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影响篮球比赛进攻节奏诸因素研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代篮球运动的进攻与防守对抗激烈,在进攻中能控制好比赛节奏就能获得比赛的主动权。要控制好比赛进攻节奏,取决于以下因素:技术、战术、身体素质、意识、心理、判断力、克服防守阻力等。  相似文献   

影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏因素的研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
现代冰球比赛的制胜特点表明,对抗双方对比赛节奏和球权的控制与反控制成为掌握场上主动权的关键。通过文献资料查询法、问卷和访问调查方法,对影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏的因素进行分析和研究,结果表明:教练员与运动员对体能、技术和战术因素影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏的认同率较高,对其他因素的认同率较低。  相似文献   

现代篮球比赛节奏探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为控制篮球比赛节奏,提高竞技训练水平,运用献资料、观察、逻辑等方法对这一复杂比赛现象进行探讨,影响因素主要有心理与精神因素、个人与全队的关系、队员的临场应变能力和队员战术意识的强弱等。建议从技术、战术和比赛三个层面上重视节奏的控制训练。  相似文献   

文章对高速度激烈对抗的篮球运动节奏,就个人与全队快慢、动静掌握及其协调配合进行了论证,指出提高进攻节奏观念是提高全队战术意识和作战能力的重要环节。  相似文献   

乒乓球比赛节奏探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、录像观察、逻辑分析等方法对乒乓球比赛节奏进行探讨,梳理出影响比寨节奏的因素及调控方法,并建议从技术、战术和心理三个层面上重视比赛节奏的训练。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、录像观察法、数理统计法等对2014年WTA年终总决赛小威和莎拉波娃的进攻节奏进行统计分析,深入发掘和整理影响网球比赛进攻节奏的因素,找出世界优秀女子网球运动员在比赛中进攻的节奏变化以及如何控制比赛进攻节奏,加强教练员和运动员对网球比赛节奏的理论认识,进而制定相应的控制比赛节奏的方法,为实际的网球训练和比赛提供一定的理论和数据参考,提高训练和比赛的水平。  相似文献   

以我国优秀女子冰球运动员为研究对象,采用文献资料法、访谈法、测量法等分析我国优秀女子冰球运动员的体能特征及其影响因素,使教练员对冰球运动员的体能问题有更全面的认识和把握,在理论层面上达到指导训练的作用。通过与世界优秀女冰运动员比较得出:我国女子冰球运动员身高、体重普遍较低,体脂重水平较高,宽度与维度指标偏低,个别运动员肺活量较低,核心区域力量薄弱,身体稳定性不高,力量不够全面,力量耐力较弱。分析其原因主要是:教练员对体能的认知水平是导致运动员身体功能失衡的主要原因,训练中不重视监控及训练后不采取恢复措施是导致运动员伤病多发的重要原因,运动员的选材面小,难以形成竞争机制等。  相似文献   

在乒乓球比赛的全过程中,处处充满了节奏的变化。节奏是运动员所有技战术运用好坏的综合体现。通过录像观察法、文献资料法等对乒乓球比赛中的节奏进行分析,总结出乒乓球比赛中节奏的含义、特点、表现形式以及影响比赛节奏的主要因素和调控比赛节奏的方法。  相似文献   

张民 《当代体育科技》2020,(1):221-221,223
随着我国人们的生活水平不断提高,对于生活质量的要求也逐渐变得越来越高,加上我国提出体育强国的口号,全民对于体育锻炼的重视度也在不断增加,乒乓球运动普及范围广,适合各个年龄阶层的人们参加,乒乓球入门简单,具有很强的娱乐性。在正式比赛中,由于乒乓球的球速快,距离短,具有很强的观赏性,而且比赛中体现了节奏的变化,给乒乓球运动带来了更多的趣味。本文主要简单介绍了节奏的定义,探讨了乒乓球赛事里节奏的内涵、特点和运动所的表现形式,结合个人的工作经验,对影响乒乓球节奏主要因素进行了分析,仅供相关人士参考。  相似文献   

对武术散打比赛节奏的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
武术散打比赛中动作节奏和战术节奏(进攻节奏,防守节奏),能有效地调动和控制对手,掌握比赛的主动权。  相似文献   

论篮球比赛节奏   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
掌握合理的篮球比赛节奏,对于一场篮球比赛的胜利至关重要。篮球比赛中的节奏主要包括快攻中的节奏,阵地进攻中的节奏,快攻与阵地进攻衔接进攻中的节奏,结合实践提出了掌握篮球比赛节奏的对策。  相似文献   

本文在对跳远助跑节奏的力学、生理学、心理学原理进行分析的基础上,提出良好的助跑节奏,与速度、力量、技术等因素一样,应引起高度重视,同时,还提出助跑节奏训练的几种方法。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined participants' responses to motivational asynchronous music by isolating rhythmical properties and exploring personality correlates. Fifty-eight physically active participants (41 men and 17 women) aged 22.3 +/- 6.4 years performed an isometric weight-holding task on three occasions while being randomly exposed to no music, rhythm and motivational music. The rhythm and music conditions were edited portions of the same musical selection and had identical fast tempi, although the rhythm condition contained no melody, harmonies or lyrics. Participants each completed a copy of Cattell's 16PF following the third and final trial. A repeated-measures analysis of variance found the participants held the weight suspended for significantly longer when listening to motivational music in comparison to rhythm or no music. When listening to rhythm, participants endured the task for significantly longer than when listening to no music. The response to music was found to be significantly related to liveliness, while sensitivity correlated with responses to music factors (harmony, melody, lyrics, etc.) not present in the rhythm condition. These results suggest that responses to motivational music are subtle in nature and are determined by both musical factors and individual characteristics, and potentially an interaction between the two.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined participants' responses to motivational asynchronous music by isolating rhythmical properties and exploring personality correlates. Fifty-eight physically active participants (41 men and 17 women) aged 22.3 ± 6.4 years performed an isometric weight-holding task on three occasions while being randomly exposed to no music, rhythm and motivational music. The rhythm and music conditions were edited portions of the same musical selection and had identical fast tempi, although the rhythm condition contained no melody, harmonies or lyrics. Participants each completed a copy of Cattell's 16PF following the third and final trial. A repeated-measures analysis of variance found the participants held the weight suspended for significantly longer when listening to motivational music in comparison to rhythm or no music. When listening to rhythm, participants endured the task for significantly longer than when listening to no music. The response to music was found to be significantly related to liveliness, while sensitivity correlated with responses to music factors (harmony, melody, lyrics, etc.) not present in the rhythm condition. These results suggest that responses to motivational music are subtle in nature and are determined by both musical factors and individual characteristics, and potentially an interaction between the two.  相似文献   

中国是世界体育大国,中国体育法的国际化也是发展之必然。分析中国同外国缔结的体育条约,还存在一些问题,如多边条约存在需重新确定效力的情形,双边条约情况复杂等,因此,有必要对体育条约进行清理。建议启动清理程序,清理重点应是体育多边条约。体育条约清理后,应对体育条约建设有新的规划。  相似文献   

Seventeen healthy adults exercised for 30 min (70% V O 2max ), at different times of the day and night throughout a 24 h period. The effect on the phase of core temperature rhythm was assessed by comparing the rhythms on the day immediately before and immediately after the day of exercise with the participants living normally on these 2 days. Assessments were made upon data that had been corrected for the thermogenic effects of sleep and activity. When exercise was performed in the period between 4 h before and 1 h after the temperature minimum, there was a phase delay of 1.03 - 0.78 h (mean - s ; n = 6); when performed between 3 and 8 h after the temperature minimum, there was a phase advance of 1.07 - 1.23 h ( n = 9). Both means were significantly different from zero (Student's one-sample t -tests: P ? 0.05). Performed at other times, exercise had no significant effect on the phase of the temperature rhythm. The phase changes were not significantly different from those previously observed by us in sedentary individuals exposed to domestic lighting. We conclude that the amount of physical activity has very little effect on the body clock.  相似文献   

Seventeen healthy adults exercised for 30 min (70% VO2max), at different times of the day and night throughout a 24 h period. The effect on the phase of core temperature rhythm was assessed by comparing the rhythms on the day immediately before and immediately after the day of exercise with the participants living normally on these 2 days. Assessments were made upon data that had been corrected for the thermogenic effects of sleep and activity. When exercise was performed in the period between 4 h before and 1 h after the temperature minimum, there was a phase delay of 1.03 +/- 0.78 h (mean +/- s; n = 6); when performed between 3 and 8 h after the temperature minimum, there was a phase advance of 1.07 +/- 1.23 h (n = 9). Both means were significantly different from zero (Student's one-sample t-tests: P < 0.05). Performed at other times, exercise had no significant effect on the phase of the temperature rhythm. The phase changes were not significantly different from those previously observed by us in sedentary individuals exposed to domestic lighting. We conclude that the amount of physical activity has very little effect on the body clock.  相似文献   

运用生物力学手段分析黄潇潇参加第15届亚运会女子400m栏决赛的录像,得出其技术指标,并搜集黄潇潇参加雅典奥运会女子400m栏等国际比赛的数据,整理黄潇潇全程栏间节奏的特点,并与世界优秀选手进行比较,从中找出差距,为其备战“两运会”的训练提供帮助。  相似文献   

试论"校园足球"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文就建立"校园足球"模式提出了崭新的观点,为我国后备足球人才的培育体系作出了有益的探索,为教育和体育部门提出了有价值的建议.  相似文献   

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