的核心力量.  相似文献   

俄罗斯中产阶层产生于其社会转型的急剧变化时期,其特征为在与生产关系及单位类型上,大部分分布在私营部门,国营、集体占比例小;在社区资源分配格局中,现阶段中产阶层大多位于经济较为发达的大中城市;中产阶层内部分层现象严重;中产阶层处于严重的不稳定状态,向下的流动性趋向大;非法收入来源大,与权力中心接近,有一定的政治根基,官商结合特征明显。因此处于不成熟状态,有待于进一步培育和发展。  相似文献   

The transformation to sustainable social systems requires both individual and collective pro-environmental behaviors. In this study, we quantified the impacts of factors that promote or impede collective pro-environmental behaviors around the use of renewable energy. An online questionnaire was completed by Japanese high school and college students, and covariance structure analysis was performed on groups with strong or weak intention to participate in collective behaviors and groups with rich or little experience with community activities. Our results revealed that the belief that a global environmental crisis can be avoided by individual efforts was negatively related to collective behavioral intention. We also found that environmental education that aimed to enhance attachment to community and social norms, would be effective for the youth with weak collective behavioral intention, but not so for youth with strong collective behavioral intention. It would be more effective for youth with strong collective behavioral intention to learn the practical approaches for community participation and raise awareness of the perceived importance of collective pro-environmental behaviors.  相似文献   

早在西方大学产生之初,大学及其学者社群就通过身份依附策略、刚性斗争策略、柔性独立策略以及合作共生策略,赢得了充分民事权、独立司法权、税役豁免权以及学术自由权。广泛的社会特权使新兴大学和学者社群实现了对知识操作和学术生活的垄断、赢得了社会的尊重和重视、切实构建了现代大学的学术自由传统,但也诱使大学和学者社群出现了贵族化倾向、滋生了学术腐败。因此必须理性审视大学和学者社群的社会特权。  相似文献   

The absence of data-based research on the collective bargaining movement is surprising given the potential significance of this issue to the academic community. The purpose of this study is to show that community colleges can be differentiated on the basis of the particular collective bargaining representative selected and, furthermore, that those affiliated with one bargaining representative are different from community colleges which are not affiliated with any bargaining representative. These institutional differences are presented and their implications for both the collective bargaining and community college movements are discussed.  相似文献   

Several authors (Dreher &; Ash, 1990; Fagenson, 1989, 1992; Hunt &; Michael, 1983; Kram, 1985; Newby &; Heide, 1992; Scandura, 1992) have emphasized the importance of mentoring in facilitating onc's progress through a career in management. This paper presents a mentoring model that combines the various factors impinging on mentoring and the associated outcomes in a compre hensive framework. In the model, a set of antecedent mentor and protégé characteristics, including demogaphics and traits. lead to certain mentoring functions, which subsequently result in specified outcomes. The stages of a mentoring relationship—initiation, cultivation, and redefinition—are explained. Mentoring functions. relate both lo career mobility and personal achievement and growth. Mentoring benefits al1 parties—protégé, mentor, and organization. The model also includes intervening variables that modify the relationships among antecedents. mentoring stages and functions, and outcome variable. The paper outlines implications of and guidelines for mentoring in sport and physical education organizations.  相似文献   

Many contemporary social commentators claim that we are now living in “New Times.” Other labels used for the same period (by different commentators) are postmodeenity, the information age, late-modernity, high-modernity, the age of uncertainty. In defining these times, it is common to read of the information explosion, the increased pace of material and institutional change, globalization, information technologies, increaed reliance on experts and abstract systems, the end of permanent structures or knowledge or meaning, reflexive modernization, the risk society, and a heightened level of increased anxiety. This paper discusses the evolving relationship between identity, knowledge, change, and uncertainty in the context of new times and explores the issue of the possible consequences of new times for physical education in higher education.  相似文献   

Sharon Todd 《Interchange》2004,35(3):337-352
This paper explores the limitations of empathy for the formation of community, particularly within social justice education. I begin with a discussion of the major tension within the idea of community — that it is founded at once on commonality and difference. Building in particular upon the work of Emmanuel Levinas, the paper articulates an understanding of community as a signifying encounter with difference that is not founded upon knowledge about the other, but upon a being-for and feeling-for the other. Focusing upon the explicitly educational commitment to working out forms of relationality conducive to establishing community and social justice across social differences, I ask how might teaching with ignorance, as opposed to teaching for empathy, bring us closer to the being-for others that marks our ethical engagement with other people and engenders our responsibility to the collective?  相似文献   

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