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正真是一个好天气,熊爸爸和熊宝宝要去划船啦!首先要做一些准备工作。他们买了一大一小两顶帽子,可是爸爸的头大帽子小,儿子的头小帽子大……他们会怎么办呢?1.On a sunny day,SmallBear goes boating with Papa.They go to buy hats first.Papa gets a smallhat for his big head.Small Bear gets a big hat for his smallhead.一个晴朗的日子,熊宝宝和熊爸爸一起出去划船。  相似文献   

1.Welcome to Bear Country!Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears——Papa Bear,Mama Bear and Small Bear.欢迎来到熊王国!在熊王国的一条洒满阳光的土路上,住着幸福的熊熊一家:熊爸爸,熊妈妈和小熊。2.They live in a big tree.It is a very fine house.There is a big kitchen,a sitting room and two bedrooms.他们住在一棵大树里。那是一个很温馨的房子。有一间大厨房,一间客厅和两间卧室。  相似文献   

正【英语原文】"All the kids make fun of me,"the boy cried to his mother,"They say I have a big head.""Don't listen to them,"his mother comforted him,"You have a beautiful head.Now stop crying and go to the store for two pounds of potatoes.""Where's the shopping bag?""I haven't got one,use your hat."【汉语翻译】"所有的孩子都拿我开玩笑,"小男孩儿哭着跟妈妈说,"他们说我长了一个大脑袋。""你别听他们的,"妈妈安慰他说,"你的脑袋长得很漂  相似文献   

1.Once upon a time,there lived a straw hat maker in a small village.He often went to the market to sell his straw hats.从前,在一个小村庄里住着一个做草帽的人。他经常到集市上去卖草帽。2.One day when he got to a monkey hill,he felt hot and tired, so he lay down for a rest under a large tree with a straw hat covering his face.一天,当他走到一座猴山时,感到又热又累,于是便躺在一棵大树下,脸上盖上一顶草帽休息起来。3.When he woke up,he suddenly found no straw hats on the ground.  相似文献   

It’s Christmas Eve.Santa and Rudolf are getting ready for Christmas.Santa puts on his red jacket and his red hat.圣诞夜,圣诞老人和鲁道夫正在为圣诞节做准备。圣诞老人穿上了他的红色夹克和红色帽子。There are lots of presents in Santa’s sleigh for children around the world.Now they are off!圣诞老人的雪橇上有很多带给全世界小朋友的礼  相似文献   

1Papa,Mama,Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend.There is a house for them to stay in.爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和妹妹周末去海边度假。那有一所房子供他们居住。2"Let’s put on swimming suits and go into the water!"says Brother."Wait,we must clean up,room by room!"says Mama."我们穿上泳衣下水吧!"哥哥说。"等等,我们必须要先把每个房间收拾一下",妈妈说。  相似文献   

初中课本中时常出现it,中考试题也时常考查含it的句式。下面就以2005年~2006年全国部分省市的中考试题为例,对it的一些基本用法作一归纳,以期对同学们的学习有所帮助。[基本用法归纳]一、it指代动物和植物。例如:—O h,that's Lucy's hat.噢,那是露茜的帽子。—Itlooks like a cat!那顶帽子看上去像只猫!—W here's tea grown-什么地方种茶-—It's grown in the southeastofChina.中国东南部种茶。[试题精选]Jack caughta big fish this afternoon.N ow he is cooking for dinner.A.one B.it C.this D.that(2005年河南省)K ey:B二、i…  相似文献   

Jokes And Humour     
Father’ m otto sTeacher押M y children熏rem em ber this m otto熏G ive others m ore and leave for yourself less.Jack押 It s just m y father s m otto选 ’ ’Teacher押H ow noble your father is选W hat’s his occupation芽Jack押 H e is a boxer. 父亲的格言老师 孩子们 记住这句格言 多给予 少接受 : , :“ , 。”杰克 那正是我爸爸的格言 : 。老师 你父亲一定是个高尚的人 他是干什么的 : 。 ?杰克 他是个拳击手 : 。 It is tim e for supper It w as t…  相似文献   

有个男孩正往工厂给他爸爸送饭去,路上他停了一会儿,看一个工 人正在清扫阴沟。 男孩感兴趣地说:“我妈妈昨天把她的金表掉到这里了。” 这个工人顿时眼睛一亮。“好吧,”他装作漫不经心地说:“去玩吧!” 一个小时后小男孩又回来了。“你肯定你妈妈昨天把手表掉在这里 了吗?”工人问道。 “我敢肯定,”他狡猾地笑了笑说道,“因为我亲眼看见我爸爸又把 表弄出来了。” (本刊资料)When a boy was taking his father's dinner to the factory, he stopped for a minute to watch a workman cleaning a sewer. The boy said interestedly, "My…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.purchase【用法】用作动词,意为“to buy,to obtainin exchange for money or its equivalent购买,购置”。例如:We purchased a new car.我们买了一辆车。He sold the house he had purchased only two years ago.他卖掉了两年前才买的房子。purchase还可用作名词,意为“the act oran instance of buying;something bought购买;购置物”。例如:H e gave his son some money for the pur-chase of his books.他给儿子一些钱去买书。The new couple spent some money for thepurchase of the furniture necessary for theirnew house.这对新婚夫妇花了一些钱购买新房子里必需的家具。2.rem ain【用法】用作连系动词,意为“保持;仍然是”,后接名词、形容词、介词短语、分词等作表语。例如:Th...  相似文献   

唐代李延寿所著的《北史·熊安生传》中记载了这样一个故事。北齐有一位名叫宗道晖的人,平时喜欢头戴一顶很高的帽子,脚上穿一双很大的木屐。每当有州将等级官员到来,他都要以这身打扮去谒见。见到官员时,又总是向上仰着头,举着双手,然后跪拜,一直把头叩到木屐上,极尽阿谀奉承之能事。  相似文献   

●询问物品价格How much is/are...?It’s/They’re....●表达诚挚谢意Thank you.You’re welcome.●确认出生日期When is her birthday?Her birthday is....●询问他人年龄How old are you?I’m....●谈论电影喜好What kind of movies do you like?I like.../I like...,but I don’t like....快乐行动Tina是你新结识的朋友。周末你俩约好一起去逛街。在一家帽子店里,Tina看见了很多漂亮的帽子,于是,她便想为自己买一顶。请根据对话内容,补全所缺句子。(在店里)Clerk:Can I helpyou?Tina:Yes.I wanta hat for my birthdaygift.快乐…  相似文献   

人物:蓝鼠、粉鼠、天鹅妈妈、鸵鸟妈妈和恐龙妈妈。场景:公园(一天,蓝鼠和他的妹妹粉鼠去了公园。在那儿,他们发现了一枚蛋,很大的蛋。他们想要找到它的妈妈。)Characters: Scene: in a park (One day Blue Mouse and his sister, Pink Mouse went to a park. There they found an egg, a big egg. They wanted to find its mother.注释:w hose[hu蘼z]pron.谁的character['k覸rikt藜]n.人物sw an[sw蘅n]n.天鹅ostrich['蘅strit蘩]n.鸵鸟dinosaur['dain藜s蘅蘼]n.恐龙scene[si蘼n]n.场景w ent[w ent]v.go的过去式,去,found[faund]v.find…  相似文献   

一、表示“穿戴”动作的有put on,pull on,try on和fit…on等。 1、put on表示“穿上、戴上”。其宾语是;衣帽、鞋袜、手套和眼镜等物。On为副词。其反义短语是take off。如: It's very cold.You'd better put on your overcoat.天很冷,你最好穿上大衣。 He took his hat,put it on,and left.他拿起帽子,戴上就走了。 2、pull on表示随便或勿忙“穿上、戴上”。多指通过提拉才“穿上”或“戴上”。其宾语是:袜子、手套、裤子等衣物。其反义短语为throw off.如 Tom pulled on his trousers and,run out of the room.汤姆提上裤子,跑出屋去。 He pulled on his gloves in a hurry,then left.他勿忙戴上手套,然后离去。 3、try on表示“试穿”、“试戴”。其宾语是,衣帽、鞋袜、首饰等。On为副词。如: Can I try the new clothes on?我可以试穿一下这件新衣服吗?  相似文献   

1.A young man from a wealthy fam ily was about to graduate fromhigh school.It was the custom in that affluent neighborhood for theparents to give the graduate anautom obile.B ill and his father had spentm onths looking at cars,and the weekbefore graduation they found a perfectcar.Bill was certain that the car would be hison graduation night.一个富裕家庭出身oolden的年轻人马上就要高中毕业了。在他居住的富人区有个传统,就是父母亲在孩子毕业的时候应该给他们买辆汽车。比尔和父亲花了好几个月时间去看车,…  相似文献   

2012年寒假爸爸带我去赶庙会,路过新华书店的时候,我买了一本《海底两万里》,经过二十多天的阅读,我把这本书看完了。这本书的主人公是法国自然科学家阿龙纳斯教授、他的仆人康塞尔以及捕鲸手尼德兰。教授和他的仆人,带着捕鲸手去杀海怪,最后他们发现其实海怪是用钢铁打造出的船,经过重重磨难以后他们上了船,见到了这里的船长后,就开始了惊心动魄的海底两万里冒险。他们首先是经过黑潮暖流,然后在海底森林打猎,因为教授的好  相似文献   

1.山上住着两个小精灵。这天,他们发生了争执。蓝胡子精灵说:"世上有了金钱就有了一切,没有金钱什么事也做不成。"2.红胡子精灵说:"不对,只有事情成功了,才会有钱。不信,我们打赌!"他们遇到一个穷汉,蓝胡子精灵给了他五十个金币,叫他去买"成功"。3.穷汉拿着钱走到半路,一个妇女说:"用钱买‘成功’?不如买挂牛肺给孩子吃!"穷汉觉得有理,买了一挂牛肺,把其余的金币藏在帽子里,往家走去。  相似文献   

1.山上住着两个小精灵。有一天,他们发生了争执。蓝胡子精灵说:"世上有了金钱就有了一切,没有金钱什么事都不会成功的。"2.红胡子精灵说:"不对,只有事情成功了才会有钱。你若不信,我们来打赌。"他们遇到一个穷汉,蓝胡子精灵给了他五十金币,叫他去买"成功"。3.穷汉拿着钱走了,半路上碰到一位妇女,妇女说:"用钱买‘成功’吗?还不如买挂牛肺给孩子们吃呢!"穷汉觉得有理,买了一挂牛肺,把其余的金币藏在帽子里,往家走去。  相似文献   

句型1:I find sb doing...该句意为:“我发现某人正在做某事”.常见的类似的动词还有see,hear,watch,keep等.如:I found my brother reading in his room.我发现哥哥在他房间里看书.I saw her dancing under the tree.我看见她在树下跳舞.句型2:That made me feel very happy.①make sb do sth意为“使某人做某事”,句中的make是使役动词,其后接省略to的动词不定式.如:The boss made them work for ten hours a day.老板让他们一天工作十小时.  相似文献   

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